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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 822 KB, 749x702, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19422026 No.19422026 [Reply] [Original]

great idea to kill one of the only good things about New York

>> No.19422028

check the catalog twitter cancer tourist

>> No.19422035

Please use "NYC" when referring to the city, not just "New York". Upstate is actually very nice.
Also this

>> No.19422046

i can't find any threads about this

>> No.19422075

Let's keep it that way. Jew Yorker copium about their pizza is the only thing they have aside from guidos and bagels.

>> No.19422092

better to live on your feet than die on your knees, pie son

>> No.19422095
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Wood fired pizza? How's pizza gonna get a job now?

>> No.19422134

That sounds gross.

>> No.19422769

Coding. Even spaghetii learned that.

>> No.19422933
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Heres your pizza sir

>> No.19422935

They mean hot coals from wood, right? Not mined coal. That doesn't sound good at all. Yes, fags, I know what mined coal is

>> No.19422941

Shit. I forgot to say fuck new york and all its lands/inhabitants. Very important piece of info for you lads.

>> No.19422960

Worked at a wood fired place once, yes coal as in power plant coal. Its just a heat source gimmick it does nothing to the flavor. Wood is really expensive and labor intensive to deal with most wood fire places use coal with some logs in front.

>> No.19422963

New yorkers can't eat THAT much pizza to the point where that matters can they? NY pizza isn't even that good

>> No.19422977
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I prefer the banning of ugly gas cars. I hate how gas cars have looked aesthetically for the past 20 years. Slave wagon liminal dystopia crap

>oy vey

All power to the new true 4chan that is Twitter.

>> No.19422982

don't most trad ny places just use a standard pizza oven?

>> No.19422984
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Reject Israels kings and worship tomboy Dixie Satan.

>> No.19422990
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The national debt is Israels, not ours.

All victory to Canaan and Dixie Nazi New York and Dixie Nazi LA.

Each utopia is peaceful Nazism.

>> No.19422992

I eat pizza almost every time I go out because it's the cheapest meal you can get. "Coal-fired ovens" are more of a specialty thing; most places with decent pizza will have one of those big pizza ovens that just uses gas.

>> No.19423003

yeah, OP's pic shows grimaldis 's which is just a meme pizza place in DUMBO. I'm not a big fan of sit down pizza reataurants desu where you go to order like 3 different pies with a group of friends and it's served on those metal platters that raise the pies a foot above the table. New Haven style pizza (what every cunt on this site raves about now) is basically the same as this, it's good but I just want to get two slices and a drink for $6.50, eat it fast, and then get on with my day (being a gymcel gamer NEET)

>> No.19423029

you know what else is made of carbon right?
but you wont bother to enforce what truly needs to be done

>> No.19423039

this schizo again

>> No.19423042

see its bit by bit, that's how they do it
a few years back they banned coal fired pizza restaurants from opening, you were grandfathered in if you already had one but no new ones were allowed to open
now they go after the ones that are left

all the pollution in the city and they are worried about pizza oven smoke from like 6 restaurants

>> No.19423250

Hell yeah brother!


>> No.19423270

Imagine the pastabilities.

>> No.19423275

Ahh yes, fuck cars, fuck private mega industry, fuck world wide shipping industry, no the REAL PROBLEM is clearly the couple dozen wood/coal-fired pizzerias.

I hate people.

>> No.19423282

There is nothing good about new york

>> No.19423285

What's even dumber is the mayor's pet project to try and get New Yorkers on a plant based diet, so they'll take away the 1 vegetarian meal people willingly eat on their own?

>> No.19423291

Even if every coal or wood oven in the city suddenly stopped forever, you'd see a reduction in emissions by what? ~0.000000001% of the city's total?

What the fuck is the point?

