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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19485189 No.19485189 [Reply] [Original]

Why is NYT calling this girl dinner? Why is it special when women have a snack?

Is it not normal in the USA to put some food on a plate and eat this way? It's how I've always eaten alone

>> No.19485196

so /ck/ what does a MAN dinner look like?

>> No.19485210
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>> No.19485236
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>> No.19485245

>healthy fats
>carbs from an alright couple of small slices of bread
>pickled vegetables
You get flavors from favorites without an insane amount of calories or effort. Did this deserve a news article? No. It didn't deserve its own thread either.

>> No.19485254

>cook whichever slop I feel like having that night
>get my choice of carb and pour it into my huge bowl until it reaches 2/3rds of the way
>pour slop I cooked until it reaches the top
>carry my heavy bowl of slop to my room
>dig in

>> No.19485257

Fucking hell they're just writing opinion pieces about tiktok videos now. Kill all journalists.

>> No.19485260
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No see she needs to present that as a snack for the boys and sit in the corner and stfu

>> No.19485263
File: 325 KB, 1200x800, Ploughmans-lunch-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude that just looks like a Ploughmans Lunch.
We've been eating it in England for centuries.

>> No.19485265

>kill all journalists
A little antisemitic there buddy, watch out!

>> No.19485276

what i do is touch grass and not worry at all about terminally online people.

>> No.19485278
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Women now call these charcuterie boards
Like they invented it
stupid thots

>> No.19485344

>loving gf moves in with me right before COVID
>anytime we'd eaten together it was either quick fast food run, sit down restaurant, or breakfast/dinner at home
>she's never seen me just have a meal by myself since we always ate together
>COVID hits, lockdowns
>one day I want to have a little lunch but don't feel like preparing anything
>pour some cashews and peanuts onto a plate, cut up some sharp cheddar off the block, some crackers, grapes, and apple slices
>sit down to get cozy, she walks cause she heard me in the kitchen
>"whats that anon"
>my lunch
>"but it's just a bunch of bullshit on a plate"
>"none of that is cohesive, it's like 4 snacks put together"
>cheese, fruit, and crackers isn't cohesive?
>"at least have a sandwich with it"
>ffw to now
>she's huge into "quick snacks"
>she'll mix nuts, berries, croutons together in a bag and call it a quick snack
>legitimately believes she invented trail mix
>try to bring up the time she ridiculed my snack plate
>"anon why would I make fun of you for my own idea that doesnt even make sense"
is she girlboss gaslighting me or are women actually this vapid?

>> No.19485349
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>Anon, it's noontime. time for your daily girl dinner tee-hee
>y-yes, honey

>> No.19485357

The latter. That's just how women are when they're allowed to be.

>> No.19485378

Is all of that cheese supposed to be eaten for that meal, or is it just there for the picture?

>> No.19485394
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>takes picture
>orders grubhub

>> No.19485405

A t-bone steak seared over an open flame. No sides. It has meat, bone, and blood. Doesn't get manlier than that.

>> No.19485413

going to town on a rotisserie chicken, no sides. cutlery optional

>> No.19485420

this, I hope Davis stops by for a couple of beers

>> No.19485445
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here it is, a bachelor's handbag with all the fixings

even better if you go at night, when the woolworth's deli is closing down and they're trying to get rid of the roast chickens for really cheap

>> No.19485456
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This with tons of butter and fries and hush puppies

>> No.19485462
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It starts like this

>> No.19485478
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Good gator girl gives up the meat

>> No.19485479

And then we cook the woman

>> No.19485482

If she's into femdom the former, else the latter

>> No.19485484
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>> No.19485486
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>> No.19485489
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>> No.19485490

Women aren't people

>> No.19485493

The latter
I’ve had pretty much the same experience with my wife though not food related, where she ridiculed my idea then months later suggested precisely the same thing as if it was her idea she just thought of out of the blue.

>> No.19485517

Kek and your married to her?
You're the bitch boy and always have been, fell for the pussy when you were young, now all that dried up now there is none

>> No.19485525

yep, same shit happens to me pretty consistently with multiple women
i don't think it's gaslighting. not that women don't gaslight you in other ways, but this one is just them being airheads and just saying what feels good in the moment (i'm a person who's all about cohesion, i cannot take a meal like that seriously and will shame you for it), then allowing themselves to be completely brainwashed by a fad (i'm a fun person who liberally mixes and matches snacks up without feeling the need to adhere to rigid structures), forgetting everything that came before and not feeling any need or obligation to be consistent.

>> No.19485621

These days when served from a pub/whatever, you'd have a little less than that pic, but you would eat a nice portion of cheese, yeah.
Pretty sure the name and food choices goes back to when we'd have farmers and ploughmen working all day - the food they'd eat would be what they make themselves and what could be traded with locals or would keep for a long period of time, hence it being a few fresh ingredients like bread plus some chutney, cheeses, pickled onions, cured meats etc. The tomatoes wouldn't have been there ofc

>> No.19485778

>serves multiple men so you can enjoy the meal as brothers

>> No.19485810

deconstructed salad

>> No.19485823

Realistically speaking this plate is anywhere from 600-800 calories

>> No.19485835

Womens intuition is a meme caused by a female tendency to make negative predictions, basically women are more likely to reject ideas and say “I wouldn’t do that if I were you” and so whenever anything bad happens women are right about it and we call this womens intuition.

