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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19478358 No.19478358 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19478365

Fuck off spamming e-celeb garbage.

>> No.19478366

Is kenji that unlikeable? I find him above average at least

>> No.19478376

I ran into a few of that babish guy’s videos when looking up recipes and I’m glad we’re in agreement because I immediately thought his recipes were retarded—and I’m not even a good cook. Also what are people’s opinion on French cooking academy?

>> No.19478392
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That's outdated here is the new chart

>> No.19478393

He's a mega-SJW who spergs out over Uncle Roger being "racist", Gordon/Marco's "abusive" yelling, obsessively egosearches his own name on reddit, tried to ban le red hat at his restaurant, the list goes on.

>> No.19478405

He's the kind of guy who fucked up carbonara and got roasted by Italian pro chefs.
Like how clueless do you have to be to fall for the fucking Italian trap?

>> No.19478407

Where would Gordon Ramsey and Jamie Oliver go on a chart like this?
Who is uncle Rodger? My mum talked about him a while back

>> No.19478410


>> No.19478411

Meant for >>19478392

>> No.19478433

Asian comedian who's entire joke is being asian
Makes reaction and collaboration videos related to cooking asian food

>> No.19478445

Dude had 1 somewhat funny video and then decided to milk it as much as possible.
The worst part is that it's fucking working.

>> No.19478506

HeeeLLOOO this is CHEF JOHN frooom Fooooooodwishes.com WIIIIITH

>> No.19478532
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Fagusa is way more of an unlikeable asshole than that chart suggests. He's a literally cuck, flies off the handle at the slightest criticism in his comments, and constantly shills himself here.

>> No.19478536

Bruno less skilled than cayenne pepper guy? You must be kidding

>> No.19478540

what makes max miller an asshole?

>> No.19478545

Adam isn't that sensitive anymore, his head shrunk and now he's reasonably chill

>> No.19478548

Smug cunt

>> No.19478550

He's gay and op is a faggot

>> No.19478551
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Can someone add this guy where he deserve to be? (far left)

>> No.19478584

Jesus Christ Adam fuck off

>> No.19478594

Have you tried seasoning your cutting board instead of letting me live rent free in your head, anon?

>> No.19478596

>He's a literally cuck

>> No.19478630
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He's also openly admitting to actively deleting comments that he deems "hateful".

>> No.19478632

Ethan should be way further left

>> No.19478634

>be me
>watch a cooking video
>call the guy a chinky beaner faggot
>comment is deleted for "being hateful"
>lmao what a snowflake

>> No.19478635

I disagree.

>> No.19478637

Ordinary Sausage is kind of a douchebag.

>> No.19478640

I thought it was a widely known fact.
Last year he accidentally uploaded and quickly deleted a video on his channel of his wife getting fucked by some rando while he filmed. Adam was naked, too, and his dick is incredibly small. You could hardly see it through his bush of unshaved pubes.
He also goes the username cookuck on several ntr interracial cuck forums.

>> No.19478644

Why? I find him completely inoffensive

>> No.19478646

There's no way lmao. Please provide some evidence this would be incredibly funny.

>> No.19478650

He's playing a character

>> No.19478655

No I understand that, but I've had dealings with him personally and he comes off as very full of himself.

>> No.19478658
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He thinks Bernie is alt right? Lmao.

>> No.19478680
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Discuss THIS

>> No.19478699
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>> No.19478714

jean pierre is decently skilled and medium likeable, weird orange nigga with a hat is not that likeable, weissman kenji and the guy with an extremely punchable face are not that skilled. bruno definitely top right with chef john below him

>> No.19478715

Obviously he thought it was weird in that somebody who didn't like something critical of Sanders would use a term he associated as being used by people who liked things critical of Sanders. Why are you going out of your way to be more retarded than Adam Ragusea?

>> No.19478722

>Also what are people’s opinion on French cooking academy?
Good start if you are interested in French cuisine.

>> No.19478731

I like Sonny, why did you put him amongst the worst assholes?

>> No.19478739

john kanell isn't an asshole, he takes it up the asshole

>> No.19478743

He's obnoxious as fuck and seeing him punch his fridge has got old quickly

>> No.19478749


>> No.19478760

Put cobes on there at (0,-100)

>> No.19478761

Adam, please stop letting your wife fuck other guys. She has hpv and I know she doesn't inform them beforehand.

