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19407690 No.19407690 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?
Is there really no way to get good espresso at home unless you spend $1000+ on an espresso machine?

>> No.19407691

his face is dysgenic

>> No.19407693

just by looking im pretty sure everything he believes is bullshit

>> No.19407727

>drink lots of coffee
>heart rate goes up
>get grey hair
not smart

>> No.19407734
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>> No.19407736

The whole "coffee expert" concept and persona is made up bullshit for low intelligence homosexuals to feel special.

You faggots are the new hot sauce collectors.

>> No.19407738
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Just make stovetop "cowboy" coffee.


>> No.19407740

He never said anything like this.
You can get a "broken" gaggia classic or something equivalent (I have a baby class), "fix" it (which usually involves taking it apart, de-scaling it thoroughly, replacing the seals, buy/adjust the OPV, buy a bottomless portafilter and a better basket, possibly PID mod it, and you will have an espresso machine for around £250 (I bought my "broken" gaggia for £50 including shipping).
You can then buy a decommissioned commercial grade espresso grinder for again about £100 and spend £100-£150 on new burrs for it and you can have a full espresso setup for £500.
You can also hand grind for espresso with a £140 grinder but you will quickly notice that even the angle at which you hold the grinder has a big impact on eventual grind size at espresso grind levels and you will decide it's not worth wasting your life milling coffee for 2 minutes at a time while trying to keep a constant rate of rotation and keep it at a specific angle.
Espresso IS expensive, but not £1000 + grinder expensive. Just £500 + elbow grease expensive.

>> No.19407744

>Just £500 + elbow grease expensive.

>> No.19407748

Learn a new word?

>> No.19407755

Too much coffee gave me a panic attack in 2018, I feel like I've been tetering on the edge of another one ever since.

>> No.19407766

yeah I had the same thing happen except not caffeine induced. I think there's a term for it. it's like forbidden knowledge. once you learn what a panic attack is like and that it can occur at any moment it becomes the grim reaper around every corner.

>> No.19407775

>it's like forbidden knowledge. once you learn what a panic attack is like and that it can occur at any moment it becomes the grim reaper around every corner
me with sleep paralysis

>> No.19407777

just get a 25 dollar drip coffee machine and shut the fuck up

everyone thinks youre insufferable because you are

>> No.19407780

Good news is that this is true also for satori

>> No.19407791

i use a 12 year old philips saeco espresso machine, i got it for free from the office because nobody was using it. i think it was about 200-250 eur when it was new
also a 100 eur 1zpresso q2 manual grinder

by all accounts this should not make good espresso. but i like it. i can't really tell any difference between my espresso and the espresso i get at the specialty coffee roaster i use, made with an over 2000 eur setup (machine plus grinder). if anything, i like what i make more.

but then again, i've only been seriously into coffee for about a year. make of that what you will. maybe i've never had a good espresso in my life. maybe my tastes aren't that refined yet. but i like what i get out of my setup. and i can certainly tell my coffee apart from various bean to cup machines i've tried and i prefer mine.

>> No.19407793

>12 year old philips saeco espresso machine
i think it's a saeco poemia but the model name has been rubbed out

>> No.19407864

Thats exactly what it's like, it was like unlocking something inside my brain. I do my best to ignore it but it's always there.

>> No.19407911

>maybe i've never had a good espresso in my life. maybe my tastes aren't that refined yet
thats what big espresso wants you to think

>> No.19407923
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The real red pill is coffee is like beer it doesn't matter. A cheap beer can taste just as good as some microbrewery beer.

I for instance have a fully automatic expensive Jura machine en trow in normal beans from te super market and really like my coffee. Often I get bags of expensive beans as a present but I haven't had one that tasted better then my average priced supermarket beans. Although I always politely say the gifted beans tasted nice and as a result I've been getting expensive beans for years although idgaf

>> No.19407932

Look. I know im responding to a mongoloid, i know. But i have to tell you. You dont know anything about coffee. Read all the faggot books you want. Go to coffee fest and turn your nose up to the italians and masturbate over synesso. Go pay thousands of dollars to be a q gradee and look at coffee under a uv light. Go for it. I dont even care. Just remember kid, i was stripping trucks of supremos while you were in fucking poopy pants diapers. I remeber when Choc full of Nuts delivered coffee in a fucking rolls royce. Your playing yourself, kid.

