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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19359128 No.19359128 [Reply] [Original]

Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>Ask your stupid questions here

>> No.19359134

Why is this pic hotter than the porn I watch daily?

>> No.19359142
File: 479 KB, 1439x1432, Screenshot_20230608-123600_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start: Why does this go in after the meat has been browned? I made my own spice mix and I think it would be fine to throw in while cooking the beef. The only thing I think is the salt might toughen up the ground beef too much, which is the point of dumping it in with the water I'm guessing?

>> No.19359161

Whores are low value, son. A decent-looking woman with a little modesty is more attractive because not everyone can have her.

>> No.19359162

re: gamergate / five guys / zoey quinn

It's very funny that in an industry that basically runs on payola because the reviewers all depend on game publishers for ad revenue people focused on this nothingburger story about some indie whore and her faggot beta orbiters. (((Steve Bannon)))'s shill team really did a number on /v/ back then. I think that was his trial run before pushing (((Zion Don))) on us.

>> No.19359250

where the fuck is all the corn starch?
who keeps buying it all at my store?

>> No.19359256

Zoomers for tiktok challenges

>> No.19359278

Whats the reason for the 1200 calorie minimum I always hear? Is that just cause it's hard to get enough macros under that amount?

>> No.19359284
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>showing the seat of her thighs so you can basically imagine what she looks like presenting for sex

>> No.19359297


>> No.19359309
File: 81 KB, 750x721, No titty, u have been bonked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touch grass.

>> No.19359356

The real Questions are:
1. Is that a silk robe or a shirt?
2. Is she wearing panties or not and if so what type?
3. Why do I feel the urge to suck her feet?
4. I would like to tongue her pussy while holding her waist, is this normal?

>> No.19360225


>> No.19361445

I ran out of onion dip mix, so I mixed sour cream with wasabi and it was pretty tasty. What else should I add to the new foundational dip that I personally invented

>> No.19361467


>> No.19361541

So that you don't dump all the spices out when you drain the fat
Chicken wings are back on the menu and we like crispy skin
So you don't die of starvation
Onion powder and garlic powder

>> No.19361543

how come my farts smell so much worse in the shower?

>> No.19362091

how do I convince every girl that enters my house to remove their shoes?
humidity enhances smell and the shower is usually a small confined space

>> No.19362111

If you made it with high fat ground meat you'd want to drain it a bit first. also you may burn the spices if it's on the heat for too long

>> No.19362115

Your brain, just your brain, needs 600 calories a day to operate. If you're of normal height and ate 1000 calories a day, even without moving around much, your body would start cannibalizing your organs ie starve. 1200 a day will keep your bod from doing that, but you'll still lose weight like mad

>> No.19362119

So when people fast they are eating their brains?

>> No.19362124

people don't fast for consecutive weeks you fucking retard that wouldn't be a fast anymore but starving yourself to death

>> No.19362177


Are the factory seconds from this website actually as good as the originals even if I get the "product damaged" ones? I usually just buy the "package damaged" and they're fine but the former are usually $10 less. I do have one full MSRP All Clad and the ones Ive gotten from the sales I know are the same.

>> No.19362185

so then what happens to your brain if you don’t get the daily 600 to feed it, does it cause brain fog

>> No.19362255

Your body draws from its stored energy sources (you lose weight). Thats what a caloric defecit is. The guy you've been replying to is a stupid faggot.

>> No.19362330

If you've seen the porn anon watches daily, I can assure you that that is extremely modest by comparison

>> No.19362339

Idk if this right board for this. But I am interested in nootropics.

What should I get for studying.

Modafinil or armodafinil - def getting one of these. But which one ?

And what more ? Lion's mane? brahimi/bacopa? Noopept, semax (these two kinda expensive) ? Or something else?

>> No.19362364

For cooking meat sous vide, is it better to season it before or after the sous vide cooking process? I was always told to season meat before and then put it in the water, but I'm wondering if I can get away with seasoning it right before searing.

>> No.19362381

How much for the qt girl?

>> No.19362391
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>> No.19362413

I suspect that's not so much the humiidity it, I think it's the air flow.
Why do farts from girls always smell so much worse than ones from us guys?

>> No.19362422

One cant live without fat bottomed girls.

>> No.19362492

>One cant live without fat bottomed girls.

wuut ?

>> No.19362553

It's a Queen song from Freddy Mercury, look it up.

>> No.19362571

ur not gonna get your phd writing like that, you might as well get your degree in hoodoo from haiti, it'll cost you less for sure

>> No.19362584

can I use melted coconut oil to make a seal on top of tomato sauce in a container in the fridge?
I use pizza sauce (like thick tomato sauce) that I buy in bulk so I have to put the stuff from the 2.84 L cans into other containers to put them in the fridge. Unfortunately mold develops on top of the sauce sometimes.

>> No.19362599

Of course you can, nobody said that you cant

>> No.19362614

Who in the heck is calculating 2.84 L cans?
Get the fuck outta Dodge!

>> No.19362630

If a high fat meat then you want to keep it in, don't drain it off at all. There's a lot of flavor in the fat especially with the taco flavor packet, pouring it off serves no purpose. It'll likely be mixed with rice or something so pouring off the fat is downright stupid.

>> No.19362962

I have no idea. It just seems to be a food industry size of can.
The restaurant wholesale store I go to has lots of them.
I don't know why they don't just go with 3 L. I assume it's a metric converted american size.
AHHH that's why. Just checked, and apparently 3 quarts is pretty much exactly that.
So blame america, I guess.

>> No.19363045


What's wrong with that ?

