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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 369 KB, 473x597, 1685517498774390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19333738 No.19333738 [Reply] [Original]

There is nothing wrong with American portion sizes and if it was another country famous for having big portions you'd praise them for it.

>> No.19333779

I think it's the combination of portion sizes with obesity that gives it the bad look

>> No.19333780

Lobster and taters first. Then eat the steak (pair with the little bit of lobster). Be sure to savor with wine. Digest and drink some water. Talk a bit while drinking some port. Ask for takeout box (if fags about it carry steak out with bare fucking hands). Discard spinach and whatever the fuck that yellow stuff is. Leave 5$ tip.

>> No.19333800
File: 163 KB, 1200x800, C602368D-5284-44D9-AE50-9326794C09B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no
See also: Cheesecake Factory. Nobody needs 3 fucking cutlets

>> No.19333801

it's a big time flex on how much better off economically the USA is
>but muh subsidies
USA subsidizes their food far less than average. every fucking country subsidizes their staples

>> No.19333807

my eyes are telling me the yellow stuff is creamed corn

>> No.19333809

They don't really intend for you to eat it all at once. They want you to have leftovers to take home. It also probably leads to people buying more cheesecake to take home.

>> No.19333811

What's your point you nigger?
Stupid foreingers never seem to make a point even when they try.

>> No.19333816

>USA subsidizes their food far less than average
unlikely, cheap food is much cheaper in the USA than pretty much anywhere in Europe, despite the higher average wages. things like $0.50 for like a kg of mac and cheese simply doesn't exist here, it would be several times more expensive. so either USA subsidizes it far more, or their minimum quality standards are much lower.

>> No.19333821

i think if everyone on this board would just go meet a cute girl and start a fun new relationship, they wouldn't be so angry at food

>> No.19333822

I do.

>> No.19333826

That doesn't seem to be the case since married normies are mad about food all the time.

>> No.19333830

no i didn't say get married to the first cow that gives you a handjob. i said meet a cute girl and start a fun new relationship.

>> No.19333834

That's more difficult than it seems. Meeting up with a cute girl isnt easy at all. I might hsve better luck meeting up with a cute sparrow.

>> No.19333846

That meal cost only $116.

>> No.19333850

Really, meeting up with a cute sparrow is easier than some hot chick who wants nothing to do but hollar at me 24/7.
Only? GTFO outta Dodge.

>> No.19333852

oh sry im successful and live in manhattan, i forgot that dating can be so awful in flyover places, i guess you forgot to be successful and meet cute girls first and then bring one of them there later on. better luck next life ;)

>> No.19333858

$100 is nothing to a foodie.

>> No.19333859

You're a sucker, I grew up in Manhattan and got out of there as fast as possible. There's a weird haze over that place and it should be avoided.

>> No.19333864

>can't meet cute girls
speaks for itself

>> No.19333877

What about a blowjob? Those stupid creepy euro bitches are the first to go down on us Americans.

>> No.19333907
File: 38 KB, 500x390, where was this at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Portion sizes? No, all in moderation

>> No.19333912

Katz or Carnegie

>> No.19334161

Tf is that shit? Corned beef with hollandaise sauce?

>> No.19334184

Pretty sure it’s Carnegie, Katz’s doesn’t serve their Reuben like that

>> No.19334205
File: 10 KB, 236x176, Carnegie cheesecake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carnegie, you had to get a slice of cheesecake too

>> No.19334226

You're misunderstanding want with need. We fucking WANT 3 cutlets.

>> No.19334274

That's prime rib you fucking retard.

>> No.19334282
File: 370 KB, 1908x1146, 1666416112009503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I actually want to know is, when a restaurant in another country has a contest where they serve you food that is much larger than usual, do Americans usually win the challenge?

>> No.19334308

Is that supposed to be an "abnormal" portion?

>> No.19334322

It weighs 5.5 pounds.

>> No.19334330

Is that The Miz?

