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19472624 No.19472624 [Reply] [Original]

>went to seafood restaurant
>ordered a meal that came with shrimp
>noticed the shrimp weren't deveined
>called the waiter and showed them
>they didn't see what the problem was
>asked for the manager
>he said it wasn't a big deal
>literally had to explain that was shrimp shit
>only removed my meal from the check instead of the entire bill

Holy shit I'm so fucking mad. No way a waiter and manager at a seafood restaurant don't know what deveining shrimp is

>> No.19472629

You will eat the seabugs WITH their poop.

>> No.19472632

literally who cares, it doesnt affect flavor, you wont get sick from it, youre just being a prissy little faggot

>> No.19472638

let me spit in your food then. it won't affect the flavor

>> No.19472669

On the surface this seems acceptable but how did you talk to the staff? What did you say?

>> No.19472692

That’s pretty disgusting unless you’re intentionally ordering shell on shrimps. Three questions OP:
Why do they look like clementine sections?
Why are they on a wet paper disc?
What was the meal?

>> No.19472704
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>> No.19472707

Why do you think the entire table should've been comped? Are you black? They made it right. You're an entitled prick with unrealistic expectations.

>> No.19472712

The ONLY way she "can" eat fajitas. Hear that? She cannot tolerate them in any other way. Not "will" eat them, but "can" eat them.
Shit, if she won't have them without cheese all over them maybe she doesn't really enjoy fajitas. Pretty sure they aren't cheesed traditionally.

>> No.19472718

They should comped him 400 dollars of sushi minimum.

>> No.19472721

yeah but i dont know where youve been, keep your cockbreath away from me

>> No.19472725

if i rub my nuts with my hands then handle your food, how does this affect you?
are my balls in this room, in your mouth right now?

>> No.19472741

>literally shit in his food
>everything else is fine for sure
I'd have walked out

>> No.19472743

>Why do they look like clementine sections?
No idea what that is
>Why are they on a wet paper disc?
That's the back of a table placard since I wasn't going to put it on my napkin
>What was the meal?
Mahi-mahi and shrimp platter

We should have had our whole bill paid after having to explain for 15 minutes how shrimp that hasn't been deveined is gross and unsanitary

>> No.19472746

Awful bait but I’ll take it anyway. Not wanting to eat soggy shit filled shrimp off a wet paper disc isn’t a Karen level close to pouting over lack of cheese on fajitas. Cheese doesn’t even belong on fajitas, retard.

>> No.19472749

bad comparison same as the other retard, that shit has potential to spread your gay sex diseases, shrimp poop is basically like a milligram of dirt, I do not care

>> No.19472768

A clementine is like a miniature tangerine or orange. That shrimp looks like a section of one because of how orange and wrinkly it is. It seems like you did nothing wrong but I need a little more info before making a solid judgement.

How much of the meal did you eat before complaining?
What kind of people own the restaurant?

>> No.19472826

Again, YOUR food was not to your liking. Unless everyone else's also contained shrimp not clean enough for them, those dishes should be paid for.

I'm not arguing that it's not gross that they didn't de-vein your prawns. I get that. But expecting them to eat the bill for your entire table just doesn't seem right to me.

Your argument seems to be that if ANYTHING should go an unexpected way that leaves you dissatisfied then the restaurant has somehow ruined the entire evening and you should pay absolutely nothing. It just reeks of entitlement and unrealistic expectations.

It IS realistic I guess to get the one problematic dish comped. I'm not the type to raise a big stink but I get that you are. But it's just a "Karen" attitude to ask for EVERYTHING free. It just opens the door to more people looking for some reason to be upset and trying to walk out without paying.

This is why we don't negotiate with terrorists.

>> No.19472827 [DELETED] 

how do you want your entire bill comped because one dish had those shrimp?

>> No.19472843
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>We should have had our whole bill paid after having to explain for 15 minutes how shrimp that hasn't been deveined is gross and unsanitary
nothing wrong with the vein they shouldn't have comped your dish

>> No.19472849
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many cocktails are served like that

>> No.19472865

For what it's worth, at least you're bitching about it here rather than some app everyone sees, and at least you DID pay in the end.

It's weird that they bought those. Maybe they peel in-house and use the shells for stock. Usually those come PDV (peeled, de-veined) or whole, but rarely peeled and not de-veined.
Someone dropped the ball for sure. Maybe your complaining got the wheels turning and they won't put out such a shoddy product from now on.
If it's a seafood restaurant and the manager didn't care, that's a problem. More likely he DID care but wasn't going to tell you he didn't have a handle on the issue.

>> No.19472871

any time they are cooked like that, shell-on, they're supposed to be purged, first

>> No.19472887

You also need to not think about it like it's "poop". It's other digested sea life inside of sea life. I don't dig on crab "butter" but plenty of people do. Many people won't eat oysters but I love 'em. Most people would have a harder time knowing that the people de-veining those aren't wearing gloves.

