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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.27 MB, 1198x717, lunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.19429634 [Reply] [Original]

Why are American school lunches such notorious slop? Is it to condition kids for life in the private prison system?

>> No.19429639


>> No.19429654

>why is the stuff I get for free not personally hand-made by a 5 star gourmet chef!?
>is it because i'm freeloading off of other's labor without contributing anything to society?
Get a job and start feeding your own damn children.

>> No.19429657

3 words:
Michael Vaughn Robinson

>> No.19429658

It's being mass-produced for 500 undiscerning children. No shit it's going to be Applebee's-tier Syscoslop. Can't exactly just whip up 500 fresh-cooked gourmet meals with a couple of lunch ladies in an hour.

>> No.19429707

Take me in a bag into a basement, and I'll help you, until then, I will not.

>> No.19429717

My parents never gave me lunch money so I devised a plan on stealing food everyday from the cafeteria. I’d wear a hoodie with the pocket in the middle front. I’d throw two fish burgers in there and that would be my lunch. I was forced to stick it to the Man at an early age

>> No.19429720


>> No.19429722

How'd you manage to do that hundreds of times per year without getting caught?

Also, you parents sound like negligent deadbeats if they let their kid go to school hungry. Were they alcoholics or something?

>> No.19429728

They're subsidized sysco slop, but once you hit the High School level they become at least slightly food-related. It's a minor improvement but a present one.

>> No.19429738

America has nearly 14,000 independent school districts. Some of then are bound to be shit. You don't hear about the good ones because no one complains about them.

>> No.19429892

>Cut taxes because muh gubmint is evil
>State services become shit
>Solution in the medication addled burger brain is to cut taxes more because they don't want to fund shit services
>Cycle repeats and now America has a third world education system and bridge collapses don't even make the news anymore

>> No.19429905

That's not true and they're not all slop, especially at private schools, you need to be specific and not generalize, for all school in ny I was allowed to go out, I got an allowance of $5 per day, friends and I would get $1 slices of pizza then spend the rest playing video games like galaga and galxian.

>> No.19429955

Basically this. The vision Republicans have for the country is one in which the middle class doesn't exist and 90% of people live in poverty, while a handful of multinational corporations control every aspect of our lives. They intentionally break things and then argue that there's no reason to fix them because they're broken. It's incredibly disingenuous and malicious. This is how that vision of the world manifests itself ideologically >>19429654.

>> No.19429976

keep trying to vote yourselves largesse out of the public treasury retards, see how that works out for you

>> No.19429997

So, other than the picture being intentionally bad, what's wrong with this as a meal? Pulled pork, mashed potatos, a nice biscuit to sop up the pork juice, some grapes and milk. What do you eat for lunch?

>> No.19430008

>galaga and galxian

Are you like a hundred years old?

>> No.19430011

Not even close but those are fun games.

>> No.19430013

Zero fresh vegetables or anything with fibre. And it's nutritionally redundant to have both the biscuit & potatoes.

>> No.19430017

>other than the picture being intentionally bad
That's what it looks like, anon. I graduated 20 years ago and rarely even ate school lunch past middle school, but just looking at that image I can taste that roll and those mashed potatoes. It's not good.

>> No.19430021

I've never been in prison or jail but it looks worse than what would be served in those. Serving that to prisoners would be considered cruel and unusual punisment but its ok for school kids.

>> No.19430022

That's a tactical biscuit son it's there to get the gravy or become a sammich.
>mashed taters
>no fiber
wew. Also, it is one meal of the day. We typically have three. There will be other opportunities for fiber Hans.

>> No.19430029

>tactical biscuit
Is that some kind of submarine food?

>> No.19430033

You've never gone to a Catholic private school and it shows. They hand out Tyson tendies and have a soda machine at the one my grandmother used to teach at. It still ain't fresh but at least it isn't Sodexo

>> No.19430035

Most cafeteria ladies want kids to eat and don't report theft. Only the most cold hearted bitches do.

>> No.19430037

Daily reminder that most of the time people are talking about how bad food is in America those people are not from the US and typically have no fucking clue what they're talking about.
>so you think that lunch looks good?
No, of course not. I'm saying that's not a biscuit and nobody in the US would ever refer to that as a biscuit - especially if they've spent any time in the public school system.

>> No.19430038

Americans don't have real food. They don't know any better. They don't know what real food supposed to taste like from all the chemicals on their filth. May aswell be eating from a trough

>> No.19430043

>t. Someone that doesn't understand Galatians 4:16

>> No.19430045

I lied on my application so I didn't have to go to some catholic private school, that forced religious stuff was not for me.

>> No.19430046

>tyson chicken tenders
so bottom-of-the-barrel processed frozen reclaimed chicken? that's the same shit in any school lunch, the chicken patties are probably made in some tyson factory with the same pink sludge as the frozen chicken tenders you can get at walmart.

>> No.19430048

>larping yuropoor gets called out and immediately shows his true colors

>> No.19430050

It's a biscuit you dumbass yank coastie. What do you faggots call it, a Biden roll?

>> No.19430051

Stop ruining his anti-American rant with your "reasoning" and "logic". Do it as an act of kindness. Do you understand how difficult, how humiliating it is to come here, to an American internet forum, how desperate he must be for attention from Americans? Surely, at least one person in his own country must have the resources to create a local website in their own language for anime and racist frogs. But no, he comes here instead--because if even a single American will "notice him, senpai" that will be enough. In his village they will sing songs and tell tales and build statues for him, the man who managed to get an American's attention on the internet. (In their hearts, I think they believe that they cease to exist if we stop looking at them.)

>> No.19430059

He's just a jealous anon and dogs bark at him and chase him around so it makes him angry.

