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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 278 KB, 2400x2400, kosher salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19399236 No.19399236 [Reply] [Original]

Why is every recipe telling us to use Kosher Salt? Can someone give a non /pol/ answer?

>> No.19399238

it's popular. simple as

>> No.19399241

It's koshering you moron and has nothing to do with jews, get over your bullshit.

>> No.19399249
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It's a religious thing but I store my kosher salt in a salt pig to balance it out.

>> No.19399257

It's a fairly uniform coarse grain of salt, so it's typically used for volume measurements. Not that it really matters for most recipes since generally you should be adding salt to taste.

>> No.19399259
File: 54 KB, 1200x675, lemon_pig-happy_new_year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not Christmas yet, how about some lemon pig?

>> No.19399269

>volume measurements for salt
Recipe discarded

>should be adding salt to taste
Lemme get a bit of that uncooked meatloaf, pork roast, or bread dough so I can taste it for salt

>> No.19399280

but isn't having bigger grains harder to measure properly over smaller ones?

>> No.19399286

idk how true it is now, but in the past, most salt sold in the US had iodine added because reasons (I forgot why; something to do with health).
Iodised salt tastes a little bit different and reacts differently in some dishes and recipes. Kosher(ing) salt has no iodine added and is easily available throughout the US so many cooks and chefs and recipe makers began to use it in place of more expensive options like flaked sea salt.
Besides tasting it, you can even see the difference between iodised and other salts, iodised salt taking on a grey-ish hue as opposed to other salts being typically bright white.

>> No.19399299

Kosher is always coarse, coarse salt is what you want when cooking. You can substitute coarse sea salt and it won't make a difference. You can use coarse iodized salt too but that allegedly tastes bitter.

>> No.19399305


>> No.19399311


the common answer these days is it's easily pinchable but there's no reason for there to be two classes of salt used for volumetric measurements
measure salt by weight and there's no reason to not get the cheapest shit available

>> No.19399326
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>measure salt by weight and there's no reason to not get the cheapest shit available
You sure about that?

>> No.19399327

that looks nothing like a pig

>> No.19399330

that's not the first post retard

>> No.19399331

when's the last time you or anyone on this board made pretzels
even then, you should be using maldon flaky salt over kosher

>> No.19399350

why is he getting choked but still smiling?

>> No.19399354
File: 810 KB, 1078x1034, Screenshot_20230619_150529_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last time you or anyone on this board made pretzels
Covid lockdowns. Turned out pretty good. Wifey used to do them as a food scientist and also worked at the pretzel shop in the mall when she was a teen. She helped. Orded my pretzel salt off Amazon.

>> No.19399355

Your mom ght the meatload last night

>> No.19399401

"pickling salt" has no added iodine and is way cheaper than Kosher salt.

>> No.19399424

Which is what I buy and use, but in my area, only one highly disgusting store carries it in large boxes while kosher salt is literally everywhere.
But good on ya for mentioning it for other people ITT since I failed to do so.

Yeah, that sounds right. Something having to do with the thyroid.

Some time in the winter. I used chunk salt for that, not flaky salt.
Used kansui or whatever it's called for the lye bath. Good results.

>> No.19399476

he's into that Robin Williams thing

>> No.19399482

Is iodine bad?

>> No.19399614

No. It helps with thyroid issues. It just tastes off. It especially tastes bad when combined with strong acid, which is why pickling salt is a thing (since iodised salt will ruin pickles).
But despite preventing thyroid issues, the vast majority of people get plenty of iodine in their diets these days so there's no longer any reason to add it to table salt.

>> No.19400444

unfathomably based
non white LMAO

>> No.19400466

in most civilized countries salt is still iodized. the quantity of iodine salts added to it is not enough to change its taste or alter any reactive properties. those are just myths used by kike marketers to sell their specific kind of salt.

>> No.19400514

Try making pickles with iodized salt, homie. : )

>> No.19400519

i've been picking vegetables for over a decade with iodized salt. get rekt faggot

>> No.19400556

>i've been lying about pickling vegetables with iodized salt on 4chan(nel)
ftfy, homie : )

>> No.19400565

Recipes specify kosher salt because it's less dense than normal table salt because of its coarse grind. If a recipe just specifies "salt" (intending table salt) and you use a volume measure of kosher salt you're going to be quite inaccurate to the original recipe.
Kosher salt is popular amongst cooks because the coarse grind makes it easier to evenly coat food and handle by hand, and the lower density makes it easier to adjust the amount of salt in a dish by eye. Some claim the lack of iodine in kosher salt provides a cleaner taste, though I have not personally noticed this.

