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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19463933 No.19463933 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

Cezve/Ibrik Edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

You're hungry? Ever had lokum?

Previous thread: >>19438144

>> No.19463987
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>> No.19463993

Moccachino gave me a panic attack

>> No.19464004
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One day I hope to have good Turkish coffee, not likely to happen anytime soon

>> No.19464039

i had coffee for the first time this year and i couldn't make it to the toilet in time

>> No.19464052

How far were you from the toilet when you started?

>> No.19464060

No one will tell you this, but none of us do.

>> No.19464130

>old thread still on page 5
>on a slow board
Fucking newfags.

>> No.19464136


>> No.19464164

>trying this hard
this thread is slow enough that the old thread will archive before anyone even replies here

>> No.19464172

i intentionally abstained from posting an image, tyvm

>> No.19464195

Enjoying my morning espresso with homemade chinotto syrup.

>> No.19464203

Shut up

>> No.19464210
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Talk me out of buying it

>> No.19464214


>> No.19464244

Sage/Breville Bambino is the best sub500 semiauto. Better out of the box than the gaggias, "worse" control over your extraction than a manual press like the flairs/robots, but its probably the best cheap entry for milk drinks. What grinder are you planning on using with it?

>> No.19464587

My recent batch tasted too watery. The quick fix is to grind finer and/or brew longer and/or use higher temperature, right?

>> No.19464773
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i make overnight cold brew in a $1 two quart plastic pitcher using the normal ass folger grind. cheap af but I still taste mog all of you with your fancy asspresso machines and $500 koala poop beans

>> No.19464781

better coffee than folgers is the same price at walmart.
walmart brand coffee unironically mogs all other cheap brands (in the US at least).

>> No.19464789

for me it's 'lombia in the 'ropress

>> No.19464797

checked and it's actually cheaper (5 cents less and 5 more oz).

>> No.19464819

Kirkland beans

>> No.19464835

>Kirkland beans
i have sadly never been to cosco, the closest one is an hour away.

>> No.19464851

That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that

>> No.19464858


>> No.19464862

skill issue

>> No.19464865

>on a slow board
compared to actual slow boards /ck/ is pretty fast.

>> No.19464870

goffee :3

>> No.19464942


is specialty coffee worthwhile if i dont like acidic coffee?

ive gotten dunkin a few times and havent liked it, idk how to describe it other than acidic/sour. i drink dark roasty stuff pretty frequently though and enjoy it

>> No.19464946

>You're hungry? Ever had lokum?
lokum on deez nuts? HAHAHAHA

>> No.19464947

but not if you are a lazy cheap fuck.
if you dont want light roast dont buy light roast.
simple as that.
(sorry i have had a bad morning :( )

>> No.19464965

thank you i hope your morning gets better my friend

>> No.19465169

outside of fruity or juicy/crisp notes, i think experienced vanilla/whiskey, dried fruits (plum, raisins, figs), fermenty (wine, rum), floral (honey suckle, jasmine, rose). there’s definitely still stuff to explore outside of popular acidic light roasts, whether its worthwhile or not depends on your preferences/pockets.

>> No.19465596

just got my bodum pourover am i am excited for goffee

>> No.19465625

You make it yourself. That’s the only way you’ll get good Turkish coffee every time.

>> No.19465641


>> No.19465647

Bros, are flavor notes a meme? So far in the coffee rabbit-hole, I can tell the difference between a good cup of coffee and a crappy burnt or overly-acidic one. Then there’s these hipster looking Youtubers trying a cup of plain coffee and going like “Mmm yes, I can taste the fresh berries and it has a hint of stonefruit.” FIRST OF ALL WHAT EVEN IS STONEFRUIT? Second of all do you have to take shrooms before coffee tasting so you could see the 20 different fruits in the cup you’re drinking? It’s like they could taste the farmer’s ass who picked up the berries in the beginning of the supply chain.

