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File: 46 KB, 765x771, fat wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19371132 No.19371132 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people out there with 3000+ kcal resting metabolic rates despite being thin and not tall
>my BMR is 1500
its not fair bros

>> No.19371134

>there are people out there with 3000+ kcal resting metabolic rates despite being thin and not tall
No there aren't, stop coping

t. fatass

>> No.19371136

That isn’t true you fat shit

>> No.19371142

It's very rare, but possible
My BMI is 22,2

>> No.19371187
File: 581 KB, 561x409, lizzie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not unless you have a disorder in which your body doesn't absorb the food you shove down your gullet (like this chick)

>> No.19371214

Why are zoomers so fucking retarded?

>> No.19371238

Any BMI over 20 for a man is obesity

>> No.19371247

BMI doesn't consider muscle mass, fool.

>> No.19371248

I’m feeling awful - I have been trying to lose weight for months now — everytime it seems like excercise and clean eating have started to make a big dent (like I’ll have dropped 8 lbs over the course of 2 weeks with daily weigh in) suddenly I step on the scale and 10 lbs heavier…
I’m starting to lose my mind

>> No.19371398

Hila Klein?

>> No.19371416

got to eat big to get big.

>> No.19371441

No such thing, but if you want to increase your own metabolism just fast

>> No.19371451

The brain consumes most of your body’s calories, just become really smart and eat all you want. Force your body into IQgenesis by reading all day.

>> No.19371458

honestly works and is no larp, Science! shows that top level chess player spend thousands of kcal per day playing major tournaments so just chessmaxx and you'll be both lean and mentally sharp. perfectly optimized

>> No.19371752
File: 1.04 MB, 1088x984, Screenshot_20230612-000422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've realized that most fatasses actually believe they eat/exercise the same amount as everyone else but some people are just "naturally" skinny or fat. They'll literally blame everything except their own choices.

>> No.19371755
File: 60 KB, 500x871, b2d7aa343a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the top chess player in the world currently.

>> No.19371796

take semaglutide retard
obesity has already been cured, you have no excuse anymore

>> No.19371847

change the composition of your diet and you will lose weight without being hungry

>> No.19371855
File: 8 KB, 255x197, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the Ozempic club and you'll realize how miserable it is when you cant eat a lot of food

I empathize with skellies now, dont even know why I wanted to lose weight since I'm ugly either way, but at least before I could cope with some food

>> No.19371901

>3000+ kcal resting metabolic rates despite being thin and not tall
You can have this too. You just need to work out regularly.

>> No.19372000

Schizmaxxx and develop constant severe anxiety. This will increase your heart rate for passive calorie burning and trash your ability to digest food in the first place.

>> No.19372010
File: 53 KB, 1000x1000, pp,840x830-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally break 200 pounds last week
>Encouraged, continue eating healthy
>205 this week

>> No.19372028
File: 102 KB, 1200x675, FbMPYx_UEAIIBnU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mens sana in corpore sano!

>> No.19372077

Ppl hate on fatties but i come to realize, the real ppl to hate are nutrition non-knowers. Who granted, are almost always fat. But think of a fat guy who truly knows why hes fat (not just from reading about it online and meekly coping but from experience experimenting with his diet and shit...) Such a guy would not be annoying.

>> No.19372078

Bro its just some dice rolls keep doing the right thing.

>> No.19372092

if bmi considered muscle mass id be obese with the 20 bmi

>> No.19372328

take meth and fidget the pounds away

>> No.19372415
File: 403 KB, 744x1052, 1685835197088944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The deliberately misleading title of the one article everyone links when claiming "Chess players consume 5k calories over a tournament" has lead to the common misconception that chess players consume those 5k calories by thinking really hard.
While the brain does consume more when at work, the difference in consumption is marginal compared to baseline even when tackling the hardest tasks.
As you'll find if you actually read the study instead of just a pop-science title, high caloric consumption found in tournament chess players is caused by stress, not intellectual work. Muscle tension, heightened heart rate, the body disengaging most heuristics so it can be ready for threats, all of this contributes to your BMR pretty much doubling.

But you'd find the exact same caloric expenditure in some guy stuck in a wooden cage, perfectly still, surrounded by lions and tigers trying to get to him for 6 hours. Because, again, that "5k Calories" figure for chess players is utterly unrelated to intellectual work.
It's all stress.

>> No.19372457

I hope your comment was trying to prove that you are indeed ROTUND lol

>> No.19372489

Weigh yourself daily and average out the week. Daily weight changes a lot based on water retention, waste in your bowls, food in stomach, etc

>> No.19372498
File: 112 KB, 300x436, busta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole "fast metabolism" shit is total bullshit, try reading about it sometime. There are variations in how people metabolize their caloric intake but the actual practical difference in weight is marginal.
Protip: People who eat a lot and aren't fat are physically active, not blessed with some magic.

>> No.19372503
File: 980 KB, 3000x2000, magnus carlsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pic is old as fuck

>> No.19372516

Basal metabolic rate can swing pretty wildly desu. Check out the term mitochondrial dysfunction. tldr is the thing burning fuel in your body can get fucked up. Most of the time it's through eating processed junk that poisons your body but still.

