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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.81 MB, 640x360, jack1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19333186 No.19333186 [Reply] [Original]

>friend offered to make me dinner as thanks for helping them move
>see him take out ground beef
>well a burger isn't fancy but it can be damned good...
>he turns on the air fryer/toaster
>opens it up
>puts the patties in and sets the timer for 20 minutes

Post stories of people cooking for you that really shouldn't be cooking

>> No.19333205

A friend of mine and his wife have zero cooking ability. He always tries to grill something and fucks it up. I once wqs over there and his infant daughter licked the top of the salt shaker

>> No.19333212

>air fryer
Why are you friends with gae?

>> No.19333217

People are worth more than their ability to cook, but I constantly regret letting other people cook for me.
How do you fuck up grilling? I am genuinely curious.

>> No.19333258

I’ve had several co-workers bring shit to office potlucks who had no business cooking. The weird part is several other coworkers liked what they brought. I swear for two solid weeks I heard tales of Sara’s legendary “seven layer salad,” and it was a tall glass dish with layers of shredded lettuce, canned green peas, mayonnaise, shredded cheese, hardboiled chopped eggs, sour cream, and other random shit. It was straight out of one of those nightmare 50’s cook books. Another coworker would bring meatballs everybody would rave about. It was a crockpot of frozen meatballs, sweet bbq sauce, and grape jelly- served with king Hawaiian buns, of course. Just gross.

>> No.19333269

I don’t know why parents let their kids get away with shit like that. Was over at a friend’s once, they were putting together some kind of desert, and their kid casually picked up the heavy cream container and drank straight out of it. No way they didn’t see it do it. I was all, “Oh wow, look at the time! I hate to leave, but (blah blah)”

>> No.19333273

He cooks at too low a temp for too long. I grilled them a steak at my house and I could tell the high heat was making him nervous. It was prime filets and they still claim it was one of the best steaks they ever had

>> No.19333281

Little kids and cats are red flags

>> No.19333288


>> No.19333296

It's weird seeing Jack use both arms

>> No.19333303

I've had coworkers who actually cooked good. I still refuse. People's homes are filthy. I always imagine them taking a massive dump and not washing their hands and then continuing to cook. It definitely happens. I also once found a big ass hair embedded in a woman's chocolate chip cookie. Fuck that shit. I always just say I'm not hungry. Thankfully the place where I work never does that.

>> No.19333328
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>> No.19333393

>one of those nightmare 50’s cook books.
I had one that had a recipe for guacamole that used pickle juice and mayonnaise

>> No.19333411

How many friends?

>> No.19333430

My nephews used to routinely throw stuff in my drinks. Toys, food, anything. The more pissed you are at them the funnier they think it is

>> No.19333534

>sister offers to make thanksgiving dinner
>makes mashed potatoes
mashed them

nothing else.

>> No.19333539

Boomers didn't just get their brains messed up by lead, it messed up their tongues too

>> No.19333545

>too low for too long
So no sear and overcooked? What, does he turn off the propane?

>> No.19333546

>dinner with friends of my sisters boyfriend
>we server cheap spaghetti with jarred ragu
>the guy is amazed at how incredible it tastes
his girlfriend made spaghetti with
cooked spaghetti
canned tomato sauce
nothing else.

>> No.19333550

I genuinely think some people have the taste buds of a cat or something
There's no other explanation for the amount of people that think totally unseasoned food is delicious

>> No.19333559

I worked with a guy who's wife made him this for lunch
plain cold cooked macaroni
cold hot dogs

my old bosses favorite food was:
steamed broccoli
cooked rice plain
he was from a farm in ohio he could not handle anything spicy.

>> No.19333560

Everyone in my family is at least a decent cook and I have no friends so I've never really had a situation like this.
Well one girl I knew liked to eat pancakes with mayonnaise if that counts.

>> No.19333568

before my mother was put in a nursing home, my brother was taking care of her.
her favorite thing was vienna sausages and mayo
one day he caught her sucking the mayo through a straw.
yes she was diabetic and overweight.

>> No.19333577

>tall glass dish with layers of shredded lettuce, canned green peas, mayonnaise, shredded cheese, hardboiled chopped eggs, sour cream, and other random shit.
sounds like mexican food. youre an idiot

>> No.19333578
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why would you tell me this

>> No.19333581

He thinks low and slow works for all meat. Steaks are the same colr of gray all the way through

>> No.19333582

that's not mexican food, it's midwest potluck thrown together garbage.