>> No.19465654

The taste notes aren't really meant to be literal, just sort of point in the rough direction of the taste of the coffee. They mainly exist for people who like a certain taste to find more stuff like that.

>> No.19465675

I hate coffee threads for the most part, but I still hold out hope for less autism, and still love this stupid meme. I'd like to make a mug with it in the twitter font with logo, but I don't think I like it that much, since I already have some nice mugs and don't want to bother shopping around for decent custom makers. Maybe some Denny's mug "collector" NEET will appreciate the idea enough to use it, though. As always, yet generally understated, french press light roast master race.

>> No.19465682
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Goffee threads are my favorite part of 4chan... Am I autistic?

>> No.19465687

We... a few of us forgive you, but yes.

>> No.19465702
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Morning espresso so good it's inconceivable.

>> No.19465712

some people have a very sensitive and refined palate
some people dont.
i do and i love tasting crazy unique things in my coffee.
i would say about 90+% of the time if you read flavor notes on the bag its total bullshit.
the region and variety and process and roasting off a coffee is going to tell you way more about how it could taste than some totally subjective flavors written on the bag.
also stone fruit is a worthless term. you might as well say "it tastes like meat" because there are a bunch of different stone fruit that all taste different. (https://www.allrecipes.com/article/what-is-stone-fruit/))
my coffee tastes like acetone. and frankly after 4 cups of this bag im a bit sick of it.
it was interesting the first 500g but now im over it.
i hope my next order has some other unique flavors.
also coffee beans can smell different before and after they are ground, and coffee can smell different than it tastes, and smell and taste different depending on the temperature
oh and i know i dont need to say this but coffee will also change smell and flavor depending on brew method and different recipes within brew methods, and age of the beans can change the smell and taste.
at the end of the day, dont worry about it, just make goffee you like :)

>> No.19465713

Get coffee on the nutty side of the flavor spectrum

>> No.19465716
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i have thought about making a mug that says goffee on it too.
probably with this gato on it.

>> No.19465722

also do you take a picture of the beans and then put them back in the bag?

>> No.19465725

There's a wide spectrum of taste. Unfortunately in my experience specialty roasters usually focus on either very weird ferments or very acidic or light coffee.

>> No.19465732


>> No.19465736

I would buy a nice mug that says goffee on it, /biz/ bros make it happen

>> No.19465739


>> No.19465740

This, but only if it also has a funny fisheye lens closeup photo of a cat

>> No.19465745

Try a cup of Jamaican blue next to some Folgers instant sometime if you really want to see if you can tell. If you can't tell, then there's no point for you to venture out if you don't want to try to impress or whatever. Maybe later you'll decide to come back to a similar sort of test and find something different. There really is a difference to many people. How much they actually perceive vs what they purchase is the same sort of debates you get with wine. Professional tasters know, some normies know, even some :::gasp:::
know, because they can actually taste. Sure, plenty don't, and plenty buy into marketing or whatever. Try some different stuff from time to time, though, and you might be surprised. I've had a good sense of taste and smell since I can remember, but my mom basically trained me in it. Some people come into it naturally, some people never, really. usually if you try, you can sort of pick up on nuances, even if you can't really identify things and it doesn't end up mattering to you a whole lot beyond
>I just like it
I just like it is another catch, because plenty use it as a sort of stubborn excuse, to stick to what they already know, sometimes to the extreme. My dad claimed he
>did not like onion
even after years of eating my mom's French onion soup. Senses are weird, sometimes, and you have to keep evaluating to develop a more accurate perception.

>> No.19465747

so i heard u liek goffee

>> No.19465756
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Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

After the pic is taken i put the precious beans into next goffee vessel storage waiting room, like pic rel.
Fuck goffee is so gud that i made a second goff.

>> No.19465763

French presses are so boring compared to the other methods. They make nice coffee, but it's literally just a teapot for coffee. The other methods are much cooler.

Having this to easy to not fuck up makes things boring.

>> No.19465766

>i made a second goff.
so soon? careful anon.

