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19349497 No.19349497 [Reply] [Original]

I think people who slather mustard on their food are sick freaks. A little is fine as a part of the toppings, but when it's the main deal, it's fucking gross.

>> No.19349654

That yellow condiment has never seen a mustard seed

>> No.19349664

I wonder if americans ever try the real thing after having the "thing-like product" their entire lives and feel mindblown

>> No.19349755

French’s yellow is better than any other mustard in the world

>> No.19350048

what are good real mustards to try? is there a good way to make it myself?

>> No.19351019

Imagine not just putting mustard on bread and eating it. And enjoying it. Sucks to be you.

>> No.19351143

euros are low key jealous of the fact that every American supermarket has like 19 varieties of mustard because of commercials in the 70s

>> No.19351451


>> No.19352160

I don't think of you at all.

>> No.19352164

This one has, and I cringe every time I see someone put this slop on their food.

>> No.19352193

I dont use it at home but for a nice goyslop dog? Im using the yellow

>> No.19352211

If it doesn't make you cry it's not a real mustard

>> No.19352437

>no artificial flavors
They can drop the artificial.

>> No.19352450

For me, it's grey poupon. And sometimes that jalapeno goyslop mustard they sell here in the states.

>> No.19352455
File: 62 KB, 656x1050, whole-grain-mustard-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that radioactive yellow stuff is gag-inducing. pic related however is divine

>> No.19352603

>Reddit : The post

>> No.19352614

>goyslop dog
dont talk shit about mystery meat dogs even jews don't touch them because they're too pure and full of pig anus goodness

>> No.19352621

Cheap mustard, expensive mustard, organic mustard, faggoty Euro mustard - it doesn't matter, I'll eat them all straight out of the container.

>> No.19352650

Yellow mustard is more sour and tangy, spicy brown is a bit more peppery, dijon is a bit muskier and creamy. They all have their uses.

>> No.19352888


Most of the mustard here is kind of bad. I like the yellow American mustard because it's basically just solid, spreadable vinegar. Doesn't taste of mustard at all but it's the best for making vinaigrettes, IMO.
Even imported mustards aren't too good for some reason, exceptions inexplicably being stuff sold at two of the cheapest supermarkets in America: Lidl and Aldi. When they have their mustard sales, I stock up.

Depens on what you like. Mustard has a surprisingly huge variety of flavours and even consistencies and textures. The basic-bitch of "good mustard" is a decent quality imported Dijon. If you like stronger ones, go for ones from farther east and north than that part of yurp. If you want sweet ones, Bavaria, Switzerland and North Italy make ones that might be more your thing.

Have you had Amerimustard? It's not nearly as bad as I thought it'd be. Like I said, it's not really mustard-flavoured but it actually does taste nice.

>> No.19353281

50 g mustard seeds
200 ml white vinegar
2 teaspoons salt
3 tablespoons white wine
1 teaspoon honey or sugar

Soak mustard seeds in vinegar for 24-48 hours.

Blend the soaked mustard seeds until coarsely ground. Add wine and continue to puree for 30 additional seconds. Add the salt and honey or sugar. Blend until the mustard is evenly mixed and spreadable. Thin with water, if needed.

Let mustard sit out at room temperature for 1-2 days. The mustard’s heat will mellow during this time. Once desired sharpness is achieved, store in refrigerator.

Makes about 250 ml mustard.

>> No.19353592
File: 52 KB, 854x480, pitzmans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Pitzman's.

>> No.19353630

I'll look into it. Not sure I've come across that before.

>> No.19353636

Oh. It's a joke from that thoroughly unfunny show that ruined comedy forever. : (

>> No.19353645

but what if i want mustard right now and not go thu that bullshit ?