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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 502 KB, 958x616, catastrophe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19329010 No.19329010 [Reply] [Original]

why did he do it?

>> No.19329018

you just know he beats her behind closed doors.

>> No.19329019

t. Canadian

>> No.19329021

Murder yourself.

>> No.19329022

"He?" yeah right, it looks like a fag and why should I care?

>> No.19329039 [DELETED] 

>good looking, tall man marries 3/10

>> No.19329044 [DELETED] 

3 of 10?
That's not doing too well.

>> No.19329049

3 of 10, that's like 30%, way below failure rate.

>> No.19329051 [DELETED] 

my first guess is that they are both into a really fucked up fetish

>> No.19329064 [DELETED] 

Kinky for my pleasure

>> No.19329068 [DELETED] 

Maybe she was hotter when she was younger.

>> No.19329074

This kinda soured me on Brian. That whole interaction felt really icky and abusive. Thanks god Joshua is still cool

>> No.19329087 [DELETED] 

She clearly has a great personality.

>> No.19329090 [DELETED] 

Of course, the personality works out but the short skirt doesn't.

>> No.19329105

Learn to fight back, be a hooligan.
It's all in fun, once you can take a hit or two and realize that you're not made of glass then you can dish out hits too.

>> No.19329120

Because it was funny and that mayo is actually good. I did the same thing with my wife when I discovered Duke's, except that told her "choke that shut down like the good little bitch you are" and she did. I was so proud of her.

>> No.19329137

i thought that was his mom

>> No.19329148
File: 131 KB, 500x500, Maries-Thousand_Island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best mayo that's good.

>> No.19329152

I'll impregnate her, no problem.

>> No.19329166

Ketchup is not the same thing as mayonnaise.

>> No.19329173

It identifies as mayonnaise you condimentphobe.

>> No.19329291

i'll never forget my shock when i first found out that not only is he married but it's to a *woman*

>> No.19329305

Am I supposed to know who the fuck this is? Take it back to TikTok

>> No.19329670

Lurk more.

>> No.19329681

dfuck off retard i'm on /ck/ 16 hours a day for years and i still dont know who this youtube faggot is

>> No.19329742
File: 6 KB, 168x300, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why im a femcel. it used to be in this country that men could chop wood, build a house, heck, even just change a tire. look where we are now. today's men are making whorish videos of themselves cooking and homemaking. it comes as no surprise that this breed of man would trot his wife, a woman who should be a source of pride and joy, out in front of his viewers to malign her dignity while also contriving some perverse scenario for them to fantasy-self-insert in. its contemptible and profane

>> No.19329835 [DELETED] 

this kind of man has to be The Hot One in a relationship. He would wither and burn in circumstances that don’t draw attention and praise to him

>> No.19329858

no, you're a femcel because you're ugly and unlovable. not because you live in a society

>> No.19329868

Dude makes good videos. His bread stuff is top tier. His kitchen experience is refreshing and full of good info. Good knife skills.
His is mildly annoying but watchable unlike Kenji, Ragusea or Babbush.
I like him and French Cooking Academy and Rick Bayless.

>> No.19329901

I'll make a house for you if you are under 200 pounds

>> No.19329942

His video with Creme Brulee with plastic wrap was stupid
The rest was fine
You can definitely see he has professional experience

>> No.19329967


>> No.19329990

the sacred and the propane

>> No.19330064

The technique works.

>> No.19330084

Whatever the fuck you do, turn his videos off before you get to the very end where he hits you with his "meme" ending. Horrible. Nauseating. Sometimes I'll be hungry as shit ready to make something he just showed me how to make and I'll just go nah and not eat for a few hours after seeing his weird body contort and do the Reddit shuffle.

>> No.19330096 [DELETED] 

people are free to ruin their lives in what ever manner they desire

>> No.19330109

Women are the reason the world is so pants on head retarded. Giving women rights was a mistake with unparalleled consequences

>> No.19330198

The man just loves mayo, he's ate it by the spoonful in a previous video.

>> No.19330202 [DELETED] 

She's a beard he's 100% a fag

>> No.19330402

He's not gay?
. . huh

>> No.19331338 [DELETED] 

thanks for sharing your fantasy with us

>> No.19331350 [DELETED] 

his real wife is kept in a basement and this is the only woman who knows

>> No.19331693

i didn’t even watch the video
i unsubscribed ten seconds in and closed the page because this fucking retard said grapes in chicken salad are nasty
he’s fucking nasty
eat shit

>> No.19331747

well it's certainly nice to know that i wont have any chances even with an uggo like that. usually i just unsub the second the youtubers starts to show off his relationships (but if they're gay it's fine).

>> No.19331771 [DELETED] 

Can't be bothered with women. I'm similar to him. I love sex but women are way down my priority list so I date the first girl that show interest in me and isn't hideously grotesque.
I've also been with attractive girls but I will always prefer an average girl who's freak in bed and has a high libido over an attractive one who is too reserved in bed.
Girls who are freak in bed are also the most chill and fun to hang out with and they often make good mothers and wives.
Shy reserve girls are too stuck up and narcy for their own good. They release their pent up sexual frustration by verbally abusing the husband and kids.