>> No.19465776

anon i suspect you haven't observed the portrayal. it's decof.

>> No.19465777

>teapot for coffee
But they aren't? Tea pots do not have presses (by default, I'm sure some do). I think coffee presses could use some amazing upgrades that might be worth while, but I'm not in the position to make the prototypes. It'd be cool to see a company make an automatic press with registered bars and water temperatures. Espresso machines could do this with extraordinary results, but it's easy and cheap enough to evaluate a couple sub par cups to get to some really good ones as opposed to ridiculously precise pistons and boilers, beyond those which are already considered ridiculously precise, I mean. It is possible, just really not worth it. So then you rely on varying degrees of precision, capacity, and manual input. Manual presses can't compete with pure steam pressure, that is a given. But that's not the only comparison. You have to evaluate that compared to drip or pour over. THEN you get into some division, and it makes a big difference.

>> No.19465780

Made a longer brew. It tasted better but still too shallow. Is it just a bad batch or can I push it further?

>> No.19465782

ahh, i see.
no i was admiring the beez and the plate.

>> No.19465783

>french press
>bars pressure
nigga wat?

>> No.19465788

>But they aren't? Tea pots do not have presses (by default, I'm sure some do).
actually the hoffmann method doesnt press at all, it just uses the filter as a filter.

>> No.19465791

Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on. What a waste of good trips.

>> No.19465792

trips of lies.
never fails.

>> No.19465795

Do you not understand what bars are? Niggwat is not a measure. Bars are. Maybe eventually we'll have presses measured in niggawats. I don't know.
Yes, we've all seen it, don't really care.

>> No.19465798

>don't really care.
great so fuck off.
>proves he doesnt know anything and is just farming replies.

>> No.19465800

>press is not a press, it's just a filter!
Again, don't fucking care. You're a useless adjunct.

>> No.19465888

Depends, I brew for two and they can pick out flavors better than I could even though I’m the coffee guy, my taste/smell is just not as sharp. Sometimes changing my grind, some of the flavor notes are gone while another is elevated, so it also depends how you grind and brew. Usually a bag I buy might list 4 flavors and I would notice 2-3, and it’s sort of in the ball park usually, it is not exact. Although occasionally the tasting note is very spot on. Berries, fruits, and flowers are very easy to pick up for me.

>> No.19466010
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Does this fucker actually make something resembling an espresso?

>> No.19466028

you tell me

>> No.19466041

No. I have no idea what it is supposed to do, but I can tell you with absolute certainty it does not do it well, even less well than the countertop coffee pod bullshit that can put out better than normal drip but wtf-is-this-supposed-to-be-stuff. If you want an aerated pour over, it maybe could do OK, but would scald your hands if it really did, so fucking no.

>> No.19466042

Why not a picopresso?

>> No.19466130

The Picopresso actually does pretty good. Can't speak for the Nanopresso

>> No.19466218
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Today's TdF stage finish themed demitasse day. Palates far from terrible.

>> No.19466408

Ignore those other replies. 100% a meme. Its bean water.

>> No.19466422

>t. tastelet

>> No.19466820

This thread has gone to shit. Just a bunch of sociopath larpers trying to be "cooler" than others. Actual gaslighting and samefagging. Very sad and pathetic.

>> No.19466826

My moccamaster was supposed to be delivered an hour ago and I don't want it to sit outside so I can't leave the house until it gets here

>> No.19466902
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>> No.19466911
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Uh, okay. Good timing I guess it just got here

>> No.19466928

Just made an iced decaf latte. Tastes good, life's good, i'm good. Heatwave starts tomorrow officially.

>> No.19467222

Threadly reminder that pissing water through an aeropress doesn't give you espresso. Adding milk to it certainly doesn't make a latte either.

