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19489047 No.19489047 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn’t Mexican Coke just the international standard? There’s no way people can’t tell how much better it tastes

>> No.19489048

corn subsidies

>> No.19489059

syrup is easier to use, you can pump syrup through pipes where sugar has to be manually sifted and moved, that and US subsidizes corn and its byproducts, where as Mexico incentives its sugar production

>> No.19489060
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Same reason for everything

>> No.19489081

>Mexican have coke addiction epidemic
They respect the originial recipe at least and create loyal customer early in life

>> No.19489086

It was actually sugar beats which made US put tarriffs on sugar imports. So now you don't get sugar.

>> No.19489188

Cane sugar coke is made with syrup, too, dummy. A syrup is simply liquefied sugar.

>> No.19489302

>Why isn’t Mexican Coke just the international standard?
it is, all coke here is made with beet sugar

>> No.19489392
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Superior choice coming through.

>> No.19489455

is just like avocadoes... just gonna get too expensive for mexicans

>> No.19489463

although you are right, the government of mexico subsidizes cane sugar, hence making it cheaper instear of corn syrup

>> No.19489561

Lab tests show Mexican coke uses corn syrup now too. As soon as they started shipping Mexican coke to the states in large quantities they just started making it with corn syrup. Mexican coke that stays in Mexico for domestic consumption still uses real sugar, but all that shit you see in Target or other big chain grocers in the US uses corn sugar.

>> No.19489564

"mexican coke" is just regular coke everywhere except the US of A.

>> No.19489569

too bad is getting exported to the u.s.a and is getting more expensive like avocadoes... wasn't there a plan to build a wall or something?

>> No.19489585

European coke uses cane sugar too, just like Mexican coke. It’s only the US and Canada that uses high fructose corn syrup, since you have an abundance of maize.

>> No.19489611

>There’s no way people can’t tell how much better it tastes
They can't. Look up Youtube videos about it, they get the regular corn syrup Coke but in a glass bottle, and just go on and on about how much better it is.

Same goes for Pepsi. Watch people do blindfolded taste tests for Coke vs Pepsi, and they usually choose Pepsi as better, and it destroys their worldview.

Dang. Before you could tell by the cap (yellow was corn syrup, red was cane sugar), but I guess now there's nothing.

>> No.19489627

It is, isn't it?
Afaik, only AmeriCoke is different.

>> No.19489631

>sugar beats
Well, at least that sweetener has rhythm. You fucking idiot.

>> No.19489634

Never seen it. I fucks with the other flavours, tho. Their mandarin is the best orange soda ever made

>> No.19489772

I know. I prefer it, too, but I don't drink much soda and think the Coca-Cola company sucks, anyway.

>> No.19489787


>> No.19489792
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No you fucking NPC, you saw that faggots youyube video and formed opinion.
Read the paper, how many bottles did they "lab test"?

>> No.19490034

I don't think I've ever had a cola taste better than Jarritos. Artisan stuff just doesn't hit right and anything other than coke feels disappointing. Jarritos is supreme.

>> No.19490049

I prefer hfcs, it’s sweeter, it has a more drug like kick

>> No.19490054

Do you realize what a massive lawsuit that is

>> No.19490301

it also has better fizz

i don't drink soda btw. haven't had any since a trip to Europe at the end of 2015, where i got some such as Wostok and Bionade which are half as sweet as standard soda. i can also find them in the better cafes of Minneapolis, but i always get coffee or herbal tea instead

>> No.19490305

do fat people really believe they're being healthy by guzzling a different added sugar?

>> No.19490308


>> No.19490309

It isn't the syrup used it's the container. Soda kept in glass tastes better than plastic or can.

>> No.19490314

none of this is true.

>> No.19490328

We don't get it around here, but I would buy that by the CASE if they did.
The only other flavor I buy is Tamarind, and that's just for mixed drinks with ginger ale and Apple soda.
Only Cane sugar for me thanks--Almost all the other colas other than Coke, Pepsi and RC have been adding sucralose for the last 5 years.

>> No.19490351
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>It’s only the US and Canada
>and Canada
Which is strange, since we get all our sugar candies from either Mexico or Canada.(although we get a lot from other places like Argentina and Columbia too.)

