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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19380945 No.19380945 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19380954

This thread will thankfully be removed for either racism outside of /b/ or for being extremely low quality.

>> No.19380967
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>This thread will thankfully be removed for either racism outside of /b/ or for being extremely low quality.

>> No.19380974 [DELETED] 
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>waaahhhhhhh help me jannies they're bullying meeeeeeeeee
Lmao blacks are so fragile

>> No.19380980

I do love pickles on its own, would eat a whole jar in one sitting while finishing it with the brine on a regular basis, though they're pretty dire in other food.

>> No.19381006

never understood why it seems like only white folks like pickles. I got a chicano buddy who hates em too but doesn't know why. I guess nonwhites don't understand the appeal of preserved foods?

>> No.19381008

Africans never had to learn food preservation because they had no Winter which would kill you if you weren't prepared.

>> No.19381009
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>*tink tink tink*
Hello, I'd like to make an announcement

>> No.19381015

every nation has their own pickled food you dinkwad

>> No.19381030
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Little whiney bitches hate on turnips. Turnip greens and roasted turnip are god tier sides for any meal

>> No.19381031
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>> No.19381034
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You could use a tutor, esl

>> No.19381041

sowwy reddit is down for u sweetie, thanks for stopping by

>> No.19381057

Why would I care about lesser races anyways? I don't feed my dog the finest cuisine either.

>> No.19381095
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>> No.19381108

fuck I love cabbage salad, coleslaw is acceptable but I enjoy krautsalat more

>> No.19381113
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I live in the south and have never seen a black person that didn't like pickles. Curiously, the asian people I've met don't like them, which is strange considering that they love pickled stuff like kimchi and pickled ginger.
Same as above, black people love coleslaw to go with fried fish or chicken.
To stay on topic I nominate any type of egg that isn't boiled or scrambled, for some reason they have a weird aversion to eggs that still have some gooeyness to them like sunny side up or poached.

>> No.19381204

probiotics can't survive inside people of color

>> No.19381226

All black people i've met love pickles. This thread is weird.

>> No.19381237

goyslop nuclear green pickles are not real pickles. It's like comparing an ale to some gas station HFC laden malt liquor

>> No.19381246


>> No.19381305
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I love them shits

>> No.19381309

vinegar is a chemical. vinegar chips are for aliens and racists, truly can't step into the mind of somebody who would pick that flavor over regular

>> No.19381314

Shut the fuck up you retarded faggot
I've noticed in elementary school they tend not to like salad or anything that involves raw green vegetables. Might just be too small of a sample size. I don't exactly monitor the grazing behaviour of apes

>> No.19381331

The chinese love preserved foods, uneducated twat

>> No.19381342

apparently they hate mayonnaise for some reason, or so I've heard

>> No.19381362

you have never interacted with a black person other than glancing at them from 30 yards away. pickled anything is basically black grandmother's specialty.

>> No.19381365
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i get banned from this board at least once a month for racism

>> No.19381368
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Kool Aid Pickles are big in the hood, as are the Van Holtens Hot Pickles. Black people also enjoy pickled pigs feet, pickled sausage, and pickled eggs.

Op doesn't know black people.

>> No.19381376

Tey to dice the turnip in little cubes and panfry it with olive oil and salt. It's incredible.

>> No.19381382

Is it fun?

>> No.19381392

This is a complete falsehood pushed by rich black people on twitter who grew up in white areas.
As someone who worked in a deli in a bad part of Philadelphia for years I can assure you that blacks love hoagies with extra mayo.

>> No.19381396

Ment for >>19381342
My apologies.

>> No.19381400

racism is pretty fun ngl

>> No.19381448

>more goyslop shit

>> No.19381483

>.01¢ have been deposited into your account
t. /Leftypol/

>> No.19381496

Anyone with any sense is tired of you and your sacred pets.

>> No.19381509

>in elementary school they tend not to like [...] raw green vegetables
Shut the fuck up you gay retard, you're describing the average kid.


>> No.19381512
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>only once
Keep it up rookie, one day you'll be in the big leagues.

>> No.19381516

nta but it is when I get (you)s

>> No.19381520

>only once
i said AT LEAST once a month
and thats just this board i am not counting all the other boards (i get banned from /k/ on a bi dialy basis)

>> No.19381544

funny enough, I posted that because I know a few educated upper-middle-class black people who weirdly detest mayo

>> No.19381577

pickled eggs are great and you are a faggot

>> No.19381587


>> No.19381650
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Niggers and browns can't stand this stuff.

>> No.19381696

Neither can Asians. It's about lactose intolerance I guess.

>> No.19381731
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my suspicion is that no black person has ever eaten a limburger sandwich

>> No.19381770

What's the deal with wanting foods that smell like piss? There's too many ammonia scented foods that are staple items in some Yuro foods.

>> No.19381869

Wrong. It's because the mind of the well melanated cannot think for more than 5 minutes into the future.

>> No.19381880

I've never seen a black person order a salad. Not like I'm on the lookout for this phenomenon, but I've at the very least noticed this.

>> No.19381884

This isn't true.
the current theory js called "different nigger theory". The hypothesis is that negroes become a different negro every 5-15 minutes. When that period elapsed they are effectively a different negro with no recollection of their previous self. Hence the most common defense in court is "it wasn't me" when confronted with undisputable evidence that it was in fact that negro

>> No.19381892
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You DRINK the brine?
Well, Maybe I could see dipping a good Grilled Cheese in it, but..

