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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 650x867, blackstone-smash-burgers-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19378485 No.19378485 [Reply] [Original]

the smashed burger is the superior burger. everything else is a meatloaf sandwich.

>> No.19378798
File: 810 KB, 2250x2560, Double-Smash-Burgers-with-Sauce-4-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19378814

I like how well they brown, but pretty much any burger is going to be good if you season the patties and eat it hot.

>> No.19378897
File: 114 KB, 720x960, 89865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need atleast 3 or 4 patties on them

>> No.19378919
File: 184 KB, 1070x1082, 98e20521-bd8a-4587-a016-b8a592743648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19378929
File: 3.29 MB, 576x1024, burger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.19378943

The worst burgers are the ones that are near on a big meat ball. They are usually dry af too. The benefit of several thin patties is you can load it with cheese and stuff between each patty, so the whole thing has different texture throughout , instead of a slab of meat

>> No.19378947

too fat. not a burger imo. that's a meatloaf sandwich.

>> No.19378992
File: 296 KB, 1070x1422, MonsterSmash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A smash burger place near me did a Monster Smash - 4 patties, 2 buttermilk chicken, onion rings etc

>> No.19379037
File: 393 KB, 720x837, DonerSmash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another one, loaded up with doner meat

>> No.19379069
File: 551 KB, 2200x1721, -1x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy howdy do I love a good meatloaf sandwich

>> No.19379085

smash burgers are drier than a saharan nun

>> No.19379096

You're a fucking meatloaf sandwich

>> No.19379110

This looks disgusting.

>> No.19379116

You're overcooking them dumbass.

>> No.19379122

I've never made one in my life. The various ones I've been served in my life, from various venues in different countries, continents even, were as dry as a mummy's taint and balls.

>> No.19379132

you could have just said taint. you could have just said balls. but you said taint and balls. why?

>> No.19379136

Alton Brown said to never smash. You smash all the juice out.

>> No.19379156

Cause this thread was made to generate hate content and is doing so?

>> No.19379735

this thread was made to talk about the superior burger. not hate. not meatloaf sandwiches.

>> No.19379748

I'm guessing you're a huge faggot in everyday life too not just here.

>> No.19379753


>> No.19379754

I'm guessing you're a kissless virgin who doesn't have any friends.

>> No.19379756

I smashed your mum's burger. What do you think about that? huh?

>> No.19379802

A good smashburger is hard to beat

>> No.19379811
File: 37 KB, 640x480, summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dry ass, overcooked, fast food meme burger

>> No.19379812

>smashed burger is the superior burger.
You can't get that char-grilled flavor on a griddle/pan.

>> No.19379819

>atleast 3 or 4 patties
>4 patties, 2 buttermilk chicken,
I'm not gonna bother linking every post, but if it's so big you have to use a knife and fork, is it still really a burger?
If you're shooting for excess for the sake of excess, then one patty, cheese, an egg, bacon, and reasonable toppings.

>> No.19379827

>the whole thing has different texture throughout ,
I've never been able to pull this off with a thin patty. By the time I get a nice crispy outside, the inside in at least medium well. Probably not a hot enough pan.
>instead of a slab of meat
A 1/2" to 5/8" patty can be charred on the outside, but still medium on the inside, or even medium-rare.
Just my experience.

>> No.19379835

>meatloaf sandwich.
>meatloaf sandwich.
>meatloaf sandwich
A meatloaf sandwich is an entirely different thing, and wonderful in its own right.

>> No.19379845

It's either the charred flavor or the maillard reactions of a well developed crust. You can appreciate both.

>> No.19379857

she's been dead for 12 years. that's gross.

>> No.19379864

if a patty is thicker than a woman's finger I don't think it counts as a burger. and yes, actual meatloaf sandwiches are delicious.

>> No.19379879

a burger isnt a meatloaf sandwich
a meatloaf is a burger casserole

>> No.19379902

That's just retarded Instagram bait

>> No.19379912

>You can appreciate both.
And you can get both from a grill, but not a smash-burger.

>> No.19379919

dude, he almost used a whole stick of butter for this one burger.

>> No.19379921

>she's been dead for 12 years. that's gross.
Not him, but sometimes I'm worried about my life's accomplishments.
I haven't accomplished shit, and look at all Mozart has accomplished. By the time he was my age, he'd been dead for 23 years.

>> No.19379925
File: 69 KB, 422x750, 1457363932860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thicker than a woman's finger
Not sure I'd use that as a standard.

>> No.19379931

get off the internet and go live a fulfilling life. you'll never achieve anything spending time on here. always look both ways before crossing the street.

>> No.19379935

that isn't a woman. that's a land whale.

>> No.19379938

>almost used a whole stick of butter
There's a wide variety of other problems there.
He might be a great chef, but he'll never be an American. So sad. Stay in your lane, Gordon.

>> No.19379977

It's like you've never heard every single, obscure reference in western culture.

>Lehrer: "It's people like that who make you realize how little you've accomplished. It is a sobering thought, for example, that, when Mozart was my age, he had been dead for two years."

>> No.19380017 [DELETED] 

>has episode where he complains about pizza being too greasy at some restaurant
>puts so much butter when cooking an egg the white literally turns yellow
>puts down 500mg butter for one burger
>burger is so tall you need to crush the egg and have the yolk pour down along the sides for it to fit in your mouth
>when biting down on the burger it looks like it's raining due to all the grease
how did this talentless nigger get famous? that burger decreases your life expectancy with 5 years

>> No.19380046

>that burger decreases your life expectancy with 5 years
Oh FUCK, I had three!