>> No.19478774

Sounds like they're experiencing the consequences of their own actions for having casual sex

>> No.19478784

i wish i could understand michel dumas, he is one of the best chefs on youtube easily

>> No.19478810

>ja/ck/ not maxing out on the asshole scale
Garbage chart

>> No.19478913

I've followed a lot of chef john's recipes to success, but I wouldn't call him necessarily skilled. He's a little above average if not average

>> No.19478923

He used to teach professionally, he knows techniques that aren't even written down

>> No.19478935
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I miss them

>> No.19478951

He's good but his recipes are pretty simple, not particularly technical. We're not on Bruno Albouze level.

>> No.19478997

i guess i can just use the automatic transcript and google translate, there's only a couple videos he makes i want to try but they look better than anything else out there, particularly the longer coq au vin video he has

>> No.19479012

Molly has a channel where she gets shithouse drunk and makes godawful food. Quite entertaining and sad at the same time.
Here's her recipe for terrible, chewy, rip off the bone ribs

>> No.19479052

Might give her a watch. She was one of the few that supported and called out all the racist comments Sohla received.

>> No.19479078

thatdudecancook might be cringe sometimes but he's not an asshole

>> No.19479087

where is fucking ordinary sausage

>> No.19479102

On the new chart

>> No.19479138
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This is a Ja/ck/ board.

>> No.19479158
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for me it's

>> No.19479182

For me its Emi. I want to cum on that slopes mole.

>> No.19479333

kenji is likeable

>> No.19479350

Good choice

>> No.19480254


>> No.19480259

Where does Vincenzo fit in?

>> No.19480296

I don't think Kenji is an asshole at all, him being an sjw isn't offensive just ontologically even if you find it irritating. Ragusea is probably too highly skilled, and Vito under skilled (regarding pizza). Ginger dude is definitely more skilled than ragussy.

>> No.19480308

> Kenji
> Asshole
is it literally just because you dont like his politics?

>> No.19480314

Unironically cringe. her videos arent funny even in an ironic way

>> No.19480371

i have no idea who most of these people are and the few I do recognise, I've never watched excepting single video of the northern monkey to the bottom right of both charts

>> No.19480380


>> No.19480822


>> No.19480831

I like Babish and I'm tired of pretending I don't

>> No.19480842

Chef Jean Pierre fucking dunks on all of these people. He has the real-life experience, the panache, and the grace. He's like Jean Beliveau.

>> No.19480972

>kenji is likeable
>t. James Alt
this faggot larping as a 'Latinx' chink
he's an insufferable faggot also

>> No.19481761

Nigger what the fuck even is your criteria for asshole? Kenji makes Fagusea look hetero with the way he cries about politics in comment sections.

>> No.19481803

I hope that lil mexican nigga in the front is doing alright. He was brutally under-used, his ability mogged everyone but Chris.

>> No.19481829

Those ribs are bad, but the head she would give would good, so the equilibrium is restored

>> No.19481859

The only thing I miss is Claire trying and failing to recreate the most basic types of candies and shit. Watching a supposed trained pastry chef get utterly confused trying to re-create a Kit Kat because not only does she not know how to make a basic wafer, she doesn't even seem to know what they are.

Good times. The rest of the channel was a dumpster fire, though seeing Chris pretend to and then fail at being a super taster was always good.

>> No.19482164

Based and Kaypilled

>> No.19482473

I don't fucking care about his politics you retarded nigger.

>> No.19482477

But anon, how do you justify your existence if you don't spend every moment obsessing over somebody else's politics?

>> No.19482481

For me it's Jacques Pépin, the most skilled, the most likeable.

>> No.19482492

Why? he's not so bad

>> No.19482497

Franks good, but idk if hes the most skilled? Out of this group he probably is though.
anne reardon
Wang gang
Manuela kjeilian
And im sure theres others

>> No.19482500

Please be real

>> No.19482512

No, it's because he's an asshole about his politics

>> No.19482516

I don't think it is, or at least I can't find anything about it

>> No.19482517

You don't get to play the "you're obsessed lol just stop caring XD" card when he's the one who never misses a chance to shove his lefty faggy politics in your face

>> No.19482527

I have literally never engaged with or experienced his politics in anything other than brief passing because I don't obsess over or seek out any of his shit beyond the cooking content. You do not understand how terminally fucked you are.

>> No.19482589

>northern monkey
Stfu, southern faerie.

>> No.19482599

ok dude

>> No.19482677
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Kill yourself söyish. Fucking retard can't even make french toast, embarrassing.

>> No.19482686
File: 514 KB, 632x974, 91iBl4Ap1FL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_FMwebp_~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis u?

>> No.19482700


>> No.19482709
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