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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19330221 No.19330221 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about buying the 5.5 cup Zojirushi NP-NWC10XB Pressure Induction Heating Rice Cooker & Warmer.

It’s $425. I can afford it. Yes I know I can cook rice on the stove.

The reviews say it’s perfect. It can also cook sushi rice, steel cut oatmeal and congee.

It has some rice computer that corrects for your retardidness.

Does anyone own one of these? What do you think? I’m kind of getting sick of my crap Walmart one.

>> No.19330235

>yes I know I can cook rice on the stove
Nobody buys a nice rice cooker if they can't already cook rice on the stove.

>> No.19330244

I have the Xiaomi rice cooker which is like the budget version, they actually hired the japanese who invented the IH fuzzy logic rice cookers to make it. It is worth it, less effort and the rice is better than cooked on the stove.

>> No.19330248

How is it better exactly?

>> No.19330255

The grains are perfectly cooked, they are whole, not undercooked in the middle or exploded into a mass due to overcooking like what you get typically in a cheap rice cooker or in the stove.

>> No.19330275

You know what, I’m feeling generous. I’ll buy two rice cookers and throw one of them away in your honor.

>> No.19330288

I think you might be a little drunk, anon. Reread the post you replied to (and don't drop $400+ when you're intoxicated; my $170 Zoj is still going strong after a decade of constant use).

>> No.19330347
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>> No.19330505

i got the NP-HCC10XH
it does quite well, i like it. i don't know what the pressure-thing would do, but if it made brown rice come out quicker that'd make it worth it

>> No.19330657

>Yes I know I can cook rice on the stove.
Whoa anon you can't just say that to the /ck/ poors it ruins their unwarranted sense of superiority
Also not sure1 if it's the exact same model but I have the white one and it's been perfect so far

>> No.19330659

>Does anyone own one of these? What do you think?
I do, it's good enough to make rice. Not sure if it's wildly better but it works just fine. I use it exclusively for sushi rice but I'm sure the other rice works just fine.

Can't say if it's better than a $20 rice cooker, or rather that it's $300+ better.

>> No.19330688

There's cheaper options that are made in Japan. Go for one of those. I've owned two of their rice cookers. As long as you properly rinse your rice and pay attention to the serving amounts, you'll be great. I recommend getting a food scale to do dry weight for better accuracy. I usually pick up Tamanishiki short grain, weigh out 336g, rinse the fuck out of it, add enough water or stock mix to get to the 2C line.

>> No.19330695

"Nobody buys a rice cooker if they can* already cook rice on the stove"


>> No.19330706

Poorfag cope
Get a job hobo

>> No.19330712

You can start the cooker before work or go off for the day and it would still be warmed for when you get home. If you do that with a stovetop, you're looking at a fire hazard. It just makes things easier for time and leaves that space open on the stovetop for something else.

>> No.19330731

Why does literally every family in Asia and Asian family abroad then own one?

>> No.19330808

Can it suck your dick? Get a japanese GF

>> No.19330996

Lol. Asian "kids" are the exception (and there are no Asians on /ck/). They buy them because they learned half a century ago that cooking rice on the stove is retarded. Asians are the only people who don't know how to cook rice; their parent's literally buy them rice cookers as "moving out" presents.

>> No.19331005
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>tfw know how to cook rice on a stove so i need to to wake up extra early just to turn a knob a few times

>> No.19331158

>be me
>turn on rice cooker
>leave and run errands

>be you
>be retarded poorfag
>seethe about it on /ck/

>> No.19331837
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I got a Korean version that is in fact not horrendously expensive. I have never used the Japanese ones but it's hard to see what they could realistically add over what I have.


It makes all kinds of rice, long grain, short grain, whole grain, etc. You can make porridge and yoghurt (apparently) in it and ofc it can steam veg. There is a keep warm feature which you need because rice gets bacterial quite fast if not kept warm.

The killer feature is the "make the rice ready in X hours Y minutes". You can set that, then fuck off and when you come back it will have saved energy and made the rice for your specific time instead of making it and having to keep it warm.

Yes it has a "rice computer" to save you if you mildly-to-moderately fuck up your water:rice ratio but if you really fuck it up your rice will be crap anyway. Just don't make any major mistakes and you will be ok. The rice computer also handles the natural variance of rice. Get ready to have opinions about rice varietals.