>> No.19423309

>new york pizza

>> No.19423321

Attack on small business

>> No.19423325

There has to be a test aspect to this bullshit. I mean, sure, our bureaucracy and political system is a joke, wokeness and virtue signalling is a joke, but I have to believe in at least a little chance that it's machiavellian scheming to see just how far they can push certain kinds of things before they get push back of some sort. How bad is it that I'd prefer that kind of evil competence to the idiocy?

>> No.19423388

Right I forgot pizza is the only vegetable americans willingly eat

>> No.19423390

>one of
literally the only good thing left in that shithole

>> No.19423578

NYC is only a city where there are the most über rich and gibsmedats. There is no in between and even then with enough damage even the wealthy elite will leave.

>> No.19423640

none of this will actually happen, you're getting flustered by twitter hysteria. embarrassing.

>> No.19423657

>There is nothing good about new york
Not true. I don't live there and enjoy reading about how progressively worse it gets. Same with San Francisco.
Makes me really appreciate living in a place that is doing just fine.

>> No.19423732
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I'm heading to NYC for a trip later this year, how can I contribute to the downfall of this hellhole?

>> No.19423760

Vote blue, kek

>> No.19423764

can you stay on /int/ please if you HAVE to shit up one board

>> No.19424944
File: 90 KB, 803x756, 1658426396667402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you hear the words 'Net Zero' or 'Carbon Neutral' that's literally what they mean, you won't be allowed to have anything because it all produces carbon somehow. only the state and their corporate allies are allowed to produce carbon. and it has nothing to do with the environment.

>> No.19424995
File: 32 KB, 675x138, Screenshot 2023-06-26 234218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of this will actually happen
>you're getting flustered by twitter hysteria.
Remember when banning natural gas stoves was considered a right-wing conspiracy? Embarrassing.

>> No.19425012

>banning natural gas
these fucking people dont live in the real world. there was a huge ice storm, knocked out all the electric for 2, 3 weeks. the only thing that kept my family alive was that we had a wall heater that was natural gas. and our water heater was gas too so we could still take hot showers.

>> No.19425035

The purpose is to get people reliant on the electrical grid because then they have control over your energy consumption, if your house runs on oil or gas they can't throttle you remotely

Once your house and your car are required to use electricity only then they can target you, say the wrong thing online? Go to the wrong political rally?
Just shut your whole life down

It's about centralization and control

>> No.19425040
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/pol/fags constantly meme about humiliation rituals but this is one of the few times it's true. Shit like this exists to remind the population that they are servants who can be subjugated whenever the elites feel like it. Just like when COVID restrictions happened you just know that the politicians who want to be seen as tough on smoky ovens aren't going to stop eating pizza cooked in smoky ovens and that some of them might even own pizza ovens on their property but the point is that YOU can't have it and it's for your own good.

>> No.19425056

Thats what Jew York gets for letting women minorities and jews vote. They ban plant based cooking shit but let Lucky Larry get away with poisoning Manhattan with asbestos lead mercury and tons of carcinogens.

>> No.19425060
File: 119 KB, 673x518, Screenshot 2023-06-26 235958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just shut your whole life down
>It's about centralization and control

>> No.19425118

the point is there are negligible emissions coming from all pizzerias combined in the united states, compared to anything other countries do
but team america world police has to think it's doing right by fucking over their businesses, taxpayers, to try and earn brownie points with who the fuck knows, rather than try to police the rest of the world like they should be doing.

>> No.19425128

Their mayor now is literally a vegan and has been pushing vegan shit

>> No.19425139

That doesnt make any sense. Most shitty jew york slice joints already have some crusty ass gas oven and the wood stove faggot places in manhattan and brooklyn were most likely to make vegan pies.

>> No.19425324

New York pizza is a meme anyway. They have to fold it in half and walk down the street, huffing car exhaust, in order to find any flavor in it.

>> No.19425331

Take pictures with Spiderman in Times Square, but throw the money on the ground, and enjoy the spectacle as the various costumed grifters fight over it, until eventually one of them stabs Elmo or something.