>> No.19430065
File: 5 KB, 300x168, download (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School lunches aren't free
Since the late 80's Republicans have been looting school budgets mercilessly. Probably the biggest change happened when most states decided to allow state lotteries as long as some of the proceeds went to schools - and budgets were quietly slashed by more than the lotteries provide.
Schools basically have to squeeze parents for every dime they can to keep a roof over the kids and enough books for each student, and that includes charging five bucks for a ten cent square of sysco prison pizza.

>> No.19430067

>using a random out-of-context verse from a millennia-old jew book as an "argument"
I prefer Leviticus 26:7-8

>> No.19430075

Maybe in another 10 years your larp will be believable. Right now you're a joke.

>> No.19430077

Corruption why else my dude? A single (((company))) owns basically everything when it comes to "bulk food" ready made frozen trash and etc goyslop. Also you can hire the most braindead people to just heat and serve shit. Rather than have someone spend 20 hours to come up with a massive meal plan thats very healthy. Budget shit find suppliers prep food and cook said food. If I worked at a middle class school I could easily have meals for 2-3.50 that was high in protien and good fat 50-60 meals every meal would have soup&salad+veggies+side dishes meat/"
vegan" main and desert. Everything would be fresh as fuck and the kids would love this shit hell. I'm sure I could make it so a lot of the kids would like taking the veggie option. Without it being because its 2deep4u/vegan mental deficiency syndrome/ its cool to be vegan. And just because its good food beans/tofu/cheese/eggs/TVP its all really tasty, you'd have to be retarded to take mystery meat goyslop over even a basic stir-fried tofu.

Plus these products cost insane prices for what it is all because of (((convince))). Why the fuck do we allow children to eat on par with prisoners. America is so bad that even fucking babies are fed goyslop. Most baby formula is fucking soy protien HFCS and palm/soy oil plus other poisions. I'm not joking 90% has no dairy in it and these fucking hooked nose kikes have the audacity to say its not only healthy. But its better than both breastfeeding a child and dairy formula. This happened in the 80's. Now you know why childhood obesity has skyrocketed. Not even babies are safe from kikery. Grant this is only in North America, especially the shaming mothers for breastfeeding part. Its slowly changing tho.

Look at all the chains dying look it how much panic the hooked nose are facing. As the younger generation is laying off the goyslop. How companies like Mckikes are spend billions on making the restaurant/goyslop look good while the food gets worse.

>> No.19430083

I'd love your explanation for why cities that are democrat-run in states that have been solidly blue for decades with high average incomes and tax bases still have the exact same shit school food as impoverished hicks in rural Alabama

>> No.19430086
File: 538 KB, 674x960, Red_Lobster-Cheddar_Bay_Buscuit_Mix-Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These buscuits are really good especially when jazzed up with some chile pepper and basil.

>> No.19430090

You have no idea how school budgets work

>> No.19430093

Democrats talking shit about destroying the middle class lol

>> No.19430095

I hate to break it to you after you spent all morning typing that out, but 90% of Jews in the US are left leaning if not progressive. What you're describing is the opposite of that.

>> No.19430096

You don't know how taxes or budgeting works
Also schools in wealthy dem areas funded by property taxes have good food, I've seen firsthand the difference between schools in Montgomery COUNTY (hint hint) and, say, Dade.

>> No.19430097

Yes it is entirely to condition children into seeing the state as their provider.

>> No.19430105

>it's actually the right who cares about wealth inequality
Good one.

>> No.19430123

Biden raised taxes on everyone but mainly the middle class and poor and to a lesser extent the rich

>> No.19430128

In terms of school budgets the dems are split between progressives that want free school meals and much higher budgets for struggling schools and a decoupling of funding from both local tax base and performance (defunding a B school makes it a C school) and neolibs that don't care except if they get kickbacks
The republicans are all in agreement that public schools need to be destroyed and replaced with a voucher system so they can go back to catholic schooling and racial/class segregation.

>> No.19430136

>Estate tax is mainly middle-class
If you're so concerned about rich people paying taxes how about the Republicans consistently blocking IRS funding, forcing them to go after smaller targets?

>> No.19430140

A voucher system would be amazing for the black community, you just don't like it because you dream of using public school for its original purpose of brainwashing kids of parents who believe differently than you.

>> No.19430141

heavily-democrat cities exist in heavily-democrat counties, retard, don't try to pretend Boston's education quality is being "dragged down" by outlying suffolk county or some retarded shit.
Half of education funding is at the state level anyways, so if democrats cared so much about high quality school lunches they should be able to toss in a bit of extra budget for lunches, no? Odd how the lunch you'll get in upstate NY is the same slop you'd get arkansas or montana then

>> No.19430147

I am against taxes wholesale because I am not a control freak idiot

>> No.19430149

>he thinks the IRS ignoring billionaires and megacorps has anything to do with "funding"
how naive

>> No.19430154

Yes, and Trump not only lowered the deficit, he completely eliminated the debt. (Isn't it fun just making shit up on the internet?)

>> No.19430157

Get off my road then.

>> No.19430162

>net tax burden thinks they're "his" roads

>> No.19430163

>leftists claiming they won't tax more than republicans
Lmao you will say literally anything you want

>> No.19430164

>my dude
Stoped reading there. Kys.

>> No.19430166

>stuff I get for free
>paid for using your taxes

>> No.19430167

Sell the road, save yourself some money with responsible owners

>> No.19430168

Like always it's niggers.

>> No.19430171

>Half of education funding is at the state level anyways
It's almost entirely county taxes and federal, states pay almost nothing into schools that didn't come from federal funds. Especially after lotteries were used as an excuse to limit state funding.
>Boston schools!
Are well above average lel
You have no idea what you're talking about you dumb hick. Probably because your school had no budget. I alread told you I've seen firsthand the difference between a well funded dem district and a plundered R one.

