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19350387 No.19350387 [Reply] [Original]

There's this gas station near me that sells delicious pizza. I couldn't resist the temptation earlier today and grabbed a single slice. I can't help but worry about what the employees might think if I were to return and purchase an entire pizza. They must have seen me earlier, and I can't shake off this nagging feeling that they'll judge me for being fat or gluttonous. Is it not utterly embarrassing that I succumbed to my cravings earlier, only to return a few hours later, indicating that I simply couldn't get enough? I can't help but imagine the employee's thoughts, speculating on how I couldn't satisfy my appetite with just one slice and had to come back for more. The whole situation is agonizing. Imagine me walking in there up to the cashier, the same one I ordered a slice from, and this time going, I want 8 slices this time, I want an entire pizza. Like should I tell them it's for kids or something like that?

>> No.19350398
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No one cares. It's only weird if you make it weird. An example of which would be blurting out that you are getting pizza for children completely unprompted.

>> No.19350413

I guarantee unless you're a hot girl, the employees will not remember you at all.
They see hundreds of people every day.

>> No.19350420

I refuse to believe that this actually happened to (you).

>> No.19350429

>I can't help but worry about what the employees might think
stopped reading right there
time to grow the fuck up

>> No.19350438

>Like should I tell them it's for kids or something like that?
are you this retarded when you order a pizza to go from a pizza place?

I mean you probably are.

>> No.19350447

Neither the cashier and Hunt Brothers or more likely Casey's is going to care, OP.
Please stop trying to make small talk, its weird.

>> No.19350464

I didnt end up getting it. It was too crowded. My anxiety was through the roof.

>> No.19350522
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>Casey's breakfast pizza
One of a few good things in flyover land

>> No.19350527
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>Buy this shirt
Here's your way out of sticky situations.

>> No.19350533

I am disappointed. Build a rapport with the cashiers. Some will be open, some are just there until they get a break to top of their heroin high

>> No.19350638

Just order at minimum 6 boxes of pizza, they won't bat an eye. Trust me bro.

>> No.19350654

They don’t judge my pizza and beer breakfast. They won’t judge you, either.

>> No.19350657

they work in shifts, if its been more than 8 hours its very unlikely to be the same guy from earlier. if you're clever you can know when the shifts change too, it'll be something like 8am-4pm, 4pm-midnight, midnight-8am for a 24 hour joint.

>> No.19350663

You really think people really care what you do?

>> No.19350679

i'm glad i'm not as autistic as some of the people on this site.
yes, i go to movies alone.
yes, i go to restaurants alone.
yes, i go to concerts alone.
no one cares. even if someone says something, i will never see them ever again

>> No.19350681

Stop giving a fuck what random wagies think, start caring about your own life and your own health. Is sloppizza really helping you achieve any of your goals, beyond temporary dopamine release? Get serious.

>> No.19350683

I care. Working as a wagie there's nothing to do all day but judge customers and speculate on how shitty and fucked up their life is (very) so OP's concern is quite legitimate, especially considering that he's probably a visibly retarded obese slob.

>> No.19350688

I mean but do you really care? That he's fat and stupid? No. You're just entertaining yourself.

>> No.19350695

I mean sure I don't Care like his health or whatever matters to me but I'm definitely watching, judging, and remembering so the cope that the cashiers will never notice is just outright false.

>> No.19350714

Maybe someone has a family or friends and they are going to share it? You can't just assume the guy will eat it all alone, unless you look so fat and greasy there's no other answer

>> No.19350739

Anon, you could have been getting this pizza for you and a second or third person to eat. They don't know the backstory of what you're doing with it. You don't have to even talk about the fucking food. Just go in, ask for the pizza you want, and pay for it. Plenty of people larger than you are eating significantly more. Plenty of people smaller than you are eating significantly more. Are you afraid of possible social exchanges happening?

>> No.19350749

They're probably taking note that you're a failed adult as well, but you probably already knew that.

>> No.19350769

Haven't worked as a wagie like this since I was a teenager m8, just relating past experience. Watching the customers is all a Cashier has to occupy his time.

>> No.19351449

Just go in and say "Oh my god, your pizza is so good here, i think im gonna eat this one all by myself"

Theyll love you for it. Just dont do it too much, once a month is fine.

>> No.19351724

Saving this pasta, thank you for your service

>> No.19351890

Are they on any of the food delivery apps? If so, just use that.

