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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19339160 No.19339160 [Reply] [Original]

>take a girl out to dinner at a small place that was nice and affordable pre-memedemic
>takes forever to get our food due to all the doordash and uber eats orders taking precedence
>soup barely contains any meat now due to the cook skimping on ingredients
>meal is constantly interrupted by retards barging through the door shouting for the orders
>receive bill
>"15% service fee" tacked on even though we ordered at our table and sat down to eat
>dinner for two that should have been under $40 is now over $50 to make up for all the NPCs ordering from apps
People who use those faggot-ass delivery services should be dragged out into the streets and shot.

>> No.19339163

girls are gross, should've took another dude out, would've been sexier and more enjoyable

>> No.19339173

I don’t find dudes attractive.
Maybe a very feminine dude while being drunk.

>> No.19339181

OP here. This all happened last week before Pride Month™, but I will be taking another dude out tonight before we head over to the standard fuck party to celebrate the season. Delivery apps are still for faggots though.

>> No.19339188
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>> No.19339209

going to restaurants is a scam

>> No.19339219

>bluetooth on
>gps on
>20% battery

>> No.19339306

This is why all bottoms should be vegan.
Also does douching help alleviate this at all? I'm always clean inside and out before the act afaik

>> No.19339330

>getting rimmed

>> No.19339381
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This happened to my favorite noodle place. It used to be this comfy little single room joint with an open kitchen and enough tables to comfortably seat 15 people max. Extremely affordable with generous portions. Then wu flu happened and so came the rise of slop delivery apps. The restaurant closed for "renovations", reopening in 2022.
>The kichen had been expanded to take up the entire interior to churn out as many orders as possible.
>The only seating is now 4 shitty tables on the curb outside, about five feet from the busiest street in the city.
>Delivery drivers are constantly coming and going through the already cramped seating to pick up orders.
>The food used to be served in ceramic bowls and steamer baskets, but now everything is dumped straight into disposable plastic containers even if you're eating "in".
>Portions were noticeably smaller and the ratio of meat to noodles was totally off.
>All this and the prices went up 20%.
This was my favorite place in the city, but now I'm never going back.

>> No.19339391

>15% service fee
Well then that's their tip

>> No.19339410

you voted for this

>> No.19339437

Are you implying tops don't eat ass? Maybe you just give quick pay energy?

>> No.19339447

hard to blame restaurants for wanting to stay in business. inflation is destroying already razor-thin margins. can't imagine anyone wanting to open a restaurant in this economy

>> No.19339483

Inflation is fucking us all in the ass, if these restaurant owners want to complain about people not eating out they should strangle an elite banker with their own intestines.

>> No.19339506

That fucking sucks.
Inflation plays a role in it, but the delivery apps that shave 30% off the top are making a bad problem worse. They're bleeding the restaurant industry dry all because faggots are too lazy to just call their orders over the phone and pick them up themselves. And then the apps use mafia tactics to bully restaurant owners into taking a cut from every order, or they will simply list the restaurant's menu on their apps without consent. The one thing blue cities are doing right is trying to reign these apps in by limiting their fees on every order. Really they should be forced to use a flat rate subscription model instead of jewishly siphoning a percentage from every transaction.

>> No.19339515

the restaurants are doing fine by having delivery options. they are getting business they otherwise would not have gotten. they can just cut their app off at anytime if they wanted to stop. a good restaurant wont offer delivery or even to-go orders

>> No.19339537

>they are getting business they otherwise would not have gotten.
Doesn't matter when the margins are so much lower.
>they can just cut their app off at anytime if they wanted to stop.
If they refuse to use the app then the company will just hire pajeets to call in every order over the phone.

>> No.19339599

Financial services get fucked by inflation just like every other industry.
Or maybe I’m just not at the reptilian alien level yet idk

>> No.19339619

>th-think of the poor bankers, anon!

>> No.19339621

>This was my favorite place in the city
Urbanoids deserve every bad thing that happens to them.

>> No.19339630


>> No.19339657

more like wholesome, a bro truly cares about you unless they're a top, you're out the door before the nut in your ass is evening dripping.

>> No.19339686

The restaurants compensate by increasing their prices on delivery sites. Most decent places tack on a couple bucks to anything you order online to combat the bullshit. There are some cheap ass places that don't, but those are cheap ass places for a reason.

Also any actual decent restaurant doesn't do delivery bullshit, so it's your own damn fault for not planning a better date.

>> No.19339705

What sort of soup contains meat itfp?

>> No.19339712

Asian noodles like ramen

>> No.19339723

Times are tough and I'm not taking a bitch to a nice restaurant unless it's her birthday. Hope she likes burgers.

>> No.19339737

Just because you don’t understand what they do or how they work doesn’t make them evil little buddy.

>> No.19339759

At that point why not just go delivery only?

>> No.19339772

depends what level of financial services you're talking about

>> No.19339778

Depending where you are, that's illegal

>> No.19339894

was going to say this, that's actually their tip. seeing more and more places do this, I think a lot of zoomers have taken the nigpill and just flat out never tip

>> No.19340137

Get off the internet. Technology isn't for hicks.

>> No.19340217


This happened to my favorite Chinese restaurant. COVID and people ordering from delivery apps, totally destroyed the quality of food and service. Clearly myself and my family weren't the only ones who complained and were fed up. Eventually the place closed. I miss what that place once was and I haven't found a worthy replacement since.

>> No.19341534

Uber and Doordash people need to get to the back of the line

>> No.19342411

I will happily tip 20% for good service, but if you try to force me to tip you get fucking nothing.

>> No.19342479

Sometimes some tops that I fuck make me eat their ass and holy shit I want to kms. Its almost always those hetero closeted middle aged men with a family too. Atleast wipe your ass??