>> No.19490361
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>Clicks (embed)
>This video is UNAVAILABLE

>> No.19491460

i picked up carnitas & a jarritos grapefruit from a local spot and squeezed one of the lime wedges in it. the carnitas + drink combined gave me an authentic foodgasm.

too bad that store fucked off to a different city, that was the only place i've ever even seen jarritos.

>> No.19493049

It won't be that massive. Will take the FDA 4-5 years to get to addressing it, then they pay a small fine of $500,000 or something. This is America, we don't punish corporations for lying/stealing.

no idea what you're talking about faggot

>> No.19493069

Here in the caribbean I buy coke in glass bottles bottled in trinidad. uses cane sugar but the bottles are smaller only 8.5oz

>> No.19493072

where do you live that you don't have a taco shop on every corner?

>> No.19493074

Japanese Coke should be the international standard

>> No.19493087

this discussion reminds me, why do americans have a habit of losing the essence of their own inventions to others? like modern levis jeans vs japanese jeans

>> No.19493099

Modern levis aren't bad, what genuine working man is buying fucking jap denim? All that selvedge raw denim shit is nice but at the end of the day they still take a decent beating.

>> No.19493111

last time i was at a store the levis i saw were thin as fuck and more fashion than something id actually put to work. Maybe they sell others i didnt see.

>> No.19493231

Wouldn't be so sure about the cane sugar. It's not specified so could also be beet sugar. Not that you could taste a difference anyways.

>> No.19493235

They did a blind taste test and nobody could tell the difference between sugared coke and hfcs coke.

Also the jew coke with the yellow top is made with sugar, too.

>> No.19493248


>> No.19493249

so hard to find this flavor, yet every store fucking sells this brand

>> No.19493678
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sit-down restaurants and chain garbage sure, but what i'm thinking of is take out style street tacos. there were only a couple of those around and they shut down.

>> No.19493855

americans are the only ones who use that HFCS bullshit, i noticed your bread tastes like cake too

>> No.19494786

The other Jarritos are great, but their cola is mediocre. Tamarind and Mandarin stay winning.

>> No.19494921
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Stop drinking this shit. Coke and Pepsi basically said they're going to keep raising prices because you're too fat and stupid to do anything about it.

>> No.19496337

At least a third of Pepsi on the shelf is the Throwback and has real sugar.
I can't imagine it's cheap for Coca-Cola to change to sugar for a month just for Passover 2L bottles.

>> No.19496362

They change back and forth all the time, it's trivial. If sugar becomes cheaper, or there are any supply chain issues with corn syrup, they'll switch to sugar. Corn is abundant and almost always cheaper than sugar so it doesn't happen often, but happens pretty commonly none the less.

>> No.19496461

It's ridiculous seeing 2L for for $2 or $3 and 12-packs for $7 or $8. Lowest prices are $3.50 when you buy four.
Might as well switch to Shasta and store brand for half the price.

>> No.19496561

>still drinking processed sugar waters

Prior to the development of refridgeration and freezing in the last century, the overwhelming majority of people prepared and consumed their own foods. With the advance of industry, industrialists realize they could break people of their habits and profit by selling them cheap processed foods for high profits. Over time, various industries hired scientists to conduct experiments on people to find out what and why they liked certain foods. They discovered that certain ingredients, namely sugars, fats, and salts, triggered biological reactions that were unconscious to the peeople. Ever since then, they have intentionally included larger and larger amounts of fats, sugars, and salts in food products in order to trigger those reactions, regardless of the health impact it has on our society.

The western citizens of the world are the fattest people on the planet, and it's exactly because they were conditioned to stop making their own food and drinks, while being encouraged to buy and consume unhealthy garbage, like coca-cola.

Quit drinking that shit and learn to make and consume your own food and beverages.

>> No.19496577

>I resent prosperity and abundance
Go live in a cave eating rats or something

>> No.19496591

>thinks processed food is a sign of "abundance"
Prisoners get served processed foods. I guess they're living in "abundance".

No. They're not.

Living in abundance means having access to and using fresh, healthy ingredients to make nutritious foods for yourself and your family.

Go be fat somewhere else.