>> No.19372533

After defending his title for like a decade straight he chose to give it up this year because he didn't give a fuck anymore. The title of world chess champion will forever be his sloppy seconds. The title holder will never know if they really deserve it.

>> No.19372536

Retards look outwards, smart people look inwards. Your BMI wouldn't change if all those people were dead

>> No.19372548

I lost the weight 3 times (went from over 400 pounds to 200)
Last time I got memed into throwing my old clothes out
I have been gaining the weight again
I realized that I'm ok with the cycle, gaining/loosing weight can't be so unhealthy right? Technically I spend more time dieting than I spend gaining
All medical studies say I'm perfectly healthy since I spend most of the time under a 800 calorie die with low fat/sugar and daily exersice
Alternatively I could commit to having a couple hours of exercise a day in order to afford an extra 1000 calories of junk food a day but it's hard to commit of doing it every day not because the exercise bothers me but because I suck at being organized

>> No.19372552

If he gained some more weight he could kneel in the floor and bend back as much as he could, be painted pink and cosplay kirby

>> No.19372560

So if I put myself in a state of constant stress, I can eat twice as much and not get fat?

>> No.19372598

BMI can get fucked. If I'm considered "obese" with my current figure then some of these lardos walking around must be on a whole nother spectrum.

>> No.19372610

I think there is a natural variation in anon's basic appetite relative to his calorie needs, and if you don't watch out you can easily get obese

it just sucks that I naturally want to eat way more than maintenance calories, so for health reasons I have to constantly make myself eat low calorie meals and decline desserts, otherwise the mass just accretes like a binary star system

been tempted by these new drugs which apparently reduce appetite. I can't tell you how awesome it would be to satisfyingly feel full only on maintenance calories. I could maintain a healthy weight while eating exactly what I please? Without having to constantly deprive myself of what I actually want to eat?

gonna wait for some folk to have been on them for a few years though. don't want to be a guinea pig either

>> No.19372625

>low calorie meals
Dude an average 400g microwave meal is 600kcal. Learn to only eat two meals per day, ghrelin production adjusts itself to your routine. Also include more potatoes in your meals, they're the single most per-calorie filling food out there and dirt cheap to boot.

>> No.19372638
File: 39 KB, 351x274, 1513996459899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, yes. that's why further categories such as 'morbidly obese' exist. are you stupid or something?

>> No.19372705

There is no way in hell your BMR is 1500 unless you are a child still

>> No.19372727

i mean i guess, but you're also spiking your cortisol and opening yourself up to all sorts of other health problems. chronic stress is not good for you

>> No.19372821

BMI is based on height and weight. How does that not consider musclemass?

>> No.19372827

The word "weight" does not specify between fat, water, or muscle you literal retard.

>> No.19372876

Shut up you fat retard

>> No.19372894

Unironically why doesn’t she just eat more food? Free food sounds good, no?

>> No.19372897

The fatter you are the lower your metabolism becomes. If you want to increase your bmr get more muscle mass. Thats why really fit people have a bmr of like in the 2000s not doing anything

>> No.19372902

Post body

>> No.19372910

Not op (who is a homosexual) but that's where I've ended up after 100+ pounds of weight loss. You can fuck up a metabolism hard.

>> No.19373041

how do you know that? how are you calculating your BMR?

>> No.19373056

why are all you americans so fat holy shit

>> No.19373296

Hormone problems are real but only 1 out of every 1000 fatties aren't lying about it. I was roommates with a girl who had PCOS and got to see how much discipline goes into staying /fit/ with it.
>daily weigh in
Change this to weekly or bi-weekly and try to do it under the same times/conditions (for example, every or every other Monday after your morning piss). Water weight fluctuates and will fuck with your perception of progress.

>> No.19373305

My BMR is 1500. I work from home and am extremely sedentary. I do some light exercise each morning with weights and a treadmill, but not much else. I'm 5'11, 155 pounds.

>> No.19373317

Other way around mate, the fatter you are the more effort your body has to do to keep being that fat. It takes more effort to continuesly pump around blood compared to a fit person etc. an that goes a lot of things.

>> No.19373333
File: 73 KB, 697x900, RMR 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was even annoyed enough to get proof.

Just go to any RMR calculating site and change weights around

>> No.19373364

While the other anon is also wrong, you'll notice how that calculator doesn't differentiate between fat and muscle mass. Yes, technically fat tissue also burns calories, but it's very little compared to having the same amount of weight in muscle.

>> No.19373379

That difference only matters for people with activity levels and bodies of professional athletes. If you're looking to lose weight with online calculators then you aren't one of those people.

>> No.19373401

If you're looking to lose weight, it's an essential difference because it means exercise essentially counts double: it burns calories by itself, and it also increases your RMR by increasing your muscle mass.

>> No.19373422

>there are people out there with 3000+ kcal resting metabolic rates despite being thin and not tall

>> No.19373424

as a fatass i completely agree with your statement , most fatasses say i try and try but i cant lose weight its just because you're lazy , i've been extremely active for past year and eating more healthy , and im already seeing difference

>> No.19374685

By counting calories and using a scale. If you want to be a pedant the correct term is TDEE, and also fuck yourself.

>> No.19374697

You're overestimating the effects of muscle mass on calories burned. The effect is negligible unless you're exceptional.