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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19485124 No.19485124 [Reply] [Original]

Post your worst Whale meals
For me it was:
>two frozen bean and beef burritos and a hot pocket
>slices of cheese laid over each
>microwaved till melted
>three glasses of milk and a glass of orange juice.

>> No.19485127

ate a whole big thing of ice cream and got sick

>> No.19485154

Were there any likeable characters in this movie? Everyone was human dogshit. Standing upright isn't a moment of triumph. He didn't redeem himself.

OP, don't eat so much it's bad for your health.

>> No.19485166

That would be my favorite way to make a burger:
>20dkg minced beef
>10dkg bacon
>10dkg smoked cheese

I end up with both my hands completely covered in grease every time I eat it, the thing is dripping with it.

>> No.19485173

>Were there any likeable characters in this movie?
the pizza man

>> No.19485183

Oh yeah, good call

>> No.19485209

A burger with grilled cheese sandwiches as buns

Homemade pizza using cheese sauce instead of tomato

Eating the pizza I was having chest pain and thought, "Hmm, this may kill me if I keep this up"

I've started eating better and lost 15lb since then which was late May

>> No.19485230

>Eating the pizza I was having chest pain and thought, "Hmm, this may kill me if I keep this up"
how fat are you? i've never felt any pain when eating food

>> No.19485270

That's most likely heart burn and bloat.
Your heart doesn't suddenly just "ache" it's going to be lot more than that.

>> No.19485280

I'm 5'10/178cm
I was 280lb/127kg
I'm down to about 264 now

It wasn't just the chest pain, I was starting to get numbness in my arms, and sleeping in certain positions was becoming difficult.

>> No.19485291

oh, i thought you would be bigger. i hope you stay committed in reversing your terrible health

>> No.19485293

>kilo of steak
>kilo of potatoes
>both fried in olive oil
>pour melted butter over both
>eat with a whole jar of bearnaise

>> No.19485310

>using olive oil to fry steak

>> No.19485316

Last week I ate two and a half pounds of roasted almonds in one day, comes out to about 6500 calories i think

>> No.19485432

I used to like to fold a frozen pizza in half like a taco shell and fill it with maxc and cheese then dip the whole thing into wolf brand chili. Haven’t done that in a while though because now im married and I think she would divorce me if she saw my old bachelor habits

>> No.19485461

the nurse and his ex wife seemed fine to me, what did you not like about them?
anyway, I usually don't overdo junk food, but when I'm at a buffet I sure get my money's worth, to the point of feeling sick afterwards

>> No.19485539

the nurse was his enabler lmfao fucking tard

>> No.19485547

the fuck was she supposed to do, though? He's a grown man, not her kid. You can't help people who don't want to help themselves

>> No.19485567

We had a KFC buffet near my college. One day, my roommate and I didn't eat all day and planned on pigging out for $8. This was probably in 2012. I ate 14 pieces of chicken, 8 biscuits and a bunch of mashed potatoes and gravy.
Verification not required.

>> No.19485597

English man, english!

>> No.19485614

>Fatboy thinks the lady who delivers his KFC buckets is a good guy

Classic ck

>> No.19485773

Went down the frozen food aisle in wal-mart and just grabbed everything that looked good
>Tater tots
>Onion rings
>Pizza rolls
>Cheese sticks
>Mini corn dogs
Dipped them all in sour cream and nacho cheese too.

I never felt worse in my life.

>> No.19485826
File: 119 KB, 750x734, LONGPIGAUTOPHAGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go..I'm an Amerilardlandian, but even I know that breaks down to:
200g= 7 oz.ground borger
100g= 3½ oz.bakkons
100g=3½ oz.(4 Wrappers) kraftslices that are high as hell
HOLY SHIT!! This guy Bond burgered your sister last night HOMESTYLE

>> No.19486109
File: 90 KB, 488x488, GUEST_b66b7cd4-fd59-4665-afaf-3ba6953fb7eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In theory, this party tray is meant for 8 people.

I feel like someone at Hormel wanted a one stop shop for a binge eating session.

>> No.19486148

Who the fuck actually uses decagrams? Just use g and kg, everyone understands that.

>> No.19486181

It's the most standard way to measure food where I come from. It did not occur to me that it might not be as common elsewhere. Interesting.

>> No.19486196

Hungarian sighted

>> No.19486229

In college the dining hall was all you can eat and I was convinced I had to get the most bang for my buck so I would do things like eat two chimichangas, two helpings of rice and beans, multiple glasses of soda, finish with 3 cookies, 3 brownies, and a cup of ice cream. I'm pretty sure I was eating 3500+ calories a day multiple times a week.