>> No.19333584

pickle juice is great in guac to be fair

>> No.19333586

my brother in law saved his fingernail clippings in a dixie cup.
he would hide it because my wife and I would try to find them and throw them away.

sometimes he would get them about half full...

>> No.19333597

Can confirm. My parents are midwest boomers and stupid dips and salads that are deserts were passed down from their parents

>> No.19333630

Being an entitled asshole all the time must be exhausting. Here's what you do when you're too full of yourself to deign to eat some free food: "no thank you I have a roast cooking at home." If they insist, take a small portion home. Throw it out like the utter faggot you are. The next time you talk to the unfortunate soul that has to deal with your unwarranted snobbery tell them it was good and say thank you.

>> No.19333650

>people wont eat my food because they are assholes

>> No.19333673

>It was a crockpot of frozen meatballs, sweet bbq sauce, and grape jelly- served with king Hawaiian buns
It seems you arent ready for jelly meatballs. Shame, you may never realize the error of your ways.

>> No.19333683

>Well one girl I knew liked to eat pancakes with mayonnaise if that counts.
I've known people to do this with sour cream. I guess that's kind of similar. Pancakes are just a type of bread.

>> No.19333701

Sounds like your nephews need to get acquainted with the belt.

>> No.19333702

I knew a girl who always had to have ranch with everything. That was gross but her getting pissed when they forgot the ranch was very unattractive

>> No.19333706

Are you thinking of like a 7 layer dip? That's what it reminded me of. It doesn't sound that bad. I think the peas might throw some people off though. It would probably be good with some boiled potato in it.

>> No.19333709

my brothers wife once bought hot chocolate from a vendor at a zoo and began crying because it had no marshmallows in it.

on another occasion we took them out to eat and she ordered a club sandwich, it came without bacon and she started crying.

>> No.19333714

It also explains why people are willing to spend money on "fast casual" dining like Applebees or Chillis

>> No.19333718

For some reason the part at :27 has given me some kind of trauma, I always think about it just from seeing the thumbnail. It makes me nauseous to watch.

>> No.19333722

Tastebuds that work, you mean.

>> No.19333735

The shame your brother must have felt would have crippled me

>> No.19333748

yeah no. he puts up with her because she lets him bang her anytime anywhere.

>> No.19333760
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>be at a big family gathering at my girlfriend’s grandparents
>her older sister had told everyone in advance she’d cook for everybody
>chicken casserole
>see her cooking the chicken breast fillets
>completely unseasoned, nothing in the pan with it except fry-lite cooking spray
>meanwhile boiling thinly chopped carrots also unseasoned
>didn’t have enough stock cubes so she made a very watery, flavourless slime
>cubes the chicken very small and dumps that, the carrots and the “stock” into a casserole dish
>puts it in oven for a bit while she cooks ready made frozen roast potatoes
>”dinners ready everyone! help yourself to as much as you like!”
>mfw this somehow took her 3 hours to make and I’m starving

>> No.19333797

Yesterday my office had a potluck. There were a couple flavorless potato and pasta salads and then 5 BBQs were lined up and some of the guys made burgers and hotdogs. The burned the everloving fuck out of the burgers, they were like hockey pucks. What was really shocking was that they somehow managed to not get the cheese to melt on top of them. I just ate a hotdog.
Tomorrow all of the offices in the region are getting together for a catered get together, only they are making us pay out of pocket for the catering, $15 flat rate for food truck bbq. We have an employee fund that used to pay for the catering but I guess it all got spent on the pizza party funerals we keep having after the recent rash of untimely employee deaths.

>> No.19333804

You're seeing the clearly uncooked meat that won't pull apart and the huge white sinew and your brain is screaming

>> No.19333825
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>> No.19333831

i have a 7-year-old. we do not hang out with families who don't discipline their kids. fuck that noise. it's hard enough when they're well-behaved. fucking parents and all this 'gentle parenting' and 'never-say-no' parenting. they should all be lobotomized. you don't need to be a tyrant, or raise your voice, or be scary, you just need to have boundaries and enforce them. it's not fucking rocket science. fuck.

>> No.19333835

that's a little autistic, but you do you, man.

>> No.19333840

yea that sounds pretty smart, actually, if you have good pickles. since my wife started bringing home grillos pickles, we basically empty out all the brine making gin picklebacks well before we can eat the actual pickles. a nice pickle brine without a bunch of nonsense in it is a pretty amazing ingredient.

