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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19379696 No.19379696 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on food tubers?

Personally I like this guy
his tips and meal preps are actually achievable for an average human, no fancy equipment needed and the results aren't half bad either

>> No.19379906

You like that guy?

I ran into him once at a grocery store in Los Angeles. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.19381264

Afaik, Chef Wang is the only one who knows his shit.

>> No.19381280
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He looks like a fag but I'm a fan of How To Drink

>> No.19381322

>He looks like a fag but I'm a fan
Why did you feel the need to say this motherfucker. Are you really afraid to be judged by anons on 4chan for youtubers you watch? Just own it, faggot.

>> No.19381350

>his tips and meal preps are actually achievable for an average human, no fancy equipment needed and the results aren't half bad either
you just described adam ragusea and the majority of chef john recipes

>> No.19381354
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He looks like hell and knows it

>> No.19381355

I hate this literal closset faggot for political reasons.

>> No.19381723

He's got a wife and kid

>> No.19381864
File: 1.52 MB, 1280x720, 1487882187698 Jack bad gross taste reaction.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any video could be his last. I'm worried Ja/ck/ bros

>> No.19381902

I like this guy. His stuff is very good, very approachable, and he seems to know/get what the average person is willing to do.

>> No.19382024

Townsends is the hero we need.

>> No.19382063
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Love me some ja/ck/ino
Best foodtuber by a wide margin

>> No.19382103

Chef Wang is great. Him starting a new apprenticeship just so he could learn a new type of Chinese cooking earned respect from me.
These guys are on a similar level, if not a bit above.

>> No.19382177

Wait he had a stroke? Haven't kept up with Ja/ck/ since I left this board some years back. I guess I've got some catching up to do.

>> No.19382203
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I think he's had multiple. He was in the hospital for a month or so after the last one and still can't move his right arm. I dont think he's not slurring his words as bad anymore, so thats a plus.
I love to heckle him in his video comments and shitpost here about him, so i really hope he does get better because it's poor taste to insult the dead.

>> No.19382249

He had one in 2011, one in 2018, and one in 2023. Probably had one in 2009 or so based on his old blogs. He's only ever tried to lose weight twice in this span. His brother suggesting keto to him is also the reason he has had two in five years. Also what are you talking about, he slurs his words like a drunk now. It's sad.

>> No.19382276

Just checked out some of his latest videos and that hanging eye is the saddest part. At least he can somewhat use his right hand now, but that's permanent brain damage done. Doesn't he have another way to provide for his family, because I don't think he should even be on YouTube in that condition?

>> No.19382288

I fucking hate post monetization youtube with a passion and I hate all of these narcissistic faggots treating their shit like it's some sort of mutant abortion of a tv show. It was far more enjoyable when it was just people making videos they wanted to make because they enjoyed it instead of soyzilla niggers like what OP posted.

>> No.19382297

There's still plenty of that good stuff being made. You just need to dig a little deeper through all the moneygrab bullshit.

>> No.19382301
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He CAN use his right hand, but doesn't. If he worked it out it wouldn't have atrophied. Just like how he CAN walk but chooses not to. Look at this shit. He's given up.

>> No.19382316

I know, it just fills me with disgust and hatred seeing these open mouthed subhuman fucking cunts so frequently. I use a plugin to blacklist the faggots on my desktop but you still see them elsewhere like here.

The most recent good channel I found is this guy:


Italian dude who cooks traditional recipes, no bullshit, no sponsorships, no gay shit, just cooking.

>> No.19382324

Never seen him and that bullshit apron looks like it weighs a fucking ton

>> No.19382337

Lol I think it's the polar opposite. He hasn't given up an inch of his previous attitude to health or life in general.

Based ancient history enjoooooer. I liked Metatron and Lindybeige a while back. Lindy could be clueless as fuck, but at least he did his thing out of pure passion.

>> No.19382375
File: 344 KB, 2000x1125, Article1-Dessert-Person-Claire-Saffitz-2000x1125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Claire Saffitz

>> No.19382392

based and I'd add a couple more grey streaks to her hair if you know what I'm saying

>> No.19382405

for me it's Chef Jooooooooooohn from Foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood wishes dot cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom

>> No.19382408
File: 2.84 MB, 853x480, jack39.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is definitely laughing at him

>> No.19382483

;:) oh yeah buddy I know what you're saying.

>> No.19382517

He hasn't given it up because he believes waking up every day and not being dead means he's right about everything

>> No.19382596


>> No.19382610

>tfw one of my favorite food related tubers turned out to be a literal chomo

>> No.19382617
File: 15 KB, 480x360, ayCYWeOWUCdTseg4lHnOWkUlK_5rd6cbHV13LjXOezA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Joey's world tour fan

>> No.19382718

I'm not easily triggered by e-celebs but it's amazing the sheer diversity of obnoxious cunts out there cooking on youtube.

>> No.19382809
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>> No.19382875

i like preppykitchen

>> No.19382981

Yeah, because all I want to eat when I get home after a long shift is fuckin' hard tack and salt pork.