>> No.19425344
File: 60 KB, 554x554, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing beats the smell of wood spice infused smoke in the countryside produced by traditional wood ovens and furnaces, especially when you're so used to living in city neighbourhoods with soulless gas and electric heaters. An Afghan kebab place near me uses wood fired oven to make their God tier bread and the smoke literally gives the whole town a free fragrance that masks the smell of the poor. They should be thankful these guys are perfuming the area with their delicious smoke at a higher cost to their margin

>> No.19425525

I hate where the world is headed.

>> No.19426534

At least once the nukes fly it won't matter what we burn.

>> No.19426639
File: 453 KB, 2000x1333, newspress-collage-26952449-1683566041803[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but will they do anything about Matzah bakeries?

>> No.19426647

if they want to cut emissions, why don’t they exclusively go after china and india

>> No.19426652

It's already there. there are no side paths or alternate routes. there is no going back.

>> No.19426756

China go after their own farmer too. They would force their farmer to buy chink solar panel, electric and gas water heater made buy the official's relative, seal up the exisitng traditional stove anf furnance, while farmers barely has enough profit from their field to cover fancy gas bill because the government buys the crop at low price.

>> No.19427237
File: 269 KB, 660x550, CO2 emissions world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19427243

In fairness, it's all in the temperature, not the fuel.

>> No.19427256

Honestly, banning cars would basically cut out emissions in half, if not more.

>> No.19427261

CO2 is inevitable with biofuel oxidation you racist rethuglican chud. Learn the science and be better.

>> No.19427343

>Cumulative total
Literally useless information when talking about cutting future emissions you retard

>> No.19427358


>> No.19427424

>emissions data for the last 270 years
What a disingenuous interval seeing as China has no recorded emissions data prior to the year 1900. What CCP drone made this graph? Meanwhile over the last 10 years China has generated consistently twice as much emissions by year after year AND their graph is trending upward unlike the US which has been trending down since 2000.

>> No.19427485

kek all the chuds scatter when the facts come out

>> No.19427530
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>> No.19427546

every New Yorker I met was insufferable and wouldn't shut up about how great the new York was. then why'd you leave if it was so great? go back and stop shitting up other states. maybe you should piss on your shoes so it smells like New York wherever you go.

>> No.19427582

Fucking jews I swear to god. Now I lost any pity I had for them and fully support the crackdown.

>> No.19427590

you got debunked before you even posted

>> No.19427599

>Jews trying to poison people with toxic gas
Must be one of them German neighborhoods

>> No.19427603

>I worked at a pizzeria where they fired the ovens with bituminous coal
Stupid fucking retard stop talking.

>> No.19427607

What else are they going to do, try to reduce car usage slightly to offset it?

>> No.19427613

The people who live in NYC are getting everything they voted for. Nothing is funnier than dumbasses getting what they deserve.

>> No.19427623

They are coming for your personal bbq's and smokers.

>> No.19427626

new yorkers didn't vote for this shit, nobody born and bred here voted for this
it was all the wealthy liberal transplants that came here for college and never left

>> No.19427677

New Yorkers know good pizza. More specifically, they know to get the hell out of NYC and drive to Connecticut.



>> No.19427702

Meanwhile dipshit canada cant put out fires and the smoke is going everywhere. Im west of Chicago in a flyover town and outside looks like a light grey. God damnit I hate demonrats.

>> No.19427717

CT pizza is better anyway. Any non chain place, not just new haven.

>> No.19427773

>Iphone file name

>> No.19427775

For ovens or in general? My old family house was heated by a natural gas furnace. Is NYS going to pay to retrofit it with something else? Of course not.
CO2 is a literal non-issue. Plants intake it. Plant some trees you hippie fuck.
>le public transit shill has arrived

>> No.19427782
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>0 sources backing up your claims
>source posted that BTFOs your claim
>"b-but you got d-debunked!!!!!!!!!!!"
pathetic, little guy. pathetic

>> No.19427799
File: 634 KB, 2560x1707, Pizza-Napoletana-Metodo-Margherita-dallalto-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aren't these black burnt parts pure cancer?

do italians really eat this?