>> No.19333853

the totally inappropriate emotional response is much more of a red flag than her food hangups, man. your bro must be living a tough life.

>> No.19333856

>oven fryer toaster
>another zoomer fail

>> No.19333863

wait, you have to go to an office function where you are mandated to purchase food? have you considered unionizing? or throwing a brick through a managers bedroom window?

>> No.19333867

well... no, his wife is a pretty dumb and passive.

>> No.19333869
File: 45 KB, 440x660, deviled eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring these ,they will be gone,,,

>> No.19333885

hate these,,,,

>> No.19333889
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heaven do-gooder who can't romp with the deviled egg boys

>> No.19333890

>friend's grandma invites us over for a family dinner on the condition we pick up some fast food chicken tenders to eat with the salad
>as soon as she takes a bite she starts fanning her face and screeching about the spice level
>everyone is confused as fuck since they're bland unsauced tenders
That was when I learned that some people find literally any amount of pepper unbearable.

>> No.19333994

My father freaks out if I salt and pepper his steak before I grill it. He acts like it got pissed on. He also i sists I microwave his plate before he puts anything on it. He its premade shit from Sams club and acts like its a chore to eat anything not factory made and wants to know every ingredient.

>> No.19333996

good lord

>> No.19333998

I worded that wrong. We don't HAVE to purchase the food, you can bring your own lunch or leave and go to a restaurant, but it's the only food available at the function otherwise. And yes we are required to show up to the function.
That said yeah our work environment is comically bad, like I said we have had a lot of deaths in the past few years with some suicides included. Our insurance and retirement are great though!

>> No.19334016

Yeah. Food sucks with him. When he hears me and my brother talking about cooking, he calls us fags. I try to make conversation about his food and ask him if its good and he quotes me the price. Ridiculous.

>> No.19334020

Pizza delivery is standard payment for helping someone move.

>> No.19334045

That's weird. I guess its just some kind of weird 'tism thing or something underlying.

>> No.19334051

When I was 16 my mom took me to her band mates house for dinner. I was sitting at the table, my mom and her friend and his wife were in the kitchen and his daughter who was a toddler was at the table and dumped the salt and pepper out and was licking it and playing with it and making a huge mess. Her friend told me if I see her doing that, to stop her and I said "not my kid, you should pay more attention to your kid" and that really pissed him off and made it awkward for my mom. Thankfully I was never invited back. He was weird and his house smelled old and damp and his wife was ugly. I don't remember much about the dinner, but your story reminded me about that weird interaction we had.

>> No.19334061

assuming not autism/retardation:

if kids and/or pregnant women start doing weird shit like eating salt straight out of the shaker or dirt it means they are so nutrient defienct their subconscious mind is forcing them to consume the nearest equivilent of whatever they are lacking.

>> No.19334063
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Yes, a couple of pizzas and hoagies and beers and some smoke, is what should be included with friends helping you move.

>> No.19334070

No kids are just stupid and will do whatever the fuck for no reason. Especially stuff that's already "food" like salt and pepper, this is just playing with their food. Anon however is autistic and to his benefit failed to understand that he was there to babysit while his mom had a 3way with her friends

>> No.19334071

What is the expected reaction when being blatantly scammed in full view of others, who also do nothing about it?

>> No.19334076

children with shitty parents tend to be malnutritioned. yes, even if they are morbidly obese.

>> No.19334087

Get your employment contract to explicitly state your duties.

>> No.19334089
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My grandmother was one of those hyper neurotic, narcissistic psychopathic sexless weirdos who's husband smacked her around and you honestly thought "yeah she probably deserved it".

She would mix ammonia and bleach and vinegar when cleaning the house, something she did nonstop because she was ocd. She would also wash clothes without any detergent and would never ever throw away disposable cleaning cloths. She would literally wash them with the clothes.

Anyway, she learned to cook by working in a nursing home, so her philsophy was to cook it as fast as possible with minimal prep. Here are some abominations I've seen ...

1. She once managed to somehow burn the outside of some porkchops while leaving the inside frozen COOKING THEM IN THE OVEN. My grandfather and her sat there literally chomping at the raw cores like dogs for nearly 30 minutes before giving up.

2. She once burnt the outside of a roast chicken while simultaneously leaving 40% of the interior completely uncooked. She just carved off the parts she thought were cooked enough and served that without telling anyone. We all got horrific infections in our throats for a couple of days.

