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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19336362 No.19336362 [Reply] [Original]

I usually prepare ingredients in cereal bowls or ramekins, but I'm thinking about picking up a set of glass mise en place bowls just because. Is this a dumb idea? Do you use this technique when cooking?

>> No.19336371

My mother in law gave me about 5 or 6 and I now mise en place a lot of my meals. I like them cause they take up less room in my dishwasher, and generally saves a lot of time and stress.

>> No.19336373

I've thought about it. Mostly for when I have a lot of small ingredients. I also just use bowls for things like onion where I tend to have a lot of bulk.

>> No.19336380

Thats how I usually cook. I use ramekins, stainless steel shot glasses, measuring cups and glass bowls.

>> No.19336452

dollar tree has them. Yes they are very useful.

>> No.19336532 [DELETED] 
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mise en faggotry

>> No.19336575

Being the cheap bastard that I am I reuse the containers from Chinese restaurants.

>> No.19336598

Ew, what the fuck? That's disgusting.

>> No.19336607

It's the plastic ones, they're reusable.

>> No.19336616

there is zero reason to do this unless you really love washing 10 extra little dishes. Just make piles on your cutting board for anything chopped and spices etc you can just eyeball or use a measuring spoon for if you're too retarded for that

>> No.19336621

That's what women are for, they can clean the dishes,

>> No.19336624

ramekins, but the effect is the same

>> No.19336625

Not worth living with a woman to spare myself some dishes, fuck that plus I don't trust them to do anything right

>> No.19336629

That's why it's fun to be a batchelor, there's no dumb bitch hollaring at me 24/7.

>> No.19336630

>unless you really love washing 10 extra little dishes
Ever hear of a dishwasher?

>Just make piles on your cutting board for anything chopped and spices etc you can just eyeball or use a measuring spoon for if you're too retarded for that
I don't think you do much cooking. Many times, there's way too much food to leave piles. Also, measuring out liquids when you need to add them quickly while cooking.

>> No.19336633

The retarded government bitches are trying to ban dishwashers and gas stoves, it's pathetic.

>> No.19336653

I've heard of a dishwasher but it's still more of a chore that way. Realistically for how I cook it's easy enough to, say, chop onions while the meat browns, chop peppers while the onions cook, etc so it's actually an inefficient use of time to mise en place it because then I'm going to have all these little windows of downtime. Much better to just prep as I go most of the time, with some exceptions. Preparing everything ahead of time is much more logical in a restaurant situation than for home cooking.

>> No.19336661

there is something I dont like about using foreign terms for common sense ideas.

anyway, I've got a tupperware set, and the smaller containers i'll use for herbs and spices. I'll usually the tiniest one and then I've got my measuring cup which has something else in it.

Nothing wrong with small bowls to gather ingredients. It could simplify your process depending on how you organize yourself.

>> No.19336688

>Preparing everything ahead of time is much more logical in a restaurant situation than for home cooking.
There are quite a few times I really need to prep everything ahead of time, although with familiarity and practice, it's often not required, totally grant you that. For example, if:
-I'm cooking multiple things at once, and won't have time between actually maintaining the heat and stirring something else to cut ingredients for various dishes
-Following a recipe and in unfamiliar territory, so don't want to waste time cutting when I need to be following certain steps on a stovetop that require my attention
-Some types of high heat cooking that require various ingredients in rapid succession, like making fried rice. It's not possible to prepare along the way when you need to be constantly agitating a wok to ensure things don't burn, but you can't just add everything at once, either.

>> No.19336694

>there is something I dont like about using foreign terms for common sense ideas.
Like 90% of cooking-specific vocabulary in the English language come from (Latin, through) French. In old books, you can see a lot of words written in italics which we no longer write in italics. How about the word "recipe"? Got a better word with proper Anglo-Saxon etymology?

>> No.19336705

I use a large plate or a second cutting board for processed ingredients, I am not at all interested in 6 extra dishes which I need to both store and clean, like what the fuck for?

>> No.19336734

>I am not at all interested in 6 extra dishes which I need to both store and clean, like what the fuck for?
Mise en place bowls are usually only 6-8 ounces, and they stack, so it's not a huge hassle to store them.

