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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 612x510, gettyimages-51071539-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19352027 No.19352027 [Reply] [Original]

How come it doesn't exist anymore?

>> No.19352032

Because their marketing was as vague as your post


>> No.19352042

>No tipping
Truly the pinnacle of human civilisation.

>> No.19352054

Ummm, it looks like a Lionel train set had a baby with an automat?
And "no tipping"?
What God-forsaken piece of lost history is this?
Give me a name, or better yet, a wikipedia article.

>> No.19352055

Clearly it's because of "NO PARKING"

>> No.19352066

>How come it doesn't exist anymore?
What is it? I literally can't tell from any of the posts in this thread what we are talking about, and OP's pic is absolutely fucking useless.

>> No.19352078

Drive-In Diner
Cars parked at an automated drive-in diner, where individual conveyor belts transport food directly to the driver, Califonia, circa 1950. (Photo by FPG/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

>> No.19352092

Oh. I can guess why it failed. The conveyor belts were clearly not protected from the elements, and the high carbon metal probably rusted and fell apart.

>> No.19352119

I'm 58 years old, and I've NEVER seen or heard of this kind of thing.
I've seen drive-in diners with waitresses on roller skates, wait staff on foot, but this is something that's completely alien to me.
What's the fucking name? How many were there?
Sounds like you just found a random image on the net, and started a troll thread.

>> No.19352130
File: 48 KB, 597x612, gettyimages-1412674358-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sounds like you just found a random image on the net, and started a troll thread.
How is that a troll thread. The whole point of this thread is to ask more information about it. Are you dumb on purpose to not understand the whole concept of a discussion board?

>> No.19352136
File: 230 KB, 1080x1080, 1948-drive-in-that-used-conveyor-belts-to-deliver-food-los-v0-pgr5lku4up391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19352173

No-fucking-body alive today knows anything about it.
If YOU don't know anything about it, why in the FUCK are you asking us?
"Hey, some random nonsense I found in a picture once is a complete mystery to me, so I thought I'd ask a bunch of gen-x (and younger) people to explain it to me!"
Why don't you just ask /ck/ what civil war rations tasted like?

>> No.19352182

Hey Mr. Tight-Ass, why don't you go to the psychiatrist instead of sharing your frustrations with us.

>> No.19352194

Shitty fucking thread.
"You all be d-d-dumbasses cuz you know less than I do"

>> No.19352196

Hey, Mr. Dumb-ass, why don't you actually answer my questions?

>> No.19352198

>Hey, Mr. Dumb-ass, why don't you actually answer my questions?

>> No.19352201
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>> No.19352204

What you described never existed.

>> No.19352206
File: 1.22 MB, 1200x900, Sonic-Culebra-With-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How come it doesn't exist anymore?
It still does retard.

>> No.19352215

No you is retard. Stop making fun of me. Me cry cry myself to sleep.

>> No.19352216

What's "it?"
Drive-through's still exist
Spots to park and order food from your car still exist (Sonic)
If you mean this specific conveyer belt system the reason is that it's expensive and retarded. It takes up tons of valuable space, requires lots of repair and maint, looks ugly as fuck, and doesn't actually solve any real problem.

>> No.19352222

This sort of thing would probably would work better if they used pneumatic tubes and sold sub sandwiches. Also, people would probably steal the plastic containers.
Yeah, 10 years of BLM has kinda made me a little bit jaded about a lot of things.

>> No.19352224

why are you nostalgic for something you weren't alive for? you're no different than zoomers wanting the 80s back

>> No.19352227

I'm not a zoomer and I want the 2018's back.
Imagine a world where food costed less than half as much as it does now.

>> No.19352230

Checked and I didn't want to be the one to say it, but we can't have cool things like this in the USA anymore because certain "people" would vandalize it.

>> No.19352243 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1281
Summer Swimwear Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.19352245

Ooga booga bix nood honkey (honk honk!) tonk whitey bread muhfugga

>> No.19352256

My grandma and mom and aunt, great aunts and uncles have told me about what they did after WW II, it was the sock hops and those chicks were really hot cuties and all. Rightly so and not for me to say.

>> No.19352258


>> No.19352272

I looked into that it's nothing but clickbait bullshit.

>> No.19352274

stop eating fast food and learn to cook faggot

>> No.19352283

What idiots such as you fail to realize is that not everyone like you brings a lunchbox to work or has to deal with a punch clock and sometimes just buying some stuff from fast food works out by billing.

>> No.19352293
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>> No.19352298

no and what does cope with that shit even mean?
I mean that means crickets becuase you cant even explain your own bullshit.

>> No.19352305

Haha, you got ice burned by a rich person, you poorfag esl speaker. Stop being so poor, you stupid fuck.

>> No.19352306

Where did you did get that retarded "cope" bullshit from? It wasn't from this board.

>> No.19352313

I need to esl from a cute English babe

>> No.19352334

it's a reddit thing

>> No.19352339
File: 263 KB, 500x500, 1662222035172678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bring back pneumatic tubes and use them for fast food drive thrus

>> No.19352342

>I need to esl from a cute English babe
Almost all of them are flat chested. The baby formula industry exists for a reason.

>> No.19352350

>bring back pneumatic tubes and use them for fast food drive thrus
How does that make any sense? For Sonic, yes. For McDonald's, no.

>> No.19352360

shoot the food through fucking pneumatic capsules

>> No.19352374

>shoot the food through fucking pneumatic capsules
Why does every /ck/ thread devolve into racism?

>> No.19352399

>No-fucking-body alive today knows anything about it.
how do you know what everyone else knows? what makes you so sure of yourself?

>> No.19352404

Niggers would just steal the cylinders that the food comes in.