3. She would, for some reason, only offer people butter knives when serving steak.

4. I once tried to teach her how to make French bread pizza, something so simple a child couldn't fuck it up, and she forgot to put olive oil on the bread crust and overcooked it to the point where it was about as stiff as a brick.

5. I once saw her pan oil catch fire. She turned the heat UP and then filled a large glass of water and threw it at the oil. My father was luckily there and pulled her face away from the pan before it exploded.

6. She loved to cook sausages but would virtually never cook them properly. They would always taste like snot.

Whenever we ate there we would have to essentially carefully chew or lick the food to determine if the part we just forked was going to kill us or not.

>> No.19334092

holy jesus fuck why are you formatting like that
just break things up with a single enter or
>use some meme arrows to make it easier to read

>> No.19334106
File: 2.71 MB, 844x446, jack4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to be a dick or nothing but this sounds like someone that keeps being saved from natural selection

>> No.19334107

there is nothing wrong with his formatting. it makes it easier to read.

don't know what you see, but each line has a single enter.

>> No.19334113

Holy fucking shit me writing this out just brought back some deeply repressed memories.


You know those tiny meat pies that you cook at kids birthday parties? Well, those were a fucking STAPLE food for her and her husband. And guess what? She couldn't cook those right either. Literally every single time I ate them at least half were still cold in the middle.

>> No.19334124

My pet theory is that she secretly wanted to murder her husband but repressed it so hard that her unconscious could only really manifest her hatred in the form of near poisonous food.

He ate it, by the way. Ate it and never complained. He also beat the fuck out of his kids and her lmao.

>> No.19334126

the reason I learned to cook at the age of 8, was because my mom burned everything.

>> No.19334127

jack isn't OCD but he is based

>> No.19334133

>he is based
no he's a retard and needs to be a bannable offence.

>> No.19334135

Hit enter once.
It does this.
Now hit enter twice

It does this.

>> No.19334142
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but he fits the thread
he's someone you would absolutely not want cooking for you

>> No.19334154

and? I see no problem. it makes it easier to read.

>> No.19334155
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My mother was borderline so she would have psychotic episodes if I tried to cook for myself or clean my clothes.

Yes I had the worst childhood on this entire board.

>> No.19334159

he is also redpilled which is based

>> No.19334165

Jesus christ I can't believe how new you "people" are.

>> No.19334183
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Bro I wrote the post and I've been here since like 2010. 90% of people browse 4chan on their phones. You're the autist who browses it on their fucking pc like some sort of troglodyte jobless retard.

Your pc is for productive work, not having faggot attacks because you're asshole started bleeding at the sight of an imperfectly formatted shitpost.

>> No.19334197

Dude I work for the government, they can do whatever they want. They forced us to get vaccinated for fuck's sakes. Employment contract, union, it's all a huge joke, it means nothing unless you want to sit around fighting HR for literal years and make your own life hell in the process. You can fight it and whine and complain all you want, nothing will change, leadership won't care. You should see some of the resignation emails people have sent out to the whole agency especially in the last few years.
The reason I'm still here is because I really love what I actually do for my job, I'm totally independent, outside in the woods all day every day, I get paid to hike around looking at trees and my supervisor doesn't care about what my hours are as long as I do my job (and go to occasional gay office functions). A lot of my coworkers are great too, they're fun enough that you can get drunk and laugh about all our dead former colleagues with.

>> No.19334203

Phones? I've never even owned a cellphone in my entire life. Christ what is wrong with you zoomers. I've been here since 2004.

>> No.19334207
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>> No.19334222

There was this one coworker who would come to work every single day with a large plastic tub of cooked spiral pastas or macaronis, with nothing on it. No butter, no sauce, no meat.
He would rip up slices of American cheese and throw it on top, then eat it cold.
It was quite grim to watch.
I also had a bunch of fucking retard coworkers not understand the “timer” knob on the old toaster oven didn’t actually turn the fucking thing off so we had plenty of small fires and smokeouts.

>> No.19334224

>I guess it all got spent on the pizza party funerals we keep having after the recent rash of untimely employee deaths.
.... you've gotta elaborate on that man, the fuck?

>> No.19334238

neet perspective, every single job i've ever had has in the contract "btw the job description is just a vague suggestion, your actual job is whatever the fuck we tell you to do"

>> No.19334242

>works for the government
>untimely deaths including multiple suicides
>shit work environment
Yeah, I'm thinking Army.