>> No.19382983

I forgot the channel since i never subscribed to it and stop watching it after getting a rutine on what i cooked but there is this one youtube who will post recipes for big meals that he then splits into 5 boxes for you to eat during the week and showing the fat, calories, sugars, etc of every portion

>> No.19383428

this and this >>19382405
recipes and some jokes are fine but cunts like that Alt-Lopez guy are too far on the cringe-o-meter

>> No.19383461

I just watch Sorted, bunch of lads with some good banter while they cook some food

>> No.19383724

I like James Makinson, he seems like a nice guy and has diverse experience

>> No.19383818

I laughed way too hard at this. Does anyone else enjoy browsing his Facebook? It's peak boomer posting

>> No.19383823

>hello food fans

>> No.19383829

>using the word foodtuber

>> No.19384693
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It's breddy gud

>> No.19384839


>> No.19384850
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>> No.19384939

I like a lot of them as long as the food they make is relatable and easily replicated and they don't do that cringy tiktok style fast camera cut bullshit.

>> No.19384980

>Him trying to hide the fact that he's moving into a house on Jack Jr's property due to difficulties

>> No.19385066

I fucking hate Americans so much

>> No.19385190

case in point, elton john

>> No.19385214
File: 1.11 MB, 701x960, 1704131-dredd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're jelly. we still manage to rule the world while our president has dementia, our population are overweight, stroked out assholes, and we export nothing but inflation and degeneracy. There's nothing you impotent whores can do about it.
Lie down in your grave or face nuclear annihilation, slave.

>> No.19385283
File: 2.82 MB, 640x480, traditional american hotpot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

americans are disgusting
look at this shit

>> No.19385481

Ja/ck/ is Italian

>> No.19385491
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If I want to see them, I'd go to youtube.

>> No.19385602

fpbp kek
Is it a copypasta ?

I know no cooktuber. Any advices?
Who's in the OP ?
I noted :
Adam Ragusea
Chef John
Chef Wang

>> No.19385607

OP is pro home cooks

>> No.19385612

So he's a talentless jew using the YouTube algorithm to shill his channel?

>> No.19385624

damn this is what eating his pot of cold tilapiaslop gets you?

>> No.19385632
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>Is proud of being the cancer of the world
This is America.

>> No.19385654

I only started cooking after watching life of boris.

>> No.19385655

>Two accomplished musicians both who have more talent than the person who posted this
What's the big deal

>> No.19385713

>Ill society worshipping two nigger whores, one is morbidly obese and would disgust 99% of men.
ftfy anon.

>> No.19385785

I like that jewish scoience guy ragusea, but not sure if he counts as food tuber.

>> No.19386075
File: 801 KB, 1280x720, 1649269112688 Jack JR box.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it confirmed he's moving into Jack Jr's property?

How the mighty have fallen

>> No.19386139

Isn't this the son he hates?

>> No.19386229

He looks very hatable anyway.

>> No.19386535

Helen Rennie - Slavic
Americas Test Kitchen - American
Chinese Cooking Demystified - Chinese
Italia Squisita - Italian (sometimes French)
Jules Cooking - Modernist
French Cooking Academy - French
BBC Good Food w/ Ainsley - British/Caribbean
Darren McGrady - British/French
Julia Child - French
Middle Eats - MENA/Turkish/Levantine
Townsends - American-Historical
Tasting History - World-Historical
Bruno Albouze - French/Pastry
ChainBaker - Baking
JoyRideCoffee - Baking
King Arthur Flour - Baking/Pastry

Looking for good sources for other cusines.
Indian/Japanese/other Euro/West African/East African/Latino/etc.

>> No.19386542

Chef Steps - Modernist

>> No.19386625

They bought land to supposedly build two homes on but only one is finished, so jack and tammy are going to live with jack jr and his wife in that house
No the one he choked out is Garrett

>> No.19386855

Spain on a Fork
Hot thai kitchen/pailin's kitchen
Rainbow plant life (general vegan, some indian stuff)
just one cookbook (japanese)
gen's bookshelf cafeteria (jp no subs, showa-style films of home-cooked food including western food japanese style)
marion's kitchen (mostly thai, general asia that isn't just chinese/japanese/korean)
rick bayless (mexican street food, a lot of regional tacos)
cocina con aquiles (peruvian rural)
las recetas de mj (spanish/international, also has some educational historical videos like tasting history and recreation of food in films)

>> No.19386894
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This guy dropped off my radar HARD after his brother split.
Brothers Green made food prep approachable as a dipshit teenager. They really pushed the idea that there isn't just one way to do things, and that being creative with what you have can be more fulfilling than just following a recipe, authenticity be damned. Which was a breath of fresh air, coming from the increasingly ever-present ideology that "deviation" and "bastardization" are synonymous. They are genuinely one of the reasons I feel as comfortable in the kitchen as I do.

When I dropped "Pro Home Cooks", he came off as parodying the pretentious and blatantly bought-off Food Network types, the kind of people they used to poke fun at, but was 100% serious. It looks like he's since transitioned to being an algorithm abusing advertisement.
>Vitamix™ is the only blender you should own
>top ten 15-minute meals that will change your life!
>best of tiktok compilation #29
>instant noodle showdown!
>don't even try to make pizza without the Breville™ Smart Oven® Pizzaiolo!

