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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.61 MB, 360x640, 1682486984571165.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19478102 No.19478102 [Reply] [Original]

Is theme park food any good?

>> No.19478109

I can't believe that it's normal for adults in America to go to places like Disney World/Land (whatever) without children. What an infantilized bunch of faggots

>> No.19478113

disneyland has some tasty stuff, but it's very overpriced. best i've eaten were the corndogs, the dole whip, and the monte cristo.

>> No.19478161

do amerifats really?

>> No.19478222

>noooooooo you cannot have fun
hi unlikeable virgin chud

>> No.19478228

Just because you don't make enough money to afford to take time off doesn't make more successful people infantilized

>> No.19478235

There is a Super Nintendo World?
I'd go just for the novelty. And I mean, when I was a child, I loved SMB 1, 2, and 3, and a few other NES games. My only other Nintendo systems were variations of the game boy advance.
In retrospect, I kinda want to get a GBA now, but I'm sure there are better options.

>> No.19478312

Learn to have a bit of fun every once in a while man

>> No.19478320

>3 childless grown ass men going to Nintendoland
Seriously, why do Americans do this? Don’t get me wrong, I wanna check out Nintendo land but I’ll do it when I have kids to bring

>> No.19478323

Americans literally have the least amount of days off in the developed world. The reason Americans go to theme parks for holidays is because they don’t have time to go anywhere else

>> No.19478324

>Learn to have a bit of fun every once in a while man
Life really is too short to not have fun once in a while.
Admittedly, I probably had a little too much fun when I was in the military, but I was an infantryman and I honestly didn't expect to survive for more than 10 years.

>> No.19478326

They have these in japan and japan has no children soo

>> No.19478333

Holy cope. You’re deluded if you think adult Japanese people go to Nintendo land with kids. This is literally only an American cultural thing probably caused by Disneyland

>> No.19478338

>I wanna check out Nintendo land but I’ll do it when I have kids to bring
How cucked. I think I finally understand the nonamerican mindset, ya’ll just live to be cucks, whatever you can do to be cuck you do that. Whether it is looking for social norms to adhere to religiously or giving up your rights as an individual to your government.

>> No.19478345

ITT incels who are jealous

>> No.19478348

I said I want to check it out, an amusement park isn’t that fun for an adult so I wouldn’t bother going all the way to Nintendo land just to see what it’s like. Not my fault you’re a childish moron. Something like Nintendo park would be great to bring a kid to, and since I’m not circumcised and thus still have empathy I would gain happiness from them having a good time

>> No.19478360

>I said I want to check it out, an amusement park isn’t that fun for an adult so I wouldn’t bother going all the way to Nintendo land just to see what it’s like.
They don’t even really want what they want, now that’s dedication to being a cuck. Unless you just want to be around kids, in which case you don’t have to go to the amusement park to rape them, unless your fetish is specifically kids at the amusement park.

>> No.19478377

It's like watching adult-sized toddlers with their moms' wallets...and we reward this.

We are beyond fucked, my daughter's generation even more so.

>> No.19478380

Good lord... the autism on display is worthy of mockery.

>> No.19478386

Man that Mario burger looking dry as fuck

>> No.19478388

Why do people eat like this? It looks so disgusting when people open up their mouths this wide while eating. Just take smaller bites ffs. Retarded subhumans

>> No.19478397

It does. All that food looks pretty shitty. The ? Block one maybe looked the best.

>> No.19478415

What pisses me off the most is knowing that there are adults out there that can actually afford to have fun like this.

>> No.19478419

Also, is it all Super Mario themed? The video called it Super Nintendo World but everything appeared to be Mario. Are there other sections where I can get a Metroid Sucker or something?

>> No.19478455

its just normal, regular food
what is even the point
the fruity cream soda would be the only thing that i would drink there and a regular burger
yes ONE burger

>> No.19478465

>yes ONE burger
Only one burger? You wouldn't eat fifteen burgers?

>> No.19478507

They’re americanos

>> No.19478567

>my daughter's
Who the fuck are you trying to fool?