>> No.19334248

They literally never do that. They vaguely describe your duties and often use intentionally loose descriptive language such as “the needs of the department” meaning they can give you any kind of work to do and you can’t really say shit

>> No.19334254
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Oh yeah since 2020 we have had a bunch of people die. Causes of death in order of when they happened, off the top of my head:
>lady slowly died of a brain tumor
>guy blew his brains out in his friend's car, he was a close friend and neighbor of mine but it wasn't my car
>another guy shot himself, his wife (another employee) found him when she got home
>drowned in grand canyon
>unknown/heart attack, coworkers found his car upside down in a river after he didn't show up on Monday
>disappeared riding snowmobile alone, still haven't found him
>killed in a snow tubing accident
Every time someone dies, we have a pizza party. Leadership rents out a pizza parlor party room and we have a little funeral for them. This is not a joke. I have lots of pizza party stories you wouldn't believe.
You'd think but no. Here's a hint, Smokey is our mascot. My friend that shot himself was a vet though along with all the typical vet shit, depressed, drunk and hopeless.

>> No.19334259

that's eerie

>> No.19334263
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>guy blew his brains out in his friend's car, he was a close friend and neighbor of mine but it wasn't my car

>> No.19334359

Totally forgot the most recent suicide right after snowmobile guy. A lady got fired for being a really shitty employee, it's almost impossible to get fired but she managed it. One reason (of many) she was let go was that she didn't come to work for a while after claiming she attempted suicide, her supervisor did some kind of investigating and figured out she was most likely lying. Well maybe she wasn't because she fucking killed herself for real.
Yeah lucky me huh? The guy with the car is a fucking psycho, he still drives it around. Wonder if he ever got the stains out.

>> No.19334392

Fucking lol

>> No.19334395

Found the woman

>> No.19334400

Last line really made me laugh

>> No.19334408
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Yall had a deadpool going by the third pizza party I assume?

>> No.19334412

I hate people's father's

>> No.19334415

You've given me no reason to think this child was malnourished, only that you are extremely autistic.

>> No.19334430

>kinda wanna join the forest service
>already mildly suicidal

Does that put me ahead or behind the other applicants?

>> No.19334455
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No but we started saying that everyone needs to put their favorite kind of pizza on their emergency contact information
Dude you're a shoo in, you're the kind of leadership we need around here
No but seriously it mostly has to do with where you live. If you're in a part of the country where you can work through winter or do cool stuff when you're laid off you're golden, especially if you live in an actual city and commute. If you're like me and live at the district then it's different, five months of harsh winter in a town of less than 500 people will make you crazy. Luckily I'm already a reclusive weirdo but obviously some don't handle it well. Actually working keeps me sane.

>> No.19334483

I'm in Kansas, there's no federal land here. I'd have to move west.
Thought about going up to Idaho but I've heard the Mormons are taking over up there. I've got no problem with them, but I don't like being the odd man out in a religious setting. Badd juju.

>> No.19334486

The thing that always gets me is that people who are shit at cooking never try to master the basics, they always cook some weird fucking shit with their own spin on it. If I'm cooking for someone I'll definitely follow a recipe, unless it's something I've make a million times before.

>> No.19334497

God I would love this job. I wouldn't mind being alone either. I'm in australia though and any job like that is either volunteer or has a waiting list that's years long and needs several degrees and certifications.

>> No.19334506

The worst is when (You) bring something good. Epic lasagna with your Grandmothers sauce recipe, cooked for five hours in a big stainless pot, lots of meat and extra cheese on top of the perfectly done thick pasta? Haha thanks anon but [random faggot]s frozen concoction is pretty good too don't get too full of yourself now..

>> No.19334512

>Was hanging out with a friend until his Hispanic girlfriend at the time wanted to make dinner.
>Makes a dish using chorizo.
>I Call it "choritzo" she corrects me saying it's pronounced without a hard t, still call it "choritzo".
>She corrects me again being a bit annoyed about it.
>Now call it "choritzo" on purpose.
>She gets more and more furious until she bursts out in tears for whatever reason.
>Rushes out of the kitchen.
>Tell my friend I have to leave.
>No contact with him for a couple of weeks.
>He calls and tells me that he broke up with her because she was an annoying bitch.
>Response with "choritzo" he laughed his ass off and we went out binge drinking.

