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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19477725 No.19477725 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for tuna sandwiches

>> No.19477753
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Blogpost time.

Me and my dad don't really get along. We don't fight or anything, but he was always yelling and dismissive when I was a kid, to the point that it shockingly took me all the way into my late 20s to start to realize everything that goes wrong around me isn't actually my fault and I don't need to feel crippled by guilt or fault all the time.

As such, as an adult, we coexist fine but we aren't particularly close and frankly I can hardly bare to celebrate his birthday or father's day or anything anymore.

However, when I do spend time (a few days or a couple weeks) with the folks, we have some common ground. My mother likes it when I cook nice roasts and stuff, my dad can't stand it and he stomps around opening all the windows bitching about why "I" had to do this today. But then, late at night or early morning, I'll make some proper stovetop Cream of Wheat and he always sneaks downstairs and asks if he can have some. Or at night I might make some tuna sandwiches and he always wants on of those too. Couple cans of tuna, well drained, just enough mayo but not more, quarter of an onion finely diced, tiny tiny minced bits of fresh celery for some crunch but avoiding any of that celery texture, some lemon pepper, a squirt of lemon juice, some salt and a pinch of chirri flake.

He used to like having it on cold white bread but since I made it once on lightly toasted bread that's all he prefers now. Feels good that we have these quiet moments where he can actually participate and enjoy some little thing with me without turning it into yet another goddamn problem.

And this concludes my blogpost.

>> No.19477766

Post more tuna sandwiches.

>> No.19477772

Yeah okay lemme just roll ya mum off the sheets and take a quick photo then

>> No.19477778

Okay I'm waiting anon

>> No.19477780

my nothingburger thread gets pulled and this shit stays up? a fucking travesty.

>> No.19477784

Tuna is something so it gets a thread.

>> No.19477786

one of my favorite sandwiches, don’t know why i love them so much but I always have. even the cheapest tuna is pretty good. mayo, mustard, pickles with a little bit of the brine, pepper, and some dill or zaatar is my basic recipe these days, but I’ve played around with curry paste, gochujang, lemon+capers, sichuan pepper and five spice, you can do whatever you like with tuna salad it’s great

>> No.19477787

that sounds like a great mix (everything up to and including the sumac anyway).

do you ever bother with tuna melts? I was always taught that tuna shouldn't be heated but god damn a tuna melt on a sandwich press can be amazing

>> No.19477791
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Is it the best tuna salad you can buy?

>> No.19477795

I do tuna melt by melting cheese on 2 open slices of bread and then adding the tuna on top of that.

>> No.19477825

that sounds like a very elegant solution actually. cold bread or toast tho?

>> No.19477826

Sounds comfy, anon. I bet you were that bitch of a kid who tried to fuck over the family because you were 14 yo and knew everything and wanted to do dumb shit and endanger the whole household by smoking weed in your room. Your Dad is humoring your mom but complaining about it because what else can he do? He can't beat you up, but at the time he couldn't let you put everyone in legal jeopardy. But noooo. You had to go dye your hair some faggy color, pierce your ears, and try to fingerbang every young underage piece of ass you met. All of this in your bedroom in the house he owned which would have been illegal as shit and he said "no." I bet you dressed in all black thrift store clothes and threatened to cut yourself if you didn't get your way. Probably planned out some wicked cool tattoos you were going to get. Did you pull the "anxiety" card? I bet you did. I bet you still take wake and bake bong rips lying to yourself that it's your special "medicine" because Daddy didn't let you act like a total degenerate under his roof and put the whole family in prison because of your pubescent feels and he did it through frustrated, worried, snd scared words rather than a fierce beating with the buckle end of a thick leather belt which is what you really deserved. You're such a fag little bitch. I bet you stack your stupid gay sandwiches just like OP. You think you're doing him a favor? He put his heart, soul, and life on the line for your punk ass. How about thanking him for BEING THE DAD YOU NEEDED you ungrateful little shit.

>> No.19477833

Failed retard son still posting on /ck/ at 28 instead of getting a job. Probably why he's pissed all the time grow up and move out you fucking dumb faggot he doesn't care if you make him cream of wheat he wants you fucking gone so he can live out his retirement in peace

>> No.19477835

triggered lolol nobody cares about weed bruh

>> No.19477837

Also nobody cares about your life story

>> No.19477839

Weed will put you in prison here. So yeah, people care.

>> No.19477880

I appreciate your disdain but I ain't fucking reading all that shit.

fuck sake, I thought MY comment was a blogpost.