>> No.19486253

They should just use dodecagrams so it's divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6. And a dodecagram would be more useful anyway, who needs 1g of any ingredient?

>> No.19486272

Is that Branden Fraser?
Qrd me.
What movie is this?

>> No.19486276

>drink 8 Miller high lifes
>eat a 12-taco box of tacos from Taco Bell
>late at night, drunk, drive to pizza place I wanted to try
>eat entire pizza, drink rest of Millers
Shocked I wasn't caught for drunk driving

>> No.19486281

The Whale, And yeah that's Best Boy Brendan

>> No.19486290

I ate 10 slices of little caesars pizza, a bowl of ice cream, a big plate of mac and cheese, a cheeseburger, 2 large iced coffees, and 2 bottles of beer on a cheat day 6 months ago.

For reference I'm 6 feet 190 lbs with some muscle.

>> No.19486339

3x 24" pizzas and a gallon of chocolate milk. I'm 6', 140lbs by the way.
Could easily do it again any day of the week.

>> No.19486873

I think we've all done this at some point, especially when these go on sale. They're so damn good.

>> No.19486883

What the fuck, how do you fit all that into your body? I'm 250 pounds (granted, my metabolism is legit trash and I have to eat 1200 or less cal a day to lose weight) and I wouldn't be able to eat more than 4 slices of pizza before tapping out.

>> No.19486950

It was on one cheat day months back. I ate like 4200 calories. I typically eat 2200 calories a day while doing cardio and weights.

>> No.19486996

Entire bag of Doritos smothered in taco meat, cheese dip, black beans, pickled jalapenos, black olives, onion, lettuce, tomato, sour cream, and guacamole.

>> No.19487072

Holy hell. Somehow that actually sounds good.

>> No.19487105

I had one on sale recently, I wouldn’t call it good. It was absolutely worth the $5 I spent, no way in hell is it worth it’s regular price of $13.

>> No.19487120

>my metabolism is legit trash and I have to eat 1200 or less cal a day to lose weight
have you tried not being a 4 foot tall coma patient?

>> No.19487140

I'm the 6 foot 190 guy, and i can only lose weight on 1200 calories a day if im sedentary. When I was younger if I just went down to 1700 a day I'd drop weight like crazy, no exercise or anything. I've had to increase my workouts ever since taking ssris, they slowed my metabolism down and I was once at 205 before getting back in shape. I wonder if the other dude is on medication slowing his down.

I'm slowly weaning off my medication.

>> No.19487202

I once ate a BigTasty Bacon, 6 nuggets, hamburger royal, hamburger royal TS and a double chilli cheese burger. Washed it down with a strawberry milkshake and had a McFlurry as dessert. Felt like shit afterwards. The shit was immense and nearly touched my ass. And no I do not want to translate all the burgers to the US equivalents.

>> No.19487477


>> No.19487920


Do you have a better singular item to binge?

>> No.19487926

whales eat seals and shit

>> No.19488102

Just get actual charcuterie lol these party cracker plates are not high quality

>> No.19488141

You weren't supposed to think he was redeemed. His wife literally says in the scene before that he's an overly positive idiot. He doesn't listen to anyone the whole movie and is in denial about who his daughter actually is. He's a piece of shit and only makes it worse by trying so hard to be nice.

But it is a realistic portrayal of someone who's chronically ill and wont do anything to help themselves. I was surprised how spot on the end of the movie was with the way he was acting and the way his face looks. Reminded me of when my mom died of COPD and I sat next to her and held her hand while she died. It might be their fault, but you don't care when they're right in front of you dying.

>> No.19489464
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Two frozen Tombstone meat lovers pizzas sandwiched together with a family size bag of cheeto puffs poured in the middle. At the very least, I cut it in half and shared with a friend. Then we each had a quarter slice of a black forest cake.

>> No.19489479
File: 96 KB, 500x500, B8E13BE0-DDA0-4EE3-B701-FF75BE482367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently probably a large spicy chicken burrito and a cup of Queso, and then I drove across to McDonald’s and got a large quarter pounder meal. Dipped the fries and burger in the queso, it was delicious and messy

>> No.19489481

Whale meat, Minke, Fin, etc. must be almost rare. Overcooking it makes it tough and brings out the fishy flavor.
My worst whale meal was an overcooked Fin Whale steak.

>> No.19489581

I tried whale once in Norway, it was awful

>> No.19489592

I was so hungry once i ate sugar cookies with BBQ sauce and ketchup

>> No.19490596

Ate an entire bag of yellow and green Oregon ducks themed tortilla chips. Vomited green all over my carpet because I was too lazy to go to the bathroom.

>> No.19491737

Is this

Im autistic so I like the concept of using the full range of units
decagrams and centilitres and gigametres...

>> No.19493268