>> No.19478589

Emulate. You could get a steam deck or whatever and just load it up with the entire history of video games if you want portable.

>> No.19478598

shartmutts are not human

>> No.19478612

Why not 9.3 or 7.45?

Whoever invented this retarded rating system needs shooting

>> No.19478617

lmao, you are joking but those fat fucks at the video ate the whole fucking menu in one sitting

>> No.19478625

I like how that you can tell that one guy clearly reads buzzfeed clickbait food articles because he did the stupid fucking thing with turning the cupcake into a "sandwich".

>> No.19478683

I'm from Florida so I've been to a few, it's always mediocre. I'm sure there's some decent stuff at actual 'destination' restaurants like in Epcot or wherever but actual theme parks are just selling overpriced fried shit without soul that it isn't even convenient to get, since they are dealing with a giant crowd that is stuck there all day with no other options.

>> No.19478686
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STFU incel, stop being a cynical faggot.
Maybe you'll have friends one day.

>> No.19478692

Tell us about your children, anon.

>> No.19478780

They probably all make 200k as software developers for some random tech company.

>> No.19478817

>I wanna check out Nintendo land but I’ll do it when I have kids to bring
Here's the thing though: your kids won't want to see it (probably).
Just because you want to see something doesn't mean your kids will have the same interests.
So you're basically forcing them to go with you just because you're too insecure to go right now.

>> No.19478832

>mentions kids and rape in the same sentence
yeahhhhh this poster is a paedo lmao

>> No.19478837

Not really, no. The fundamental underpinning of theme park food is that you have no other choice. You have to eat to live and you're not going to leave the fucking park and drive away to eat and then go back.

If you pay a huge premium you get food designed to look good for instagram as that is effectively marketing and not restaurant service.

Some theme parks do actually have nice restaurants but they are EXTREMELY overpriced and typically require a reservation months in advance

>> No.19478847

>overpriced garbage

>> No.19478855
File: 64 KB, 564x1042, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last one is just "truffle fries"
They couldn't find a way to theme the fries after pokeys?

>> No.19478856

I'm not even American but this is tiring, fucking obsessed , they get paid to make these posts?

>> No.19478858

Just use your phone instead of being a valvecuckshillfaggot

>> No.19478860

Looks fine in this video

>> No.19478868
File: 299 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knotts Berry Farm has pretty good food.
I had a first rate brisket sandwich at Legoland.

>> No.19478872
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>> No.19478876

He is Italian

>> No.19478903
File: 658 KB, 1234x1120, U3G5wCr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the nintendies come out of the woodwork to defend their manchildren hobbies

>> No.19478918

Yeah dude, nigger

>> No.19478924

>being a boring wagecuck that takes no time off is what defines adulthood
Enjoy your boring life, homo.

>> No.19478925

Tell us about your adult hobbies, anon.

>> No.19478937

He collect soyjacks

>> No.19478939

Like any good g*rman, he works for 12 hours a day, then rides a train home to play Workplace Simulator 2: Overtime for a couple hours, then goes to bed to repeat the cycle anew.

>> No.19478952

4chan doesn't want to admit it has manchildren in common with Reddit

>> No.19478957

>I enjoy nothing and police people for enjoying frivolous things themself
>I am very mature

>> No.19478966

4chan and reddit userbases are almost a complete overlap

>> No.19478968

not only do my partner and I go to these parks without having children, she also puts me in diapers and makes me call her mommy while we’re there :)

>> No.19478970

as somebody who wouldn't go to this kill yourself nerd. The only fags who think you shouldn't have fun the way you want are retard cucks that love "their" company or grindfags who think breaking your back at 2am makes you a cool tough guy instead a guy who has money to do the shit you want to do

>> No.19479014
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>> No.19479564

This phrase is getting a bit long in the teeth, but regardless, I am quite sure you will never be a woman, kill yourself "ma'am"

>> No.19479636

Rent free.