>> No.19351915

There was one time I just went and got a single slice of pizza from a pizzeria, and then went up to the counter and asked them for an entire pizza to take home with me. They said they couldn't make the pizza I wanted because they ran out of ingredients for it, but they said they could make three pizzas for me with different toppings, and they gave them to me for free. Now whenever I go back there they call me "three for free"

>> No.19351919

I won't tell you to stop being scared, but stop letting fear make your decisions for you. Eat the fuckin pizza, "I thought I only wanted a slice, but it was actually really good and I wanna take some home." or say fucking nothing, you don't owe anyone an explanation.

>> No.19351925

Imagine being such a socially inept fucktard cuck that you give a shit what some retard who works in a gas station thinks about anything at all.

>> No.19351927
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>you don't owe anyone an explanation
If you don't give them an explanation, they will remove a slice from the pizza and keep it for themselves

>> No.19352044

Don’t care if they judge you, caring is an emotion and emotions are gay, just remember that

>> No.19352053

100% this. The people working there are almost certainly on drugs their entire shift, and absolutely don't give enough of a shit about anything you do to pass judgement. EVEN if they did....they work at a Casey's and are contemplating killing themselves every minute.

>> No.19352056

>They must have seen me earlier, and I can't shake off this nagging feeling that they'll judge me for being fat or gluttonous
If you're fat then they already did that when they first saw you, I wouldn't worry too much about it and go get your pizza pie.

>> No.19352286
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i love a good sloppa pizza so fuckin much bros
it's gotta be proper sloppa, too much cheese and grease, toppings falling off and all that. just seeing this is making me crave it again
god damn i want to buy another tonight so bad

>> No.19352312

you must be fat since only a fat person would harbor such emotional baggage from the socio-political dynamics of purchasing a gas station pizza.
Stop being fat.

>> No.19352362

no, if I even thought about it that much or remembered you as the worker I would guess your first slice was to try it out.
Just do it. Single people buy whole pizzas all the time to save money and time off from cooking.

>> No.19352377

>No one cares
it's the opposite. those employees just gossip all day. they have nothing else to do. when they get off work and chit chat with their boring partners the first thing they bring up are the most pathetic customers they've met that day, like OP

>> No.19352546

why are amerilards like this? the cheese doesn't even get a chance to melt properly when the pizza is overloaded with toppings and at least half of that shit makes it taste worse. these is no balance, no finesse, it's just a mountain of low quality ingredients

>> No.19352582

Oh no the lady who spends her free time smoking meth and buying harley davidson shirts thinks poorly of me what am I to do

>> No.19352589

That's gas station pizza?

>> No.19352628

the cheese is clearly melted you obsessed retard

>> No.19352716
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You can't scream at me anymore, Grandpa! You're dead!

>> No.19352765


>> No.19352789
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Bruh, you'll realize someday you're only judging yourself and all these thoughts are projections.

That fear you have of being perceived as fat or gluttonous is coming from you and you alone. If you didn't judge yourself as such you'd have to reason to fear that perception from others.

Idk. Hard to explain but this whole process is just ridiculous when viewed from the outside.

It's like if you haven't gotten a shower in days and you fear being sensed as smelly or dirty, vs. being perfectly clean and freshly showered. If you are clean and know you're clean, the thoughts of being perceived as dirty are absurd because you KNOW you aren't.

Same as fat or gluttonous. If you KNEW you weren't these things, you wouldn't start injecting these thoughts into other's heads. Because it then becomes their delusion, and why worry about others' delusions?

>> No.19352794

*you'd have no reason

>> No.19352810

they will absolutely judge you. don't go back in until at least 24 hours later, and you should probably take a hooker with you just to ensure your alpha status in comparison to the workers. after you do this, you can return however frequently you like, because since they assume you've had sex, they will worship you like some cheap pizza eating god

>> No.19352942

Congrats, you have realized most americans have no standards and eat absolute dogshit

>> No.19353191

Only customers I talked shit about were needy, rude or entitled. I wouldn't have made fun of that woman's leathery skin if she didn't complain about how bad the romaine lettuce is and constantly try to get in the back to take "the fresh" lettuce. I'm not going to remember you just for being sad and pathetic

>> No.19353267
File: 274 KB, 480x270, shitty pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the people at the fast food place where I bought my pizza from would put as much effort into thinking thoughts as that post did