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File: 35 KB, 713x335, uh oh stinky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19413712 No.19413712 [Reply] [Original]

ketobros.. are women repulsed by us?

>> No.19413728

My keto breath smells like when you leave a full trash can open for a few weeks. Why did you retards meme me into this shitty diet?

>> No.19413736
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>> No.19413742

Bad breath is caused by meat since it is stringy and hard to break down so it gets caught in your teeth forever and bacteria grows on it, it is even worse with fish. Anyway hating on keto is femcel energy.

>> No.19414208

Why are you talking to women

>> No.19414213

because I don't suck cocks like you

>> No.19414218

baking soda gets rid of it

>> No.19414222

>ketolards eat spoonfulls of baking soda to fix the symptoms of their shitty diet
kek the gift keeps on giving

>> No.19414239
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>> No.19414245
File: 1.06 MB, 1080x1040, keto logic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19414282

you might as well replace the first three with a bowl of candy

>> No.19414308

>b-but m'lady we conversed so well surely you owe me at least a crumb of pussy

>> No.19414323

you joke but ketards unironically believe that

>> No.19414328

That looks pretty fucking good, what is it?

>> No.19414337

where I got the image

>> No.19414340

lel someone post that pic of that anon's oily piss. The guy actually pissed oil, I don't even

>> No.19414346

Sad fact is that you can have bad breath, a bad personality, terrible finances, and no future, but if you're good looking chicks will still like you.

>> No.19414427

I'm not joking. Carbs are literally sugar.

>> No.19414950

why not just brush your teeth more, breath mints, mouthwash

>> No.19414958

Been there, was adding mct oil to my food and before you know it I started peeing oil

>> No.19414980

I think this is what the OP is actually referring to, and they're just junk sciencing. Just floss (floss sticks facilitate this) after every meal and your breath will probably be fine. OP's article seems semetic.

>> No.19415023

>are women repulsed by us
Explain to me why this is a negative.

>> No.19415038
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Women are horrible people, anything that keeps them at bay is a good thing.

>> No.19415056

They sense my power and are afraid. I do not avoid women, but I do deny them my essence

>> No.19415185

Every day I thank the Lord for making me a homosexual. Women are worse in every way that matters.

>> No.19415347

If you want to lose weight then eat less. It's not that fucking hard.

>> No.19415490
File: 62 KB, 395x401, 1682715987464431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who hate keto are literally gay
the memes write themselves

>> No.19416020

It's not only the breath. Also sweat stinks like breath because of ketones

If you really are in ketosis (which only like 30% of people who thinks they are doing keto actually are) you are going to stink

>> No.19417586

When I did keto my balls smelled like week old milk

>> No.19417790

wash your penis

>> No.19418760

It happens within 2 hours of showering.

>> No.19418770

Only thing that gives me BO is multivitamins

>> No.19419654

You're too far gone, fatass

>> No.19419667

I don't think I'm flexible enough to sniff my own balls

>> No.19419926

wash your bellybutton

>> No.19420026

>eating carbslop because you're afraid of giving women "the ick"

>> No.19420064

die a virgin then

>> No.19420069
File: 26 KB, 549x549, 1644106578965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a quantum of a goddamn what women care about

>> No.19420072

wait what? like granulated sugar sugar?
press X to doubt

>> No.19420081

chemically they are identical

>> No.19420090

no they're not, thats why they have different names

>> No.19420095

Glucose is glucose is glucose, retarded mong.

>> No.19420099

which is part of, but not exclusive, carbohydrates.
You know, the hint is in the name.
kinda like hydrocarbons, but for people instead of machines.

>> No.19420105

you eat carbs, your body breaks them down into sugar
you eat candy, you body breaks them down into sugar
there is no difference between eating rice and eating a donut, you go into insulin shock either way

>> No.19420106

That's why people use flour to sweeten their coffee, right?

>> No.19420109

>there is no difference between eating rice and eating a donut

>> No.19420113

Get ketoacidosis instead.

>> No.19420114

>breaking down complex carbohydrates uses 0 energy

big retard hours, who up?