The only thing I would add is that washing rice (which you should do to remove starch, lower the arsenic levels) is slightly unintuitive. If you do it wrong you remove barely any starch and presumably no arsenic. Look up how to do it best.

Save money anon. Buy a korean unit.

>> No.19332202

I have one, bought it at the chinese supermarket for $200
definitely don't pay full price that's retarded

>> No.19332212

i dont believe you
enjoy your uncooked rice

>> No.19332217

I like mine. Does good job at making rice and steel cut oats. Don't listen to the "you can't use a rice cooker you must use stove or else" anons but anons giving you alternatives might also be worth looking into.

>> No.19332244

I got the Indian model because it has a jasmine mode. I really like it and I think it was worth every penny. I still use it daily after about 4 years and it shows no signs of wear whatsoever. Previously I had an Aroma rice cooker from Walmart and my Zoji is better enough to justify the cost. For context I make $155k and live in one of the expensive cities of NJ.

>> No.19332254


arsenic :(

>> No.19332294

I usually only cook about a cup of rice at a time and it takes like 15 minutes total. Rice cookers take too long

>> No.19332314

Is arsenic in the room with us right now?

>> No.19332327

>and there are no Asians on /ck/
Oh you'd be surprised.

>> No.19332336

i have no preference for rice over other whole grains, and it offers no unique nutritional benefits, so i do not eat rice. other grains are cheap enough that my produce budget is unaffected.

>> No.19332359
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I have the model below with just the IH but not the pressure modes.

Works great for rice, I enjoy using the timer to have it done exactly when i need it, I also enjoy the long keep warm time.

Makes good oatmeal too.

>> No.19332368

>I got the Indian model because it has a jasmine mode
The IH model below it has a Jasmine mode as well see >>19332359

>> No.19332380

I have the regular fuzzy logic 3-cup zoji and it’s excellent. I’d say you can’t go wrong with any of their models.

>> No.19332628

>Fuzzy rice technology
I have the smaller and cuter one, it makes perfect rice every single time, package directions are unreliable look up and use the finger method.

First off, you can push a button and walk away, which is just nice.
If you eat rice everyday the convenience and consistency are massive, nothing worse than slightly mushy rice 2 times a week.
+ They have the keep warm setting so you if you plan to eat rice more than once in a day you can make a bunch of rice and it will stay warm and fluffy.

Being above rice cookers is for autistic Americans who have to do everything themselves, it's the culinary equivalent of changing your own oil, it's cheap and vastly easier to get a 5 minute oil change.

>> No.19332636

I was mistaken, I have this one with the panda on it :3

It also claimed in the manual to be able to bake cakes, although I'm skeptical and will stick to the toaster oven.

>> No.19332722

Can you throw in frozen vegetables into the mix, or will that mess everything up?

>> No.19332739
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If you want to do that you should get a model with a steaming basket, as you can usually do rice with the steaming basket above and they cook at the same time.

>> No.19332876

The benefit is that you can build up a tolerance to arsenic so then you can't be poisoned as easily

>> No.19332929

Veggies come in self steam bags and are done in minutes with a microwave, so while you can it'd be relatively pointless.

>> No.19332938

why would you waste 425 dollary doos on some chink shit when you can just use a stainless steel pot and your brain.

>> No.19333036

Im pretty sure it does. I have an instapod and i always throw in alot of frozen veggies and it always comes out perfect.

>> No.19333421

Because my brain would rather do/think something else

>> No.19333469

like discussing rice cookers on /ck/?

>> No.19333542
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Wish I had the disposable income and high enough rice consumption to justify dropping hundreds on a zojirushi. I'll probably end up getting something like pic related instead, should at least be better than the super cheap magnet operated ones

>> No.19333649


>> No.19333978

Not to mention, that thing looks kino as fuck

>> No.19334615

Can it make oatmeal decently?

>> No.19334705

Multiple michelin star chefs could never replicate the degree of perfection one of these high end rice cookers can produce with stovetop methods. If someone eats or cooks a lot of rice it is a worthy investment.

>> No.19334887
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Can the rice computer run Doom?

>> No.19334935

I make better rice in my donabe than my top of the line zoji. It upsets me, but it is also undeniable. I still love my zoji for many things.

>> No.19334972

I make oatmeal perfectly in 3 minutes in the microwave. Why the FUCK do you need a rice cooker to make oatmeal?

>> No.19334973

Why not? You don't really need a rice cooker for anything.