>> No.19467256

Of course not, it gives you aeropresso

>> No.19467275
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Ya I agree. I don't have a FP but I have a Clever. It makes consistently good brews. But I've gotten a little bored of it, and I've run out of filters.
So I've been using my v60 for the last month or so. It's more interesting but I get shit (not as good as my clever) cups every 3/4 cups.
I'll prob go back to just using my clever but it's been more interesting for sure.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.19467361

1.8 on a jxpro, 14 seconds on the aeropress, grocery store second crack robusta blend. I just don't get why I keep making shitty espresso :(

>> No.19467371

Forgot link.

>> No.19467452

I got an espresso machine without a grinder (first one) and have been using Cafe Bustelo pre grounds. It just werks, is it worth it to get a grinder?

>> No.19467464

no. it's snake oil.

>> No.19467469

A grinder lets you use better coffee and a non pressurized basket. It's going to be better but also more fuss so you decide

>> No.19467533
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Oh no highs of 86 degrees? Pray for Italy and France.

>> No.19467803

SEA coffee

>> No.19467842 [DELETED] 

just came here to call all you cohee heads niggers and to get a life

>> No.19467869
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No I think I will have another cup of coffee instead

>> No.19467873
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>> No.19467929

even little kids in Mexico drink coffee

>> No.19468478

No shit, Sherlock.

>> No.19468535

rent free

>> No.19468625
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Grande Trabazzi!

>> No.19468689

i have the bambino plus and it's great. you can pull truly excellent shots if you have a good grinder and beans and get the machine dialed in (it allows you to do custom water volume; i have mine set at a 1:2.25 ratio at 30 seconds). the foaming capability is satisfactory though not incredible but, as a coffee snob, i agree with the other anon that it's the best you can do before you get really carried away with the $800+ setups. i would probably recommend an upgraded portafilter and basket to go with it, though.

>> No.19468722
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The Aeropresso I made tastes better than the espresso from my dad's De'Longhi

>> No.19468915

hoffmann put out a director's commentary for that video actually
go to the settings and then to audiotrack, and then it will have a second option like "english(united states) dubbed"

>> No.19468934

cow pee :)
>its really hard work!
bro is straight up burning them AND melting sugar onto them.
shit is straight up BLACK
>fresh roaster pte ltd

>> No.19468938

sounds like someone didnt have any goffee this morning

>> No.19468949

well yeh i would hope so.

>> No.19469283

Damn, I don’t think I’ve encountered more than 1-2 beans with cratering in an entire bag

>> No.19469286
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Make espresso shaken on hot weather day, life is good anon.

>> No.19469317

Taste notes basically your sensory brain memory with what (fruit, spice, Umami, etc) you taste in your life.
There's also many kind of acidic like citric, malic, tartaric, etc. Example : if your beans notes sweet grape like means your coffee taste like tartaric acid and if your beans notes sweet apple like means your coffee taste like citric acid.

Buy sensory kit and eat fruit everyday if you want go deeper with tasting notes

Forgive my bad in English

>> No.19469347

>Forgive my bad in English
he says when it better than native speakers...(typers)
native speakers often throw out alot of grammar and punctuation because we can still understand each other just fine based on intuition and context.

>> No.19469604
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The goff is not off.
It is up to scratch.

>> No.19469679

Worth it to buy a refurb flair for a first espresso machine or should I just go balls deep with a $500 powered machine from the start?

>> No.19469691

The flair will be cheaper and will produce better espresso, although you will need to be more dedicated to it.

>> No.19469735

So it’s mostly a convenience thing? Like both will make great coffee, but the flair is harder to work with and get everything right? Just to be clear I’m weighing the flair pro 2 vs a bambino plus, and I probably would only be using it ~5 times a week. My thought was that I buy the cheaper one now, figure out what I like/want, and upgrade later, but it also seems like it could be worthwhile to just jump right into semi automatic machines

>> No.19469778

>Like both will make great coffee, but the flair is harder to work with and get everything right?
yes more or less.
have you seen the hoffmann video?
this one is the pro 2(timestamp included)
and some other flair videos of his