>> No.19480208

What weirdly pathetic projection
>yeah you know these kids that don’t exist? Yeah they’d actually hate Nintendo land for some reason even though most kids love Nintendo and amusement parks and are generally easily entertained, you’re the one forcing them to go!

>> No.19480497

really got the disney adults shitting themselves with this one lol

>> No.19480508

>Metroid Sucker

wish i could get her to suck me, if you know what i mean...

>> No.19480519

Lmao >>>/pol/

>> No.19480523

lol look at the replies
They have been emotionally arrested since childhood and can't even comprehend anything else. Fascinating by-products of the times in which we live.

>> No.19480526

Joyless fag
Now respond to me with cope

>> No.19480530

No They just aren’t terminally online joyless freaks

>> No.19480578

Tell me, what exactly about Mario bros do these supposed "adults" get joy from?
The bright colours? The cute animations? The simple, unproductive dynamics of the game?
Because these are all things that should appeal to children, not adults.
It's pretty obvious why they do it though, the world is a scary place and being a responsible adult is a extremely burdensome task. They are too weak for such emotional weight and regress back into children.

>> No.19480626

Better question, why do you care enough that you’d waste hours here on /ck/ if all places?

>> No.19480637

>They are too weak for such emotional weight and regress back into children
Or they just like Mario and wanted to relax, no everything needs to me this grand psychological web

>> No.19480651

Shhh it's how the neets cope around here.

>> No.19480653

The games are fun, an alien concept to you

>> No.19480674

>no you
>i-it's fun!

thanks for proving my point.

>> No.19480694

This puts me out as a fat kid, but I've always thought Metroid look like a candy of some sort.

>> No.19480715

they get to worship corporations as a life fullfillment since they will never have children to invest in.

>> No.19480756

I went to a theme park in Hong Kong and I ordered spicy beef noodles and it was the hottest thing I had eaten up to that point of my life
It felt like a religious experience for me, I had an out of body experience

>> No.19480833

What point? You have no point, all you’ve done is play armchair psychologist and claim everyone but you is weak willed because they did something you view as childish

>> No.19480847

Do you guys come in groups from /pol/?

>> No.19480852
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>> No.19480858

Or make it Wario Garlic Fries. It does seem lazy. That Harry Potter one seemed somewhat higher effort, though I've been to neither.

>> No.19480864
File: 1.11 MB, 350x197, 1680624686528626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real issue here is the guy eating like a complete animal, just shoveling in the biggest fucking bites he can manage.
somehow made everything in there look gross.

>> No.19480870

Yes that’s a legit complaint, he’s acting disgusting

>> No.19480882

Right? how much money did they throw down to make asses out of themselves and do the food (which some looked good) wrongly

>> No.19480891

Based illiterate

>> No.19480903

On no the grammar police?

>> No.19480913
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All of that looks great.

>> No.19480926

Surprised they were let in the park
Probably can't live within miles of a school or playground

>> No.19480931

this website has the absolute worst projection issues

>> No.19480962
File: 553 KB, 2500x1667, 1671218330802558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe everyone is just sick of pandering to degenerates?

>> No.19480964

Do...you keep that pic on hand?

>> No.19480969

you talk like a nigger. are you a nigger?

>> No.19480976

one of your mistakes is presuming everyone is as head fucked as you.

>> No.19480986

Feller I ain't presumin' but I'm fixin' to start suspectin'

>> No.19480987

This. My old man was able to score a dinner at club 33 on Disneylamd because one of bis business partners was in it.

He said it was mediocre at best.

>> No.19480988
File: 332 KB, 1600x900, 1665701705278041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fructose cream soda
>fire safflower oil spaghetti
>seed oil burger
>pirhana plant oil
>stevia cupcake
>high fructose tiramisu
>mt canola cake

>> No.19480996

No but I’m convinced your brown now

>> No.19481000

Just say goyslop so I can filter you

>> No.19481002

I'm starting to think it's a gay guy thing. these guys are blasted out of their mind on weed, also. they look like a gay couple with plenty of money they don't know how to spend otherwise -- besides getting drugged up, blowing a ton of money at a kids' attraction and going to serious effort to film it for the internet. what is the higher aim in a gay relationship besides hedonism, consumerism and vanity? I'm not even hating, it seems comfy sometimes.