Neolib dems are money grubbing cunts, but even they recognize that you need kids without fucking nutritional deficits if you want workers for the machine.
Republicans are crazy assholes that repeatedly sabotage programs they don't like so they can go "see, it doesn't work! Let's get rid of it!"
Getting rid of public schools is a major part of their current platform

>> No.19430175

Anon in the US schools are paid for almost entirely by municipal (city) property tax.

>> No.19430177

Tax who more? Of course the left wants to raise corporate tax rates and eliminate loopholes for billionaires. How does that affect you?

>> No.19430179

Programs don't work, collectivism doesn't work, we have both objective proof in the 100s of millions it has murdered and theoretical proof in hayeks the road to serfdom. Thats why it's called socialism after hayek, he destroyed it so badly.

>> No.19430182

Please understand, he is not a poor retard, he is a temporarily embarrassed millionaire.

One day he's gonna be rich, and then people like him better watch out!

>> No.19430184

>How'd you manage to do that hundreds of times per year without getting caught?
Clearly the staff knew about it and turned a blind eye out of pity, since he is clearly a textbook charity case from a broken home.

It is by no means uncommon for this kind of thing to happen, the staff would probably give him the food for free, but they did not want him to feel embarassed over it.

>> No.19430185

>every aspect of american life should cost thousands of dollars because a bald twenty year old in oregon doesnt like taxes

>> No.19430186

stfu commie faggot

>> No.19430188
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 3648340-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stalin killed people so we shouldn't have public schools

>> No.19430189
File: 18 KB, 840x480, 1682761223207649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always forget that everyone on 4chan is a multimillionaire small business owner.

>> No.19430190
File: 70 KB, 720x540, A01A6384-B9E6-47DE-B580-940EA4564A6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19430191

Actually we shouldn't have public schools because they suck. Stalin has nothing to do with it.

>> No.19430192

Struck a nerve?
You'll never be in the club. Never.

>> No.19430196

The state funding is administrative
Turns out googling charts doesn't teach you how things actually worm

>> No.19430197

Yes, read the road to serfdom your brain will grow 3 sizes in a day

>> No.19430200

I told you to stfu. No one wants to hear about your gay collectivist scifi fantasy.

>> No.19430204

>the state funding is administrative?
Oh so public schools spend half their budget on administration? Sounds like an inefficient system. Maybe it should be privatized.

>> No.19430207

>actually I've decided statistics don't matter and the truth is whatever I say it is
should've expected no less
fact of the matter is in a Democrat-run city/county in a Democrat-run state, Republicans control less than 10% of your funding, yet the school lunches are still shit. Trying to blame it on le other party is absolute pure cope

>> No.19430211
File: 223 KB, 1280x720, challenged by preschooler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School lunches usually aren't free. You're paying for your kid to eat this slop because it's all they offer, and the only alternative is cooking lunch for them yourself. Which is time prohibitive for most people.

>> No.19430214

>obligatory japan does it better

>> No.19430218

How did hayek prove socialism doesn't work?

>> No.19430221

>making a sandwich is time-prohibitive for most americans

>> No.19430225

>scifi fantasy
We virtually eliminated child poverty in the US during Covid, and then the republicans said, "nope, can't have that!" These things are choices, anon. Thinking otherwise it the definition of ideology.

>> No.19430227

>a sandwich is a complete meal to the yuropoor

>> No.19430228

We are all suffering in the extreme because of economic measure taken during covid

>> No.19430236

School lunch wasn't ever free when I was in school. Plus, fuck that, I'm paying taxes to the school. Feed and provide for my kids while they are there, you lazy fucking state employees

>> No.19430237

what fucking world are you living in that lockdowns "eliminated child poverty"? 2 years of zoom classes was an absolute disaster for education, especially poors who were vastly more likely to stop showing up entirely and abuse victims who now had nowhere to go outside the house

>> No.19430252

american governments love spending the absolute least amount of money possible and american companies with illegal spic labor love providing the bare minimum services at those prices

>> No.19430256

He proves it in every way. Any argument any socialist has ever made he addresses concisely like he wasn't even trying. He explains how it can't be more equal, how it isn't more efficient, how it doesn't progress technology faster. Basically, communism can't make ends meet no matter what, no matter how much willingness the population has to be a slave that works a less appealing job if necessary, no matter how much up to date information and data you have on everyone and everything because the necessary data is inherently unknowable and needs to be constantly discovered by entrepreneurs. You may have heard this condensed into communism doesn't work because it has no price discovery.

He also explains that the issue of getting people to do things they don't want to do is only half the problem of communism, communism also needs to know how to use people as slaves better than they can use themselves, which isn't possible for the same data discovery reason.

>> No.19430260

This would be a fair argument if truancy laws didn't exist, but if you're going to threaten parents with legal action for not bringing their kids to your school or for not going through all your protocols for homeschooling, you get to feed them.
They just print whatever the hell they want to anyway, your taxes literally don't matter. they don't cap the budget to match the taxes they bring in, and they constantly create new BS projects that they will print billions for whenever they want. They might as well do this for something actually beneficial to anyone.

>> No.19430264

>spending all morning
Bruh this took a few mins. Fucking zoomers man everything has gotta be instant gratification a shitpost or the most basic braindead shit on par with youtube/tiktok.instagoy comments.
>90% of jew are
No they are prostatism and whatever gives them complete control and functional supremacy

What I am describing is how America use to be supporting the middle class and treating children/adults as what they are the future. Not goy cattle. A kitchen cafeteria like this would support a few women to have a middle class paying job with minor benefits. A job any woman with hardly any skills could do for it. Especially an older woman thats done with raising young children. Giving one company complete control without anyone having a say because the game is rigged and they get bribes. Has nothing to do with left or right because both sides bitch.