>> No.19334363

Fuck I wish the portions were bigger. I hate going to restaurants to buy overpriced gay meals and BEING HUNGRY AFTER.

No, I'm not fat, just tall, and the portions are made for little women who eat 6 times a day and take pics of their neat lil faggy meals.

>> No.19334466

I just checked the bag of frozen potstickers in my freezer. It's 4.2 pounds. I could easily eat that whole bag, and considering this "meal" is less dough, and more vegetable/meat filling it would honestly be more enjoyable to me. I'd definitely want an assortment of dipping sauces to keep the flavor from getting too monotonous.

>> No.19334473

>There is nothing wrong with American portion sizes
there is
a normal meal is 500-600kcal

>> No.19334536
File: 78 KB, 640x427, 1660998277873571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if you're planning a trip to Japan anytime soon, at least you'll know where to find free food: just hit up restaurants that have eating challenges.

>anon goes to Tokyo
>decimates every food challenge in the city
>restaurants start putting up "No foreigners allowed" signs, or just making the challenges harder
You could leave behind a legacy, anon.

>> No.19334538

No lies detected

>> No.19334618

With something like that, assuming I have a 1&1/2-2 hour time limit, I would plow though as much meat as possible in the first 30 minutes or so, then slowly work on the vegetables/noodles, etc. while sipping some sort of drink. It really wouldn't be that hard assuming they don't put a super strict time limit on you.

>> No.19334649

What restaurant is that?

>> No.19334729

>It really wouldn't be that hard assuming they don't put a super strict time limit on you.
I don't know about Japan, but I've seen a lot of eating challenges and participated in a few myself. Most time limits I've seen are 30-60 minutes. Can't ever recall if I've seen anything longer than that. If that kind of limit seems unreasonable, that's kind of the point. These types of contests are often barely teetering on the edge of doable.

>> No.19334762
File: 48 KB, 400x282, 88640b191179f6ce429eabf22be5b229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a full rack of ribs an insulting portion size to a non-american?

>> No.19334767

A rack of ribs is more than 50% bones. Eating a rack of ribs is basically the same as eating a steak except they're usually drenched in sickly sweet sauce.

>> No.19334772

It's probably just the shit we eat and the obesity rate, not the portions.

>> No.19335213

You're genuinely a subhuman to me

>> No.19335654

top kek. I swear /ck/ is the board everyone from New York congregates on to masturbate about themselves. so fucking weird.

>> No.19335668

>she thinks living in the city is better than a flyover.
Please never change.

>> No.19335690

is that the Miz

>> No.19335736

I bet you have a meaningless tattoo on your ankle/hand, probably work as some middle-manager at some start-up going nowhere, and think of modesty as the name to some shitty alternative band instead of not deep-throating a guy on the second date.

I thank god every day that I married a 9/10 rural chick and was not cursed with living in the post apocalypse you city-rats call "urban life".

>> No.19337632

>implying a restaurant meal is supposed to be a normal meal

>> No.19337652

They roast the entire ribeye section at once and then slice it into individual portions. It's a steak but it is also a slice of roast beef.

>> No.19337657

his point is that, because of issues nonrelated to portion size, the portion sizes common in the US are disapproved by many nonUS citizens. but, if another country was to serve comparably large portions of food, they would receive praise. thus the point being that there exists a double standard in the perceptions of different cultures from the people of the world. let me know if you have any further comprehension issues.

>> No.19337663

Manhattan fucking sucks bro seriously

>> No.19337697
File: 55 KB, 450x450, the-meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go to Golden Corral for almost the same thing for less than $20.

>> No.19337729

Dude look at that mountain, idk about you but there's no way I could finish all that and I'm one of those skinnyfat slobs that regularly does damage at AYCE

>> No.19337905

this guy's a real piece of shit.