I have over 100 specialy offerings from 97 different countries of origin in contianer quanities AT ALL TIMES. Wow you say mr. Coffee broker bean KANG you just doxed yourself on the internet, but i dont care. Fuck you. Ive been doing this so long i was playing golf with the nca guys before it blew up ive been a member and disbarred by the scaa more times then your punk ass has even been on there mailing list. Ive FUCKED my way through more coffee roasters secrateries than you even have in your rolodex. I have a warehouse filled with over $1,000,000 of espresso equipment laying DEFUNCT.

People like you, kid, people like your are marks, customers, losers. Go ahead, drink your shitty overextracted coffee; freeze your green coffee; hook up pid machines to your little home.use espresso machines, buy a 1 bag Lorring. But to me kid, youll always be a loser and a faggot.

>> No.19407945

If he's american he doesn't know shit about coffee, he's just a hipster consoomer.
He should stick to adding water to instant coffee and leave good coffee to the Europeans.

>> No.19407954
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I'm a SEAnigger and I enjoy the ice coffee that I can get from hawkers and the like, way cheaper than starbucks and usually not as sweet. Am I missing out on anything?

>> No.19407959

He never said that. I mean he likes the flairs, which go for as low as $100 (although you also need an espresso capable grinder on top of that).

>> No.19407969

good coffee meaning the pre-ground stale supermarket lavazza you burn to shit in your moka pot, right luigi?

>> No.19408011

He says in his Nespresso video they make good espresso and they go for $100

>> No.19408016

yes, even if you choose something like a flair you're still going to need to spend a few hundred on a grinder that is good enough.

>> No.19408023

There is no real coffee in asia

>> No.19408077
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>i got it for free from the office because nobody was using it

>> No.19408163
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the home espresso market has been extremely stagnant for the last 30 years. niche market, not a lot of competition.

your options:
- buy a consumer breville for $600 and make some coffee
- buy a "cheap" Italian machine for $400 and spend another $200 modifying it for modern features like PID control and fast heating
- buy a moka pot for milk drinks and go to a coffee shop when you want a real espresso

>> No.19408198

You can get a kingrinder k4 for $100. Well you could, not sure what the prices are now.

>> No.19408369

eh just looks like needed to chew more as a kid, the huge glasses dont flatter him but they make his 'look'

>> No.19408372

Grey hair like that actually looks cool. Thick luscious grey/white hair while young is an interesting mysterious look, a genetic lottery win. As you age if you keep the hair it's still a win.

>> No.19408404

I can't believe this isn't a copypasta

>> No.19408424
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>> No.19408472

What kind of expensive beans? Because coffee absolutely can taste different. Some people think coffee autists are talking about minute subtle differences in flavor but no, it can be very noticeable to where I refuse to believe someone can't taste the difference unless their tongue got burned or something.

>> No.19408478

I'd argue you are wrong. I know it's your opinion and all but if you're trying to tell me some single origin beans aren't better than your super market beans you're just wrong. I'm not saying you can't enjoy "low tier" supermarket coffee but to say there is not much of a difference is not true. And also you don't need to spend a ton on high quality beans to get a good cup.

Same could be said about beer or wine or anything else. Some of the more expensive shit is probably not great or "just as good" as some cheaper options. But if you're drinking like .65c per bottle of beer for a 6 pack and try it next to a more expensive "special" beer like a barrel aged stout or some shit, that one is going to be more enjoyable in every way.

>> No.19408564

But it is?

>> No.19408608

>I'd argue
>doesn't argue
>fallacy galore instead
What did you mean by this?

>> No.19408614

He has a cleft chin, in womens eyes there is literally nothing he can do to his face at this point that will bring him below a 5/10 in attractiveness. The rest of him could be totally fucked up but he will still be at least average by virtue of his chin alone.

>> No.19409067

imagine being this wrong

>Dollar Store steak just as good as Dry-Aged Prime Beef

><$1000 Use a Moka Pot and go to your cafe
>>$1000 Buy espresso machine

>> No.19409101

>>19407734 fpbp

>> No.19409103

Ooo baby a triple

>> No.19409199

If you're reading this and thinking "that's expensive lmao espressofags btfo" then you need to get less poor and/or stop wasting your money on mcdicks twice a day

>> No.19409399

>taste is subjective
lmao please be bait

>> No.19409507

While it's understandable that you appreciate the flavor and quality of single origin beans over supermarket beans, it's important to acknowledge that taste is subjective and can vary from person to person. What may be enjoyable and superior to you might not be the same for someone else. Additionally, the statement that there is not much of a difference between the two types of beans may be based on personal experience or preference. It's also worth noting that price does not always determine the quality or enjoyment of a product. There are instances where cheaper options can provide a satisfying experience, and expensive options may not always live up to their price tag. Ultimately, the enjoyment of coffee, beer, wine, or any other product is a matter of personal preference and should be respected as such.