But then again public schools are nothing but daycares now. Because educating the goyim, is the worst thing imaginable. It gives them rights,freewill and a fucking conscious the worst things for society. A truly pity someone that has to send their child to an America public school. All the horrific violence all the corruption a child being unable to learn and be educated because DAS RAYCIST DATS WHITE PEEPPOOL CULUTURE LIL TRYONE CANTS READ and worst of all the teacher themselves not being educators. But instead hired to brainwashing children on "social and cultural problems". Rather than being what a teacher is fucking meant to be, an educator for children and teenages so they decide what to do in the future. Be it going to college for 2 years taking trade/skill for 1-3 years or spending 4-10 years in academia pursuing degree(s) at a university. This simple pyramid creates a healthy society. They have destroyed that worst of all they have raped higher education.

Its fucking sad state. Truly shows the decrepit state of public schools. When a child can't even get a healthy meal. Let alone education.

>> No.19430265
File: 73 KB, 946x946, communist christianity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A voucher system is just a way to defund public schools so you can force kids into private schools where you can brainwash them with your wacky religious beliefs.
If you want to brainwash your kids, that's what sunday school is for.

>> No.19430266

Education has never been a thing. Children being away from schooling is the one positive of the holocough.

The 6 purposes of schooling:
1 - teach unquestioning compliance by forcing children to agree with things which are visibly false
2 - conform all children, smart with the stupid
3 - prohibit learning more than required
4 - ridicule and ostracize undesirables so their peers see them this way to keep them from breeding
5 - categorize everyone
6 - select custodians to take over this

While not one of the original stated purposes of schooling, a 7th was added post WW2 when depopulation via war was deemed too dangerous to our rulers and they moved to using propaganda for that purpose.

7 - keep women in schooling as long as possible so they are not having families

>> No.19430278

>giving people money to be spent on a school of their choice is just a secret plan to brainwash people
Fuck off (you) monstrous leftcunt

>> No.19430280

There's nothing more ironic than anti-vaxers bitching about lockdowns. It's just one more example of the right doing everything in their power to sabotage something just so that they can claim it was never going to work. Regardless, that has absolutely nothing to do with child poverty, retard.

>> No.19430285

>school of their choice
All the private schools are christian brainwashing academies. Kill yourself so you can be with god faster.

>> No.19430287

Right, its hard to remember just how truly stupid you lefties are.

>> No.19430288

Oh look, another socialist who completely misunderstands the bible because he can't tell the difference between volition and mandate.

>> No.19430291

Private school is only associated with catholic school because public school originated as a means of brainwashing catholic kids.

>> No.19430293

Only the washouts that turned into amazon warehouse wagies believe this.
If you paid attention back in school you might have learned something and gotten a decent job. Then you would understand its value.

>> No.19430296

So what you are saying is the rich all want socialism and the poor are telling them to fuck off

>> No.19430302

Literally nobody mentioned vaccines, retard

>> No.19430304

No, just poor rightards who have been tricked into blaming the wrong people.

>> No.19430315

>One day he's gonna be rich, and then people like him better watch out!
I would say he is a realist. He lives in real world and knows rich fags will never be taxed no matter what shitty law you try to pass, and, not only that, the shitty tax law you try to "tax the rich" will end up screwing him even harder - in the end he would be better of not doing anything.
>'The naive fools help is worse than the attack of the mortal enemy.'

>> No.19430322

It's like you're so close to getting it, and then you swerve in the opposite direction and start talking "wokism" or whatever nonsense Fox News talking point designed precisely to keep people uneducated.

>> No.19430337

>the state should pay lunch ladies a cost-of-living adjusted starting wage from taxes
>the state should provide a free and quality education with a focus on critical thinking and self-improvement from taxes
That's what your people call "communist talk"

>> No.19430340

More like it is literally just dumb to tax. Any tax on the rich will just get passed on to their customers. The only thing you can tax is the consumer, every tariff every restriction on production every tax it all just comes down to the consumer. It is trickle down taxation and we need to replace it with trickle down wealth.

>> No.19430341

forcing innocent people to stay inside or to close their businesses under threat of robbery or imprisonment is not acceptable

>> No.19430354

>it's impossible to tax the rich!
Except we did, it's a large part of how the wealthiest middle class on the planet was created in the US alongside manufacturing supremacy post-WW2
It's demonstrably possible to tax the wealthy, it just requires a tax code that actually does so and an enforcement arm with the teeth to do actual enforcement

This is yet another example of sabotaging a system and using your own sabotage as evidence that the system should be removed

>> No.19430355

Nobody mentioned lockdowns, but at least people who bitched about the lockdowns were also the people bitching about masks and vaccines, whereas lockdowns have absolutely nothing to do with why child poverty was virtually eliminated a couple years ago.

>> No.19430367

Our economy has been fucked since before world war 1, you are just pretending if you think anything that has happened since then is legit and sustainable.

>> No.19430377

Everyone pays taxes equally. All taxes tariffs and economic restrictions just get passed down to the consumer, therefore the rich don’t pay taxes except on things they consume, therefore people are very literally paying equal taxes.

>> No.19430380

>post WW2
Don't make me laugh. We are in the globalists endgame here.
You keep pissing off the rich and they simply move somewhere out of your touch.
I thought Panama papers would open your eyes to the real world but nope.
You think, that you are going to force the billionaires to give you something more than crumbs and leftovers ?
Hah, you won't even have that.

>> No.19430389

>the middle class is effectively a relic of the past
>wealth is being consolidated into fewer and fewer hands
>lol, better to just be real and do nothing!
It almost sounds like you support this dynamic and think it's working. You must be very rich. Do you post on 4chan from the boardroom or...?

>> No.19430393

I'm always amazed that libertarians are still a thing. Kind of like incels. They're both such a joke I always kind of thought that most people were in on it.