>> No.19381896
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>> No.19381909
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Yeah, I really think it's just posturing.
George Floyd's brother said on the stand that his brother made the best Banana Mayonnaise sand'ich he'd ever eaten.
There's ALWAYS gotta be some bullshit to set them "APART"

>> No.19381960

This is somewhat true but it depends on the location. Blacks in the midwest are into pickling, but only because it's the only way anybody could survive out there(regardless of skin color). The midwest has been a wasteland for roughly the last 1000 years, there used to be trees and forests if you can believe that. Nearly draining the ogallala and mahomet aquifers is the sole reason it's been the nation's bread basket for the last century.

>> No.19381978

Anybody notice how sickly most pickles look? I used to get Vlassic until I tried another brand that had a nice crisp and actually still resembled a cucumber. Most brands of pickle are like mush.

>> No.19381981

>he doesn't drink the pickle brine
the romans have been drinking vinegar for years bro
that stuff's delicious and keeps you hydrated on a hot day

>> No.19381985

Try famous daves if you haven't already. Perfect balance of macropickle/availability vs quality

>> No.19381987

If you're not making your own, Claussen makes good store bought ones that are typically found in a refrigerated grab and go by the deli counter

>> No.19382040
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GARUM Was NOT pickle brine...
That said, you should make MUSHROOM KETCHUP..
It may just change your life.

>> No.19382050

properly cooked steak. they all eat it well done.

>> No.19382057

And CRUSTED in season salt.
SOmeone PLEASE poast the pasta.

>> No.19382067

I keep hearing those 18th century larpers rave about this shit. Might as well give it a shot.

>> No.19382078

no one mentioned garum retard. romans (and most everyone else) have been making vinegar drinks ever since there has been wine.

>> No.19382081
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I was skeptical at first too, but Townsend's hasn't steered me wrong yet.
It'ssss...I don't even fucking know how to say how good it is.

>> No.19382088

Eat shit..
He was talking about Pickle brine.
Poast the LAST food you made retard.

>> No.19382131

His channel must bet getting pretty popular. Nice to see some actual European culture.

>> No.19382146
File: 858 KB, 1600x1200, Toad in the Hole 2...Yeah, I made that..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno...
I've been following for the last 5 years.
I even made my own oilcloth once.
I appreciate him, but he seems to have gone sideways with his content.
It IS nice to see real European culture.
British food gets a BAD RAP, but the old recipes, are truly GOOD EATS.

>> No.19382149

It's just salty vinegar broth with a pinch of sugar man, it's great if you need to make some kind of sauce, or use as a shot after exercising

>> No.19382153

>he seems to have gone sideways with his content
Don't like the fast food recreations?

>> No.19382162

IDK..They aren't BAD.
But trying to emulate Goyslop like the McGriddle...
I guess I can respect it for what it is.

>> No.19382169
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>tfw you come to this thread to be racist and discover a nice old timey cookbook
didnt expect wholesome today

>> No.19382170

He's probably just trying to find a way to get kids interested in the larp and tap into that sweet Youtube algorithm.

>> No.19382171

I could see this.
Again..I'm not against it in theory--like with a grilled cheese.
I knew guys who would drink the vlasic..I always was more the type to reload the jar with cauliflower and carrots.

>> No.19382176

Those two things are not as unrelated as you may think.

>> No.19382180

How many times can you reuse the pickling solution?

>> No.19382182
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These days Just being White is RASSISSS, so WHY the fuck not?
EMBRACE your heritage, no matter WHO you are(Foodwise).

>> No.19382186

As long as you continue adding salt, water, and vinegar as necessary and it's clear, it's fine

>> No.19382198
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I hate to say it on 4troons, but if he poasted his daughter Ivy moar...
I don't blame him for NOT.
It would be a nice bolster for guys to see a trad gal.

>> No.19382202


>> No.19382209

Vlasic is kinda crap. If you get the good ass pickles, that brine is like an ambrosia.

>> No.19382212

I agree anon..
(Yes, That anon...)

>> No.19382217

Not everyone can be as shameless about using their cute little girls for clicks as howtodad.

>> No.19382242

These are awesome, they can really fuck you up

>> No.19382364

Pre-sliced pickles get more mushy. Buy whole ones and slice them.

>> No.19382394

Texas loves its pickles. Best Maid has a whole pickle emporium in Dallas. Alamo Candy Company in San Antonio makes candy pickles.
Texicans like pickles just fine.

>> No.19382400

I got banned from /an/ for lamenting the fact that chinks are driving endangered animals to extinction for boner pills

>> No.19382409

>checked 'n' REKT
gotta curb that "Chink" shit off /pol/, anon...
I unnerstan

>> No.19382518

i mean, you are objectively correct

>> No.19382582

Why the pointless racism?

>> No.19382645

I lived with some niggers for a while and they seemed disgusted that I would eat anything not fully cooked like steak or eggs.

They also checked every box for every cooking meme you hear about. Washed chicken? Check. Fried food? Check. "Seasoning?" Check. McDonald's every day? Check.

They also seemed to hate to actually use the dishwasher, opting instead to hand wash everything, which I just didn't understand. This also was a bit frustrating because it meant the dishwasher would go long periods of being not quite full enough to run while having some utensil in it that I needed.

I could go on, but this thread is about food.

>> No.19382673

If you're used to a shitty dishwasher or dish tabs that leave residue, I get it. I prefer washing big shit by hand, and refuse to put my good pans in the dishwasher. There's also something comfy about handwashing when you've got too much going on in your mind.
I won't shit on anyone for being afraid of undercooked foods. It takes one good food poisoning event to really set someone on edge.

>> No.19382759

residue on your dishes is a result of either hard water or too much detergent. its a balancing act.