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19386884 No.19386884 [Reply] [Original]

First, can you spot what's fucking wrong here, and second can someone explain this trend? It's making me fucking sick to my tummach.

>> No.19386886

They wrote "Chinese five-spice" instead of "five Chinese spices"

>> No.19386889

bit glib, but yes I do agree

>> No.19386893

Honey doesn't belong on your basic buffalo wing.
Now if we were talking about a ghost pepper wing, I'd be okay with that.

>> No.19386905
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Yeah I think that's fair. So like 10 years ago buffalo wings didn't exist in Australia, but now lots of places are offering buffalo wings and even buffalo chicken burgers (even Subway got on board and offers their buffalo chicken sub in Australia now). However, almost everywhere I get buffalo wings it's made by illiterate indonesian etc cooks who cannot fucking stand following the basic original recipe. 80% of the time it's Frank's but cut with honey and soy sauce. like ALL THE FUCKING TIME. also another smaller complaint is even the best b-lo wings are basically never served with blue cheese dressing, it's always ranch or æiœlo or random garlic mayo or

and now seeing this post from a page which is NOT Australian has me alarmed

>> No.19386907

Every place tries to make their wings stand out. Adding honey to buffalo sauce really isn't too crazy to me. Sour, spicy, sweet. Makes sense. If you want traditional buffalo wings just make your own though. As long as you're not breading them it's piss easy

>> No.19386909

it's not so much the difficulty in making them at home (I do have a good process that works for me) it's just the erosion of buffalo wing culture that I find disturbing :[

>> No.19386916

I'd try the honey buffalo, but that garlic parmesan wing looks fuckin amazing. I usually get those anyway

>> No.19386918

>that garlic parmesan wing looks fuckin amazing
I agree, I'm gonna try that soon, and that apricot thingo

>> No.19386919

Back at uni, there was a diner near campus that delivered and had the most unfairly unsung wings ever. Their garlic, parmesan and herb were fantastic. And that's coming from a guy who tends to strongly prefer spicy food.
I miss school. : (
Adulting sucks.

>> No.19386920
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>> No.19386922

Maybe you're just bad at it. Got a wife and kid?

>> No.19386926

what is it with asians and always adding honey or even straight up sugar to their sauces? I realize it helps in some cases but it doesn't need to be in everything.

>> No.19386936

certainly not when it comes to buffalo wings. there's a pizza place in my particular suburb that was recently sold to a chinese family, and honestly the quality and freshness has remained fantastic but I swear to god they're sweetening the pizza and pasta sauce with honey or something. last time I had the bolognese it tasted like fucking hoisin with tomato. like they just can't leave shit alone

>> No.19386944

I live in sin with a set of tits but we're unmarried. I do have a son, however.
I own my house, have good credit, love my family and all the other marks of a proper adult but I just fucking miss having no responsibilities, no people who need me, being able to eat a fucking Cravecase of bacon and japaleenie-cheese White
Castles without turning into a fat fuck, not having to worry about everything all the time etc
I love my family, I really do, and I wouldn't trade them for the world, but I miss being a 20something retard, too.

One of the things I hate about my dad's cooking and he's not even /that/ kind of Asian IE not slanty-Asian (though my eyes are; go figure). I guess living in Indonesia for a decade made him do that, idfk.

>> No.19386954

For me I like half blue cheese dressing, with those thick blue cheese chunks, and half ranch. Goes perfect with buffalo chicken wings, buffalo chicken pizza or buffalo chicken calzones.

>> No.19386970

Fair. I miss my broke early twenties sometimes. Didn't care about anything except scrambling together money for rent, food, and beer. Now I'm planning a fucking paver patio

>> No.19386980

Usually when I make blue cheese dressing (because it's almost unpossible to buy) I just buy some nice blue cheese and chunk it up with a fork into some ranch and it works pretty well. Plus that way I at least also have some ranch dressing I can use for other stuff. I'll be fucked if I'm buying buttermilk etc to make blue cheese dressing properly, it'll all go to waste and I cannot fucking stand wasting food anymore.

>> No.19386995

blue chees w wings or go fuck your mother

>> No.19387076

the sweetness of the sugar balances out the bitterness from the soy sauce

>> No.19387096

I buy a big bag of chicken legs for 99c/lb then make giant buffalo and honey garlic legs.

I like wing flats better, but big ass drumsticks are 99c per pound and I'm poor.

>> No.19387107
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>> No.19387111

cons: it's about one chicken nugget worth of meat per drum
pros: it's the most delishes meat on the bird

I for one grill or roast drumsticks all the time, although I have never buffalo'd them. I think to get it right it would take a slightly different technique from wings but I'm definitely gonna figure it out

>> No.19387112

I use Louisiana hot sauce and olive oil because it's healthier than butter

>> No.19387121

why not Frank's tho

>> No.19387123

Dry them, then coat them with a light dusting of baking soda, bake for 250F for 30 mins, then finish at 425F until crispy outside and 160F internal. Toss in sauce. I will do the French style chicken "lollipop" and cut the knuckles off to save for stock making before cooking.

