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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19338903 No.19338903 [Reply] [Original]

>Your food, sir.

>> No.19338919

Oh, shit! Is it your first time on /ck/, OP? That's great to hear! As with any other board, it's always best to lurk for a few months before posting, let alone starting a thread. I know you just came from the webm thread - those always tend to attract tourists, but aren't much of a reflection of the board culture, and are really just a bot dump of the same webms on a loop. In the future please refrain from making new threads with something you saw for the first time in the webm thread. We've all seen it a hundred times and don't find it interesting or funny, and as usual, you didn't add any interesting or funny commentary to warrant a new thread. All you're doing is shitting up the board.

>> No.19338921
File: 12 KB, 446x528, 1600161929178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dining experience

>> No.19338929

It’s funny but not worth $1000 unless you are super rich.

>> No.19338930

Good thread, faggot

>> No.19338938

embarrassing, i got second hand embarrassment watching this like when you hear people doing happy birthday thing to humiliate their friends

>> No.19338940

What percent of the 1000$ does the cow get?

>> No.19338967

If I paid 1000 dollars and the wait staff kept flagging me with fake guns, I'd go to jail for beating at least one of their asses

>> No.19338981

Thr gold covered steak thing is such a meme and they didn't even properly cover it, a but is exposed.

>> No.19339028

>Oh, shit! Is it your first time on /ck/, OP? That's great to hear! As with any other board, it's always best to lurk for a few months before posting, let alone starting a thread. I know you just came from the webm thread - those always tend to attract tourists, but aren't much of a reflection of the board culture, and are really just a bot dump of the same webms on a loop. In the future please refrain from making new threads with something you saw for the first time in the webm thread. We've all seen it a hundred times and don't find it interesting or funny, and as usual, you didn't add any interesting or funny commentary to warrant a new thread. All you're doing is shitting up the board.
shut up nerd

>> No.19339036

>*proceeds to quote an entire fucking post*

>> No.19339037

Money may not, but time certainly matters to every respectable man and I doubt they'd be spending it eating here other than any ither fucking restaurant that isn't this niggerlicious.

>> No.19339044

You don't carry?

>> No.19339063

or maybe you were seething and now youre malding get fucked scrub fucking loser

>> No.19339074

Its family gets 20%

>> No.19339123

I hope you don't think you speak for the rest of us because you are a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.19339243

Those people would also buy a Chevy Cavalier as long as it had the body of a Lamborghini riveted to it.

>> No.19339256
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first post... worst post?

>> No.19339328

No you wouldnt, you wouldnt do shit pussy

>> No.19339331


>> No.19339349
File: 45 KB, 810x532, misato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how one does not die out of cringe after this.

>> No.19339353

Truly fucking kill yourself.

>> No.19339362

>they hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.19339597

God I want to kill you

>> No.19339611

Based call outerrer

>> No.19339618

Needs more seasoning

>> No.19339749

>Walk into American restaurant
>Order a steak
>Pay for my meal
>Stand up to leave
>The entire restaurant freaks out
>Restaurant soldier shoots me
>As I bleed out on the floor the waitress approaches me
>You forgot to tip sir, it's 30% minimum

>> No.19339985

serves you right for being black

>> No.19339987

This is American culture.

>> No.19340358

okay i'd just beat your ass then. i would hold you down by the neck and ravage your ass.

>> No.19340362

beating pistol whipping whatever i'm not going to go blasting in a restaurant at faggot ass service

>> No.19340418

>1000$ steak
>for dollar or two of gold leaf to cover said 4-18$ steak
Fuck people are stupid

>> No.19340430
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It's become a trend now, I can only conclude that these people think putting a bit of gold on steak is super expensive because gold = expensive.

>> No.19340435


All these newfags, holy shit

>> No.19340442

this thread is too meta now

>> No.19340517

based and correct

>> No.19340535

this is incredible, fucking lost it at the nig waiter slicing the steak lol. the batshit nig influencer world is one of the few redeeming things about tiktok, never fails to make me laugh

>> No.19340546

Jesus I lurked on 4ch for like five years before I ever posted
My first post landed me a warning, I am blessed

>> No.19340557

You wont do shit nigger

>> No.19340565

it's just reflex at this point i have ptsd i dislocated my friends shoulder the other day because he put his hand on my neck from behind

>> No.19340583

most mentally stable veteran

>> No.19340594

>65 dollars for a couple scoops of ice cream and 2 snicker bars
Nevermind the golden steak shit, that's the real robbery there.

>> No.19340598

i was about to drop him violently on his neck but i realized in time it was just my friend

>> No.19340607

That hesitation would have gotten you killed in Nam.

