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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19361439 No.19361439 [Reply] [Original]

doesn't have to look pretty

>> No.19361456


>> No.19361457

Rice and a bag of stir fry veggies. The most expensive part of the meal is the Kikkoman.

>> No.19361472

Mayo sandwich when I was a kid. Just mayo and bread, don't like it anymore though.

Toast with jam probably.

>> No.19361491
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Ricin Beans. I make it risotto style specifically so I have to stand there for like 30 mins stirring fucking rice and brine. Gives me time to think about all the life choices that led me to that moment.

I generally use taco seasoning but now those are like $3 a packet so I just dump a bunch of spices and salt instead.

>> No.19361492

pizza. i struggle a lot during the aftermath of eating it

>> No.19361510
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How are you still alive?

>> No.19361583
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>Open tuna can
>Put mayo on top
>Mix with a fork
>Consume, this shit can't be called eating
>Stare at the fully stocked kitchen I haven't touched in weeks
>Stare at the clock, 3am
>Stare at my phone, nobody calls me anymore
>Stare at the knives, don't know if I want to use them on myself or someone else

>> No.19361651


I know, but it's cheap.

>> No.19361680

>Nobody calls me anymore

Me too anon me too :'(

>> No.19361681
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pic related was and still is a university student staple

>> No.19361722
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I spent the last few years building up an immunity to it

>> No.19361735

sliced hot dogs and ramen

>> No.19361740

try amazon, they have 24oz of mccormick 'premium' taco seasoning for $7

>> No.19361745
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not in Australia muchacho

>> No.19361750

it's called soy sauce you fucking cooklet redditor pretentious retard

>> No.19361951

its called shoyu you piece of non-Hawaiian shit

>> No.19361953

Toast with Cheese

>> No.19361956

can't go wrong with that. you get two of the most important food groups from that, the toast group and the cheese group

>> No.19361993

Post yours you cunt or are you just a survey nigger?

>> No.19362211

it's top ramen with whatever canned vegetables are lying around

>> No.19362218
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checkmate, ƒaggot

>> No.19362221


Tomato rice. Its just a tomato thrown into a rice cooker and then all mixed and mashed together and topped with ground black pepper

>> No.19362234

with rice, I assume? or just like a tomato cooked to musch?

>> No.19362238


Yeah, you put the rice and water in and then the tomato on top and then turn it on. Its a bit easier if you blanch the tomato first and slide the skin off but I dont since I like the texture of the skin

>> No.19362244

not a terrible way to cook rice †bh. I would douse that shit with salt but I'm a terrible saltfiend. sounds good.

>> No.19362252

isn't that pretty much Jollof rice?
maybe add a few more things like onions and then some other spices...

>> No.19362259
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Maybe, I'm not sure what traditional jollof is made from but this was the first recipe I found on google. Maybe this is some weird hipster take on an otherwise simple dish though.

>> No.19362388

Send me some VB and I'll send you taco dust

>> No.19362394

but anon Taco Dust is actually good

>> No.19362442

i've notified the DEA

>> No.19362857

Single sleeve of saltines.

>> No.19362878
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This minus the poison, I can red beans and rice my way to stretch money like nobody's business. Unless things are too dire I love slicing sausage in it as well.

>> No.19362970
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>2lb pasta
>1/2 large red onion
>1 can of artichoke hearts
>1/2 head of garlic
>1/2 jar of roasted red peppers
>handful of sundried tomatoes
>six marinated hot peppers
>large can of mackerel
>1 cup of mayo w/olive oil
>salt & pepper

>> No.19363074

frozen veggies
cook accordingly add water to boil together and reduce and voila

>> No.19363089

Rice, cooked. If i have the money with salt and pepper

>> No.19363821

I don't want it because it's good. I just want to try it and see why my favorite punk band has written multiple songs about it

>> No.19363855

>make roux
>add liquid
>add solid
>eat with spoon

>> No.19363883

>thawed chicken thighs I bought when they are on sale
>Dry Navy beans that I soaked back to softness
>2 onions from a bulk bag
>1 large carrot or 2-3 small ones
>collection of random herbs and spices from the drawer
>can of crushed tomatoes
>some flour and butter for the roux

Can usually make a weeks worth of soup lunches for about $7-$10

>> No.19363890

nice work man. i miss my bean eating days i need to get back on beans, bean soup is good even after five meals in a row. used to eat that shit for breakfast too

>> No.19363907
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mayo & pepper sammy, food of the kings

>> No.19363910

One slice of toast with cheese and 3 quail eggs on top drizzled with cholula.
Quail eggs because I raise them for eggs and meat. No it's not worth it

>> No.19364111

Try throwing a few pickles on those bad boys. They can really elevate a mayo sandwich.