>> No.19336814

>Just 1 more little thiiiiing~ :3
Explain why I need them and a second cutting board won't do. I don't want things I don't need it's wasteful, frivolous, and 1 more thing to move on moving day. This is probably why my mom has a 3500 sqft house and nowhere to put anything.

>> No.19336824

I use them for small stuff that go in separately like spices and garlic. I still use cereal bowls for bigger items.

>> No.19336832

>Explain why I need them
No, thanks. I'm not here so you can outsource your decision-making to me. The thread also is not about you.

>> No.19336875

>Because aquiring new comidities gives me a rush of dopamine and I like collecting new bobbles for my special interests.
You spent more effort deflecting, but ok, be on your way.

>> No.19336896

Cope and seethe.

>> No.19336912

I legitimately hate people more and more every day. Mere moments away from tedding out and living in a cabin in the woods. Nevertheless, I'll see you guys tomorrow.

>> No.19336918

>M A L D I N G

>> No.19337014

I just did this for my dinner garnishes, but had no idea it has a fancy French name. Usually making dishes is a bit of a bother for home cooking, and I don't measure anything.

>> No.19337020

I basically stopped considering most humans as anything but animals and it helped my stress levels.

>> No.19337428

Mis en place refers to keeping things in order while you cook. It's a term of french origin.

The idea itself to keep things in order when you cook is not uniquely french. The french may have suffused the practice and idea through their lands such that it became a large part of french culinary culture. The term may have been found in french cookbooks and taught by french chefs.

But the idea itself is not specific to french people. It is specific to chefs who cook enough to develop a preference of kitchen practices.

Cambodians have a way of describing mis en place. Eritreans have a way. Brits have a way. Americans have a way.

My issue is that in the modern day these words and phrases are spreading faster and with much less concern than they once did, and so they take on new understandings and are steeped in levels of assumptions.

90 of french vocabulary comes from french. Sure. But only because 90 percent of vocabulary comes from the french. Americans dont learn mis en place from their American mothers and fathers--they hear it on youtube.

I've got no problem with etymology.
I've got an issue with branding in the face of global capitalism and the layers of personal assumptions that are attendant to choices we don't realize we are making.

I've got the same issue with auteur theory in film. Years ago, it used to be written in italics in film theory courses. These days not so much.

It's literally Author Theory, but people have this need to reach for something beyond themselves in order to explain things. It's this fascination with keeping things mystical or special, when the idea is pretty standard fare for anyone paying attention.

If you use french terms when english ones would do and you do not speak french, you are trying to communicate ideas about a Canon to which you do not belong.

It's a self replicating socio-cultural virus that is at turns harmless, pretentious, and disingenuous.

>> No.19337500

I don't like animals either but I can largely go through life without interacting with them except as food so I find them a lot more palatable, so to speak, in a general sense.

>> No.19337557
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Why don't you like animals? They are cute and fuzzy and nice :3

>> No.19337639

None of that has any meaning for me. Inside the house they are unsanitary and a chore to take care of. Outdoors they're better, mostly because they're easy to ignore, but I still hate my neighbors loud ass motherfucking barking dogs which seem to exist always no matter where I live. Animals come in two categories, basically
I'll admit I keep a few cats around, but they are strictly outdoors and serve a purpose in pest control. 2 animals of one sort to vastly reduce the population of a few others that I like even less. Big win for me.

>> No.19337673

mise en place is one thing, but it's usually pointless to use a separate little bowl for each ingredient when most of them are going to be added at the same time. If I'm putting together an herb and spice mix for a recipe, each ingredient gets measured out into the same bowl or ramekin. Same with a mirepoix.
Only a faggot who wants to larp like he's hosting his own cooking show would use a bunch of those dumb little bowls and separate out things like a quarter tsp salt, half tsp pepper, etc.

>> No.19337677

I like them they're nice for stuff like garlic or ginger where you probably aren't using enough to fill a regular size bowl

>> No.19337685

I bet he washes and reuses his toilet paper also.