>> No.19331782 [DELETED] 

Wth, she's very attractive.

>> No.19331804 [DELETED] 

This is where I usually start unless she makes like 3x the money the man does. Maybe she's into animals or watching him get a train run on him or something that would narrow down his dating pool immensely.

>> No.19331815 [DELETED] 

sounds like loser talk. you're a loser

>> No.19332026

>incel: waah women are too hard to get
>femcel: waah men aren't good enough for me
And women think they have mutual empathy with us

>> No.19332066

No, Jews are the reason the world is fucked.

>> No.19332072

Most men are fucking abysmal to be around and don’t take care of themselves.

>> No.19332082

>3 ways
so where's the next two?

>> No.19332091 [DELETED] 

She looks normal, let's see how sexy you look being forcefed a spoonful of mayo on camera.

You're giving jealous woman, by the way.

>> No.19332110

Fuck off, women dont hold a candle to men in terms of "being around", I will cite you spending time here in a male dominated space. There is no male that yearns to be part of the girls club, yet you all want to be in the boys club how curious.

>> No.19332116 [DELETED] 

I'm not a fag myself, can you explain what being a beard means? I've seen it around lately.

>> No.19332117

its moreso because you dont want to put in the effort to play your role. much like the men these days. both got (((duped))) and this is the result.

>> No.19332127

Hmm something's going on here. Some fabrication or falsity is at play. Time will tell I suppose.

>> No.19332130 [DELETED] 
File: 579 KB, 885x867, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She always looks weirdly old and kind of ugly (im an old uggo myself so I'm allowed to say that). This is possibly her most flattering appearance on camera.
>You're giving jealous woman,

>> No.19332136

It's a girlfriend or wife a downlow faggot keeps around to keep the appearance of being straight. I respect it honestly.

>> No.19332147 [DELETED] 

He's a man of character

>> No.19332151 [DELETED] 

get off porn my dude

>> No.19332156 [DELETED] 

I'm a grill anon.

>> No.19332286 [DELETED] 

For a happy life, person you marry should be a person you don't mind cheating on and who will feel obligated enough to you to ignore a bit of infidelity. You will otherwise start to feel trapped in your marriage and probably end up divorcing.

>> No.19332329

How could the jews do what they do without women? Women are prone to group think and easy to manipulate with media, and men are easily manipulated by women. Women are also born liars because they are forced to lie to themselves most of all since deep down everyone of them is hurt by their femality, their all too equal human ego stuck in an inferior body and brain. They have an utterly callous disregard for the truth, the truth is an enemy that they spend their entire lives fighting and it only exacerbates their imbecility. A study on a high school once showed women prefer men with an average of 10 less IQ than them, so they literally breed stupidity if left to their own devices. Women form the nexus of the perfect lumpenproletariat that can be easily manipulated into any shape or form.

>> No.19332373 [DELETED] 

ok, i thought that she would look nerdy with kind of a puffy face. didn't expect her to be that ugly though.

>> No.19332399 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 259x194, mmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19332431

>their all too equal human ego stuck in an inferior body and brain.
this. imagine living like this. in a world being the inferior gender. and a full 360 turn of your body in public or at home and everything in sight is created by a man. It is like literally living in a world created by Men.

>> No.19332441

that's how you keep her interested

>> No.19332444

>. They have an utterly callous disregard for the truth, the truth is an enemy that they spend their entire lives fighting and it only exacerbates their imbecility
This. its funny. its funny that like 80-90 percent of men are oblivious to womens stupidity.

>> No.19332453

you are an idiot. at this point women are clearly the issue. and also men like you. i assume its usually white men that vocally speak out for women. other races has their simps/betas too, but in their own country, the girls arent westernized. White men straight up defend women while the women stab them in the back. lol. hilarious.

>> No.19332459

She's quite attractive. I think people don't understand the current mate-selection economy. A man needs to be as fit and goodlooking as him, just to get a normal, non-insane girl who is not obese.

>10 doesn't exist
>9 is a beautiful girl you can live with
>8 is an average and still skinny you can live with
>7 is a beautiful girl you cannot live with
>6 is fat
>5 is liberal and fat
And it just gets worse from there. 40% of women are obese in America. 60% are overweight/fat.

In order to get an 8, you have to be a 9 or 10 as a man now.

>> No.19332475

True, the average 20 year old american woman weighs over 200 lbs, less than 20% of american women have a BMI that isn't at least overweight. The irony of the female itt claiming men are the ones that have let themselves go.

>> No.19332477

I personally think nonwhites are a hugely divisive problem in the incel community since they tend to hate white men instead of women, like asians taking out their masculinity issues on white men rather than women who really caused them.

>> No.19332478 [DELETED] 

He's clearly gay and shes his cover wife.