>> No.19352427

just add their cost to the price of the food and refund the customer if they return it. kinda like the recycle tax

>> No.19352489

This is some fallout shit

>> No.19352499

Shit parking job. Most ppl suck at driving and don't know the size of their cars.

>> No.19352500

AI generated ?

>> No.19352532

none of that is my problem. learn to cook

i don't think you know what that means. remember to lurk 5 years before posting

>> No.19352541

Most of us aren't even going to be alive in 5 years

>> No.19352579

sure thing bud

>> No.19352597

I'm old enough to remember drive-ins and automats. They didn't go away, they just evolved into drive-throughs and convenience store food counters like Wawa or Sheetz.

>> No.19352616

There's like 4 or 5 Sonics within 10 miles of me. Drive-ups didn't go anywhere.

>> No.19352796
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>> No.19352800

>steal the cylinders that the food comes in.

>> No.19352803

So you already know about my brain tumor???

>> No.19352808
File: 89 KB, 640x1151, 2e53d875881e5af3c09ee321f01c7dd014e7ab84516180c10b651809f51e5651_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stealing is in their DNA.

>> No.19352817
File: 114 KB, 750x904, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, now tell me all about the absurd system in OP's pic.
We ALL know about drive-ins and at least have historical knowledge of automats, but if there is ANYBODY here that has ANY memory of this absurd conveyor system, please tell us all about it.
Not a difficult concept, really.

>> No.19352886

Vaccine issue

>> No.19352925

fucking poltards
People like you have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans just during the pandemic alone.
The literal cancer that's killing America.
Fucking hell...

>> No.19352937



That place is a fucking hellhole. Literally any of the other UF schools are Harvard by comparison

>> No.19352940

>ten years of BLM
Not like almost a century of niggers?

>> No.19353079

Kek. What would you do if you were me, the cancer killing people, out of curiosity?

>> No.19353117

Thank God they're using birth control at least.

>> No.19353132

Maybe stop killing people for the sake of your morally bankrupt political culture?
I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to be such a monster.

>> No.19353197

>Steal the pneumatic container
1. Wrap sandwich in foil
2. Place sandwich in container,
3. There is a door at the other end of the tube the customer can access
4. The tube door is smaller than the sub container and bigger than the sub, you remove the sub but leave the container
>It still won't work because people will poop in the containers

>> No.19353294

University... of Western France?

>> No.19353305

Florida, numbskull.

>> No.19355197

The customers find it depressing when compared to being served by real human women

>> No.19355199

>Not like almost a century of niggers?
Out of sight, out of mind. Where I live, it's easy to pretend they don't exist because I can easily avoid them.

>> No.19355206

because it's there

>> No.19355237

No, unless Getty Images started using AI.

>> No.19355453

why, not "how come," you absolute fucking retard

>> No.19356759

Drive-ins are by and large pretty dead since drive-through is a better way to serve food to people in cars.

>> No.19356790

you will never be a human


>> No.19356988

You were born in the mid-60s, while this thing existed in the early 50s. It was probably unremarkable for its time. It just died a quiet death, very little of it was documented, and your elders didn't think it was important to share.

>> No.19357019

>can you pull around front and park please

what's the real difference now

>> No.19358060

Still worse, since with drive through the cars only have to stop long enough to order, process payment, and get their food. With the system you propose, you'd also have to wait for someone to bring the food out to the car on top of everything else. If you want to eat your food parked in the parking lot, you can do that anyways and without the delay of some minimum wage laborer having to walk your food out to you.

>> No.19358079

this isn't real

>> No.19358110

Model train enthusiasts lost their shit over this exploitation

>> No.19358138


>Why doesn't this horribly inefficient and expensive gimmick no longer exist?

Presumably because paying some teenager to carry the food to the car is a thousand times cheaper than installing all that shit and keep it in working condition.

>> No.19358486

>bring back
every bank I've been to still uses them

>> No.19358563

>I'm 58 years old
What the fuck are you doing here?
Shouldn’t you be playing with grandkids? Whittling a stick into a smaller stick?
Falling asleep in front of the tv with a half-empty PBR in your hands?

>> No.19358643

bruh we have a magic tv wall you can order your food from how is that less cool that some 'fast food of the future' gimmickery?

>> No.19358662


>> No.19358681

>a century of niggers
I always thought the collective noun was a bix nood of niggers

>> No.19358729

1-Dave Thomas and the drive-thru killed it with optimum efficiency for both customer and owner. 2 or 3 employees can serve a dozen people in the time 4 or 5 could cover half that

2-car design changed. Cars for smaller and the window design changed so that balancing a tray on them was next to impossible and maneuvering food about was fairly messy and inconvenient. We had a drive in across from my school when I was a kid and every other day someone’s window shattered because it didn’t fully retract into the door or a tray slipped off a curved window and shattered 20lbs of icy cold root beer in big glass mugs.
It was a great novelty but between the risks of having employees on roller skates and other pains in the ass it just doesn’t work like it used to.
Sonic and Swansons still do it but it just isn’t the same

>> No.19358817

they only use it for gay sex.

>> No.19359028

Have you tried looking in a mirror?

>> No.19359039

These threads are stupid as fuck. You are the one that went on the internet to find photos about it. Why are you asking us? You already have the most knowledge about it than anyone and have it open on google. If you want to tell us about it, tell us about it.

>> No.19360409

Because drive-through lanes are faster and more efficient, and the restaurant needs less space since people don't park there and eat, but rather drive and eat and crash into other cars while eating in their car. #WINNING

>> No.19360412

>t. has never lived in Los Angeles

>> No.19360463

how come?

>> No.19360552

Somebody tipped.

>> No.19361009

growing up without a father makes you a likely to have a lot more issues, low self control, kleptomania and low self esteem are the big ones.