>> No.19400570
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>i'm too much of a faggot to admit defeat so i'll double down

>> No.19400598
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>> No.19400723

>if i lie enough, maybe someone will believe me!

>> No.19400751

>koshering has nothing to do with jews
Do you know what koshering means?

>> No.19400754

Jewish marketing, there is no reason to use this. You want fleur de sal.

>> No.19400756

>morton's made from recycled battery acid
no thanks

>> No.19400760

>I got self induced schizophrenia

>> No.19400764

Why should I use anything you rec when you can't even spell it correctly?

>> No.19400768

According to a cunt such as you of course not so why not tell us all? Some of you people are truly dumber than a box of rocks.

>> No.19400817

It means to make turn something into compliant with Jewish rules. I just want to know why you're calling me a dumb cunt, while also saying that koshering isn't Jewish.

I'm Jewish, by the way.

>> No.19400823

because table sale can vary up to +/- 50% in sodium so its impossible to measure

>> No.19400834

1. antichrist explaination: to dumb down the population and make them malnutritioned.

2. dystopian but blue pill explaination: people just keep copying the same content over and over so when 1 person makes a recipe trying to be fancy by calling for non-poor people salt, everyone else copies that and it becomes the norm.

3. hypernormie explaination: corporation no want pay put iodine in salt, actively discoroaged peepo using it

Something ive personally noticed: just go out into the real world and see how fucking hard its getting to get normal iodized salt. My local grocer only sells the tiny little bottles now, but they got big fuck huge containers of every other kind of salt. There's definetly some kind of top level push to remove it from people's minds in my opinion. Whether its because of 1. 2. 3. or a mix of all, you decide.

his point is that the overwhelming majority of recipes online now call for non-iodized salt. sometimes its kosher salt, sometimes its sea salt, but so many recipes and content creators go out of their way to shill non-iodized salt even when the recipe does not benefit at all from it. If you are a millenial or older, you notice this because you grew up with iodized salt. At one time, it was considered a huge technological and societal advancement to help suppliment people's health, right up there with public sanitation and electricity. Now zoom zooms be like

>iodine salt give'm me the ick fr, ayoo gimmie dat kosher/sea salt

>> No.19400838

It has nothing to do with Dajooz you fucking retard.

>> No.19400845

Your a fucking illiterate jew

>> No.19400851

You forgot grand guru explanation. Jews apply koshering salt to meat that they will consume. By having normies eat the koshering salt, they are guaranteeing that they are feeding it to their children, and that means their children and the children's adrenchrome is kosher, and okay for consumption.

>> No.19400899

Because iodine supposedly tastes worse (could also be the anti caking agents and bromine to preserve freshness) and because the jews want sea salt to be called jew salt.

>> No.19401101

I can kinda understand circumcision being pushed on the masse, but not salt.

>> No.19401107

Its easier to measure by eye

>> No.19401116

that only works if the kids don't eat bacon or other stuff

>> No.19401360

at last i truly see.

>> No.19401392

Like the other anon said it isn’t, but iodized salt seems to always have added anti-caking ingredient (for example the Walmart Great Value iodized salt also has dextrose, sodium bicarbonate, and yellow prussiate of soda), whereas kosher and pickling salt are normally just salt.

>> No.19401804

You have to specify the kind of salt so volumetric measurements are correct. Iodized salt has a weird taste and is smaller grain than kosher salt, so you have to specify. Sea salt may have a larger grain and higher mineral content which would also affect things. Kosher salt is also easy to pinch and add on the fly so it's more popular than smaller grains

>> No.19401889

o d iron e

>> No.19402084

The koshering salt cleanses the animal of whatever it ate, so goyslop is still on the menu, to keep overhead down.

>> No.19402696

so basically
Sea Salt > Jewish Salt

>> No.19402697

salting bacon with kosher salt doesn't make it kosher.

>> No.19402716
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I never use Kosher salt for anything. I prefer sea salts. Of course I make sure to take a multivitamin every day to get my iodine too.

>> No.19402827
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>> No.19403485

Popular in restaurants because it is easy to sprinkle by hand in a rush and most American cooking and restaurant culture was invented in NYC where all the jews live. That is why it is Kosher salt and not some other coarse salt.
Downstream of that people just copy what restaurants do without understanding why.

>> No.19403498

There is no issue with iodized salt.
The trace amounts of iodine in it are not going to change the flavor of whatever you are cooking, nor do they actually cause any issues with fermented foods or pickling.

>> No.19403509

Iodine is extremely good for you and a lot of people don't get enough, even.