>> No.19337967
File: 226 KB, 1600x864, C3C4442E-32D9-49E2-BCA2-F2D4C78E4824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like Lawry’s the Prime Rib. There seasoned salt is sold worldwide

>> No.19338077

what a retarded way to cook beef

>> No.19338126
File: 138 KB, 1080x1080, 88C49E55-2D5D-4A44-AEF0-7A082FDD2B5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for you if you’ve never tasted a tender slice of prime rib. It’s beef at its very best.

>> No.19338179

Its actually from the fact that the U.S has more usable farmland than all of Europe, is larger than western Europe, and has half the population, that and shipping food internationally is expensive.

While American food standards, in some areas, are lower than Europe, it isn't by much though it does have some downright retarded ones in regards to eggs, pork, dairy, and alcohol, though each has a historical reason for being. Eggs from the salmonella scare in the the 50s or 60s, I forget which, diary because of the size of its pre-refrigeration internal market, pork because of swine flu, and alcohol because of prohibition.

Now of course we could go on all day about the prevalence of over-processed foods in the average American's diet, though that is for a million and one reasons.

As for U.S subsidies, it does it by crop, per acre, Corn and Sugar are the largest recipients of subsidies by far, but much of that sugar is for export and the corn is for cattle feed.

>> No.19338181

>all that mushy shit overlapping everything else
fuck off

>> No.19338354

I've eaten tons of prime rib because my grandparents used to order it for me when I was a kid. Then my dad cooked me a ribeye on the grill one day and I never even thought about prime rib again.

>> No.19339834
File: 29 KB, 153x169, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itadakimasu pose
lol what a weeb

>> No.19340352

that portion looks fine for a holiday dinner, the faggot manlet though looks like he's less than 5 feet tall.

>> No.19340368

Neither, we're just way better at it than you. We have better land, smarter farmers, and more innovative ag-tech companies. You buy nearly all of your ag-tech from us anyway

>> No.19340377

>in ukraine we fertilize sunflower fields with the blood and guts of our brothers
>breadbasket of europe

>> No.19340391

That sounds like cope desu, you wouldn't be able to sell what you call mac and cheese in Europe. It would have to be called something like "mac and ultra-refined milk product", and nobody would buy it.

>> No.19340394

yeah europe is notorious for high food standards. remember when they were secretly selling horse meat? ever hear about fake olive oil? or any number of other bullshit, but "muh european labels" LOL

>> No.19340397

The difference is that these were illegal and people went to jail for it. In 'murica you could sell gutter oil as extra virgin olive oil, and it would be perfectly legal.

>> No.19340398

No, what you're saying is the real cope. We factually sell you metric tons of food

>> No.19340399

oh yeah the bovine brain disease catastrophe was a great enforcement of food safety haha. who the fuck went to jail you fucking dipshit? LOL you eurotards as so fucking ridiculously naive and have no idea about american standards that are a notch above your shitholes

>> No.19340403

That happened in the UK, which is like a colony of the USA with similar standards. Didn't happen in EU.

>> No.19340405
File: 385 KB, 1480x1080, 1671061698215229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing that happened in the uk while it was in the eu reflects on the eu

>> No.19340406

Well, why do you think that the UK was kicked from the EU?

>> No.19340407

>nuh uh that's not my EU
LOL are you gonna start crying right now you silly little bitch?

>> No.19340409
File: 33 KB, 498x474, 1685747432830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe this is really the accepted version of events floating around Brussels. Please tell me you mean what you wrote

>> No.19340410

the funny thing about this faggot is that was not just the UK that's where they discovered it because they cared enough to check on it

>> No.19340420

I am just stating the facts. Why do you think that everything in the US is adulterated with HFCS? It's not even a cheap way to produce fructuse, but corn it is so heavily subsidized in the US that it is essentially free, plus the lack of regulation means that you add it to everything without even telling consumers.

>> No.19340424

Objectively not true, it originated in the UK and spread from there. It caused the EU to ban imports of beef from the UK.

>> No.19340425

>just make shit up out of context because seething
have you been formally diagnosed as retarded?