I call it "choritzo" ever since, even though I know it's not pronounced like that.

>> No.19334515

Idaho is actually where I'm at. There are a lot of Mormons, every small town is an LDS church and I know a few but it's not as much as you think. The Californians are who are taking the place over, they destroy all that they touch. Housing prices are completely insane, that's why I live at the district. Northern Idaho is a bunch of white supremacists if you're into that but they are legitimately mean to anyone that isn't from there regardless of race.
Long story short, you can't afford it out west on a government pay scale, especially at the beginning of your career. But there a lot of really cool eastern forests, I had some friends that worked on the Hoosier and loved it, some others were in Appalachia and the work environment sucked but the forest was cool. FL has cool forests apparently too.
>any job like that is either volunteer or has a waiting list that's years long and needs several degrees and certifications
Weird. You'd think you guys would have government grunts to manage all the land even if it's desert. Here the Bureau of Land Management gets to handle publicly owned deserts and all the grazing and mining and such that goes on there.
We sent a bunch of guys down to help with the bushfires a few years ago, always wondered how that worked since it's such a massive pain for us to hire anyone that isn't a US citizen.

>> No.19334868
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>I once wqs over there and his infant daughter licked the top of the salt shaker

>> No.19334878

Put pieces of pickle on a toothpick and put them in your drink. Like Martini olives. Pickleback Pickles.

>> No.19334884

4chan is literally 90% redditors.

>> No.19334889
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>Your pc is for productive work, not having faggot attacks
>Having faggot attacks

>> No.19334890

Fucking this. Yes, some people are decrepit chefs but insulting friends, family and coworkers over it is autistic. Just find a way around it like adults do

>> No.19334894 [DELETED] 

Because if the line break ends up coinciding with the end of the line the paragraph turns invisible unless you skip a line. Is this your first time typing?

>> No.19335046

you're a textbook NPC.

>> No.19335057

>doesn't like meatball sliders on king Hawaiian rolls

>> No.19335059

I like to add savoury seasonings to my pancakes the second the mix hits the pan, like a Cajun mix.

>> No.19335102

Man, my mom used to be great at cooking, up until I started college when she got worse and worse health-wise. She'd make soups and stews that required hours to cook down, curries, delicious braises, stir fries and misc treats. Now when I'm not there, she just throws frozen veggie packs in the microwave and squirts some soy sauce and calls it a day or boils some chicken and eats it with the soy sauce. She gets the biggest smile when I come over to help her out and cook for her. I miss her cooking.

>> No.19335142

Kill yourself reddit spacer
Kill yourself frog poster

>> No.19335156

The key is to get pissed to the point they get scared.

>> No.19335160


>> No.19335189

>Tryhard sperg expects lobster and foie gras at a fucking work potluck

Newsflash dickhead your co-workers probably dream about cutting your head off and burning it, they do the bear minimum to be socially co operative with pot lucks, nobody cares about you as much as you think.

>> No.19335245

This thread is just white people problems.

>> No.19335247

Don't worry, American whites will all be dead soon enough and you and your various subspecies of monkey friends can burn the whole place to the ground lmao.

>> No.19335251

>No but we started saying that everyone needs to put their favorite kind of pizza on their emergency contact information
God that's based. I work for the EPA and some of the people I come across are watered down versions of what you experience. The one good friend I had who was a wildfire fighter died a wildfire related death.

>> No.19335255

>bear minimum
It's a good Smokey pun, but you're too stupid to have thought of it.

>> No.19335268

>infant daughter licked the top of the salt shaker
It happens, they get curious, the point is to take it away and clean it after.
>heavy cream container and drank straight out of it
You know it wasn't the first time.
>The more pissed you are at them the funnier they think it is
It's because y'all ignore them unless they do something negative. They mostly get attention by being assholes.

>> No.19335308

Retard, why do you think I'm making fun of him here instead of to his face?
You have autism.

>> No.19335321

they didn't have marshmallows, and that restaurant normally did not put bacon on club sandwiches.

>> No.19335327

I've been here since 2007. putting lines between long sentences is a courtesy. you're welcome.

>> No.19335331
File: 75 KB, 1010x1272, 4chan spacing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see this pic, it's "reddit spacing" before reddit existed.

putting spaces between sentences is proper and good.

>> No.19335404

i time i tried to grill wings but i burned them and tried to pass it off as having a "charcoal flavour" (i heard gordon say that before).