>> No.19403523

>[iodized salt doesn't] cause any issues with fermented foods or pickling
I've experienced it for myself. Made my pickle brine cloudy and gave the pickles themselves a slight metallic taste.
Since then, I've avoid using iodised salt altogether so idk if it would affect fermented pickles the same way it did my vinegar brine pickles.

>> No.19403553


No, it's a necessary mineral the body needs but which it cannot get easily from most food sources. So, we started to put it into salt because everyone eats salt.

You can skip that and just take a multivitamin or two each day, or just iodine tablets which is good to do no matter what if you want to be healthy.

>> No.19403569

I don't know if it matters that much for cooking, but I read somewhere that for cleaning a tobacco pipe you need to use kosher salt for some fucking reason.

>> No.19403582

You're talking about ~50 micrograms of iodine/gram of salt.
If you're going with a reasonable but heavy, 1-2 oz of salt for every 2-3lbs of pickles, you're talking about .0015-.003 grams of iodine at the max.
That is not going to turn your pickles metallic or your brine cloudy. There was some other issue with your mix.

>> No.19403583

Whats the 'pol' answer? I don't get it

>> No.19403603

>There was some other issue with your mix.
Maybe. What might be some? I did everything as I would normally do, just using iodised salt rather than not cuz it was cheaper.
Also, is it possible that I might be more sensitive to that flavour than you might be? For example, an ex and I did a taste test thing at uni. We were given a strip of of paper to lick and describe the flavour.
I detected nothing but the look of utter disgust on the bitch's face coupled by audible retching as she touched tongue to test strip indicated she could taste something I could not.

>> No.19403610

The /pol/ answer (the real answer) is that America has a profoundly weird relationship with Talmudists and Zionists, one very minor manifestation of which is saying "kosher salt" for what normal people simply call "coarse salt". But you might want to steer clear of this rabbit hole. If, for example, you start asking why bottled water needs a "kosher" symbol then you're liable to get put on a watchlist.

>> No.19403644
File: 361 KB, 1200x1200, 81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal people simply call "coarse salt"
That's what it's called on gookspeak, pic related.

>> No.19403671

Oh, for non-readers: gulg-eun sogeum means "coarse/thick/fat salt."

>> No.19403672

No idea.
Could have even been bad cucumbers.
Could have been a bad batch of one of your spices.
Perhaps there was a bad batch of anti-caking and humidity agent mixed with the salt.
But it is extremely unlikely that your issue comes from the iodine.

>> No.19403899

op image is marketed as kosher salt?

>> No.19404127

Jewish people are forbidden from eating pork. But if a cow is fed meal with pork remnants in it, it's okay to eat the cow.

>> No.19404175 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 983x610, CD2EF057-298C-475F-BBAD-305F61D9ADEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I don’t want my food cursed by the cultists of Israel.

All victory to Philistines, Amalekites, Canaanites, Edomites, and Whites.

I love the fall of all “monotheisms”

>> No.19404186 [DELETED] 
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It’s sus.

I don’t want Fluoride in me either against my will

If people want iodine, they can have it by their own will

>> No.19404213 [DELETED] 
File: 346 KB, 1043x1370, 35F64E21-FB8E-4DF0-97D6-2CD83637FFC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fluoride *un-ironically poison*
Yes, but WE want your teeth to be better.

>Iodine *un-ironically makes salt taste WORSE*
Yes but all of YOUR civilization wants to trade the taste of salt for ENFORCED thyroid issue regulation.

>> No.19404463
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>> No.19404555 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 640x512, 572A8F1B-CCB5-496C-BC9A-001C6BBC6EBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish for my people and our nations to undo “monotheism” and remove all of its aspects from among us.

Yes, I want tasty non-Iodised salt that has nothing to do with Jews.
They have simply no place in our souls to any extent.

In the future every container of sugar will fund the thiccc Dixie-Nazi-Commie gamer-girls that officially bless the sugar, except the sugar that includes a small amount of cyanide (for the vitamins).

>> No.19404561

not really since sea salt has a ton of different grain sizes so it's even harder to say what's what with that. but idk why niggas are using recipe guidelines for salt content in the first place

>> No.19404890 [DELETED] 
File: 336 KB, 1125x763, D250EED6-8EB1-43C5-971B-0E5C5C54291B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like seriously where’s the food progress?
What has to happen for all progress?

Food shouldn’t have such a cost. Food should be free. I never accept any force that would have us funding pointless wars instead of progressing!

Y’all Israeli can respect it that we don’t want YOUR religion in OUR food.
I want OUR non-iodized salt and OUR government and OUR progress.
All MATTERS. If it’s such a difficultly for an INDEPENDENT community to change little things like this, something is WRONG.