>> No.19380616

damn that looks good

>> No.19380708
File: 3.77 MB, 2782x2087, PXL_20230515_015611345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smash burgers are the bomb

>> No.19381944
File: 79 KB, 1200x1599, smashburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19381951

Doner meat is great on burgers. Adds an extra flavour and juiciness if you get the good stuff

>> No.19381958

would happily feed her burgers by hand and rub her full tummy afterward

>> No.19382827
File: 1.07 MB, 1814x1360, goldburger-smash-burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19382841

Smash is the way you feel all alone
Like an outcast you're out on your own
Smash is the way you deal with your life
Like an outcast you're smashing your strife

>> No.19383350

That's a lot of work for a burger that likely isn't all that great, used 1/4 stick of butter for the buns alone and they didn't even look toasted. He also once again managed to not melt cheese. I want to see what it looks like cut in half

>> No.19384712

Gordon Ramsay is a prolapsed chud sometimes and I ask myself alot "Can he really cook?"

>> No.19384714

They look like pussies that have had the shit fucked out of them

>> No.19384745

I wish this retard would just die already

>> No.19384788

This burger doesn't really score highly but it's a meme butter and runny egg burger for tiktok so I'm gonna let it slide.

>> No.19385105

your mind is gone

>> No.19385255

I agree that it’s more enjoyable to eat 3 small burgers than one big one!

>> No.19386059

>brings out the blowtorch and still fails to melt the cheese

>> No.19386090
File: 47 KB, 553x640, 1668026140485326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what even is a smash burger?

>> No.19386426
File: 247 KB, 1920x1080, rx5wee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The superior burger.
Season a fuckton of meat and form it into a patty (not necessarily in that order)
Smack a fuckton of butter on it. Good food is made with a lot of love and a lot of butter.
Get the pan going
Butter side down
Cook it until its done and flip it when it needs to
Pot of boiling water
Drop in a bundle of Somen noodles
Cook those until they're done
Soy sauce
Hot sauce (or chili garlic sauce)
stir until it's sticky
drop it on top of your eagerly awaiting burger
Udon noodles
That shit has to cook for a long time though
Whenever it's ready, strain it and drop it into the pan with yakisoba sauce (I use a premade one because I'm a lazy fuck but throw in chili garlic sauce it's not hot enough)
Let it soak up all the butter and grease and deliciousness
Throw it on top
Bone off the teeth

EX round:
that same burger but instead of noodle shenanigans just use bacon and shiitake mushrooms, making sure to use that bacon grease too

>> No.19386458

what is his endgame?

>> No.19386466

yea but did Mozart have a fully charged jo crystal?

>> No.19386477

Meatloaf is great. I love meatloaf.

>> No.19386614

>not enjoying a nice, juicy with a pink middle and instead falling for the burnt charcoal meme

>> No.19386617

Take a thin patty, smash it completely flat so all the juices are forced out and then say it's based and kawaii because the bald headed, thick bearded YouTube chiefs said so

>> No.19386747
File: 78 KB, 826x620, Arbys+is+a+restaurant+that+gets+its+name+from+quotrbquot+_45fe5c0e86ed8ba1eb2a57d7636c383a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19386752

Hate smash burgers, I'm a burger patty enjoyer

>> No.19387364

Congrats on letting us know you have no idea how to cook a passable burger or how anything in the real world works. Seriously though, thats the dumbest shit i've ever read.

>> No.19387378

You can't get a maillard reaction on a grill like you can with a smash burger on a flat top.

>> No.19387840

>muh juices
Can someone explain this latest obsession some people have with myoglobin?

>> No.19387847

Smashed burgers should ONLY be made with short rib. Any other cut is inferior for this style of burger.

>> No.19387852

this but for truffle oil

>> No.19387864
File: 610 KB, 2864x2148, uqdgx984t1n91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. If it doesn't look like this then it's not a real burger

>> No.19387875

meatloaf sandwich.

>> No.19387898

looks like you just slapped a pile of loose mince in a pan and steamed it to "perfection".

>> No.19387931

my homemade burgers never come out that great. what am i missing? should i be adding an egg to to the ground beef?

>> No.19388305

Looks like she's ready to settle down.

>> No.19388312

>Oh my god, I've never done this before!

>> No.19388319

>should i be adding an egg to to the ground beef?
If you're having trouble with the patty holding together, holding it's shape, or if it falls apart while cooking, then egg and/or bread crumbs can help.
Otherwise, just hamburger and seasoning should be fine.
>never come out that great
What exactly is the problem? Too dry? Bland taste? I really want to help, but you're going to need to give us more clues.

>> No.19388332

You guys DO understand labia size ISN'T a sign of high mileage, right?
PLEASE tell me that if you're old enough that your parents let you post here, you have SOME idea how girls work.

>> No.19388351

I know that when I stretched my last gf the first couple of times the size of her labias noticeably changed in size and colour so I guess YOU'LL need to go out in the world more.

>> No.19388361

yes,absolutely ,you are correct sir ,i make burgers for a living and you couldnt be anymore correct
>Verification not required.

>> No.19388387

Nope. Didn't happen.

>> No.19388410

High mileage w*man with a large labia detected.

Have sex.

>> No.19388489

Do Amerifats really?

>> No.19388535

>Do Amerifats really?
Should be an auto-ban.
As a random Anon, all I can do is automatically disregard your opinion.

>> No.19389396

based offspring poster

>> No.19389403

i needs it brotendos.......

>> No.19389570

too dry

>> No.19390893

use better meat. get a ribeye and grind it yourself.