>> No.19469927

go for dark roasts with either woody, nutty or spicy notes

>> No.19469980

i had the og flair for a few years before finally getting the bambino plus and i wouldn't go back. the flair was technically capable of a perfect shot in theory but in practice, thermal management of that cylinder was very difficult and so my shots were never as consistent as i wanted as keeping the water hot enough was a challenge. i know, skill issue etc etc but the bambino nails it every single time with no fuss and is much faster and less faffy (not to mention it can make a decent foamed milk). the flair might be fine if you just do an espresso once a week or something and want that kind of ritual to look forward to but otherwise, bambino all the way for me

>> No.19469990

it's fantastic. buy some extra decalcification pouches with it if you use hard water. I have a shitty manual grinder so for consistent shots I'll tamp down the puck, then get a thin toothpick and poke abunch of holes in it and spread it out then tamp down again and sprinkle some more coffee on top and tamp again. gonna go make myself another latte right now thanks for reminding me

>> No.19470037
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>> No.19470064
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>the flair might be fine if you just do an espresso once a week

>> No.19470453

Just made an iced decaf latte. Delightful beverage with this heat.

>> No.19470547

today's pourover at the same grind consistency as yesterday extracted way faster and came out a bit sour
i am at a loss as to why

>> No.19470597

Welp I pulled the trigger on it. Hope I don't regret it. Got it for 280€ including shipping from frog amazon which helped. And apparently I just barely caught the deal because it's 350€ now.

>> No.19470599

Are there any coffees that are decaf that are actually good or worth buying?

>> No.19470603

hope you update us on your journey :)

>> No.19470610

i had a $80/kg mexican decaf which was ok

>> No.19470657
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Based. Enjoy the machine anon.

>> No.19470662

I've tried over 30 decaf bags.
All of them taste like decaf.
Theres a few worth buying but all of them lacking the final note for a true coffee.

>> No.19470686

>lacking the final note for a true coffee.
yeh this.
i would just not drink coffee...
decaf is a strange product.

>> No.19470695
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Today I had my coffee black with some soda stream cola syrup mixed in

>> No.19470705

I like Sightglass

>> No.19470706

Could drink these all day long. Based.

>> No.19470714


>> No.19470816

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68n3V7tFFXc working on weekends for 6 weeks so I can buy this


>> No.19470824

Based machine.

>> No.19470828

I wish it didn't look so shit

>> No.19470832

I think it looks

>> No.19470863

yeh, i think this design only works in those really big machines.
also those portafilter handles are revolting
>cant be that much...
mate you are havin a laugh.
i checked out other espresso machines and that seems a decent price but jesus i never knew.
fuck me i think id neck myself if i actually wanted it and then saw that price tag
>doesnt bat an eye at multi thousand dollar vertically cranked hand grinder...
dont mind me i'll just go be a hypocrite somewhere else.

>> No.19470874

The thing is built to track and allow you to tweak every little variable you could possibly think of, it's basically a big box of espresso experiments. To facilitate all those functions it drove the cost up high, I'm pretty sure no non-commercial espresso machine is more expensive.

>> No.19470898

Thanks for the reminder. Just made another one.

>> No.19470903

For cappuccino cups, which color should I get?

>Black white and grey seem a little dull
>Red seems a little bright?
>I feel like the lighter blue not mint colored one and the brown I like the most

Any thoughts anons?

>> No.19470910
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Pic rel to this post, forgot to attach it.

>> No.19470915

go with red anon

>> No.19470921
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You don't feel like it would be to 'bright'?

>> No.19470923

ethyl acetate process is worth drinking. stay away from swiss water shit, it doesn't even smell right in the bag.

>> No.19470924

White is classic, but I'd that's too plain for you then I second the red

>> No.19470927

get brown
no one ever gets brown.

>> No.19470929


>> No.19470934

Even with a little bit of milk and I white contrast around the lip, I felt like brown would compliment the color of the espresso/ cappuccino really nicely.