Also not doing PhD, not an American

>> No.19363063

look at this hot asian slut

>> No.19363066

She is latina or eastern european

>> No.19363406

Garlic made the dip bitter. I guess wasabi enhances the natural bitterness of garlic. You have both failed me.

>> No.19363455

Roasted garlic?

>> No.19363610

I've seen some chicken recipes where they coat it with cornflakes. If I substituted this with like hot ruffles, could I still follow the temperature and oven times?

>> No.19363642

How do I make my pie crusts solid and not soggy or wet when I pre-bake them?

>> No.19363651

>uni class did well enough on tests that we're having a potluck instead of a final
>bringing cookies
What kind of cookies should I make? Obviously chocolate chip, but I'd like to make something more exciting than that.

>> No.19363659

What happens to the lactose in cheese made by adding acid rather than fermentation?

I assume nothing, but I do find it strange that I can't find a straight answer on google

>> No.19363663

You jumped the gun.

>> No.19363665

I think that's why anon said >a little modesty

>> No.19363677

I know what garlic is good for, staving off vampires and girlfriends.

>> No.19363680

My cousin once made these cookies with ricotta cheese, worcestershire sauce, habanero peppers, and curry powder. They were the absolute worst cookies, if not one of the worst things, I have ever eaten. Make those and bring them.
If not those, Neapolitan are pretty good and that's not something people have that often. They aren't very hard to make, either.

>> No.19363689

I fucking love me some white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies. If any of you're classmates have genetic defects, just nix the nuts on the second batch.

>> No.19363724

to add to this, it's ground beef so you don't have to worry about the spices not penetrating through thicker muscle fibers

The best thing you can do with taco seasoning is to add stock instead of water--especially homemade or high quality stock

people love aliums. If garlic doesn't work, try chives. fairly easy to find dried.
sour cream and wasabi is sharp, sour, and pungent so maybe sweetness might help balance the flavor profile
add salt if you haven't already

season before, the flavors would only get deeper and penetrate further into the steak
if you do want to experiment, nothing wrong with that, but at the very least add some salt to the steak so it isn't bland while you chew on it
there's a reason we don't eat food and seasonings separately and it isn't convenience--some seasonings change develop new, more interesting flavor profiles as they are cooked along side the meat

yeah, you could also try olive oil, which might not change the flavor profile as much
plastic works great too, there are also eco-friendly alternatives

if you've tried everything (pie weights, hour in cold storage before baking, etc) you may want to try adjusting within those metrics
if you're using pie weights, it's possible the weight is wrong
I recently saw a chefsteps video about making a really solid crust, it might help you
whether or not the recipe is good, idk, but the technique is there

Look up a viral cookie recipe, make it work for you
Molly baz has a cool pistachio halva chocolate chunk cookie recipe, if people can't have nuts just make a halva chocolate chunk cookie

>> No.19363732
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How do I improve this?

>> No.19363749

saffron rice, or throw a cardamom pod in too for aroma and color

if you mean by presentation, try a separate small bowl for the salad and serving a molded portion of the chicken(?) tomato dish on top of the rice

>> No.19363748

Self checkout operator here. Why do yall act like retards when you use self checkout, apparently yall lose all ability to problem solve when you come through.

>> No.19363759
File: 325 KB, 960x1280, B7AAF2C6-053D-4117-96F7-21939017A50B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I add the saffron? For that rice, I sauteed onion and then garlic and then threw the rice in to toast for a bit. Then I boiled with chicken broth. Could I put the saffron in with the broth?

Yeah chicken. Good idea thank you.

>> No.19363766

Is she cute>

>> No.19363771

for saffron, you usually soak the threads in a liquid--so if you wanted saffron rice, you would prep the chicken broth by letting the saffron steep before you add the broth to the rice
for cardamom, you could probably add it at any point before you cook the rice

but honestly saffron is just going to make the rice appear a bit more yellow, onion and garlic probably overpower the fragrance of saffron

>> No.19363786

Got it. But cardamom is okay with it? Thank you, kind anon.

>> No.19363798

Cardamom is totally cool, adds a really nice floral scent
saffron does have a really nice flavor, but if you do want yellow rice you can try turmeric or safflower

>> No.19363803
File: 148 KB, 1000x750, 2124DC6B-A4A8-4456-98E0-3F5A3BE33C95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers. I’ll report back in the next QTDDTOT thread.

>> No.19363814

whats the best wood that doesnt smell like burning wood if that makes sense?
Where I live charcoal is banned but theres nothing about wood smoking in a propane grill, granted its probably not allowed either but its not specifically banned and better for forgiveness than permission and all that. I plan to get up early to smoke the meat and i want something that doesnt make people wake up and think their place is burning

>> No.19363835
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Where to buy good pepperoni cheap? I was getting boar's head on sale for $3.59/6.5oz, but I'm running out and they're back $6. I could just buy Walmart brand pre sliced, but I don't want that many additives and the boar's head tasted better.
What do? I'm going to run out this weekend.

>> No.19363864

Just buy half as much pepperoni as normal and enjoy it twice as much when you have it.

>> No.19363893

Oi vey

>> No.19363897

Big Mcthankies!

>> No.19363901
File: 549 KB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it possible to do grits in a rice cooker?

>> No.19363916

if there's a rice porridge setting (juk, congee, okayu, etc) that might work better
the consistency you're looking for with grits is different from what you'd get on a more basic rice cooker setting

>> No.19363978
File: 3.10 MB, 4160x3120, 20230609_152532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You doin ok seekay? I miss you you know :)

>> No.19364014

Preheat air fryer to 375 and leave chicken thigh in for 8minutes both sides?

>> No.19364753
