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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19482022 No.19482022 [Reply] [Original]

It's so over.

>> No.19482028

Interesting video. I'm thinking of trying it myself.

>> No.19482030

>Does not post actual weight loss
>Does not post blood work
An old man with a genetic disorder should definitely be stressing his heart as much as possible

>> No.19482057

>that time he shit on a product and caused the company to shut down

>> No.19482206

>Larry gets a shit company shut down and loses weight on his diet
>Jack has to apologize to a shit company under threat of lawsuit and has only gained weight on keto

>> No.19482536

He can't post his weight loss because he's wheelchair-bound, which makes it difficult for him to accurately weigh himself. It'd require a trip to the hospital as would blood work.

>> No.19482798

So read the manual?

>> No.19483058

I didnt know this fatfuck was still alive. I haven't watched him in years

>> No.19483065

is this guy related to chef john
he talks kinda funny like him

>> No.19483164

So the guy who eats dollar store food is a morbidly obese wheelchair bound man?

Why aren't I surprised?

>> No.19483189

>Se Wulfes Pitum

>> No.19483625

are his nails long and painted?

>> No.19483631
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>> No.19483634

I think they're his wife's paws. His nerves are too damaged from the slop he eats to do the hands on stuff himself.

>> No.19483670

look out guys, we got a fucking genius here

>> No.19485804

I love his use of boomer gifs

>> No.19485812

Aww.. thanks :)

>> No.19486101

Who will do it for us, the people now?

>> No.19486240

No one.
We will have to.

>> No.19486375

Who is the brown kid at the end of the video? Please don't tell me it's his grandkid, he's one of my favorite foodtubers please don't let it be true

>> No.19486377
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And you know it retard

>> No.19487092

What the problem here? He's doing OMAD and the carnivore diet, both things /fit/ highly praises. And he's been losing weight, If anything I'm more hopeful that we'll continue to get our favorite dollar general cook up vids for years to come. Him using a wheelchair was a surprise though but that's par for many southerners/midwesterners

>> No.19487158

>These steaks contain TRISODIUM PHOSPHATE which is also used as an ALKALINE CLEANING AGENT!
Not defending the use of any unnecessary chemicals in cooking, but this type of shit annoys the fuck out of me. Chemicals have multiple uses, that doesn't mean anything. Something being used in one process doesn't relate it in any way to that process. Alkaline just means a ph higher than 7, many foods are technically alkaline. Scientific illiteracy is so fucking retarded, you could say the same about anything.
>Sodium Chloride? That's a chemical they use to de-ice highways! Next time I order a steak, I'll order it with a side of TIRE RUBBER!
>Potassium Chloride? Isn't potassium the shit that explodes when it touches water? I'll be sure to dehydrate myself before eating this!
It's dumb. Reminds me of when some troll went around spreading awareness about the dangers of inhaling dihydrogen monoxide and watching a minor panic ensue after people learned it was in almost all of their foods/drinks before being told it's just an obtuse name for water.

Again for clarity, not defending the use of any unneeded chemicals in food and frankly all goyslop should be taken off the shelves, I just hate that even legitimate causes have to be argued from the perspective of illiterate monkeys in the year of our lord 2023.

>> No.19487969

Nice try, but I'm not eating the chemicals or living in a pod.

>> No.19488674
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>> No.19488686

Why is he in what appears to be a cheap motel room with his mixed race grandson?

>> No.19488746
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Damn it is SO over.

>> No.19488798

But you will eat ze bugs.

>> No.19488812

This guy is a faggot. Heaven forbid you leave any criticism on his videos and face his whiny wrath.

>> No.19488841

I get he is mad about August the Duck but his video defending Jack over a decade old video was pathetic

>> No.19489169

(you) the people.

>> No.19490023

No i fucking well won't eat the fucking bugs.

>> No.19490126
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>sewer level music plays

>> No.19490981

Glad I took his advise on pulled pork last night. I was gonna inject the shoulders before smoking but he did it side by side with a non injected and said it made it mushy.

>> No.19492362

I used to like some of his dollar store vids
I realized how much of a insufferable faggot.
I hope he dies in a fire ,so I can do his wife and daughter , so theycan die from infection from my erection

>> No.19493218

this boomers grandkids are brown bloodline forever tarniahed

>> No.19493308
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>> No.19493332


>> No.19493918
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>just eat our industrial chemical runoff from chemical factories and stop complaining goyim slave

Yeah okay Rabbi. I'll just keep eating goyslop.

>> No.19494398
File: 1.30 MB, 960x960, joshuathayerlegoff2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your Aryan master race member bro

>> No.19495636