>> No.19430396

>Everyone pays taxes equally.
No, not in any sense.
>All taxes tariffs and economic restrictions just get passed down to the consumer
There are more taxes than just sales taxes
Actually enforcing antitrust laws would make the gouging you're describing untenable
Estate taxes, progressive income taxes, capital gains taxes, wealth taxes, these are all things that work with a functional tax code and enforcement arm.
>They'll just move away if we tax them!
That's fucking retarded. No one interested in wealth is going to abandon a sixteen trillion dollar market and all of their assets in said market because they're being taxed a larger fraction of that wealth.
Do you realize how stupid that is?

>> No.19430397

>dang these guys are really smart and the real deal and I can't compete with my shitty ideas, better call them incels

>> No.19430400
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>I hate the billionaires! We should tax them less!
How did we get here from school lunches being shit

>> No.19430402

It doesn’t have to take the form of sales tax you braindead commie. They literally just pass on costs to their customers as the price of doing business competitively, you increase their taxes in anyway you increase their costs and therefore you increase the burden on the consumer. Every single time a rich person dodges a tax he is saving us money because he was just going to make us pay for it anyway.

>> No.19430406

This is what being raised on Fox News for the first 20 years of your life does to someone.

>> No.19430410

Taxation is just theft, supported by idiots

>> No.19430413

>x is a lot like y in this particular way
No, retard. Stay in school.

>> No.19430420

>window licking socialist calling others retarded

>> No.19430427

>every single time a rich person dodges a tax he is saving us money
This is good satire. I'm picturing the person saying this licking bezos' asshole clean after he takes a shit and thanking him for the opportunity to give back to his benefactor.

>> No.19430430

You sound mind broken, billy bob

>> No.19430434

Ok keep hurting yourself and others because you are an idiot aspiring tyrant

>> No.19430435

True true. I think school fees should be raised but then again charging 1200-2500. But there is no way in hell that would ever happen.
>the state should provide a free and quality education with a focus on critical thinking and self-improvement from taxes

This is the retarded part, like really really retarded part. A laptop with open-source educational programs would do 9001 X a better job than most "teachers". Students would move at their own pace, teachers would be there to help students understand X act as a leader/role model/etc shit, they'd be able to do far more one on one instructions. With a huge FOSS program/system anyone would be able to help creating lessons/programs/research/etc etc etc. Elementary/high school is 80% socializing and etc 20% education. Now its like 99% "anti-social" socializing and 1% education.

I mean the easy option would be to blame the teachers union for refusing to fucking update and come with the times. Then also shift a bunch of the blame on the government for allowing standards to get raped to fuck and lowered so much. Because Little Shaniqua Sheboonqua can't read thus the work is far far to hard and needs to be lowered, repeat for 21 years in a row. And make it so children that do want an education, have no way or options to pursue said challenge.

Its a horrid cycle of violence and oppression and subversion of the whole education system. All in the name of "tolerance" oh and making it so only parents that have money send their children to real schools so they can get an education on par with what they had as a child. When there parents were poor as fuck and had no money, at least back then those that showed hardwork and intelect were given the chance to get a good education.

Bad food really does show how much they care about children/future. Even if they themselves are the ones funding the food.
DONT FORGET THE VENDING MACHINES CHARGING MORE THAN A STORE! Will those profits go to the students? lolno

>> No.19430449

>he thinks the 1% produce anything
>he thinks wealth is accrued through owning a business and selling things to customers
This is honestly kind of cute.

>> No.19430450

School kitchens were gutting when the government tried to make the lunches healthier. They placed restrictions on what could be cooked, and instead of replacing the kitchens with new ones they just jewed out and started buying shit that could just be reheated.

>> No.19430465

>Since the late 80's Republicans have been looting school budgets mercilessly
Bro most school budgets have been increasing exponentially, we spend more per student than any other developed country. But most of the budget goes to administrative bloat, more "assistant principals" and shit like DEI advisors

>> No.19430471

>when you increase their personal taxes it becomes a 1:1 increase in cost of goods
That's so hilariously wrong on so many levels that I don't even know where to begin
I suggest you start with one of those flash games for elementary schoolers where they teach you how pricing works with a lemonade stand

>> No.19430473

All the richest people are the heads of huge businesses, Amazon Microsoft etc

>> No.19430479

It is completely correct. You idiots all think money is like an infinite pool of mana being hogged by those at the source or something. There is no money to tax, all the money you think you can take just gets taken from the customer as price of doing business.

>> No.19430486

>If the consumer gets money they'll use it to buy things, which will then go back to the consumer in the form of wages and tax-payed programs!
And that, children, is called "a functioning economy"

>> No.19430489

Moving the goal post.

>> No.19430494


>> No.19430525
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>literal prison trays
>hating your child that much to send him to public schools to be mind raped into good goyim
i fuckin hate my parents for doing that to me. i spit on their grave.
i'm definitely homeschooling my kid.

>> No.19430594

School lunches aren't free, at least not in the US. And over the last decade or so, schools have been cracking down on what can and cannot be brought into schools food wise.

I don't have kids, but I have friends who do. And then there's threads like this. I've read many stories of schools banning students from bringing homemade lunches because the school can't control the type of food brought and fear getting sued by a family who's kid had an allergic reaction to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich which is the only thing poor Timmy's family can afford. Or have heard stories of teachers or staff taking away certain food because they are considered "unhealthy".

So even if a parent wanted to try to control what their kid ate during the school year - or wanted to try to avoid school lunch debt- there is no guarantee that they would even be allowed to make their kids' lunches themselves.

>> No.19430628

>I've read many stories
Yeah, there's all kinds of bullshit on the internet these days.