>> No.19334984

Because it would take longer in a rice cooker.

>> No.19335616

A $20 rice cooker works perfectly. It's just rice.

>> No.19335622

I had one and it would always burn rice a bit.

>> No.19335626


>> No.19335657

This is most certainly user error. You probably have your measurements wrong. Too little water is obvious, but if you add too much water it could cause the cooking cycle to go for too long and burn the bottom before there is complete absorption.
You could either spend more money on a fancy rice cooker, or learn how to measure the rice and water.

>> No.19335974

I assume you cook rice often enough to justify the price of a dedicated rice cooker. PERSONALLY I got a mulitcooker with rice modes, cooks better than I will on the stove, keep warm function keeps it good for upwards 2 hours (I had shit to do and didnt get to it till then) though it says it can do longer I never personally tested the limits.

the way I see it, unless rice is your staple meal and you will use it every day for nearly every meal, something lower end will be just fine.

and fuzzy logic is for stuff like its humid today, so the rice absorbed some amount of moisture, lets correct the cooking for this, not human retardation.

>> No.19335980

nah, cheaper rice cookers more or less do this, granted burning the rice is far different from caramelizing it.

>> No.19336163

I have a $20 dollar rice cooker and I've had no issue.
The only reason to spend more on a rice cooker is if you need to cook larger amounts of rice. If you're just cooking for one or two people then a $20 model is plenty good.

>> No.19336188

No. You spend more on a rice cooker so it does a better job cooking short grain rice.

>> No.19336336

What is short grain rice and why would I want to cook it?

>> No.19336366

There's a bunch of different types of short grain rixe. The very expensive rice cookers excell at cooking Japanese short grain rice. It is some of the highest quality rice in the world. The good stuff can stand on its own without anything added.

People are always amazed that the rice I make is only rice and water, and it is so delicious.

A donabe will cook it better, but it is much less convenient.

>> No.19336421
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>Does anyone own one of these?
i own the 3.5 or whatever smaller version of this exact zojirushi. it's great. i'm philipino so i eat a lot of rice with different types of meals and i also eat a lot of oatmeal for breakfast. rice comes out perfect every time, white and brown. the oatmeal is pretty good but i learned i prefer steel cut cooked in a crockpot because i get a bit of a crisp on the the bottom. with the sojirushi my oats are a bit soggy at the top but once it's stirred up it's fine. i usually add granola and some dried fruit to the bottom. i could experiment with the amount of milk to maybe make it less soggy at the top. take home message though: it is FAST. in my mini crock pot oats take 2.5 hours (i set a timer to start cooking in the middle of the night). in the zojiroshi steel cut oats are done in like 45 minutes. no, i'm not sure. i'll make some right now and check back with a more accurate time. it's great and it bring no dishonor to your asian kin. highly recommend.

>> No.19336426

"Makes gifs and gifsoup.com" -Mr. Miyagi.
Powerful stuff.

>> No.19336481

The one that actually tastes good

>> No.19336499

I guess I'm not a rice snob, so I have no need for a fancy rice cooker.

>> No.19336613

True rice snobs use a ceramic cooking pot made by only the most skilled craftsman in Japan.

>> No.19336846

52 minutes.

>> No.19337085

Thanks anon

>> No.19337335

I eat short grain white rice literally almost every day and I use a normal-ass pot for cooking rice. Typically I like cooking nabe or other soup in donabe

>> No.19337393
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If you have one specifically made for cooking rice give it a shot sometime. It does it better. The rice stays hot for a good bit longer because of the thermal retention of ceramic.

The kamado-san donabe is a great inexpensive/easily available option.
This is my kumoi kiln donabe. I love it a lot.

>> No.19337432

>>19330221 (OP)

I own this exact model, and here is my opinion:

the induction is awesome and give extremely even heat.

i dont care for the the pressure function. IMO is makes the rice have an extremely uniform texture, which sounds desirable but i find it a little weird...like it is too perfect. The pressure function also make the cooking process take longer: 54 min for a regular batch of white rice.

another CON, the power cord is super thick and neither detachable or retractable like other Zojirushi models.

take it or leave it, but if i were to buy again i would go back to the lower model with induction but without the pressure and with the magnetic detachable cord.

>> No.19337444

K, thanks anon

>> No.19338265

I don't eat short grain rice. I eat long grain rice. It's rice for a man. Short grain rice is for children and women.