>> No.19477891

>thinly slice celery
>finely dice onion
>set veg aside
>drain tuna
>squeeze tiny handfuls of tuna over the sink until it's extremely dry and place in bowl
>add some soy sauce to dry tuna and mix
>add vegetables
>add mayo
>mix thoroughly and chill

Jimmy John's recipe. Starkist tuna, Kikkoman soy sauce and Hellman's mayonnaise. The best "basic" tuna salad, if you don't mind taking 3 minutes to thoroughly squeeze tuna, because it'll be too wet if you don't.

>> No.19477897

I bet your roasts are dry and stick to the tonsils like sawdust. Your family chokes them down and says they're yummy because they don't want you ruining everything with your emotional childish bullshit. Take another toke from the blunt and get another tattoo. You're trash. Might as well advertise your lack of intellect as a feature and not a bug and spread your retarded gay wings and fly like a fag. If there was any a time to do it it's now.

>> No.19477945
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Ahhh anon I spy with my little eye someone projecting

>> No.19477955

I have no tattoos, don't do drugs, and my roasts are delicious. Heil.

>> No.19477966

I had a tuna sandwich last Friday, it was in this order: white bread, mayo, tuna, lettuce, oninon, chips, white bread and an olive on a small stick going through the sandwich.
it was good

>> No.19477969

wait it was in layers? like dry doona just lying on top of the mayo? that's a bit gronk

>> No.19477975

well the tuna wasn't try per se, it was canned in olive oil so it still had some. I usually just place the ingredients, then put the top bread piece and press down,take out the top and repeat with every ingredient, that way nothing falls off the sides

>> No.19477979

Deconstructed, yet still constructed. Innovative and daring. I like it, anon. Claps all around.

>> No.19478581

What country are you from?

>> No.19478616

sounds decent, might try this later today when i fly home

>> No.19478754

>dab of mustard
simple as

>> No.19479357


>> No.19479668

Squeeze tiny handfuls at a time. Any more and you're not able to get enough liquid out. Add the soy sauce to the fish and mix before you add the veggies, or they'll just absorb all the soy sauce. You don't neee much soy sauce, probably two or three tablespoons for a can of tuna. It shouldn't appear wet, just enough to add a little color to the fish.

>> No.19480154

Why would you buy tuna salad it's so easy to make. It's barely cooking you just throw a bunch of shit ina bowl and have tasty sloppy deliciousness

>> No.19480184
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that's not tuna

>> No.19480533

>Why would you buy tuna salad it's so easy to make.
>It's barely cooking

it's literally not even cooking.

>> No.19480561

In water or oil? Seems like the oil would make the sandwich too greasy, assuming you're adding mayonnaise.

>> No.19480836

Needs some relish for the crunch in there

>> No.19480865

>My wife was making lunches for me before I left work work a few years ago
>Apparently ran out of mayo
>Thinks mustard is an appropriate substitute because both start with m?
>Awful surprise for me at lunch

Really tangy/fishy, wouldn't recommend

>> No.19481006

I use about equal amounts of mayo/mustard, but yeah mayo is definitely required unless you’re using oil packed stuff, then you can get away with it. just an excuse to give it to her a little more rough tonight, she’ll like it

>> No.19481019

You should be beaten to death for putting sweet relish in tuna

>> No.19481052

>hard boiled eggs
>0 results
you guys never tried to put some slices of hard boiled eggs in your tuna sandwich?
it goes hard

>> No.19481065
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Felt like having a kingly meal for dinner tonight. 2 cans of tuna, boars head american cheese on sourdough. :D

>> No.19481110
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>stone ground mustard
>pickled pepper juice from the can
>diced serranos

depending if I have any of these. good shit.

>> No.19481140

Thanks for sharing Anon, I think it's a sign of maturity that you can see the good in him despite the bad.

>> No.19481282

I made this thread as a joke.

>> No.19481291
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That runs in the family.

>> No.19481879

it gud :(

>> No.19481927

It does frogposter, it truly does.

>> No.19482141

Tell him to eat dirt if he's gonna bitch and moan about your cooking. Don't your toddler minded dad realise bitches love a good cook.

>> No.19482151

Found the autistic dad. Go give your son a hug and compliment his food you stupid asshole.

>> No.19483096

Yep. Sweet relish in tuna is why I keep a bottle of it in my fridge. Bought one of those starkist tuna salad snack packs and it came with crackers, tuna, mayo, sweet relish, and a little spoon. Been hooked on that sweet relish in my fish ever since.