>> No.19430640

The thing is tho these people don't. The money is not even in bank accounts 99% is in stock bonds forex gold etc. They then borrow money as an ultra cheap loan rather than selling anything since A it would be tax and B selling would lose them money. That borrowed money is untaxable in hidden away in shell acounts and etc BS.

Anyone thats worth more than 2m in America does this this includes corporations and businesses. The rich do not pay taxes because they do not have taxable "incomes" they only have investments&loans.

Its why someone who was not retarded a decade ago could get a mortgage for house pay the tiny down payment. Flip the house by doing nothing nor paying tax in a few years and magically 2-5 X your money turning a 400k house into 2m with only 20-40k. You can spend some money making the house look pretty spending 5k on floors magically makes the house worth 30-40k more. Reinvest the money ASAP take that 400k-2m and get even more morgages&loans. pay no taxes or barely any because you create imaginarily loses. And place all your funds in tax heavens hide everything in shell/fake biz/other peoples names/number accounts etc. Funds cant be siezed you do not own any property some corporation that you have nothing to do with does. Spend a few hundred k on citizenship for some island nation in the Carbian or spend a few million for a real one in Malta/etc countries that allow you to "buy" citizenship bonus points for going dual and become a ghost citizen. Deal with a bunch of legal shit then you can move back to the states with no problem what so ever.

Its a joke once you can get 500-1m in loans/credit/mortgages/leverage you're set for life. The markets are ultra fucked now because why buy 1m in stock and only get your broker to give you 500k in leverage or wtv with futures. When you can get a mortgage and only pay 5-10% getting the rest on credit and at least 15X your money. The rich/corps do not pay taxes good goy middleclass pay

>> No.19430651

>It's untaxable!
Except it is taxable.
Investments and loans are taxed with capital gains taxes
You can bring up the ways the current tax code sucks as much as you like, it doesn't make the concept of taxing the rich bad or impossible. It's just more reason to fix the tax code, increase tax rates on the wealthy by doing things like increasing capital gains tax, and giving the IRS the money and mandate to go after ultra-high-value tax fraud/evasion.

We are in agreement that the current situation is bad, but "fix it" is a better solution than "blow it up further"

>> No.19430663

Republicans got people like you by the balls.

>> No.19430718

>Ivan is mad that McD's refuses to do business with his shithole country
Seethe harder loser lol!

>> No.19430747

I think parents should have to pay a yearly $5,000 fee to enroll their child into public schools even. No form of education should be free if the state is providing it. Education is a privilege, not a right.

>> No.19430771

>i hate all these stupid people, and lazy people, and poor people, and drug addicts, and homeless people
>i know, lets create even more of them!
>and we can ban abortion and any kind of reproductive education or healthcare!
>that way they'll reproduce like bunnies and i'll finally be able to live out my dream of being the smartest man alive when the world turns into idiocracy!

>> No.19430783

School launches are free in the USA. If you come from a high income family than you might have to pay for lunch but my friends in high school who had rich parents never paid for theirs

Where are you Europeans getting that information?

>> No.19430797

Schools are taxpayer funded. Even though I don't have any kids, I end up paying for the local schools to trannify somebody else's kids.

>> No.19430833

>poor kid who couldnt afford chick fil a in high school
suck to be you

>> No.19430843

i loved my high schools lunches

>> No.19430856

>chick fil a in high school
Holy zoom zoom.

>> No.19430865

Nah I don't want more fucking retards around than there already are. Compulsory education needs to be more prevalent. Tell the CEO faggots that shipped all the jobs to China, India and Pakistan to fuck off and raid their coffers to fund private and public education. Those leeches ruined the lives of enough kids by shipping all our jobs to Asia, so now they don't get to fly to molestation island to fuck kids anymore. Now they get to use their money to fix what the fucked up

>> No.19430872

Yummy yummy.
Begone kike.

>> No.19430877

No, I'm American, born and raised. My school lunch was not free. I went to school in Long Island New York and graduated in 2005. I had to pay $1.50 for lunch.
Different states have different policies when it comes to school lunches, dumbfuck. Your experiences aren't universal because America is different from state to state.

>> No.19430888

Because most of the money allocated to the program is siphoned off to assist local bureaucrats and politicians in making their boat and car payments.

>> No.19430890

I remember paying for lunch in elementary school (I think it was like 35 or 40 cents, and an extra 10 if you wanted to upgrade to chocolate milk), but never in middle or high. I know the poor kids who came to school early to eat breakfast needed to fill out some extra form to quality for poor kid breakfast, but other than like a $40 whatever fee at the beginning of each year I don't ever remember having to exchange money. But yeah, obviously different states do things differently. It's just weird thinking back because I could have eaten lunch every day in high school and I probably only ever did half a dozen times.

>> No.19430899

America is the best 3rd world country! :smug:

>> No.19431094

competition breeds excellence and innovation, stop being retarded. even if your retarded theory was true, and if private schools did become the defacto education you would have all kinds that lean both left and right.

your alternative is a monolithic ministry of truth that is the only way to be educated

>> No.19431128

as someone who works in public education this is the case, public education has become like any other wing of the government, only gets bigger. and the middle managerial and top admin positions collect a majority of the tax revenue

I know multiple teachers who have left public education and started working for private schools, even if the pay/ benefits are not as good, simply because on average the students are more well behaved and there is less red tape/hoops your average teacher has to jump through just to do their job

>> No.19431144

All resistance to voucher programs comes from public school administration I wonder why

>> No.19431150

There were multiple times I remember when the mill we got had this slimy, ropey texture to it and they would tell us to drink it anyways. No one ever got sick that but I always wondered what I was.

>> No.19431166

>I know multiple teachers who have left public education and started working for private schools, even if the pay/ benefits are not as good, simply because on average the students are more well behaved and there is less red tape/hoops your average teacher has to jump through just to do their job
This is Biden supporter code for "I have Black people of color fatigue."
I mean, how are we supposed to interpret it when you basically say that teachers prefer to teach students that want to learn?