>> No.19481003

Based scizo seeing trannies everywhere
Watch out they’re in your walls!

>> No.19481004

once you start understanding the nature of goyslop its almost like the matrix
>see appetizing food
>realize its just another formulation of GMO corn, soy, sugar and artificial flavors

>> No.19481005
File: 81 KB, 306x190, blasted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.19481008

How do you not kill yourself out of the sheer dread of all the deamons you’ve created haunting you constantly?

>> No.19481012

cool, you deflect whenever degeneracy is brought up with the ole "you're the real degenerate"... I could explain how simple and transparent your thought patterns are but it would probably be quite a painful realization for you.

>> No.19481014

If I kill myself they win and they're not gonna fuckin' win.

>> No.19481016

Hi /pol/

>> No.19481018

What do they win?

>> No.19481023


>> No.19481026

Based retard thinking screaming goy slop at random people online will do anything, his life of fear is pointless

>> No.19481027
File: 221 KB, 680x484, a5c5ed830cef9e87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi degen

>> No.19481029

Why do you save so much of this filth and force it on others, especially when they don’t agree with you?

>> No.19481035

Yeah, I'm not the one with a hard drive full of pictures of men in dresses, fag

>> No.19481037

>force it on others
feeling cornered, little rat?

>> No.19481040

Why didn’t you answer the question?

>> No.19481041

Imagine going to an amusement park. In fact, imagine doing anything for entertainment that requires waiting in a line

>> No.19481044

imagine enjoying things, fucking degenerate

>> No.19481046
File: 103 KB, 1080x709, 1679770705260055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goyslop is a bad term and it doesn't encompass the actual danger of seed oils. https://www.bmj.com/content/353/bmj.i1246
IKR, I don't understand all the andrew tate "matrix" shit though

>> No.19481050

Yes /k/ is currently filled with sad excuses of people convinced that if they shove enough pictures of gays and trannies at people they’ll uh....

>> No.19481051

The line provides a sense of pride and accomplishment

>> No.19481054

Doesn’t that retard Mooch off the government while calling for the death of immigrants who do the same?

>> No.19481056
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No idea, don't care.

>> No.19481058

best thread on /ck/

>> No.19481059

>i- I- I- I'm not the nigger! you're the nigger!

>> No.19481061


>> No.19481064

Oh I enjoy things, I just enjoy self directed activities like hiking, swimming, camping, snorkeling, etc. If I go somewhere that has a long line, like a restaurant or something, I’ll often just leave.

>> No.19481067

Generic npc alert

>> No.19481073

Nice okcupid profile, nerd, did your wife's boyfriend write that for you

>> No.19481074

The answer should be quite obvious... The retard is defending the degeneracy by saying I shouldn't be posting examples of the degeneracy....
This is the level of logic you get from head fucked degens.

>> No.19481077

You still didn’t actually answer the question

>> No.19481079

So, uh, that picture felt like evidence that the dudes in the video were pedophiles to you? Are those guys in the thread with us now?

>> No.19481082

You gonna defeat them with LOGIC and FACTS and the thousands of pictures of transsexuals you have?

>> No.19481083

no my fault you fail to grasp basic logic. Again, wanting to diddle kids tends to have that effect on your higher consciousness.

>> No.19481085

I have a masters degree in oceanography. I did all of my thesis research in coral reefs, know all about the geology of the American southwest, all that shit. Generic npcs hike and travel and swim for social clout, selfies, and to fit in. I do these things because I love the world.

>> No.19481087

You still Havnt answered my question

>> No.19481091

>he says as he literally tries to get social clout on an anonymous image board

>> No.19481093

Boom de yada boom de yada boom de yada boom de yada

>> No.19481094

Answer his question

>> No.19481097

>social clout
>anonymous image board

>> No.19481098

Yes you are retarded, especially now that you’re trying to save face on one as well, what of it?