Your gf saw you doing something she had never seen before, instinctually said something negative about it, and moved on as if it were the least significant event in her life.

>> No.19485836

Ploughman's lunch was invented in the 1950s by the cheese bureau to sell more cheese.

>> No.19485853

"articles" like that are why i have zero empathy when it comes to replacing them wholesale with AI

>> No.19485875

They're doing it because people people engage with it. You share this thread and then people go "What no way this is real" and google it, driving traffic to their site. Unfortunately real journalism is dead because nobody will buy a subscription for an in depth investigation, but sometimes they will for morbid curiosity or a series of quick gotchas.

>> No.19485887

That's a man

>> No.19486300

it's these. these are the answer
also, i'm the first guy replying to myself from a different pc, to give more weight to my post.

>> No.19486323
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for me, it's the big gamer sub

>> No.19486368

women also like calling you crazy for doing something risky and then gushing over "getting out of your comfort zone"

>> No.19486384
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>Why is NYT calling this girl dinner?
Its literally in the screencap you posted
>Women across Tiktok are showing off their suppers
So women on Tiktok are calling their snack platters "girl dinners". Thats why NYT is calling it that. Because they're reporting on the trend. Must be tiring to get upset about every single thing.

>> No.19486396


>> No.19486399

i was just wondering if anyone could make a more worthless and retarded post than op and here you came along responding to op post completely deadpan and 100% falling for the bait

>> No.19486413

Dumb esl poster

>> No.19486457

looks like a instagram meal

>> No.19486459


>> No.19486470

Nothin like a little long-pig

>> No.19486494

>>serves multiple men so you can enjoy the meal

>> No.19486501

yeah for sure. females dont have what it takes to achieve to anything, as 10000s of years has shown. this is due to their brains and body. Scott Adams is right about one thing. when it comes to business Musk would beat Zuckerberg cause zuckerberg has one wife who he has to ask opinions of and his wife would most likely say "no not good idea." lmfao.

>> No.19486539

The Ploughmans Lunch was invented in the 1950s by the Cheese Bureau.

>> No.19486616

>Britain has a government department for cheese
Do you need a loicense for that cheese, too?

>> No.19487323

The Cheese Bureau was a private marketing group, funded by dairy farmers. Similar groups exist in the US, like the California Milk Processor Board, that paid for the famous "Got milk?" ad campaigns.

>> No.19487333

but that’s toooooo much sooooodium!!!!!

>> No.19488480

>Using a plate
lol OP confirmed for being a girl.
I eat freshly grilled chicken right off the cutting board and I eat the leftovers out of the Tupperware. Usually don't even bother to heat them up

>> No.19488502

It's literally referenced in medieval literature but you believe whatever crap you like idc

>> No.19488506
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why in the hell are there so many >I can't believe things exist thread.

>> No.19488510

Impossible, lunch didn't exists until 1934

>> No.19488513
File: 3.00 MB, 1280x720, catch of the day.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19488908

>chick empties leftovers from her fridge onto a plate
But when I eat cold lo mein with my fingers that makes me a savage.

>> No.19488923

It's just a giant cope that no modern woman knows how to cook anything anymore. So they just put whatever uncooked shit on a plate and feed thier families like that

>> No.19488935
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that's a fucking lame name for it, i'd like to have that as a snack and envision myself as some kind of emperor or something

>> No.19488956

This stupid cunt basically made a sandwhich and couldn't even put it together

>> No.19488968

you're like a little girl
I ate grilled cheese off the radiator

>> No.19488983

why do you "people" not understand you can eat bread in ways that aren't a sandwich
I bet you butter the whole roll in a restaurant

>> No.19489005

I don't eat bread. When will you females understand how to cook, instead of acting like tribal villages that never discovered fire

>> No.19489010

You should eat bread, it's a foundational foodstuff intimately tied to the progress of humanity. Bread is a sacred connection.

>> No.19489022

It's good when it's like a baguette or sourdough but regular sandwhich bread is so bad for you, it has more sugar than cake and so many artificial chemicals that just make you bloated spike your insulin and makes you gain weight like nothing else, cutting that shit out immediately made me drop like 30lbs

>> No.19489023

I can cook
not every meal, and especially a snack, require cooking directly beforehand
the plate in the OP is just a variation on a charcuterie board, it's very fucking normal
maybe not eating bread is why you didn't understand it doesn't always have to be made into a sandwich, at least you learned something today

>> No.19489027

eat better bread then idiot, or don't, I don't care

>> No.19489031

I care, I have a weird spiritual obsession with bread so I can't not care

>> No.19489035

tell me about bread

>> No.19489037

as i get older this is becoming more and more true
i thought the opposite would happen

>> No.19489187

It's called charcuterie and it filters non-whites who can't taste food that isn't cooked until it's unrecognizable and spiced heavily

>> No.19489257

Why are you holding a grudge over this lmao

>> No.19489263

sometimes people are annoyed with insignificant things too. sometimes small and unimportant interactions stick out to people.
you'll understand some day lil guy