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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19489431 No.19489431 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a bigger food crime?

>> No.19489435

on dried fruit like mangos its almost necessary

>> No.19489438
File: 77 KB, 700x482, 52f2063a1e86ecc47cab68958fb0c5fb--danish-recipes-summer-desserts[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, a sex-haver, it was visiting my uncle and aunt's farm in summer when they had new strawberries and I was served those with cream and a pinch of sugar.

You would call that a crime? Well I will call you a rebrobate and a scoundrel then, you useless git.

>> No.19489442

im white, i cant taste the friit unless its got sugar on it

>> No.19489444

Maceration is one of the best things to do to fruit

>> No.19489447

Not even close

>> No.19489457
File: 529 KB, 960x1280, 789E55AC-FD1E-47BE-B859-F129F4C41418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based King

>> No.19489470
File: 58 KB, 263x192, image_2023-07-14_051835183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rebrobate and scoumdrel

>> No.19489486
File: 102 KB, 512x341, butternut squash and brown suger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is good

>> No.19489492

No, sprinkling a little sugar on diced strawberries brings out the natural flavors.

>> No.19489499

I used to dunk my strawberries into sugar when I was a little kid, helped mellow out the tartness. Also I was a sugar junky. Haven't done it for years but this thread revived that memory, maybe I'll give it a shot again.

>> No.19489531
File: 133 KB, 1500x1125, classic-cherries-jubilee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19489534

Yeah me putting my ham candle into your mom's beef curtains.

>> No.19489538

>ham candle , mom beef curtains
Mom joke by a 10yr old

>> No.19489541

People are often eating fruit that is underripe and not as sweet as it should be. The real crime is buying fruit and having to wait days for it to ripen. Or buying fruit that never ripens properly.

>> No.19489550

>Is there a bigger food crime?
Putting salt on sweet fruit. Salt is only ok on savory fruits like tomatoes, squash or avocados

>> No.19489551

It's not rocket science buying fruit and then eating it when it is ripe...

>> No.19489558

The only bigger crime is putting ketchup on a hotdog.

>> No.19489562

Some fruit seems to be picked way too early so even when it starts looking overripe it's still bland and has a bad texture. Or maybe it was just a bad crop.

>> No.19489565

So would you rather buy fruit that is already ripened and you have to eat right then or something you can place aside and let ripen?

>> No.19489571

I would prefer the former if it was sold within a short walking distance. Usually when I go to the store I try to get a mix of both though. I'll see what's ripe or get something that can always be eaten right away like grapes, and less ripe fruit to have later.

>> No.19489577
File: 83 KB, 1200x1186, Coney-Island-Hot-Dogs-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck does that? Blasphemy

>> No.19489589

Fair enough, I get it good strategy
I learn something new every day

>> No.19489593

stewing a crab

>> No.19491419

sugarless dried mangos, sour cherries, dried ananas and all other sourish fruits make great tart snacks

>> No.19491438

If you think dried mangos and dried bananas are sour or tart you should go to a doctor or cut down on the junk food asap

>> No.19491454

I think you misunderstood. It's okay to macerate. You can even do it every if like!

>> No.19491467

>You can even do it every if like!
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.19491574

or in my case putting nothing on nothing

>> No.19491602

Nobody asked

>> No.19491643

Oops lol. Everyday if you like

>> No.19491668

sugar and triple sec on some berries to marinate during dinner and then use as topping over whatever dessert

>> No.19491769

What sort of thing should I put them over? What kind of triple sec? What kind of sugar? How much of each should I use? How much of the final product should I put over whatever mystery thing we're having?

Your recipe doesn't make any sense.

>> No.19491801

I used to be incredibly morbidly obese and my palate was not used to tasting natural sweetness and I required humongous amounts of sugar in order for something to taste sweet. While I was transitioning to vegetarian and eventually to vegan I would put sugar on all kinds of fruit that I was eating just to be able to eat the fruit at all in the first place. Eventually I stopped at sugar and now I love fruit and I lost a hundred pounds and now I'm much better. I'm not a doctor or a nutritionist and nothing I say is advice.

>> No.19491806

I stopped adding sugar*

>> No.19491901

you cram it up your ass

>> No.19491994

YES...Dumping SUCRALOSE on it like some people do.
Toxicological and pharmacokinetic properties of sucralose 6 acetate and its parent sucralose in vitro screening assays-1.pdf

>> No.19491996

I'll eat the HELL out of that, (or acorn squash,) ANY day of the week.

>> No.19492001

BAD TOUCH embodiment.


>> No.19492004

That's LITERALLY what OP did, FAGGOT.

>> No.19492018