>> No.19481100

>I have a masters degree in the culinary arts. I did all of my thesis research in magherita, quattro formaggi, all about the culinary geology of the Italian peninsula, all that shit. Generic npcs eat say they like pizza for social clout, selfies, and to fit in. I do these things because I love pizza.
No different. No one says they like hiking for clout. It's as boring and generic a hobby as amusement parks. You are no better

>> No.19481102

Those ads are great. It’s okay to like the world

>> No.19481104

>No one says they like hiking for clout. It's as boring and generic a hobby as amusement parks. You are no better
Kek yes they do, constantly this thread was literally started with an image of people as vain as that

>> No.19481108

>You are no better
I accept your concession

>> No.19481111

Everything everyone does is in part for social validation. Nobody thinks they do, but they do for the same reason rejection is actually painful.

>> No.19481114

Man look at those goal posts fly

>> No.19481118

>Why do you save so much of this filth and force it on others
because this filth has no place in a functional, healthy society and it is the responsibility of every healthy citizen to call it out and expose it for what it is.
Your viewpoint seems to be
yeh.. maybe you should be asking yourself some questions..

>> No.19481129

>because this filth has no place in a functional, healthy society and it is the responsibility of every healthy citizen to call it out and expose it for what it is.
No you usually just start spamming it when you loose an argument

>> No.19481135
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>Chime in agreeing with two referenced posts
>this nigga moving the goalposts

>> No.19481143

Bringing up trannies out of nowhere should be a permaban I'm so sick of hearing about them in every other thread

>> No.19481146


>> No.19481153


>> No.19481156

>No you usually just start spamming it when you loose an argument
you dont get to make up your own reality, as much as your discord group says you can.

>> No.19481160

/k/‘s current state alone s says you’re just another mentally ill /pol/ nigger

>> No.19481168



do (u) see da way (u) is

>> No.19481173

His Self awareness was discarded long ago down the path of hyper contrarianism

>> No.19481175

Maybe it could be considered generic, but it’s nothing like going to amusement parks. Hiking to the tops of mountains actually requires planning, preparation, and the physical ability to actually do an elevation change of 5,000 feet plus while carrying your tent, water, bag, etc with you. It’s not really the same.

>> No.19481178
File: 91 KB, 900x511, image-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most people are well aware of the nature of trannies and their degen supporters.

>> No.19481180

More than one person can be talking to you, you know

>> No.19481181

Based unabashed /pol/nigger with his out of context graphs!

>> No.19481187

No, there’s probably 12 people here on /ck/

>> No.19481194

>out of context because I SAY SO
lol you are such a slimy little worm.

>> No.19481198

I legit forgot we were on /ck/, I thought I’ve been on /tv/ this entire time.

>> No.19481199

infatile adults is the real crisis the first world is going to have to contend with

>> No.19481204

All me btw

>> No.19481206

(you) :D

>> No.19481213
File: 219 KB, 731x624, IMG_9928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really activates my almonds

>> No.19481214

Awww are we not taking the /pol/ tards super serious tranny discussion seriously?

>> No.19481216

:( He lied to me

>> No.19481223

>b...but muh canned piss sales!!!!!
mental illness

>> No.19481225

I’m hiking guy not poltard guy

>> No.19481226
File: 87 KB, 739x415, 168848504707137297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's mountain climbing. Hiking is just glorified walking

Most CONSOOM hobbies are pure faggotry. The best hobbies are something that produces shit for the world, like creating music, ceramics, art, movies, writing, food, etc.

Pic is faggots lining up to the summit of Mount Everest

>> No.19481231

>he says trying to save face AGAIN

>> No.19481233

>the graph has multiple colors, it must be a rainbow graph, hahaha you're the real faggot!
this is the level of your cope

>> No.19481236


>> No.19481246

I usually just call it hiking because I started out by climbing 10kers with my uncle who’d been in the border patrol for 20 years.