We don’t want Israel.
And clearly Israel doesn’t want Europe or America. SO STAY THE FUCK AWAY.

Yankees aren’t TOYS. They are souls of all utmost potential.
“Monotheism” is UNWELCOME among MY people.

>> No.19404913 [DELETED] 
File: 1.67 MB, 1125x1821, 671C1C10-325B-476D-923C-3EAE5F58F5CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they think it so fucking matters that their food is blessed by a rabbi then it SO FUCKING MATTERS THAT WE DON’T WANT OUR FOOD BLESSED BY A RABBI.


>> No.19405081

I fucking hate this site sometimes

>> No.19405622

nice adventure time pinterest faggot. what are you, filled with some kind of childhood joy or something

>> No.19405816 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 500x333, 5726412E-A9E6-498F-AE7F-F84202C26CA8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you going to get mad because we don’t want cursed salt?


>> No.19405888
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Kosher salt is good for preparing meat products to sear.
Iodized salt is good because fluoride edges out iodine in the body, and iodine is good for testosterone levels. Reverse osmose your water if possible, and increase iodine levels.
Also, don't reply to schizophrenics.

>> No.19405903

It’s really because normal salt is inferior in flavor compared to literally any other salt.
Sea salt is offers much better flavor per gram than iodized versions. Now some iodized versions are just as good. But it’s very hard to distinguish between shit and good. It’s easier to say use sea salt because everyone knows that it will apply anywhere in the world. Iodized salt isn’t a thing everywhere like it is in the USA. For example in my yuropoor country you really can’t find iodized salt but sea salt costs you less than 50 cents for 2lbs or 1kg. I used to pay 3.50 for 32oz sea salt in the USA.

>> No.19405913

Imagine having this level of knee-jerk impulse to defend jews that all it takes is someone asking about using kosher salt to send you into an apoplectic fit of reeeeing white knightery.
Fucking calm down you child.

>> No.19405937

sea salt is more natural and has more nutrients though

>> No.19405971

>implying everything in sea salt is good
You can literally mine heavy metals from sea salt

>> No.19405979

I mean, the OP was kind of shots fired for people who don't want to think about the jews
>can someone give a non/pol/ answer as to why jews claimed sea salt
no one can lel, so you ask that to the NPC and you get a full on computation error melt down.

>> No.19405999

what are you going to do, post more heartwarming images, hate on Israel and make me feel good? What are you some kind of gay man?

>> No.19406030

The difference is crystal size. If you get iodized salt or table salt the grain is tiny, it's like 5-6 grains of table salt to 1 grain of kosher. Now it seems strange but this actually means that when you use 1 tsp of kosher it's less salty than 1 tsp of table. For the month or so that I had table salt I had to basically cut salt amounts in half to get things tasting right. Now I personally don't use kosher, I like sea salt or Himalayan salt because they have the larger crystals and I find that I don't over salt food with them.

>> No.19406095

OP never even mentioned da Joos. To the contrary, he asked why recipes always call for kosher salt and then asked that people not go full /pol/tard with their answers. It was the anon that answered that first brought up jews, and then went full preemptive kikecuck white knight about it. He could have just said that it's because kosher salt doesn't have iodine added that affects the flavor of the food, but instead he chose to be a sniveling faggot about it.

>> No.19406100 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 484x688, B31910CC-12B6-4530-9BB0-5616C93C429D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we the people who cut off part our our cock to please Yahweh so we don’t get killed demand to be able to curse your food with our rituals regardless of whether you want it or not. Yes, even though we listen to the voices in our head and have the most insane behaviour on the world, we will insist in calling others the crazy ones in order to cope.

Blessings to Canaan.

Blessings to a new free brand of salt with a big swastika on the box that isn’t blessed by rabbi and isn’t iodized. Would you scum try to prevent that from happening?

Victory to philistine pagans.
Each girl is a god. My people are my god.

Fuck off and die if you can’t take the hint.

>> No.19406101

IIRC isn't kosher salt called cooking salt in the EU? They just wanted the Jewish money when they were branding it in the USA, sort of like explicitly putting gluten free on your food labels.

>> No.19406103

Can you you go back to /x/ and stop shitting up /ck/ and /fa/ zoomer faggot

>> No.19406108 [DELETED] 
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Reminder that after Britain ended the cult of Judaism in the medieval era that Britain began giving all staple foods for free.
For a long time in Britain, FOOD WAS FREE.

>> No.19406115 [DELETED] 
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>oy vey

Gosh you really would shit yourself to death wouldn’t you

Do you melt when we force you to not eat kosher food?
Does freedom make you cry?