>> No.19340613

nah i can tell if it's a little zipperhead not really afraid of them grabbing me i'm like twice their size

>> No.19340621

i like how this negress has to fucking say "im cute" to herself before getting scammed. paid like probably 400-600 for that stupid meal when it would've been 100-200 tops. (wagyu steak assuming it was actual wagyu steak would've been 50-70 dollars)

>> No.19340807

It really highlights some facts and trends that I would be banned for expressing

>> No.19340813

imagine how it was when "we wuz kangz"

>> No.19340845

the cherry on the top is definitely seeing that the receipt has the tip already included at the end

>> No.19340855

>service charge

>> No.19340864

it's only way to get your employees to put up with this

>> No.19340875

Dubai needs to be reset

>> No.19340890

People like you and me are a dying breed in this website. Sad but it's now unironically filled with zoomers who had no idea what it was like back then.

>> No.19340896

You're an idiot if you don't realize the whole thing is advertisement for these restaurants. She's not paying a cent for that shit, she's getting paid to shill a restaurant to her probably tens or hundreds of thousands of followers.

>> No.19340913

>assuming it was actual wagyu steak
This right here. I cooked for 12 years. Restaurants lie all the time, even trusted brands like Hilton (worked there for 3 years) claimed their steaks and burgers came from "local faggot farms beef" or wherever fancy sounding place when it was actually generic Sysco brand tube o' beef chub log

>> No.19340939

It's in Dubai fagtard. Even without seeing the name of the place this is obviously middle eastern bourgeois shit

>> No.19340946

Even if that's true she's obviously not in on the joke

>> No.19340951

it's for stupid people, or rather to take money from stupid people

>> No.19341007

Well they have American flags, so I guess they are brown people LARPing being invaded by the USA to take their oil.

>> No.19341034


They use the US flag because we're the best

>we made English better
>we invented the moon just to conquer if
>we have real sports

Whose other flag were they going to use? Mexico's? Lol. Lmao even

>> No.19341039

So cool, it's just like Casa Bonita but 1000 dollars.

>> No.19341041

didn't the south park guys revamp casa bonita?

>> No.19341054

Man, you do that to Mexicans and you'd cause a panic. They'd think they'd ran afoul of NGJC and they were about to be taken to FunkyTown.

>> No.19341160

have sex

>> No.19341204

>they even put two snickers in that bitch

This is so hilarious. These black skanks going out to eat thinking they're all classy. Proceed to record the entire experience on their phone and post to social media with language that's quite not classy.

>> No.19341214

I think it was "I'm curte", which may or may not have been accidental.

>> No.19341306


>> No.19341617


>> No.19341755



>> No.19341759

>Tabasco on oysters
>catch of the day
hahahahaha fucking retards

>> No.19341919

>$9 for water

>> No.19341967


>> No.19342021

Woah it must be tough living life like Bill Gates or Elon Musk if this is how rich people eat every meal.

>> No.19342208

>how one does not die out of cringe after this.

Because you're among a cringey crowd to begin with so it's not out of the normal and no-one is judging - all the other sheep are probably wishing it was them with all the attention and money to blow. They worship these idiots.

>> No.19342551

Isn’t it Dubai? Pure cringe destination so they must be into it

>> No.19342578

so trashy

>> No.19342599

holy kek

>> No.19342622

isn't Dubai where instagram models go to get shat on by Saudi princes

>> No.19342630

no that's Saudi Arabia

>> No.19342647


>> No.19344161
File: 170 KB, 380x342, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man spent 700 bucks to fuck this fucking ghoul

>> No.19344169

He typed all that out like a gay reddit faggot instead of just saying: lurk for 2 years before posting.

>> No.19344322

There are nine $100 bills included for you in the briefcase

>> No.19344451

Did the black guy run away with all that gold stuck on his glove...?

>> No.19344565

If she's an influencer they didn't spend shit and were probably comped. Or he's a drug dealer. Then again, niggers are dumb and think that spending money they don't have is cool so who knows for sure except Sambo himself.

>> No.19344737

Unless it's five pounds of waygu, what's so special about it?

>> No.19344747

G-d bless us, everyone!

>> No.19344765

>believing women

>> No.19344768


>> No.19344786


>> No.19345177

holly soy cringe

>> No.19345259

that place is a ghost town.

>> No.19345298

they probably expect you to tip on top of that

>> No.19346038

went to this japanese place on a business trip in baltimore that did shit like this
one of the rolls we ordered was brought to the table and then immediately lit on fire
as in, the roll itself was lit on fire, completely ruined it
I'm pretty sure that wasn't supposed to happen, they probably spilled whatever flammable liquid they use onto the roll by accident, but the waiter played it off like that's what they meant to do
$45 dollarydoos for a few bites of burnt crab
fortunately my company was paying for it so I didn't really give a shit, but man

>> No.19346057

Chink restaurants often serve ice cream on fire so I don't find it that unusual

>> No.19346063

>crab legs
>receive one leg
what did they mean by this

>> No.19346068

That's his tip

>> No.19346077

You talk like a fag, but your shit is not all retarded

>> No.19346081

Kek asians are so stupid

>> No.19346090
File: 20 KB, 337x355, 1522951152764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reposting the same topic ad naseum day in and day out isn't board culture
anyway how about that surly egg man huh

>> No.19346091

>back then
It really wasn't that long ago...