>> No.19472909

Upvoted this post. If it’s a white owned and operated seafood restaurant getting shrimp that look like OPs pic is despicable and he is right to say something. But if it’s a Hispanic or Asian owned seafood joint OP is retarded for expecting properly cleaned shrimp and a dickhead for complaining.

>> No.19473404

I mean, if you make burritos out of them like it's intended I like cheese in the burrito, is it a deal breaker tho? No. That couple clearly has other issues going on, being entitled is just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.19473408

Putting my vote on mexican or asian, but prolly asian

>> No.19473412
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>Is eating bugs
>The bug's last meal is too much

>> No.19473423

>Ordered barbecue
>Comes with blood susig
>Notice the blood sausage is raw
>They obviously quickly heated it then served it
>I'm not eating this shit
>Mom says it's obviously cooked
>Make a cut and it spills everywhere
>Clearly raw
>Call the waitress
>Mom starts making excuses
>I tell the waitress that it's raw, it's not cold or runny, it's raw
>She tells me they will heat it up for me
>Wtf you can heat that thing up
>They bring me a new blood sausage, this one is cooked
>Wasn't it nice of them to bring you a new one anon?
But it wasn't nice, it wasn't nice of them to try to pull a fast one on me like that
Everything else was cooked, they tried to shave minutes with that stunt
>I ate my blood sausage, had it with fries. It was good as all blood sausage is but I was fuming the whole time
I watched mom tip that bitch, she tipped "extra"

>> No.19473447

Says the guy who likes eating Shrimp shit

>> No.19473456

I bet he doesn't complain to the servers like a manchild

>> No.19473520

kek shrimp shit is far more palateable than even looking at you

>> No.19473529

If I had a restaurant and some little asswipe trolled us over this meme garbage, I'd ban them from the restaurant.

>> No.19473612

>Why do you think the entire table should've been comped
If someone made you muffins and you found worms in them would you also eat the cake they made?

>> No.19473626

It depends on culture. In some places no one cares, in others they have teams of workers in restaurants just to devein. Seems like a massive waste of time.
When people say it's shit theyre associating it with human shit. But this isn't a stinking disgusting piece of shit. The shit of a prawn is like the shit of a bug. It is a minute amount of odourless, tasteless matter. Who cares. It has no effect on the meal. It doesn't make you sick. It's just another hangup people have like "Ew bread crusts!" There is no difference.
Inb4 "it's LITERALLY shit"
Ok what is shit then? A big steaming festering dump with a foul smell. This is not shit in that sense, not at all.

>> No.19473630
File: 62 KB, 900x455, Duplicate+habitual+cooing_d94e8d_10622472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and what? you got the plate waived. your thread is just as shit as the cook

>> No.19474819

>Doesn't impact flavor
Holy shit this is B8 right?

>> No.19474851

>they're supposed to be purged
I think the shitty (heh) Asian farms where 90% of all shrimp are sourced from don't give enough of a fuck to do this.
Which is why I've been avoiding any and all dishes containing shrimp.

>> No.19474865

>letting your mom pay

whats wrong with you

>> No.19474875

Are you an attractive young woman?

>> No.19474914
File: 652 KB, 1697x1200, fajita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19474946

Are you an attractive young man?

>> No.19474950

Yeah it takes a day and time is money, after all

>> No.19474962

i always take the vein out when i make delicious shrimps because i am not a gruff tatted cartoon ship captain and i have standards

>> No.19474976

>tfw live near a coast known for shrimp production
feels good
>shrimp is still expensive as fuck
feels bad

>> No.19474992

You don't understand the concept of bait.

>> No.19475002


>> No.19476443

I've actually done a direct comparison of de-veining vs. not and without de-veining it can actually be gritty beyond the fact that you are eating animal shit.

>> No.19476451

That shrimp looks awful beyond not being de-vained.

>> No.19476490

This. I'll remove the vein most of the time because it can be gritty but if I'm lazy I'll just leave it , especially on really small prawns

>> No.19476584

Why even go outside?

>> No.19477559

even using your retarded comparison, no i would not ever expect free cake because someone else's food (that isnt cake) is tainted. This isnt your gay fantasy world

>> No.19477581

>cries about something
>gets his way
>still furious
your poor mom, you sound insufferable. waitress deserved the extra tip for having to deal with you.
OP is also a gay baby. I devein my shrimp but it really isn’t a big deal. you sound like a person that would want your whole table comped if you found a hair (in other words, a faggot)

>> No.19477796

You can def feel the gritt of the sand

>> No.19477812

This man ate shit so we don't have to.

>> No.19477959

Ah man I've eaten a lot of shrimp and always thought about the "gritty sandy blood vein" along the back and now I know that I was eating shit this whole time

>> No.19478271

Just pick it off yourself if you have a problem with it.

Were they asian? Asians don't give a fuck about such things.

>> No.19478277

Nothing wrong with wanting your food a particular way and 18 minutes is far too long for a simple request. Her womanchildishness aside.

>> No.19478287

based retard

>> No.19478289

Big shrimp mudvein shills out in full force today I see

>> No.19478302

She should have ordered the side of cheese when she ordered the fajitas.