>> No.19431173

based absolute schizo

>> No.19431182

>based absolute schizo
To be fair, Michelle's actual name is "Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama"
LaVaughn Robinson is a man. Why did Michelle's parents give her a man's name?

>> No.19431188
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Because America is a failed state full of poverty. Paradoxically, it's extremely rich. Yet has as much - or more - gun violence and poverty as developing African or South American nations suffer from.

The youth have no future. They will never be able to afford to go to college, open a business, have children, buy a house etc unless they live off of credit their entire life. They'd be better off becoming sex workers and OnlyFans whores. At least there is guaranteed income there.

So the state has concluded that they just aren't worth providing for anymore, which is why they get the bare minimum of sustenance just so American children don't start developing kwashiorkor. The adult population lives off of fast food and goyslop because the majority have never learned how to cook or were educated on the most fundamental things in life. How many Americans would know how to grow and maintain a tomato plant? Very fucking few.

Hence why American children get fed disposable styrofoam plastic trays of goyslop provided by corporations like Aramark, who are also responsible for feeding prisoners. The US government at all levels sees American children and American prisoners as equals.

Failed state.

>> No.19431202

Posts like this make me think that anti-police organizations like BLM or the Black Panthers should use their millions of dollars to provide free breakfast for people of color.

>> No.19431209

School lunch isn't free unless you're poor enough to qualify for a subsidized lunch which you have to apply for. I know because I grew up poor as fuck and had free lunch which I regularly sold to fat kids so I could get some spending money since I wasn't gonna eat that slop either way

That said though it is dirt fucking cheap, back when I was in school I think it ranged from $0.50 back when I was in elementary school up to I think $1.25 when I graduated. Why is the food shit? Because it's cheap garbage being produced by the lowest bidder with no competition or choice on the students' behalf so there's no incentive to improve it.

>> No.19431218

School lunch for poor white kids should be half a loaf of nutraloaf, a chunk of lard, a small cup of water, and a plastic butter knife.

>> No.19431266
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I'm not black or American so I have no idea what you're talking about, but it sounds like you're just trying to shift the blame that your children - the future of your nation - eat worse than starving peasant children in a UN refugee camp in the middle of Somalia. Shifting the blame seems to be what you guys do best, though, which is why your country is in the state it's currently in.

>> No.19431715

Shut the fuck up proud slave

>> No.19431726

Japs seem to have no problem making delicious, healthy meals for their kids that cost only $2.20 a serving
warning: the school's Home Ec teacher / dietician is a cutie

>> No.19431806

Its not my fault nigger kids are out of control, people vote with their feet and that means not wanting to teach brown kids, sue me

>> No.19431817

Also who brought up Biden? I've had brown people fatigue my whole life

>> No.19431842

That shit is not a biscuit it's some kind of dinner roll simulacrum

>> No.19432125

School lunch is not terrible it's healthy high calorie often it's the best meal a kid gets many schools have a breakfast meel ,you can't expect a 5 dollar meal so yes it's masproduced like a soup or pizza and a vegetable consider how many meals the lunch ladies have to make it's amazing any one gets fed ,I literally went hungry as a child offtion thairs was a very long line to get food you ran or you didn't get food from the school . So I went to the gym .

>> No.19432152

>My shitty corpo-backed politician cares about me more than YOUR shitty israel-backed politician
Holy shit shut up you retards.

>> No.19432309

School lunch at least in texas is super proccessed cheap shit, you can make way healthier school lunches at home

>> No.19432315

You stupid Amerifat. We get better food at my "shithole" country's army.

>> No.19432318

Least we feed our kids

>> No.19432322
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>his mom didn't love him enough to pack him lunch

>> No.19432330


If this was an American school everyone would break out into a fight, food would start flying all over the place, the teacher would just sit back because they couldn't do anything and someone may or may not end up shanked/shot. Kek. Japanese are like "Sakamoto-chan here is your straw! Don't forget! :) Enjoy the healthy meal! :D".

>> No.19432337

Right? I would have two sandwiches a bannana a small ziploc bag of chips and a little Debbie snak cake
Money for milk

>> No.19432346

Lil rich kids in Japan
yeah we have schools like that here, don't get it twisted up

>> No.19432357

My dad would make me lunch almost every day of the week
Ham and cheese croissants
Crepes and salami or prosciutto with fruit
A wedge of brie with half a baguette and some pate
Cupcake quiches
Tuna with a salad nicoise and some yogurt
I thought we were poor, I mean, we sorta were
All I wanted was school lunch or better yet Lunchables

Kids are dumb

>> No.19432361

Mine would do a sandwich and some fruit. Once I got to high school, one of my teachers had a mini fridge and a microwave so I'd just bring leftovers. Good times.

>> No.19432380

Any fellow bong anons who went to state schools/publicly funded schools want to give some insight in how we compare? I went to a catholic comprehensive in London. I remember there was a lemon/orange chicken day. Chili con carne. Baked potatoes (which a choice of beans, cheese, or tuna). Not to mention stuff like cheap pizza and dry burgers. In secondary school, the pasta pot was the popular choice, I thought it was shit though. Most people just bought sandwiches. I don’t think I ever ate in the cafeteria except for the Christmas dinner

>> No.19432398

>Is it to condition kids for life in the private prison system?
Same people design both of them

>> No.19432476

Yes it is your so smart, we feed our children this to get used to prison life,,,,you figured this out on your own?
Too bad we are a world power no one can ignore

>> No.19432489


Same people feed both of them. Aramark, Sodexo etc. These companies see people as livestock. Just warm bodies they provide the bare minimum to to ensure they have a heartbeat and can earn them more capital.