I tried a pizza Napoletana and I loved the light taste for a pizza. It made me feel full without feeling gross and weighted down like average pizza but all these charred parts bother me.

>> No.19427807
File: 34 KB, 493x543, proxy-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>banning cars would basically cut out emissions in half, if not more.
climate retards never look anything up. that's why they believe in the carbon conspiracy.

>> No.19427821


>> No.19427829

Its Joever

>> No.19427830

Who cares? New York pizza is shit casserole anyway. Give me Chicago style any day of the week

>> No.19427852

>new york pizza
Pick one

>> No.19427906

Chicago style is casserole style pizza you tard

>> No.19427918

Look at the diarrhea casserole in OPs picture retard. That is New York style

>> No.19427932
File: 57 KB, 616x462, 1358448857074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont know what a casserole is do you retard?
>A casserole is a kind of large, deep pan or bowl used for cooking a variety of dishes in the oven; it is also a category of foods cooked in such a vessel. To distinguish the two uses, the pan can be called a "casserole dish" or "casserole pan," whereas the food is simply "a casserole.
That is not cooked in a deep pan like a chicago style is

>> No.19427939
File: 2.14 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20230625_051802786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're tasty, stop being a pussy.

>> No.19427946

I mean I enjoy the bitter taste but I'm worrying that each pizza is shortening my lifespan drastically
is a few minutes of pleasure worth it?

>> No.19427945

That looks like a deep pan to me, in fact one could say it looks casserole like.

>> No.19427947

other good things about new york include the walkability and the abundance of high quality culture, libraries, and skinny art hoes

>> No.19427954

>I'm worrying that each pizza is shortening my lifespan drastically
What's living with severe mental illness like?
Firstly you would need to eat far more than pizza even multiple times a week and secondly pizza specifically is far better compared to processed things.

>> No.19427955

Have you ever seen pizza in person? You have no idea wtf you're talking about

>> No.19427961

i own a pizza oven

>> No.19427962

What oven do you own?

>> No.19427963
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>> No.19427964

Is not being a biochemist/doctor and not being aware of how much damage burnt food does to you a mental illness?

>> No.19427966

Not for long bitch

>> No.19427967

Halo Versa 16

let me guess, you're 14

>> No.19427970

>he thinks that eating charred food occasionally is worse than eating any amount of preprocessed or preserved foods
Sad, many such cases.

>> No.19427977

Do you like it?
I too own a pizza oven, I have a pizzaparty emozione that I really enjoy.

>> No.19427989

the fact that it rotates is very nice. easy to clean since the lid lifts up. it cant do neopolitan. takes like 30 minutes to heat up the stone and eats a ton of propane in the process. my wife is still trying to perfect a dough recipe and cooking method for it, we've used it maybe once a week.

>> No.19427999

Why can't it do Neapolitan?
I brush my oven out with a wire brush when it's cool if there is anything in it but usually cooking temps burn anything to ash so that isn't really a problem for me.
Cooking pizza at home is really fun in my experience.

>> No.19428000

Will we finally see induction pizza ovens?

>> No.19428002

>What the fuck is the point?
To make it so you can't survive without something that has a remote killswitch

>> No.19428005
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>> No.19428036

>Why can't it do Neapolitan?
supposedly doesnt get hot enough. ambient gets over 1000 but the stone maxes out at 800 or so i'm told

>> No.19428044

That's unfortunate, it's definitely my favorite style of pizza.

>> No.19428138

Less harm that the corn-syrup, seed oil goyslop you eat by the truckful.

>> No.19428168

Banning wood powered furnaces I'm against, but I fully support not using fucking coal to heat up your furnace what the fuck

>> No.19428343

I think they are charcoal.

>> No.19429748

I think the article / tweet is misleading. The primary issue with coal/wood fires in populated areas is production of PM2.5

>> No.19429761

Kill a wagie on the subway