>> No.19481248

I am in your walls

>> No.19481249

Please stop sucking yourself off, it’s embarrassing even on an anonymous image board

>> No.19481261 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 386x794, 16887804417531241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you should line up for Mount Everest too on your next "" hiking "" trip thinking about how impressive you are

>> No.19481264

I dont have to suck myself off, my uncle does it

>> No.19481266
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>> No.19481267

Fuck waiting in lines

>> No.19481269
File: 72 KB, 640x480, 168839600069753639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you should line up for Mount Everest too on your next "" hiking "" trip thinking about how impressive you are

Changed pic, here's K2

>> No.19481275

Thank you for proving my point kek

>> No.19481284

Thank you for proving my point kek

>> No.19481292

No no you’re supposed to green text it and use only the most disgusting wojack as an image, come on

>> No.19481309
File: 9 KB, 235x196, e370de84a25103e3311e75bf6c341101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pipi sauvage

>> No.19481313

There you go

>> No.19481316

>the most disgusting wojack as an image
you mean a trannie wojack? lol? did you just have a moment of clarity?

>> No.19481320 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 225x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pipi sauvage

>> No.19481321

Based new fag

>> No.19481328

t. eastern european incel

>> No.19481346 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19481353
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>> No.19481414
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confirmed AI

>> No.19481453

No that’s just shitty newspaper artists

>> No.19481575
File: 120 KB, 502x497, varh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was in prison for 20 years, got out and then was cause with a car full of guns lol

>> No.19481585

Same. I don't understand how theme parks bring joy to an adult. I see why it's fun when you're with your children, you see them happy and it makes parents happy. But mentally going back in time to enjoy it for yourself? It's just embarrassing. It's like watching an adult play with plushies.

>> No.19481590
File: 49 KB, 480x360, BBigE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

them smoked turkey legs are pretty amazing, even though there's a lot less edible meat on them than you think

>> No.19481688

It's kids who absolutely want to become adults, not adults.

>> No.19481715


Disney parks admittedly have some good food in their actual restaurants that don't just serve burgers and fries

>> No.19481805

the truffle fries are served with the mario/luigi burgers so why do they need to be pokeys?

>> No.19481825

>going somewhere fun, to eat, is being a manchild.
pray tell us your glorious wonderful manly adventures you have incel

>> No.19481940

Where's your head at?

>> No.19481943

I hate watching people put food in their mouth it’s disgusting as fuck. Why do so many people record that shit?

>> No.19481946

lol such seeth

>> No.19481957

>no counter argument detected
oh no anon, sorry your life is so bad

>> No.19481967

I wouldn't go to Disneyland as an adult but you're a fucking retard for thinking adults can't go to carnivals and ride on rides. That's what they're there for, so people can go to them.
Extremely online faggots are so fucking cringe

>> No.19481989

I enjoy riding roller coasters.

>> No.19482100

god i fucking wish that were me

>> No.19482106

I guess only shit parents know from what showed up in the movie gets marketed

>> No.19482107

There is no way in the world the fries are better than the tiramisu, they look like the most plain fries imaginable.

>> No.19482321

I too am retarded and don't understand how fun environment engineered to be fun could be fun. The only thing an adult should find fun are electronic skinner boxes and working overtime.

>> No.19482345

Depends what you mean by good and depends what theme parks you're talking about. In general theme park food is bad, it's low-grade highly processed fast food, burgers and corn dogs and the like, usually served by low-grade workers. But most theme parks don't focus on food and you're there mostly to enjoy the rides.

If however you're talking about Disney World, then that's a whole different level, since that's like the top-tier of theme parks, and they have loads of genuine restaurants even, and the majority of their food is produced in-park, with fresh ingredients, since they have top-tier chefs in charge of it all, and whole teams creating it, with extreme quality and care. But because of that it's extremely expensive.

Universal studios is another top-tier park, and the food is good there too, but it's not on Disney's level, some of it can be fast-food like, but it has decent spots and some decent restaurants too.