>> No.19420116

>if it doesn't taste sweet, it's not sugar!
holy fucking retard

>> No.19420123

sugar is sugar, that was your claim
But maybe, perhaps, there's a difference between carbs and sugar?

>> No.19420128

There is no difference between carbs and granulated sugar, chemically, in that they both turn into glucose which have the same effect on your body creating insulin and being unable to use fat for energy while not in ketosis. I use the colloquial term "sugar" to refer to both because I'm assuming you're smart enough to understand this.

>> No.19420136

So there's no difference between a steak and a donut because they'll both eventually be ATP? Do you have any idea how retarded you sound?

>> No.19420139

Retard alert. Raw meats are part of the keto diet because they facilitate your body going into ketosis. They are not carbs.

>> No.19420145

but they just get broken down into simple molecules for your body to process. Since you're ignoring that whole process, there's literally no difference between meat and carbs.

>> No.19420151

Absorption rates mean nothing then eh? If you're doing anything strenuous, you need carbs to fuel your fuckin body you moron.
>muh inuit
glycogen in the meat oh no they're eating candy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah help me

>> No.19420156

Go look up the difference between meat and carbs. You're arguing in bad faith attempting to be intentionally obtuse and you don't understand how they function differently for the body. If anything you said was correct it would make ketosis impossible, which is factually incorrect.

>> No.19420166

Anon, you said that carbs and sugar are the same because they both get broken down into sugar

But your steak and my mashed potatoes are both gonna end up as Adenosine TriPhosphate, so they must be the same thing too, right? I'm using your logic.

Whether your body is burning fat or sugars, it's just turning food into energy, right?

>> No.19420185

Again, use a dictionary to understand what ketosis is, so you can understand why what you are saying is wrong, if not baiting.

>> No.19420220

I understand what ketosis is, that doesn't change the fact that using your definition of foods as "whatever the body processes them into" makes steak and rice identical.

tl;dr I'm making fun of you

>> No.19420232
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>> No.19420264

>your body can either burn fats or sugars
>this means that all carbs are the same as sugars

>but irl your body only processes ATP
>this definitely doesn't mean that all proteins are the same as carbs

I'm literally applying the exact same logic that you've repeatedly used in this thread to disprove your point. I'm mocking you.

>> No.19420275

>I'm literally shitposting and baiting
Yeah, at least you were courteous enough to say it so I know not to waste my time replying to you.

>> No.19420402

Look man, I'm not the one seriously suggesting that breaking down carbohydrates is a free action. I'm just trying to match your level.

>> No.19420454

i refuse to believe gays have it better, i assume the bottom just assumes the woman role and is terrible

>> No.19420636
File: 445 KB, 473x644, 78yu89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just had pizza for dinner. ketolards will tell you that i just ate birthday cake for dinner

>> No.19421344

Kys Moxyte

>> No.19421570 [DELETED] 

It's insane how you can use the exact same logic against someone and they will refuse to admit they're wrong.

>> No.19421599 [DELETED] 

I’m starting to feel a bit bad for ketolards. A lot keto gurus/ snake oil salesmen have done a 180 over the past months/ years and now admits that keto isn’t optimal lol. Even Mercola quit keto.

>> No.19421607

keto was a jewish invention to monetize fasting (which is free).
actually worked pretty well until people realized they can do the same thing by not eating

>> No.19421610

I’m starting to feel a bit bad for ketolards. A lot of keto gurus/ snake oil salesmen have done a 180 over the past months/ years and now admit that always being in ketosis is bad for you. Even Mercola quit keto lol.

>> No.19421662

I did keto for over a weak, my body odor, breath, pee, was vile.

>> No.19421677

Fixed a typo in my post >>19421610. I agree, fasting is based. Keto can make sense in specific situations/ moderation (e.g. eating high-fat after breaking a fast to prolong autophagy) and maybe it can help some severely obese people lose weight. But keto is mostly a meme.

>> No.19421717

Yeah, vegetarians never have bad breath. Fucking moron.