>> No.19470938

Since when I bought the Fellow Prismo I'm enjoying making faux espresso with 14 grams of beans ground at espresso range, the resulting coffee is tasty and sweet.

I have one small problem though, because often there's some unwanted acidity that I don't know how to remove, because if I grind finer there will be a lot of grit in my coffee and if I grind coarser, more acidity.

Maybe I should stir the coffee for more than 20 seconds to enhance the extraction?

>> No.19470942

If I was to get cappuccino and espresso cups would you get both the same color or only one set in red?

>> No.19470946

what's your other colour? multicolour can pair well too.

>> No.19470951


>> No.19470959

>Maybe I should stir the coffee for more than 20 seconds to enhance the extraction?
Yes try that and report back your findings. How did the cold brew taste?

>> No.19470963


One anon suggested red so potentially red and brown or red and blue? the question would be which color for espresso cups and which one for the cappuccino.

>> No.19470970

i'm red suggestion anon. multicolour would be red and blue. blue preference would fall towards light blue.
final would suggestion be red for espresso, light blue for cappuccino

>> No.19470981

Do non LOL @ me, for 30 bucks both the filter and the attachment work really well.

I'm mad that I wasted 18€ on the E&B shitter which doesn't work, fuck me, and now sits in my shelf and has been used for like 1 week.

Ok I will try.

The cold brew with the Prismo filter comes out perfectly clean with fines and oils, just as I wanted, but the last 2 single portions I made were overly strong and a touch bitter.

I still haven't tried letting the coffee rest on the shelf, tonight I had to put it in the fridge because I would've consumed it after more than 12 hours and I ground it finer than max coarse settings on my grinder, so next time.

>> No.19470986
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Based, I think I am going to pull the trigger. I have been having a hard time figuring this one out.

>> No.19470988

do you have an E&B Lab 6 cup moka pot yet?

>> No.19470995

One finally question would you get matching saucers like red saucer for red cup or would you do like grey saucer and red cup or would this look kind of ugly?

>> No.19470998

E&b labs might come with a functional safety valve but they lack the 10 years warranty and email support of the giannini.

>> No.19471008

>caring about warranty
sad and honestly a little pathetic.

>> No.19471050

I dunno, the same colour is a tried and tested pairing.
What cups are those?

>> No.19471051

Nope, I'm not interested in it.

>> No.19471072

They're called 'Acme'. A few of the nicer shops in my area have them. While they me not be the best they seem pretty solid in person and overall a solid first set.

>Could be little pricey though.

>> No.19471150

I've heard of people stirring for 60 seconds and/or letting it steep for 2 minutes instead of one

>> No.19471155

I just bought a large $1 CAD iced coffee from McDonalds.

>> No.19471170


>> No.19471172

Yeah I thought so too.

>> No.19471175

Thanks, I am.

>> No.19471182

The darker blue is the best imo.

>> No.19471184

Ok, I will try experimenting and report back.

>> No.19471217

Why not use a paper filter on top of the fellow disc

>> No.19471236

How my life is going

>> No.19471295

For what purpose? I don't want the oil and the grit filtered out, I need the thicc sirupy body that the metal filter gives me.

>> No.19471559

Ability to:
- dial in each batch
- use any coffee of choice
- enjoy fresher coffee (pre-ground oxidises faster due to more surface area per unit volume)

I'd say its worth. Anybody who says its snake oil is trolling.

>> No.19471844

Its a burundi and bbq kind of night.

>> No.19472363

Would you get both espresso and cappuccino is dark blue? It isn't bad but it is rather dark in person almost black looking and black feels kinda dull.

>> No.19472454

give me your blueberry bomb links

>> No.19473265
File: 401 KB, 903x640, Potion_seller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are not strong enough for my blueberry bombs

>> No.19473434

It looks like tea, and terrible coffee, especially with spilled beans and china labels photo shoots. WTF is it (for sake of future avoidance)?

>> No.19473446

goffee is good for me

>> No.19473674

How's sushi doing these days?