>> No.19482371

i'm surprised at the amount of themepark adultlets here. i would have expected this from reddit but not here.

i'm going to disney with my nephew and the only thing that will be worth it to me will be seeing his joy. it will make up for the following:

>eating goyslop for five straight days and paying a premium for it.
>looking at a bunch of fat retard troons stuffing their faces with corndogs all day.
>having to look at a bunch of ugly dysgenic 35 year olds wearing faggot outfits and mickey ears.
>assaulted by a barrage of excessive and psychotic consumerism.
>dystopian happiest place on earth culture.
>F L O R I D A

i'd literally rather go to the gym and hang out with my dog than do any of this. this is not fun to me. i would rather do absolutely nothing. i'm not joyless, i'm just not lobotomized. my nephew will be delighted however and his happiness will sustain me.

>> No.19482385

I doubt most people here can afford to go to theme parks or would choose to spend their free time on it, but probably people took offense to the idea that you're not a real adult unless you've completely killed your ability to enjoy things

>> No.19482394

They hate the truth anon

>> No.19482398
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What a bunch of manchild losers. Look at how much they eat and how fat that faggot is too.

>> No.19482399

with how much this trip is going to cost i would argue for going literally anywhere else in the entire world. my share alone including flights is thousands of dollars and i haven't even gotten there yet. fucking astonishing. i've gone to australia for cheaper.

>> No.19482400

It's not about being able to enjoy things, it's about thinking stylized corporate garbage is fun and enjoyable

>> No.19482402

I like guns, reading, and lifting weights.

>> No.19482405

Yeah, the dollar to enjoyment ratio is incredibly fucked.

>> No.19482409

>normie obliviously reposting /v/ memes

>> No.19482411
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This faggot is easily the worst. Imagine being seen in public with someone like this

>> No.19482421

I only have “manly/adult” hobbies and I don’t understand people getting mad at theme parks. It’s not my thing but I’m not going to get asshurt if some nintendie wants to spendie all their money on $100 microwaved spaghetti (mario themed). There’s nothing inherently wrong with it really. Some people are just entertained by that BING BING WAHOO flashing lights experience. At least it’s Mario and not slots.

>> No.19482432

oh wow, it's almost as if people have different likes and interests, and have unique and individual personalities, isn't it?

>> No.19482434

People get insecure and need to shit on what other people are enjoying to justify what they're enjoying. It's no different than anime fandom wars.

>> No.19482435
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Any place that locks you in, like a festival, a cruise, a theme park will serve you overpriced shit of low quality.
Anon, they have been raised by the tv, they are just visiting their parents. I can't judge, I never liked theme parks as a child either, and I do enjoy doing things I also enjoyed as a child. Building shitty electrical contrivances is just as fun today as it was when I was 7. Maybe disneyfags just lack autism?

>> No.19482437

Unironically the problem with the world is that not enough people have autism.

>> No.19482443

The world would end within a day if everyone was autistic.

>> No.19482445

This. The appeal of theme parks is obvious, they're literally designed to be fun and exciting places to go to. As an adult it's difficult to find things that are new and exciting, that will form new and lasting memories in your mind, and that's what theme parks offer, a fun day out, where you get to experience new and exciting things, including wacky food that you might only have once in a lifetime. Personally I find it a lot more acceptable than adults buying toys and dolls and shit to put on a shelf, just to stare at and own.

>> No.19482448

>muh foreskin
Why are yurogroids so obsessed with children's genitals?

>> No.19482461


hey life is sad I need a little cheer me up at disney land 2 or 3 times a week

>> No.19482578

Lol kind of a self burn there bro

>> No.19482587

>lmao you don't think everybody is a pedophile and bring it up in every conversation? What a self-burn
Take your meds

>> No.19483275

What about adults with adult children?

>> No.19483276

Imagine to live in a country where you have to ask if food is good on some public places... Aaaah you americans.... (gives you a light friendly fistbump on your cheek)... Of course your food is shit. It's bullshit in your markets, it's bullshit where you asked for, it's bullshit in your homes, hallelujah it's even bullshit in your little white house. It's S H I T you know?? It's not "food". IT'S LITERALLY shit. Mixed with colors and fibres. It's SHIT. got it?