>> No.19340426


>> No.19340428 [DELETED] 

>without even telling consumers
It's literally on the ingredients list. Nigga you fuggin dumb. Also, no one ever said the US has zero subsidies, obviously corn is subsided, it's how presidential hopefuls bribe Iowa since their caucus goes first

>> No.19340432

>Objectively not true
LOL nah dipshit sure they may have banned imports but they were dealing with the exact same problem because "muh food safety laws and shiet"

>> No.19340438

Is there a way to buy pure HFCS for use in my home? I bet it would taste better than this nasty fake maple syrup I use on my pancakes.

>> No.19340441

You just go to the store and buy it man

>> No.19340450


>> No.19340472

You can buy Karo syrup, it's just corn syrup. But the light version has vanilla and the dark has molasses. I don't think plain corn syrup would taste great. Cheap honey might be a better choice if you can afford it.

Or you can make your own syrup with white sugar and water. I did this before and added rose water for flavoring, it was delicious.

>> No.19340487

>at least two birds must die for my dinner

>> No.19340498

sure, it's mostly salt. fry some potatoes and try it, it's dirt cheap

>> No.19340503

I miss when Golden Corral was like $10. Now I just eat at the Chinese buffet because it's still $10.95.

>> No.19340523

>There is nothing wrong with American portion sizes
Nothing wrong with the portions. The problem is who is eating them.
>and if it was another country famous for having big portions you'd praise them for it.
No, I would know they were on a farm or an industrial worker, and they spend the rest of the day doing hard labor to burn off every single calorie. What work do you do that merits such large quantities of food Anon?

>> No.19340525
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, F1AA2795-DD9B-40A0-8DF8-5A9EF2FE7D97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It’s what I use to season my meat before popping it into the oven

>> No.19340531

The point is that restaurants end up selling more food. Charge you twice as much for essentially two meals, and they double their business per customer. I don't like it either. I wish that I could pay half the cost for half the food, I don't like having to reheat the same food the next day.

>> No.19340537

>I wish that I could pay half the cost for half the food
Labor is typically a bigger part of the cost, rather than the food itself. So if you wanted half the food you'd still pay 3/4 or more.

>> No.19340564

What do you think that this proves, anyway? How much are you paying for your avian flu infested eggs? Your lack of care is going to cause the next pandemic.

>> No.19340572

fucking LOL you eurotards never cease to amuse and amaze like there's any doubt the next pandemic won't come from a ukrainian biolab

>> No.19340578

They don't have the bird flu, they're being systemically destroyed to break the economy

>> No.19340580

I'm not sure they are really Ukrainian when they are sponsored by Americans like Fauci, where they do stuff like gain of function research on the common cold

>> No.19340587

Lift weights. Next question?

>> No.19340592

>sponsored by "my fellow whites"
>dual passports

>> No.19340595

>Lift weights.
Wow that's it? You must be FAT!

>> No.19340618
File: 20 KB, 429x410, wt tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ what an insane amount of food.

>> No.19340619

why are you lifting weights just so you can stuff your face you fat American?

>> No.19340626

Next question?
Yes, how do you deal with the extra layers of fat? Lift weights is the same retard mentality of people that think 40 minutes of jogging entitles them to a party size bag of potato chips.

In my example, the men are so exhausted they have nothing besides thin soup, and maybe a beer before heading to bed. Lunch is a tiny affair if it happens at at all. Since you clearly aren't exhausted by your work, what do you do for lunch and dinner?

>> No.19340635

But you don’t. At all.

>> No.19340639

>what do you do for lunch and dinner?
I will typically eat a foot long sandwich, made with various meats and cheese, with condiments such as mayo, olive oil, and lard (I typically use all three) to keep things nice and moist.

>> No.19340646

>lard for moistness
What are you? British? No self respecting burgerman would do that! The fuck's wrong with you?!

>> No.19340650

There's no need for that. We can resolve our differences peacefully without having to resort to racist comments.

>> No.19340657

Then use butter for fuck's sake!

>> No.19340662

Well control yourself, you fat spoiled weak piece of shit