>> No.19473807

>making coffee should be exciting bing bing wahooo
seek better hobbies

>> No.19473816

The only reason anyone makes espresso is bing bang wahoo

>> No.19473976


>> No.19473984

I thought he was gay?

>> No.19473991

he is.

>> No.19473997

>mint choc chip ice cream is bad
welp, friendship ended with hoffmann...

>> No.19474002

He supposedly has a wife.

>> No.19474004


>> No.19474011

ive started drinking coffee a while ago and i have never really put effort into making coffee and i only drink coffee with milk and sugar, should i even bother trying some specialty stuff or is it not worth it if i dont drink black coffee

>> No.19474017

Just go to a good cafe near you and see how you like it, it's pretty different from your usual commodity coffee, although that might not necessarily be better depending on your palette.

>> No.19474018


>> No.19474021

>Just go to a good cafe near you
bad advice
unless you are actually going to a specialty coffee cafe there is a 99% you are going to get commodity coffee
it being "good" is going to rely on ratings from normies who dont know anything about coffee.

>> No.19474182
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What's the latest time in the day that you'll drink coffee (non-decaff)?

I think if I drink coffee too later in the day then I find it hard to sleep. Maybe I'm wrong and the coffee wasn't to blame though.

>> No.19474199

9 usually or even 12 on weekends.

>> No.19474201

Depends on the time(-zone)

>> No.19474233


>> No.19474444

Is Turkish coffee a meme? I'm thinking about getting into it.

>> No.19474458

the quads will guide the way.

>> No.19474485

idk man it's normal coffee where I live

>> No.19474489

not a problem for me, I drink coffee regulary before i sleep

>> No.19474915

As did Michael Jackson. It's called a beard.

>> No.19474920
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>let sugar pot get empty
>didn't want to go to the basement to refill it
>used monk fruit powder in my coffee instead
>tasted like chemicals
I deserve this.

Tasty, easy, inexpensive. Worth checking out. Greek coffee is basically the same (less robust flavor, but brewed the same way), so that's also a potential entry point for you.

I try to keep it to before 11am on a normal day. Might go a little later if I know I'm staying up.
Caffeine has a half-life of about five hours on average (so probably 10ish hours to "inactivity"), if I remember right, but clearing time varies a lot from person to person.

>> No.19475024

It is probably the most traditional way of making coffee since it originated from Yemen and then the Ottomans are why it became popular. It is delicious when done right and the best part is that an ibrik is ridiculously easy to use and clean. There's some guides on Youtube and you just gotta experiment a few times since some mistakes like letting the water reach boiling point would instantly ruin the flavor. When I was in Istanbul I thought Turkish coffee was stupid and overrated but once I started making my own and trying a few different techniques, it quickly became my favorite brewing method. I might get bored of it soon and go back to other methods, but one thing for sure is that I am enjoying the hell out of making my own Turkish/Arabic coffee. You can even put some cardamom, cinnamon, and other flavorings like mastic, and a bit of nutmeg if you wanted to. Many people use sugar but come on, we are on /ctg/.. We try to perfect the method until the coffee tastes great instead of coping with sugar. Currently I'm making it with cinnamon and cardamom pods. The aroma and experience is delightful. Also, this is uncommon but definitely worth a try: Putting in just a bit of milk in the cup before pouring the freshly brewed Turkish/Arabic coffee into it turns it into "French coffee" which tastes amazing in my opinion and warms the soul. You don't even have to heat up the milk since the hot coffee will do that and you'd be using a small amount of milk anyways.
I fell in love with this method of brewing recently. It's just fun and even talking about it is fun.

>> No.19475032

No one cares

>> No.19475051

What a sad faggot

>> No.19475143
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I drink 2 pots of coffee a day.

>> No.19475163

Thanks for sharing. What is your favorite flavorings combination?

>> No.19475265

What coff do I get on Prime Day?

>> No.19475271

what are the options

>> No.19475296

Cardamom and cinnamon because it's all I tried so far. It's good.

