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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.37 MB, 1170x1934, Notmyprob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19340857 No.19340857 [Reply] [Original]

>not my problem

>> No.19340861


>> No.19340866
File: 157 KB, 907x904, DD770835-306D-4C93-993E-A2D889B3C2F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19340867

as a grocery store employee i welcome this because then i get to walk around on a lil' adventure and no one can say shit

>> No.19340869 [DELETED] 

That looks like something a crackhead negro left behind.

>> No.19340876 [DELETED] 

if it was a crackhead negro the package would be empty because the chicken would be in a tupperware container in the crackheads pants

>> No.19340884

Maybe its pants and jacket pockets were already filled

>> No.19340888

with crack?

>> No.19340923

>raise prices on everything to make up for the loss
stores typically don't just lose money somewhere and not make you pay for it

>> No.19341069
File: 1.65 MB, 4160x3120, cart not in corral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my problem OR YOURS!

>> No.19341091

Why is all the food so much more expensive by me??

>> No.19341106

I'm super OCD so I will put it in my cart, walk around for a while then return it to the proper place

>> No.19341109
File: 1.27 MB, 2576x1932, not my problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tried

>> No.19341118

>disgusting mutant woody breasts left to rot
Uh, based?

>> No.19341143 [DELETED] 

peak nigger behavior

>> No.19341165

they don't have money to shop.

>> No.19341169

That's what EBT is for.

>> No.19341173

kek same here. I love a break from the normal monotony.
Anons, please do us wagies a favor and misplace as much random shit as you can, it brightens our day.

>> No.19341184 [DELETED] 

good job being a nigger. this activity doesn't really hurt the corporation, but it makes you less of a person

>> No.19341250

when i did cashier i always offered to do go-backs. anything to keep me away from a real register.

>> No.19341266


>> No.19341268

WTF someone could've crammed that chicken.
Now it will be too slimy and unsafe to cram.

>> No.19341423

you'd be surprised. the canadian government recommends to only toss meat away if it's been sitting out at room temp for over 4 hours. If it's only been four hours they recommend to go crammit up your ass

>> No.19342549
File: 2.33 MB, 568x320, not_my_problem.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19342560

>boneless skinless breasts
our crackheads are not that boujie

>> No.19344152

I like seeing shit like this in the store because it makes me think someone chose to get pop tarts instead of the chicken they were gonna make for dinner that night. Sometimes it's the opposite. You see a box of poptarts on the shelf with granola bars or something and it's like, good for them for picking a healthier snack.

>> No.19344283

We also like it when you open foods, eat a little and drop it on the floor. Also if you ask for the wagie dance we will do it on the spot and sing for free because we like doing it.

>> No.19344308

>Also if you ask for the wagie dance we will do it on the spot and sing for free because we like doing it.
This is actually a real thing in the USA. Just yesterday I asked a cashier at Fry's to do The Wagie Dance, and she started hipping and hopping, all silently, as she pretended to be a mime in a glass cage with a glass ceiling

>> No.19344314
File: 60 KB, 640x782, not-my-problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19344317

Nmp nmp

>> No.19344318

You’re supposed to leave it in the tomato bin so the grocer has to toss the whole lot

>> No.19344324

It’s called getting even for price gouging, corporate bootlicker

>> No.19344368

>It’s called getting even for price gouging, corporate bootlicker
Signs that someone received a high school diploma, but that the diploma means absolutely nothing because of lowered standards for people of color

>> No.19344381
File: 34 KB, 474x581, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>returning rotten meat

>> No.19344824


>> No.19344906

I like when you can tell an instacart wagie ransacked the shelf looking for the exact required flavor/size combo and then ran away

>> No.19345367

no, you nonce. it's filled with skinless and boneless chicken breasts

>> No.19345370

Stores have loss prevention insurance
Shoplifting doesn't make your shit more expensive

>> No.19345371

Good luck getting and keeping EBT

>> No.19345388

>insurance is free

>> No.19345392
File: 135 KB, 694x1200, shopping carts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma post it now.

>> No.19345394

>Bacon in the Kosher section...

>> No.19345396

Nah, I've seen it.
t. Lived in a "Diverse area" where this kind of childlike, self-centered behaviour was multiple times DAILY.

>> No.19345437

oh you sweet summer child

>> No.19345444

Good thread

>> No.19345476


>> No.19345480

Isn't it nice living around white people?

>> No.19345481


>> No.19346035

youre eating unorganic chicken, your incoming colon cancer will be your problem

>> No.19346975
File: 66 KB, 360x640, CANCER in yer TENDIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't think Organic even matters for that anymore.
Not that I'll stop eating it.

>> No.19347699

people that do this should be charged the same as theft

>> No.19348853
File: 37 KB, 176x302, fearful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she pretended to be a mime in a glass cage with a glass ceiling
shes not pretending anon

>> No.19348862
File: 184 KB, 783x711, 1660959178297183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several chickens died just so their meat could get deboned, processed, packaged, shipped, then left in the wrong place and thrown in the fucking trash. Their life, their sacrifice, it was all completely pointless.

>> No.19348883

The cost of insurance depends mostly on how much the insurance company expects to need to pay out. In areas with little shoplifting, the insurance will be basically free. In areas with a lot of shoplifting, the premiums will be substantial.

>> No.19348896

It is your problem if you picked it up, niggerfaggot.

>> No.19348927
File: 418 KB, 500x389, anger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try this at home
>happily yell "not my problem"
>realize I don't live in an apartment
>5000 dollar septic replacement bill

You lied to me /ck/

>> No.19349013


>> No.19349894


Based adventurwage