>> No.19335408

>legitimately mean to anyone that isn't from there regardless of race
Like yourself clearly; newsflash faggot, all those "californians" ruining your beloved state were transplants from idaho to fucking begin with, they are simply moving back home. They ruined our state first.

>> No.19335416









>> No.19335418

Can't tell if your mind is poisoned from all the lead and pesticides in the water or if you're legitimately a schizo, your post is mostly vaguely angry gibberish. Either way stay in your shithole state Pablo.

>> No.19335454

>layers of shredded lettuce, canned green peas, mayonnaise, shredded cheese, hardboiled chopped eggs, sour cream, and other random shit.
I fail to see the problem, that sounds like a pretty nice salad.

>> No.19335461

Every single faggot in the US complaining about californinans ruining their state are dealing with their own fuckhead citizens moving back home. They were never californians to begin with. Natives are too poisoned by lead and pesticides to leave their shithole.

>> No.19335498
File: 2.77 MB, 480x270, jack6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

less forestry and idpol
more shitty cooking

>> No.19335501

>It's because y'all ignore them unless they do something negative. They mostly get attention by being assholes.
I can assure you that's not the case. They're just not properly disciplined

>> No.19335522

LOL! Yup. “Other duties as required”.
You have a graduate degree? Great.
The janitor isn’t here, you have the least seniority, and the trash needs dumping. Hop to it Jack.

>> No.19335587

Actually, >>19335461 >>19335408
is right. Everyone I know that moves out of California to shit up another state isn’t from California, usually the south or upper midwest, and very often after spending several decades here working CA state jobs, getting way better pay and retirement than where they’re from, only to then complain about the hand that fed them. Hell, we have lots of contract employees from the south (the laziest, whiniest white people ever), making double what they do in TN or FL, all the while complaining about how “Californians” are raising housing prices back home.
Me: Do the “Californians” ask to pay higher housing costs? No. Greedy ass Idahoans and Floridians gouge the newcomers and their own neighbors in the process. Don’t want inflated housing costs? Stop gouging. 408aya

>> No.19335623

>She would mix ammonia and bleach and vinegar when cleaning the house, something she did nonstop because she was ocd.
Bullshit. She'd be dead several times over if that was true. At least make sure that your gay ass fake stories are somewhat believable. I know that's hard to do with three cocks in your mouth, but try to make an effort.

>> No.19336018
File: 193 KB, 444x475, 1662555730734400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expect food abomination stories
>Get a bunch of sperging over formatting
>americans bitching about each other devolves into politics
how do you nignogs fuck up a thread about complaining this bad?

>> No.19336274
File: 1.90 MB, 768x432, 1511121859568.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mystery

>> No.19336291

I had a grandmother who had a similar mentality. Everything was cooked on the highest heat possible for no reason and nobody ever called her out on it or taught her better, I suppose
Christmas dinner was a nightmare of burnt outsides and cold insides on practically everything. I don't even know how she managed to fuck up boiling vegetables

>> No.19336338

My grandma could bake like an angel but her meals were awful. Always overcooked, never any seasoning. It messed up my father's taste buds for life.

>> No.19336423


>> No.19336457

Not really. Trusting people to clean their kitchens and homes is dumb. Also most people aren't good at cooking so it's not like you're missing out. I was recently at a coworkers apartment and everything was covered in a thick layer of dust. It's gross. I know a lot of restaurants aren't much better but at least they have other people around, inspections, etc.

>> No.19336501

Checked and you're right

>> No.19336680

Yeah sorry, starvation and genocide aren’t really common issues in our countries. Southern borders open, come on in for an ez life!

>> No.19336795

>He always tries to grill something and fucks it up.
everyone has a friend like this
mate of mine will grill some sausages/steaks and let them sit for an hour until they're burnt black
shits like eating rubber

>> No.19336849
File: 3.50 MB, 480x344, fuck-off-got-work.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag's gonna newfag.

>> No.19336855

I would pay extra to get a womans pubes in a cookie

>> No.19336874

In my house my room is covered in dust, but anything that touches food needs to be properly cleaned. Except for my cast iron pan.

>> No.19337187

>often after spending several decades here working CA state jobs
so they're Californians, got it
people wouldn't be selling their 1970s single story homes for $450k if there weren't lines of Californians waiting to pay cash for it as soon as it hits the market. jesus you faggots are delusional. stay in your containment state, everyone hates you.

>> No.19337208

Never look for validation from retarded normies.