>> No.19337713

this, no one did this before it became popular on instagram or whatever to make recipes with 40 little fucking bowls with everything in it. now the braindead social media consoomers think that's actually how you're supposed to cook

>> No.19337725

It looks nice, plus you have all of your shit separated out into separate containers that you can keep up with along the way.
t. Someone that just cuts everything on the board anyway and hand carries or dumps it into the container from the cooking board

>> No.19337740
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>A chore to take care of
I love caring for and entertaining my kitten, I shared some ramen with her, she likes to play and she curls up on me and makes purrs which literally makes me high somehow. I love her and it pains me that she's actually my uncle's and will be taken from me one day. I had a nightmare she ran away the other night :(

You can wipe their paws, they even make scrubbers, other than the paws they clean themselves mostly.

>> No.19337778

I just use steel mixing bowls since I have a fuckton of them, I was considering getting a few smaller ones specifically for this though.

>> No.19337786

People don't have enough steel mixing bowls of various sizes

I like ramekins for doing mise en place, but it's overkill as fuck if you're doing it for every single ingredient. the concept comes from the French brigade style, where you'd have an underling prepping your shit. outside of cooking shows, where it makes all the ingredients clearly identifiable and easy to add on film, there's not much point for a home cook to go overboard with it.

>> No.19337846

>the concept comes from the French brigade style, where you'd have an underling prepping your shit
If you're doing the prep yourself it is more efficient in general to do it between steps aside from maybe a couple things right at the start. If you manage your time well you don't need to have everything prepped ahead of time. RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT FOR ANONS IN DOUBT: watch Iron Chef episodes and see how they do it. Does everybody get together and start prepping the whole meal at the start, then cook it all after, or do they start cooking a lot of it immediately and prep other things while that is going on? Should answer the question.

>> No.19337873

Yeah I don't generally do one for every ingredient, I'll just toss multiple things in a single bowl if they're going in at the same time anyway. I usually don't need more than 2 or 3 at most for any given dish, but for certain things having a few smaller ones for individual ingredients would be helpful.

>> No.19338261
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I basically only eat slop and don't go for fancy dishes with actual recipes.
At most I'll cut up all my veggies and put them in a bowl. So I can move on to the meat and have the main ingredients ready for the pot or pan.

>> No.19339029

If you shop for them, they're usually labeled "prep bowls" and not "mise en plas".

>> No.19339055

As alluring an idea it is to have special little matching glass bowls I just figure that's one more thing that's going to take up space. I use a mixture of ramekins and teacups and their saucers.

>> No.19339067

I get what you're saying, and mostly agree. However, you sound like a fag.

>> No.19339069

>/qa/ cancer up for 18 hours
Where did the moderation of this website go? Every fucking board has become unusable because of all the low quality garbage.

>> No.19339076

>posts on a cooking board
>doesn't know what pasta is

>> No.19339082

I started using more prep bowls when I began to be able to work from home more. Take a little break and chop a few things up, put in bowls and cover for later, that kind of thing. But yeah typically if I'm cooking on a weekend I'll just keep everything segregated on my cutting board and scrape it right into the pan as needed with a bench scraper or whatever.

>> No.19339086
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I got this rare set for a famous chef

>> No.19339089

Yup. I feel the same way about the word umami. EVERYBODY is using that word and half of them don't know what it even means. I despise the word even more than I do the word moist.

>> No.19339107
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I meaz uhn plass in bowls but the overflow goes right onto paper plates. fite me.

>> No.19339109
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>> No.19339494

I leave them in piles on my cutting boards.

I make puddles of liquids on my cutting board too.

>> No.19339713

Dont like crowding my cutting board, I normally lay my knives, scraper, etc on the edge of the board so there isnt room to add ingredients too. If you rinse it right after you use it, then it takes 10 seconds to handwash at the end.

>> No.19339724

while youre right, its not that deep

>> No.19339733

Hey man if all your cooking involves adding all ingredients on the same time cool, but dont project that on everyone else lmao

>> No.19339769

Sometimes I like to watch a show while cooking so I prep while watching and then can cook the rest of the meal leisurely and continue watching

>> No.19339787

We use all the French words for war, not because the French invented it, but they mastered it
Same with food

>> No.19339874

>Also, measuring out liquids when you need to add them quickly while cooking.
I like to measure everything right when I need it, adds a little stress and excitement to the process

>> No.19339888

That's a super cute cat!

>> No.19339922

>have to make a mirepoix of carrot celery and onion
>dump each ingredient into the cold pot when I'm done chopping it and turn the heat on after

Alternatively, just turn the heat on and then frantically chop ingredients while the other ones begin burning