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File: 262 KB, 900x900, joshua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19337192 No.19337192 [Reply] [Original]

Why does he fucking talk like that? In that annoying fucking voice? You know what I mean.

>> No.19337206

Remember, if any internet celebrity was really good at something, they'd be in their field and not an internet celebrity

>> No.19337213

I want him to cum in me so fucking bad. His body is so perfect. Such a shame his face and attitude is like that

>> No.19337276

Man built of pure soylent who spends $56 dollars trying and failing to surpass the Beef N Cheddar

>> No.19337408
File: 137 KB, 1200x900, 1670440601006315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

counter argument: pic related

>> No.19337475
File: 307 KB, 614x922, 1678001189784992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man built of pure soylent who spends $56 dollars trying and failing to surpass the Beef N Cheddar
I don't feel so bad about myself now. There's something about Arby's that you just can't even come close to at home.

>> No.19337530

All fast food has this magic property, but only Arby's dares to put cheese sauce and 'red ranch' together in a beautiful blend

>> No.19337534

just look at him. you can this creep is a pretentious piece of shit from a mile away.

>> No.19337535


>> No.19337537


>> No.19337542
File: 260 KB, 720x720, 1677577239052027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh msg
Yeah everybody knows about MSG bro and I put it on everything
It's still not the same

>> No.19337543

I have msg at home

>> No.19337545

Is that some tranny?
Whatever it is its really creepy looking, like crackhead, meth addict level creepy.

>> No.19337549

Somebody post his recipe for buttered toast.

>> No.19337550
File: 282 KB, 2400x2400, 1674270381097212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

msg at home:

>> No.19337552

At least you got the economy size for extra savings.

>> No.19337556
File: 108 KB, 1300x1300, 1685671800120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19337563

Literally who? Don't watch streamfag sloppa "conten", which is what I assume that chud is.

>> No.19337579

I've seen that weirdo before, on a wall in a post office, from some wanted poster.

>> No.19337585

this nigga looks like he beats his own box

>> No.19337736

because he's a jew. Jews learn a rhetorical technique called pilpul in talmud studies, and it trains them to talk like that. It was originally how they interpreted their torah(the bible), but later jews realized if they use the same illogical fallacies they use to swindle their own god, they can also swindle the goyim. It makes them appear intellegent, and allows them to get away with all kinds of bullshit, and this in turn fuels their arrogance and makes them habitually condensending.

>> No.19337762

Hikaru was good at chess first; that's why he became an e-celeb. Same with people like Gordon Ramsay. That anon is absolutely right about literally who's that were born on youtube like OP.

>> No.19337785

I don't know what he sounds like. Just his appearance is enough to convince me not to watch his videos. He looks like he smells of stale jizz and egg breath.

>> No.19337794

now you make me want to try. my guess is marinating sliced roast beef in buillion and some other stuff including MSG

>> No.19337798

Every chess player's skills diminish with age. Hikaru is still one of the top 2 American players at the moment, and definitely the top 2 in blitz and bullet, if he would play in tournaments more often. But he makes more money streaming, simple as that. If Bobby Fischer were still alive today, he would be streaming, because that's what he wanted to do: make money playing chess.

>> No.19337804

I feel like we as humans can just suss out this kind of this. He just looks like a soyboy faggot

>> No.19337815

Nah he became an e-celeb because streaming/youtube is much more profitable than having a chess career. Sure he's multi world champion but he'd be magnitudes less known than he is if he hadn't started doing content.
Very true.

>> No.19337830

But my point is that he is at the top of his field, and him being an e-celeb is a result of that. The only popular people in chess who don't deserve their e-celeb status are thots like the botez sisters.

>> No.19337833

and also gothamchess. that guy is annoying and not even a super GM.

>> No.19337865

Yet the original argument also implied that being at the top of one's field and being e-celeb were mutually exclusive which evidently isn't the case.
That said he wasn't even an e-celeb until he started doing content regardless of where that initial popularity originated from.

>> No.19338047

restaurant cooking's a high stress job, being an owner of a restaurant who goes on tv shows is less, replacing tv bullshit with a small film crew and equipment is even easier.

>> No.19338084

bingo. (((Finegold))) dominates gotham and will say a ton of funny crap while doing it.

The thot chess players are hot and annoying enough. At least they're not doing trash hot tub or asmr content.

>> No.19338122

gotham is funny enough despite his annoying "are you le subscribed yet?!" shit
hikaru is just a boring autist that gets twitch money because he happens to be a GM that knows what "pepega" is

>> No.19338133

Most restaurants besides chinese take out type places don't even use MSG cause normal tards are so scared of it they would flip out if they saw it on the ingredient list. Go on the mcdonalds website and find me something with msg in it.