>> No.19406117

Dunno about any of that. Irrelevant either way. It's larger crystals without iodine. It has real world differences in the outcome of the meal as a result. They can call it tranny salt for all I care.

>> No.19406120
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>> No.19406127 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 512x640, 0657A6FC-C0BF-4FCD-A20F-7BBB97000AA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a pill, we bite your face off and regret helping y’all in WW2

Y’all pure evil and no-good

Y’all leave everyone with no choice

>> No.19406130

Unironically Jews

>> No.19406133
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>> No.19406143 [DELETED] 
File: 1.33 MB, 500x515, F860151A-6134-4EE4-ADAE-97872F897134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I damn dare y’all to try to take the hint.

Too many people disappear like pointless travesties in this world.

May all progress be the evilest evil and make the cold indifference of the universe seethe to death.


>> No.19406149

Nigga shut up

>> No.19406160 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 850x1299, 5E57919D-1D25-456C-892F-4039AF8C4F19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eternally stand by what I said.
I’m going to liberate a bunch of Jewish girls with my salty non-kosher cum.

All Judaism is damned.

Cursed food is unacceptable.

Our love/religion trumps yours.
Our whims proudly disrespect yours until yours cease to be.

>oy vey but the fears and insanity of our mutilated curmudgeon monsters should be tolerated

>> No.19406164

>Food shouldn’t have such a cost. Food should be free.
Fat Fuck

>> No.19406177 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 750x994, 1C0F08B4-FD57-4E1B-8D74-18787EB653F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You stay in Israel.
Where all food is expensive.
Y’all slave away and get bombed.
You are not our people. You get your own people. And the only people who suffer y’alls choices is y’all’s people. Y’all dragging each other down. We wall y’all off.
Y’all self defeating cancer.

The rest of the world makes food free.

I worship the divinity of our potbellied girls.

>> No.19406596

Can't they just specify mass if it matters so much?

>> No.19406671
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kosher salt isnt as salty as regular sea or table salt and is easier to control its distribution through the dish because of the crystal size

>> No.19407303

>They just wanted the Jewish money when they were branding it in the USA
what? Were the ADL giving Morton money to call it Kosher salt or something?

>> No.19407338

Here are all the salt types & uses:
1. Iodized table salt
- very fine particles, added iodine for dietary supplement purposes. Usually found in salt shakers.
2. Kosher Salt
- coarse ground salt, no added items.
3. Sea Salt
- large crystals, typically found in grinders, formed via seawater salt harvesting, sometimes marked by region.
4. Pink Salt
- large crystals or whole rocks, special because of it's mining location and pink hue
5. Smoked Salts
- salt that has been smoked, usually dark brown or black colored from the smoking process
6. Flaky Salt
- special finishing salt that looks like flakes

Kosher salt is most referenced because it is the smallest grind with zero additives that could mess with things, especially picky stuff like baking.

>> No.19407892

actual fucking retard

>> No.19407895

It's every bit as salty retardanon, it's just that you use less at a time because of how big it is.

There's literally no other significant difference.

>> No.19408192

>because table sale can vary up to +/- 50% in sodium so its impossible to measure
No, it can't and it's not. And I do realize I'm responding to an italianfag troll.

>> No.19409665
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>> No.19411529

yeah but a scale is not standard cooking equipment in most homes

>> No.19411800

I think these days a scale can be expected as much as a set of measuring cups.
They're super cheap these days and everyone is told early on when learning to cook that they're very useful.

>> No.19411814

you have to pay literal jews a liosancing fee to get a kosher stamp on your products. every time you buy a kosher product you are literally paying jewish middle men a goy tax.

>> No.19412119

>op asking for non /pol/ answers
>immediately drag the thread into /pol/ shit flinging

>> No.19412133

See >>19405979, this has always been a /pol/thread

>> No.19412419

>food scientist

>> No.19413675

You mean the nose.

>> No.19414669

>the smallest grind with zero additives
You can just grind to the size you desire in a very common variable mill.
Also you can get table salt which is not iodized, you know, regular fucking salt.

>> No.19414690

Table salt is a finishing salt to add more flavor and contrast to a dish but will break down under high temperatures of a professional oven. Kosher salt and other rock salts can hold its structure under high heat.

>> No.19414710


>> No.19414751


>> No.19414760


>> No.19414770

Yes. It doesn't help with thyroid issues. It just tastes great. It especially tastes good when combined with strong acid, which isn't why pickling salt is a thing (since iodised salt will improve pickles).
But despite not preventing thyroid issues, the vast majority of people don't get enough iodine in their diets these days so there's very much a reason to add it to table salt.