>> No.19409605

You'd really believe someone who looks like that?

>> No.19409621

Wait till you hear how he speaks.

>> No.19409645

Yes if I want information on coffee I want it to come from someone with an autistic obsession with it and he looks the part.

>> No.19410451


>> No.19410457

is this a ftm?

>> No.19410470

Worse, british.

>> No.19410498

He's just some fucking /pol/tard idiot who doesn't even know what that means, obviously.

>> No.19410745
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Guy is a fagot looser. I used to hate this cheep walmart espressa machina mi mamma mia got me one year because the steam burned the grounds. Then my old German grandma showed me a trick, you put the sugar on top of the grounds then it’s already ready and saves the grounds, if they still burn put cinnamon, then sugar and it really won’t burn, you can put other Christmas spices, clove, nutmeg, cardamom, coriander, be creative, mix it up with some Irish whiskey, coffee liqueur, dark rum, chill it out and take it with you on hikes and bike rides, make ice cream with it, coffee cakes, glazed ham with coffee reduction, or just enjoy some coffee and sensi herb ya man…

>> No.19410859

I went the Breville route and it unironically makes better espresso drinks than nearly any coffee shop I have ever been to. Maybe it's just because at home I can brew to taste or be picky about the beans, I don't know. All I know is it just works and I have no regrets. I'm not even ultra autistic about measuring brew ratios, sifting the grounds, fucking whatever.

>> No.19410868

I don't think you know shit about the home espresso market bud.

>> No.19411280

It does matter in the sense that different coffee tastes different. I agree with what >>19408472 is saying. It's not "oh, notes of stonefruit, or is it papaya?". Being unable to distinguish light roasts vs dark roasts is like not tasting the difference between cider vinegar and cigar ash, it's really bloody obvious.

Above a certain point I don't think expensive coffee gets better, it just becomes different. There's a similar dynamic to wine where people pay more because beans that taste a certain way are rarer, or because there's a story behind them, or because they're local/free trade/etc. I'd take fresh beans at a darkness I enjoy and of the right taste profile I like, over something more expensive that's not a good match.

Maybe your supermarket just has good coffee.

>> No.19411410

I'll bite; what's better than my selection at that $5-600 price point?

>> No.19411744

Except that cheap drip coffee machines make the best coffee in the world taste like dirt.

Better to spend that money on a V60 and filters.

>> No.19411956

A moka pot is 90% as good and costs maybe $30. You nerds are throwing hundreds of thousands of dollars at ridiculous diminishing returns that you can't even taste without practicing like a sommelier

>> No.19412166

lord bless the germans , fuck the br*t*sh

>> No.19412172

You can do anything at home. I even make my own kopi luwak by swallowing and shitting out my own beans.

>> No.19412177

With each cup of coffee the palate is more developed, noob

>> No.19412205
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Espresso is a snobby reddit meme
>hurr durr muh expensive fine grinder
>nooo you can't use a pressurised portafilter NOOOO
>have to waste beans every time you try a new one to autistically dial in the settings

Moka pot is simple, cheap, perfect. inb4 espressotard malding

>> No.19412656

He looks like he is constantly constipated
He also has an ugly accent
I stopped watching him because of that

>> No.19412677

Something tells me a coffee youtuber has lots of coffee poops and no issues with constipation.

>> No.19412696

The only good Caffeinated drink is the Jamaican coffee
> black coffee
> 2+ sugars
> double shot of rum, maybe more depending on size of coffee.
The caffeine bonds to the alcohol making it work faster. And the buzz lasts long enough to get you to work.

>> No.19412699

>2+ sugars

>> No.19412747

Compared to "just coffee", it's pretty expensive, but it's not that bad at all. For the non-espresso methods I personally use at home:
>$10 briki and $5 bag of Bravo or Papagalos grounds, plus a little sugar
>$10 phin filter, $3 condensed milk, and $10 tub of Nguyen grounds
Compared to espresso:
>$250 breville that works well enough as long as you don't use roasts too light
>$90 hand grinder
>$15 coffee scale
>$15 bag of beans
Still less than $400, and I'm able to make pretty decent espresso within the limits of the machine.

>> No.19412751

>buy Moka pot for $20
>make coffee with it
>enjoy it as espresso shots, Cuban coffee, and cappuccinos
>make coffeefags seethe for all eternity because I didn’t spend 4 figures on a fucking coffee maker and grinder to get the perfect molecular granularity yo pull just the right amount of steam and carbon dioxide through a fucking bean
It really is just that easy

>> No.19412921

I use a disgusting old machine and make regular old pot drip coffee, and drink it black
Get a life, city slickers

>> No.19412950
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He looks like adam friedland

>> No.19412961

moka pots are nice but i can't drink it black. just tastes like chemicals.