>> No.19387127

Louisiana is better

>> No.19387130

>baking soda
I've been hearing about this for wings but have been stubborn to try it, but I think you're right, on drums this is probably perfect.

Thanks anon I'm gonna try it this weekend

>> No.19387135

balances out sourness of vinegar and saltiness of soy

>> No.19387136
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>> No.19387140

we're talking about asian sauces you hyperventilating faggot. i didn't even look at the OP, don't care. replied to some dumb comment on page one without even skimming the catalog, guess what don't care

>> No.19387150

Australia KFC had zingers 15 years ago.

>> No.19387192

>The Zinger Burger was made famous by the fast food chain, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). This burger is actually a fried chicken sandwich made on the spicy side by including paprika and cayenne pepper in the chicken breading

there is nothing buffalo about a zinger anon

>> No.19387198
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>we're talking about asian sauces
no we're not

>> No.19387233

who the fuck are you even talking to?

>> No.19387299

Why? Are you afraid of a bean? -200 masculinity points. Down from 5.

>> No.19387316

>-200 masculinity points
>masculinity points
oh come now anon, we all know you're really referring to social credits

>> No.19387344

Yeah all that shit's full of sulfites

>> No.19387491

I like honey in Buffalo sauce but it's an addition, the base sauce is just the Frank's and butter. I've heard Worcestershire sauce is good in it but haven't tried it.
Garlic parm Buffalo sauce is where it's at.

>> No.19387549

Imagine living in a cardboard house and bragging about your goy score.
I thank God every day I was not born a mutt.

>> No.19387559

Buffalo is cayenne sauce, water, sugar, and butter. Honey is retarded because the flavour is too strong but as a substitution it somewhat works.

>> No.19388881

11years ago I could wings for 10cent a piece every weekend. Now a single wing is $1.25. Worst part most places stopped using tallow and now use seed oils.

>> No.19388885


>> No.19388887
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>11years ago I could wings get for 10cent a piece every weekend. Now a single wing is $1.25. Worst part most places stopped using tallow and now use seed oils.
That doesn't fix anything you retard

>> No.19388898

Ah shit, you know what I meant.

>> No.19388903

why are you asking me?

>> No.19388905

No. You shall suffer at least one version of wing that isn't candy you fat p o s

>> No.19389353

>she thinks owning a home and having a family is "bragging"
nobody loves you and you have no friends
also, lolpoverty

>> No.19389382

buffalo sauce is just supposed to be hot sauce and butter
wtf is wrong with people

>> No.19389477

Original Buffalo sauce is equal parts Frank's Red Hot and Margarine

>> No.19389596

It's baking powder, not baking soda. Do not use baking soda, it will be disgusting. Corn starch is better anyway. Baking powder has an off-putting taste

>> No.19389616

do you mean baking soda
i use roux, gelatin, or corn starch myself

>> No.19389640

I have baking powder and cawn starch. i have heard that BP makes it crispier but if CS is as good or better I'd probably rather use that

>> No.19389660

i was just thinking about thickening sauces. honestly forgot we were talking about wings.
i have a heretical take on wings.
boil them till the fat is leached out
remove and let steam dry
bake high temp super crispy cause skin is dry af no fat
toss in sauce
reduce boil water for chicken broth
suck mah dick it's perfect

>> No.19389668

not a terrible strategy. I mean, I do that with sausages and such and it works great.

Maybe I could boil, dry, dust with baking powder, crisp, and then sauce

>> No.19390906

I'm from Buffalo and I say KILL'M ALL

>> No.19390913
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>buffalo chicken burgers

>> No.19390975

it's just fried chicken with buffalo sauce don't be such a pedantic autist

>> No.19390980

On most jars of the blend, it's normally labeled 'five spice powder' or 'Chinese five spice'.

>> No.19390985

My personal wing sauce is a variant on the basic buffalo, just with garlic added.

>> No.19390992

Better to steam the fat out as opposed to boiling them, keeps the meat from getting mushy.

>> No.19391003

when it comes to chicken mushy is actually not a terrible outcome, as often it gets dry and tuff. considering how much harder it is to steam rather than just boil, I'm inclined to try the boil and be just careful not to over boil

>> No.19391010

How is steaming hard? Just put a steamer basket in the bottom of a pot with a little bit of water, put the wings on it, lid up and voila!

>> No.19391014

for me that's most shit to buy, and also seems like a yucky cleanup †bh :[

>> No.19391037

it doesn't get mushy. i put frozen wings in a big pot of boiling water for ~15 minutes, let it reduce for hours to get the stock
the steam dry is highly effective, just take straight out of the water and put on a rack or tray whatever
they'll be perfectly dry in 10 minutes and if you're not in a rush let them sit out 30 minutes to cool the center before you bake to maximize tenderness
yeah fuck cleaning steamer baskets, plus i can't even fit a dozen on one. i can boil as many as i want

>> No.19391379

Do you use garlic powder or fresh?

>> No.19391389

we get it youre a purist
at the end of the day its just chicken with different sauces
im assuming you only eat regular cheeseburgers and have never tried a variation of a burger?