>> No.19483280

That's probably over $200 worth of food, while they spent more time eating than riding the one or two rides in Mario Land.

>> No.19483303

Unless you're willing to shill out a few extra hundred dollars for fast pass for a day or thousands to spend a few days, Disneyland is horrible for kids when lines for rides are over an hour long.

>> No.19483330

If it's a novelty restaurant, it's likely overpriced and mediocre. See Bubba Gump, Chuck E Cheese, Johnny Rockets, and so on.

>> No.19483385

When the PNE opens I'm going to go there just for the food. I'll buy food and eat till I'm full, then read a book I brought with me to relax while I digest, like a snake. And then I'll eat more.

>> No.19483503

>of food
Mission failed. It's not food.

>> No.19483523

Basically what we're seeing in this thread is a bunch of autists who can't understand any sort of complexity. Someone told them that being well into adulthood, having no prospects, and being weirdly, unhealthily, and unnaturally involved in childish interests isn't great, so they think that having any outlet with it is a crime against humanity no matter if you are a healthy person with a life or even a family.

>> No.19483543

I traded it for the turkey leg :[

>> No.19483545

You can't have everyone be producers. Some people have to consume.

>> No.19483556

It's funny how rarely I hear people acknowledge that these places only have two rides each. Harry Potter World made a second section so it has four, and it's somewhere that people come across the world to visit.

>> No.19483568

This really triggered the disneyfags/nintoddlers

>> No.19483579
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>> No.19483799
File: 33 KB, 578x680, The oldest emotion of koopakind is fear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mario fans when the Mario World theme park personalizes itself to meet their desires
>"Wario's Garlic Challenge" caused its contestants hate garlic AND Wario
>They ate too much garlic
>The "Chief Chilly" event put a man in the hospital after the Chief Chilly mascot rammed into him too hard
>Multiple brain freezes from the Chief Chilly themed slushies, they were too chilly
>The massive landwhale Koopa Peach chasing Mario around the park

>> No.19483910

>7.25 out of 10
>9.25 out of 10
I fucking hate when people rank shit like this. 9.25, because 9 was too little but 10 or 9.5 was too high?

>> No.19483976

>I fucking hate when people rank shit like this. 9.25, because 9 was too little but 10 or 9.5 was too high?
On a scale of 0 to 10, I rank Super Mario World a 9.98, and Super Mario Bros 3 a 9.99

>> No.19483980

all those desserts look horrible

>> No.19483984

I took 2 weeks off in June, am taking 2 weeks off in august, and a week off in october. Stop listening to poor people.

>> No.19484000

People have this idea that people that make this frivolous bullshit their lives are always loaded. I see people claim this shit with furries as well since they spend $3k on a fursuit and $500 art commissions.
Having known both furfags and normies, 99% of the time theyre just stupid and make piss-poor financial decisions. Like I knew one guy literally living in a former meth lab that put up tarp over the one room that wasnt dominated by black mold and would play VR chat most of the day. had another guy big into airsoft and he’d basically blow every check on some toy gun he’d turn around and sell to bankroll the next. He was renting a fucking sunroom.

>> No.19484596
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Maybe you could think of it on a scale of 10 to 40, with the scores being 29/40 and 37/40 respectively.

>> No.19484606
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Joy is inherently childish.
No matter how mature you are or guarded your heart is when you express true joy, it is like a window to your inner childs soul.
It doesn't matter if the joy comes from something that is deemed mature by broader society or the opposite.
Joy is inherently childish and that is not a bad thing.

>> No.19484631

NGL but this anon is correct.
Disney and Universal haven't been good since the 00's
The ONLY park that I feel that's acceptable is Epcot cause checking out multiple cultures from around the world is fun

>> No.19484636

Have you never ridden a roller coaster? They’re great and kids are usually too scared to or short go on them