>> No.19412962

i drink shit coffee and, get this, i think good coffee is for fags
are you seething yet? bet you've never met anyone like me before on /ck/

>> No.19412966

nah. he's talking shite.
coffe pod machines (nesspresso etc) have revolutionised and democratised the home coffee making scene.

>> No.19412986

It’s just coffee dude you don’t have to be such a faggot about it

>> No.19412994

you're being a faggot about it too
at least he's being a faggot about something he likes

>> No.19413015

I just put the grounds in a mug of hot water and eat the grounds when I get to the bottom

>> No.19414647

Yes, but good espresso is not the same thing as good coffee. You can get good coffee at home for under a hundred bucks with a v60, moka pot or french press setup. Espresso was invented by cafes who need to squirt out 500 brews a day to keep their customers happy. The idea of owning an espresso machine at home to make 1 coffee just for yourself is comical.

Pods are stale shit. If the coffee was ground more than 5 minutes ago or roasted more than 1 month ago, it won't make a good brew.

>> No.19414678
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You get one of the brevilles the lowest cost one they make it's about $400 retail but get I got mine for $150 on gumtree. (AUD price)
All these brevilles are the same just with additional features like programmable buttons and even a built in shit grinder, don't get those, get the basic shit one because it does the same job.
What you want is to do one or two espressos and even steam your milk. Obviously no big boiler and the basket is the smaller diameter but you can make perfectly fine coffee with it if espresso is what you need.
You may spend $2000 on a machine but I guarantee the coffee will not be 20 times better than I get from this machine, and it would need to be to justify the cost.

>> No.19414923

>go to cafe
>buy espresso
>bring back and drink at home

>> No.19415147

You can get a bambino new for less than $300.

>> No.19415177

Anon this is called a panic disorder - look it up. See a psych

>> No.19415181

it got me intrigued, but i could only get through ten seconds of this. I hope you don't watch this massive fucking faggot cocksugga often.

>> No.19415193

>$600 dollarydoo breville with in-build grinder
oh uhh wait, let me guess, you """""need""""" more?

>> No.19415214

Yeah I need a good grinder

>> No.19415318

avoid this one

>> No.19415337

t. Coping grey haired faggot. You look 15 years older than you actually are, don't you.

>> No.19415349

I literally drink instant coffee everyday and it tastes great and only costs the price of the kettle plus ten cents a cup.

I have a broken gaggia Brera in my garage and I need to fix it. I'm just too lazy

>> No.19415362

No you can get hand pump compressors that literally make perfect espresso while camping without power

He is just retarded

>> No.19415363

I never had a panic attack, but I would get really anxious in grad school especially before a presentation or something like that. I found that caffeine really heightened my anxiety. I also noticed that my anxiety was worst in the morning.

>> No.19415372

>go to the coffee roaster
drink great coffee with a professional machine
>come home
drink the exact same coffee

How is this even an issue?

>> No.19415605


>> No.19415709

I admit I expected this guy to be a snob based on him having a channel dedicated to coffee alone and his looks but he actually seems reasonable. He himself is on the search for the best coffee but doesn't hate on anyone settling for less. I've even heard him say that there is decent instant coffee when I assumed just hearing "instant coffee" would send him into a rage.

>> No.19415715

Every field has experts or some stupid shit with top of the line products and shills and a Reddit group or whatever raving about this or that product being the best. You could have a $1000 juicer and an army of people telling you it's the best even though some Walmart one is just as good. Seems like every product or activity no matter what it is is like this.

>> No.19415743

Cool it with the anti semitic remarks.

>> No.19415760

>with top of the line products and shills

well making specialized niche products is going to be expensive

but the guy in the OP is actually not just shilling for the most expensive thing. he recommends plenty of low cost options

>> No.19415804

>coffee is like beer it doesn't matter, cheap beer can taste as good as microbrews
This is objectively wrong. Cheap beer is cheap precisely because it lacks depth of flavor and is much easier to mass produce. The better comparison is that medium expense beer can be just as good if not better than highly expensive beer. With coffee, even just the roast of beans is absurdly varied in flavor. I love dark roast arabica, and no medium-dark, med or light roast near me comes even close to that petroleum flavored goodness. Same with shit like Peaberry, absolutely kino.

The real redpill for you to swallow, is that you have shit taste. Expense for expenses sake does not make it better, but the cheap shit is undeniable garbage.