>> No.19346097
File: 347 KB, 552x884, 1677638786792346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say the line bart lmao

>> No.19346100

how does he get out

>> No.19346439

But he didn't ask for a tip he just like...took it. Is that how tips work in the US these days?

>> No.19346446

>are tips in america basically robbery?

>> No.19346516

Assuming you aren't spending beyond your means, by the time you have enough cash to drop $1000 on a steak like it's nothing, you probably do not give the slightest fuck what others around you think.

>> No.19346522

>you probably do not give the slightest fuck what others around you think
you would be grossly mistaken. you're still always in some dick measuring contest.

>> No.19346557

>Subtotal $583.00
>18% Tip $104.94
>Tax $53.59
>Total $741.53
Bitch better have put out after a dinner like that. Hookers will do anal for cheaper and you don't even have to pretend to like them.

>> No.19346694

>rich people don't care what other people think about them
lol. lmao. Truly the most retarded comment ITT

>> No.19346857
File: 286 KB, 623x620, ca3b8480e1eabd50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nearly cried reading this

>> No.19346881

why would you have a huge greasy dinner and then go for anal? you fags are truly degenerate

>> No.19346927

>Hookers will do anal for cheaper
We aren't talking about women, are we?

>> No.19346933

you should be able to find a female hooker that'll do anal for under $740

>> No.19346946

You could find it for very cheap I'm sure
Question is if you'd want to stick it in her

>> No.19346948

>Question is if you'd want to stick it in her
If you have HPV, you can basically be Jack the Ripper, killing prostitutes by giving them ass cancer.

>> No.19346953


>> No.19347000

You should know that more people think about America every single day than anyone has ever thought about any country, ever. You might say, well what about Rome, or Greece, or Macedonia, or Egypt, or Mesopotamia, or Persia, or whatever but it doesn't matter, because there were only like 100,000 people alive back then. Today, over 4 billion people think about America at least once a week, if not every day

Let that sink it. You don't feel so tough now, do you? Maybe you'll be quiet for a while while the big dogs are talking, and protip, there's only one of us

>> No.19347006

It really is sad how much non Americans think about America every day

>> No.19348227

>895 dubai dollars which is like 243 bucks
Still damn expensive

>> No.19348238

Because the success of America is proof human nature is fucking garbage.

>> No.19349371

and how wrong they always are about America, there is absolutely an inverse relationship between amount of time obsessing over their bizarre headcanon of what modern america is like and the reality

>> No.19349376


>> No.19349379

i thought the sheriff was in the wrong in rambo: first blood but apparently not

>> No.19349380

its to prevent mr. pink larpers from existing inside it

>> No.19349382

FPBP also sharpie in pooper NOW (regardless of gendeR)

>> No.19349383

im sorry when did superdigester 9000 enter the thread? she aint hershey squirting for atleast two hours

>> No.19349386

This post needs a bigger explanation. Why would you get mad at a presentation that you know is coming and then beat their asses? Are you the guy who gets upset when they sing happy birthday?

>> No.19349591

the food you eat takes several hours to even leave your stomach

>> No.19349608

she didnt pay for it. you didnt watch the whole webm. She said 'make his pockets hurt'. A man paid for it. Do you seriously think a woman who isnt overweight could consume all that shit alone?

>> No.19349623


>> No.19349653

it was just a crab leg and a steak, the dessert looked big but other than that it didn't seem like that much

>> No.19350264

the food you eat helps push the old shit out how do you not know this?

>> No.19350358

Americans are the trannies of the internet. They kick down the door to your head constantly making retarded poasts about themselves doing retarded shit and as soon as anyone calls them out they go "OBSESSED RENT FREE I DON'T THINK ABOUT YOU AT ALL I LOVE BBC OR SOMETHING"

>> No.19350385

what's the point of doing the gay theatrics for some shit that's not even most expensive thing on menu

>> No.19350390

reddit post

>> No.19350585

>accidentally condition people to be used to seeing the US military sweeping the restaurant
now when they do it for real to plug some Kyrgyzstani lithium warlord no one will bat an eye until it's too late, especially since he'd probably be the type to order that dish

>> No.19350703

God get a grip you little faggot bitch. War is over.

>> No.19350755

yeah, ok. you'll be the one crying like a little faggot bitch when you wake up in the ICU and realize are paralyzed from the cock down.