>> No.19475676

Isn't drinking out of copper bad for you?

>> No.19475903
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Is there any creamers or powered milk with no goyslop in it aka corn syrup?

>> No.19475950

Is it true McDonalds coffee are better than Tim Hortons now?

>> No.19476019

yeah just look at the back of the bottle for the ingredients.

you fucking dork.

>> No.19476195

Ok so im convinced i want to try a specialty coffee, ive watched the James Hoffman video in the pastebin but i still have absolutely no clue on what kind of coffee i want and how to know if its good, should i just go for a random one which sounds good based off of its flavour description

>> No.19476309

maybe first try a "rich" med-dark roast cause it's the closest thing to what you have, and it goes the best if you insist on using cream.
but with specialty coffee, there's a good chance you will like many of them and will know what you like.

>> No.19476396

My God someone broadcasted their hobby and some of leared a thing or too retard.

>> No.19476413

My nespresso machine broke, time to call them up and get it warrantied

>> No.19476761

stop impersonating me >:'(

>> No.19477068


>> No.19477079

actually its good for you

>> No.19477082

do you have a 10 year warranty?

>> No.19477269

Usually I have one coffee when I wake up, maybe another one at 8 but that's it

>> No.19477366

Idk I’m a stainless steel fag

>> No.19477393
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>Haven't been on /ctg/ for a week
>New Turkish memes
>_________ Pre-Ground is just as good
>Should I buy refurbed espresso machines


Both are road trip goffee tier

And to the crazy Aussie cunt; Moka Pot 4 Life M8

>> No.19477441

a cafe nearby serves an espresso mule and it's quite nice.

>> No.19477697

Excited for tomorrow's four double shot with a splash of milk and modafinil.

>> No.19477913
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Thanks anon

>> No.19477918


>> No.19478011

Too much goff makes the stomach tingle.

>> No.19478021

>take first sip
>armpits immediately start sweating
How do I solve this

>> No.19478044

how fat are you?

>> No.19478052

I am 176cm 58kg

>> No.19478105

Can you make turkish coffee at home by just grinding very fine and adding hot water to the grounds? Or do you have to brew it in a specific way like that one funny webm where the coffee comes up through the sand

>> No.19478132

what is this in freedom measurements

>> No.19478154

5’9 127 pounds

>> No.19478155

his tiny body probably can't handle all that caffeine

>> No.19478248

No, in fact it's a micronutrient.

>> No.19478327

That’s a good height for a girl though? Anyways that’s not relevant to my issue

>> No.19478346

uh huh, sure thing pal.

>> No.19478370

just got a $2500 bonus
i aint done shit wtf.
i guess it really is christmas in july :)

>> No.19478663

Is there any way to get coffee beans plastic free? Or at least a way to send back empty bags?

I'm in Europe if that matters

>> No.19478689

best you can do is get green beans in hessian bags and then roast them yourself and then store them in glass jars.
if you have a co-op nearby they might have coffee you can just scoop up into a paper bag.
i have a couple near me(not eu or na) that do this.
i dont do it but i know its a thing that exists.

>> No.19478711
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Any tips on how to keep whole bean coffee fresh? I've been buying the big can of french roast from Trader Joe's (26 oz) and while it has a really nice rich flavor for the first few days, after that it seems to get stale & becomes nearly as flat as any preground supermarket stuff, even in a french press (though I usually use chemex).

>> No.19478759

lowest oxygen environment you can get.
also dont buy large bags.
if you want alot of coffee because you dont like to shop often by the same amount of coffee by in smaller increments
so instead of a 1kg bag buy 4 250g bags.
>trader joes
its already stale before you open the bag.
>french roast
its already burnt to shit. you can't taste anything anyway.

>> No.19479069
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Ah, yes, the Italian™ roast.

>> No.19479146

the oil means they're fresh!

>> No.19479195

Trabazzi could never roast beans that beautiful. Enjoy them anon.

>> No.19479206 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19479214
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