>> No.19364120
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something involving beans and the cheapest sasuga i can buy

>> No.19365014

Polenta slices with ketchup and sliced cheese and oregano - baked like little pizzas

>> No.19365176
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Either peas & pasta or cacio e pepe (using the cheap grated Parmesan that's like 50c for a bottle)...

>> No.19365180

Make your own taco mix, it's basically just Cumin, Oregano and smoked paprika

>> No.19365213

heh cumin

>> No.19365251

>Grated parmesan

In which cunt do they pack grated cheese in a bottle?

>> No.19365303

this is what I'm doing from now on. I actually have all the greedients except cumin. it was worth it when the packets were $0.50 but fucking $3 can suck my ASSSS

>> No.19365310

Bet you have no problem with people calling peanut butter "Jiffy" or mayonnaise "Hellman's"

>> No.19365387

raw eggs and cheapest vodka
im withdrawling right now
this feels so bad bros

>> No.19365467

If you are struggling to feed yourself, you should not be posting on /ck/. Yes, I am aware homeless people post here. They should not be posting here, unless maybe they had actual homeless type cooking questions, which they obviously do not, and which I honestly hope do not know if would be better than the usual fast food bullshit we see, anyway. I suspect it'd just mean more shitposting about phone battery charges, free wifi, and even shittier fast food Jewery somehow, though.

>> No.19365529

What I eat these days are chitterlings. I can't afford to wash or cook them, so I just eat them raw. They taste like crap, but it's all I can afford.
I have too much pride to get food stamps.

>> No.19365668

>one dollar hot dogs
>one dollar macaroni and cheese
>one dollar baked beans
>fry hot dogs, make Mac n cheese, combine all together in pot I boiled macaroni noodles in
>bone slap the teeth
American goulash my mother called it. I add diced jalapenos, a can of rotel, or Cajun seasoning if I'm trying to be a little fancy.
Easily feeds my family of four or provides a week of lunches for myself.

>> No.19365781
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Skurka's Beans and Rice with Fritos and Cheese
The original recipe uses minute rice because it's a camping meal, but I have the technology of a stovetop with two burners.
So I use normal rice instead of minute rice, a quarter cup. Boil, let it steam for five minutes (using a half cup of water)
Add in another half cup of water and bring that to a boil. Then I stir in the pre-seasoned refried bean flakes. Red pepper flakes, taco seasoning, kosher salt, and pepper on them.
Keep it stirring because it's gonna wanna reduce.
Meanwhile, about before I add those in, I start frying two eggs. I like my eggs over hard, with just the slightest bit of run on the yolk, so the timing works out pretty well. salt and pepper the eggs too. Cover em up.
Let the rice and beans start to get noticeably thicker. It's probably gonna be done in like three minutes. Then you toss in the generous chunk of sliced extra sharp cheddar cheese you had on the side, and stir that fucker in. When it looks perfect, you add in a handful of fritos, stir it, and throw them in the bowl that you put the bean flakes into at the start.
By now the eggs should be just right. Throw those on top. Put a couple drops of El Yucateco Chile Habanero hot sauce on the eggs, and serve with a glass of milk or orange juice.
I call it the Breakfast of Champions, and when I make it I always make an effort to listen to the album of the same name while I eat it.
(Pic related is on a plate, and I think with dehydrated navy beans because I didn't have any bean flakes on me, but same idea)

>> No.19365985

Ok Lana Del Mayo

>> No.19366072

Hot water and oats. I used to only spend 12€ per week for groceries while still taking 2 monsters.

>> No.19366084
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Tuna pouch
Squeeze mayo from squeeze bottle into pouch
Squeeze relish from squeeze bottle into pouch
Mix with plastic spoon
Bone apple tea