Brothers Green was juvenile, sure. But at least it WAS something.

>> No.19387238

Spain on a Fork is definitely solid.

>> No.19387288

Soybois overcomplicate single task and give useless tips to keep their audiences from leaving their stupid long videos so they get more pennies from their masters.
when I want to see a video of how to properly cook a recipe, I look for videos no longer than 5 mins.

>> No.19387618
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>No the one he choked out is Garrett
I still can't believe how he was bragging about that on a podcast

>> No.19387627
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I'm a fan of Apron.
Just baking stuff, no voice over, no stupid jokes, just baking.

>> No.19387695

rick bayless is probably the best english language resource for mexican cooking. unpretentious, matter of fact, lucid. can't really shill him enough.

>> No.19387716
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She has gotten bulky in the last year.
I miss the BA test kitchen bros

>> No.19387717

ragusea is the only one i dont find that annoying or uncomfortable

>> No.19387795
File: 89 KB, 661x623, 1638397543150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a chef john board

>> No.19387807

He hasn't spoken to Garrett in over six years. He absolutely fucking hates the kid and has completely disowned him, very Christian of him

>> No.19387821

is it because he smoked the devil's lettuce?

>> No.19387824

And pushed his wife for yelling at him about it. It's what led to the choking until his nose bled. Garrett doesn't want to see Jack either but apparently still worries about his health

>> No.19387998

Go back to filming your wife get fucked by some stranger, adam

>> No.19388001

~2017 BA test kitchen was kino....

>> No.19388034
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Favorite is pic related even tho he barely makes videos anymore.

But I like food wishes as well. I also watch that pretentious French engineer guy.

>> No.19388261

Thanks anons.
>pic related
>that pretentious French engineer guy.

>> No.19388334
File: 233 KB, 252x561, Jack2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I find this deep ja/ck/ lore?

>> No.19388335

Leave ck.

>> No.19388338

Farms used to have it but now there's a wiki I think and also occasionally here

>> No.19388379
File: 63 KB, 900x900, a5853def35e8dfecc7dc92a82338da9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make the baked beans recipe he posted today for Father's Day

>> No.19388649


You are looking at Jacques Pépin, one of the best chefs ever to grace the screen, the guy wrote one of the best (if not the best) cooking books ever (La Technique).

As for the French engineer guy I guess he means Alex, they both appear in this one:

>> No.19388829

I enjoy his old videos where the producers clearly directed him to cook French food but “healthy.”
>adds water
>”you could use wine, it would be better”
>adds cooking spray
>”you could use butter, it would be better”

From his later videos in his own home you can tell he’s still a pretty healthy guy but I wonder if he was seething all the time.

>> No.19388967

Internet Shaquille is the only one for me

>> No.19389012

move your fingers you stupid fucking gimp

>> No.19389016

Why'd he choke this kid out?

>> No.19389024


jack is the darksidephil of cooking shows.
I mean that in the most vicious way possible.

>> No.19389027

All of them are shit. Except the one you like anon that one is based

>> No.19389086
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I'm, cumming for you

>> No.19389535

for me, it's tipsy bartender

>> No.19389537
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DSP will actually fumble his way through things you wouldn't expect, and his extreme haters are far worse than him. Jack is an old man who has never impressed anyone with anything.

>> No.19389544

Why won't he just go to therapy

>> No.19389641

He got his curled up gimp hand. A symbol of how god hates him and is amused at his suffering.
Can't you just picture this fucker sitting at applebees and being amazed at the food?

>> No.19389665
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This thread is now owned by Uncle Roger.

>> No.19389680

He was a drunk before Tammy made him stop. He has an addictive personality.

>> No.19389746

So the text was in front of his genitals to hide his tiny Asian penis, right?

>> No.19389804
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Cry more, Kenji Lopez

>> No.19390053

is it true that JoeysWorldTour is a child molester

>> No.19390056

I wish that guy would remove all the hair from his face. It isn't very appetizing.

>> No.19390127
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Love me some Shaq. Cuts to the chase and doesn’t jerk himself off as much as other YouTubers.

>> No.19390183

>Asian manlet is skinny

>> No.19390209

90% of the Foodtubers are below 170cm

>> No.19390215

Sandwiches of History and Roll for Sandwich are just stupid short and fun to watch, roll for sushi is pretty boring



>> No.19390425

He will come back.
That's a good sign — she cooks nice dishes. Or cooks only what she likes and doesn't give to her neighbors.

>> No.19390738

comme ça

>> No.19390831
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so juicy...

>> No.19390854
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I agree but have you seen his brother's solo content? It's literally about him walking around barefoot, eating whatever random shit he finds on other people's property, which he calls "foraging". There's also many videos of him playing music alone with a bunch of expensive equipment. Most of his videos have 20-100 views. It's pretty obvious that the Pro Home Cook brother was the one who actually knew how to cook, how to make engaging videos, and, like you said, how to abuse the algorithm.

>> No.19390855

Don't like 'em
simple as

>> No.19390885

Some are good, some are bad, most are middling and a lot are bad people. Same as most youtubers