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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19366999 No.19366999 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: only god tier vegetables
I’ll start

>> No.19367024

All of them but san choy. Fuck san choy.

>> No.19367050

Potatoes and onions.

>> No.19367059

cauliflower is pretty versatile

>> No.19367137


>> No.19367154
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Pottage of fermented hogweed leaves + sour cream = Early medieval Slav kino (and the origin of the name Borscht)
Too bad only foragers eat it nowadays, it's one of the most common roadside weeds

>> No.19367371
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>> No.19367388

this is probably unironically better than the dogshit red dirt water peddled as "borscht" today

>> No.19367464

Checked and my favorite veggie ever. I could eat grilled baby brocs all day erry day

>> No.19367585

oven roasted broccoli a slight crispy texture and a little salt is very nice.

>> No.19367874
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>all these are just Brassica oleracea OCs
>Brassica rapa gives us even more
Based brassica, based ancestors turning them into an entirely array of delicious vegetables

Oh and cabbage. Cabbage is my addition

>> No.19367914


>> No.19367920

baby bok choy is really great with pork chops

>> No.19368108
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Reporting in.

>> No.19368180

>grow broccoli only half the time
>sell it for twice the price
broccolini IS superior though, shit's so nice if you fry it in the pan that you used to cook steak & mushrooms

>> No.19368292

How do I cook broccolini? The top always burns and the stems is under cooked when I fry it.

>> No.19368296

you just know

>> No.19368308

Brussels Sprouts.

>> No.19368340

Is Broccolini that tasty? Mine is cooked spinach.

>> No.19368353
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Does stargazy pie count as vegetables?

>> No.19369382

She rip starts them

>> No.19369396
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>> No.19369406

I cook them like this now and wonder why the fuck I ever bother sauteing in a pan.
Good stuff

>> No.19370278

Why does nobody in the US eat white asperageus

>> No.19370287

White asparagus is for white countries.

>> No.19370302

I usually dip the floret end in some water and shake off the excess before i thow them in. I find it helps stop them from burning and cook more evenly.

>> No.19370329
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>> No.19370353


>> No.19370395
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The turnip: root and leaves, so delicious and nutritious!

>> No.19370398

Isn't hogweed toxic to humans?

>> No.19370449
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acorn squash

shout-out to spaghetti squash, as well

>> No.19370566
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I've come across a surprising amount of people that don't like peas.

>> No.19370575
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>cabbage not in cabbage tier

>> No.19370583

White asparagus is commonly grown & eaten in Taiwan.

>> No.19370590

I really don't get it. Peas are like one of the least offensive-tasting veggies, right next to potatoes.

>> No.19370606

Like with many plants, it could be that certain types are toxic, or that they no longer become toxic when cooked/prepared in some way.

>> No.19370623
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Perilla leaves.

>> No.19370638

imagine this granny pulling a stalk of brussel sprouts out of her ass like she's pull-starting a lawnmower

>> No.19370822

What child made this?

>> No.19370862
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How does any of that compare to potatoes?

>> No.19370868

>a vegetable

>> No.19370872

Of course it is a vegetable, what the fuck do you think it is, a fruit?

>> No.19370879
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Onions and other species of the Allium genus are the only truly god tier vegetables. They're present and foundations within every single culture's culinary roots and an important part in all of their traditional dishes. They're so used worldwide that when European settlers came to the new world they brought onions with them to trade with natives and for their own culinary dishes, only to discover that the natives were already harvesting and cooking with them.

All hail onions.

>> No.19370881

A potato is a vegetable like a tomato is a fruit
Technically, but we see through your lies