>> No.19432497
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>all these zoomers and europosters
American school lunch isn't that bad, the lowest it ever got was during the Obama years but it's slowly recovered. A lot of american schools go through big government approved services for their lunches. It used to be more individalistic but after the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act it all went to shit. Also schools are not as underfunded as you think. I work at a ghetto school and we have a ridiculous amount of cash coming in. The problem is retarded management piddling the money away on idiotic projects and their own salaries.
>t. teacher in the ghetto

>> No.19432498

So just like any company, anywhere

>> No.19432505

School lunches are made to feed black kids whose parents are selling their ebt for drugs.

>> No.19432535

In Philly it's so bad they serve kids breakfast as well as lunches thinking that is all they might eat all day

>> No.19432569

They do that at every public school in America. You need to sign up for the free breakfast, but the barrier of entry is insanely low.

>> No.19432678

i went to a magnet school for high school that had its own food department for the students. the food was great every single day, and at most maybe 2-3 dollars
not saying this is common but not everything is shit in america

>> No.19432778

Way back in the day the Department of War had a problem with the draft, so they standardized lunches to get healthier recruits. So kinda. But that's what got the feds involved which eventually got the sysco and other companies like it involved down the line.

>> No.19432867
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>Why are American school lunches such notorious slop? Is it to condition kids for life in the private prison system?
Just corruption and modern attitudes to consumption and waste.

When the school lunch system was set up it was equally as much about using overproduced items of food to bail out farmers as it was to feed kids; as such, the food items were constantly rotating and shifting, and couldn't be mass produced in a factory - it had to be cooked from scratch like real food, and featured a lot of fresh, good food.

Fast forward a few decades, and federal funding had been drastically cut - in come the corrupt politicians and school system beareaucrats with corporate ties, and in a matter of a decade school lunches went from normal, home cooked style food, to low quality, mass produced factory food with an astounding amount of packaging and waste. School systems were able to make further savings by drastically cutting catering staff - which was abused over time by the corporations to increase the costs of schools.

Honestly, everyone involved should geneuinely be killed for sailing generations of american kids up an obesity river.

Meanwhile, look overseas to companies like Japan (yes, in this one instance, weebs are right) - to this day food is produced in school district kitchens, from raw ingredients, making sure to use seasonally overstocked ingredients to save money - kids eat very well, they don't grow up on corporate sponsored junk food five times a week - and as a result don't form unhealthy habits with food.

The kicker of it all is they now probably spend less per kid than American schools do now.


>> No.19432961

>multiple teachers who have left public education and started working for private schools, even if the pay/ benefits are not as good
Lol. I think you forgot that you're no longer posting on your containment board, anon. /ck/ may be pretty dumb but it's nowhere near /pol/ tier dumb, where you can just blatantly lie and everyone will cheer you on because you're on the same team and just looking for validation.

>> No.19432974

A passionate nihilist is nothing more than a retard sperging out about their retarded shit nobody else cares about.

>> No.19432983

Even someone completely out of touch with American culture like a 10 year old Cambodian kid who lives in the country probably knows that Texas and Florida don't give a shit about children.

>> No.19433276
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japans a terrible example, they are in the middle of a childbirth rate crisis. didnt say you were wrong, just that using a place thats outright announced they are in a demographic crisis is a poor one to use

>> No.19433290

I went to a public school in a pretty rich county / area and they still served us complete garbage like cheese-whiz on toast with bacon bits and ranch dip and butter milk biscuits and chicken nuggets and peanut butter balls wrapped in bacon and chorizo stuffed inside chicken bake.

for desert there was always a giant ice cream buffet sponsored by the local ice cream store. this was in Connecticut where ice cream is big so they would have a giant stall with an ice cream buffet and usually when we'd go back to class they would turn the melted ice cream into smoothies and by the end of 7th period they would give us the ice cream smoothies and put bacon bits and peanut butter and caramel and fudge on it and give it to. Ice cream day was every Tuesday and Friday. teachers enjoyed it too.

>> No.19433327

Anyone have the recipe for the turkey slop? I've been chasing that fucking dragon for years.

>> No.19433337


>> No.19433649

Based cafeteria ladies with a sense of decency

>> No.19433652

>Not making your kid make their own lunches as soon as they turn 8

>> No.19433661

Except most people don't get it for free, they have to pay for that shit. Wanna know what full price lunch costs? Upwards 5 dollars, for that shit.

>> No.19434121

You must be either a lot older than I am or grew up in a state not as expensive as NY. 40 cents for lunch is damn cheap. My school had a system where kids' parents could pre pay for lunches for the whole quarter with a fee. My parents did that, and the money rolled over to the next quarter if you didn't use it all.
I always ate lunch at school cause I always got that stupid lunch period that was like 1030 in the fuckin morning. So I wouldn't eat breakfast and just have the early lunch be my meal

>> No.19434135

Imagine actually caring about the youth of your country. This is what an intelligent monoculture allows you to have. I hate America so much, why was I born in this shithole?

>> No.19434171

>You need to pick a side in the completely superficial political drama that involves two parties that are extremely close to each other in every respect besides some social policy
I'm voting for Budd Dwyer in the next election and you can't stop me

>> No.19434179

Japan also excludes children with dietary preferences, religious/personal/moral or health-related, from this entire process and thus from a large social aspect of school. Fuck you little timmy for being allergic to an ingredient, go sit in the corner alone and be shunned.

>> No.19434189

>I'm saying that's not a biscuit and nobody in the US would ever refer to that as a biscuit
A biscuit is what americans call a cookie. Literally only americans call weird bread roll pastry things biscuits.

>> No.19434192

>to an American internet forum
Someone doesn't know the history of imageboards. Which I suppose is self-evident from calling it a forum.

>> No.19434211

NTA but your grandchildren will be paying off the covid spending. It's obviously unsustainable in the long term.