>> No.19332489

im not an incel. i dont hate white men. i shouldnt hate white women. i dont have masculinity issues. I have however only heard white men defend women. a white dude in the trades told me its good to have women in trades. and white women have completely overstepped white men in the west, if you havent noticed. everything i say about white men is based on what they have said, to me, or what i have seen in social media.

>> No.19332492

Best of both worlds I guess, because we are definitely the shining beacon of misogyny too.

>> No.19332496

a lot of simps online are white men also. these comments about white men didnt come out of no where. as for nonwhites, espeically the newest immigrants, who are third world, come from countries where they dont have the WQ.

>> No.19332499

Citation needed, I would say most simps are indian, the got that population advantage

>> No.19332517

its westernized females that are the worse. and most simp comments i see are white men and dark skinned modern males usually younger westernized ones. for white men, its all ages, from 18-70. its like whites have a culture of simping and its totally understandable. if you disagree with me, you dont understand the mindset of your own women. All "female issues" and retardation is amplified in a white woman and western females.

>> No.19332520

right i thought so too. but when im on tiktok, its always white men, and whats worse, its not young whtie men who i can just say "well hes young and dont know female nature," its somes old or middled aged man, sometimes in the trades too, which i thought would be higher T.

>> No.19332534

indians simp online is well known. but when you interact with them and see how they interact in mixed groups in with their own race, they arent simps. They might simp online for those highly edited thot iof white chicks pics. Ive hung around brown areas. westernized groups are very simpy. groups of whites always pedestalize females, and i blame the mother, and the father for being a simp too. 80 years of propaganda has worked on men too

>> No.19332556

you are either a below average white or you are an average white. even if you are not an incel, you need a gf for sex and subconciously you know this, so your whole relationship with the girl is based on getting sex with her. (i was like this too and most men are.) so unless you are rotating a few girls as fuckbuddies, i would bett money on you being just an average male who cant truly show his misigynistic side to woman to check them, and subconsciously during your interactions with them you pedestalize them without knowing it.

>> No.19332567

Brian is responsible for all those people who got crushed a few months ago. He bailed out of the country right before it happened

>> No.19332572

the problem is, even with above average white men, like 10/10 looks and money, they are mostly still simps and beta. like top ceos making 20million are year are still beta and simps. even the celebs are.

>> No.19332589

He left his dog alone without food or water for a week while he flew to visit a 50 year old hooker

The dog was dying when he came home, but instead of taking it to the vet he put it in a garbage bag and threw it in a dumperster to die in agony

>> No.19332602

>masculinity issues
thing is, white women are very hormonally bitchy after age 22. their entire personality is bitchy and seething. and white men are the ones that marry them. so what does that turn the white man into if they a married and both in their 30s?

>> No.19332663

>so what does that turn the white man into if they a married and both in their 30s?
well, what you get is the west and the lost of your home country.

>> No.19332737

I'm starting to think this Brian guy is a little based

>> No.19332742

You're a femcel because you don't pass as a real woman and you never will

>> No.19332767

so what? how many men hit on you when you walk down the street? if you saw me, you would pop an erection.

>> No.19332777

is it gay retards mad that he isn't gay, or women (retarded) mad that he isn't single

>> No.19332786

post tits or gtfo

>> No.19332790

Prove it.

>> No.19332793

I don't know but /ck/'s fixation on e-celebs is pathetic. imagine diving into some youtuber's life like this thread portrays. absolutely embarrassing.

>> No.19332802

women in the trades are nothing but hindrances to actual work getting done. 99% of them are completely trash at anything physically demanding. fuck diversity quotas, too. there are aspects of the trades that I miss but women is certainly not one of them.

>> No.19332805

>calls out nonwhite incels shifting blame onto white men
>nonwhite incels seethe and shift blame onto white men
like pottery

>> No.19332813

>women in the trades are nothing but hindrances to actual work getting done
u sure bout that? therea re men in the trades that dont think so. doesnt matter what they think though, women are joining it and making stupid tiktoks and its a trend and the trades will become very mixed.

>> No.19332816

stop projecting.

>> No.19332820

its westernism thats the issues. thing is, no other race pedestalizes their own women lol. people are usually very critical of their own race of women and dont simp for them.

>> No.19332826

>it used to be in this country that men could chop wood, build a house, heck, even just change a tire.
Planted 60 trees at my new house build on 10 acres, did the 50hr service on my tractor, and cooked dinner this Saturday. What of it?

>> No.19332833

"incels" and "karens" are terms used to describe white people. in case you didnt know. incels because white girls/western girls are the most hypergamous in their prime and want top ten men making 90 percent of men incels. think like 18-20 year old age group and below, 90 percent of men in that group are incels an/or virgins. then only after age 22 do girls lower their standards and men can get sex but have to trade everything for it, worth it? (i bet you are in this sitation, most men are incels by birth or betamale simp provider). Then karens is also to describe a white girl with standard who complains usually about bad service from a brown/black person.

>> No.19332840

incel is a word men with one gf uses. no player is gonna use this word because players know the game and know most guys are losers, simps, in one sided relationship, and trading emotion/commitment for sex. or its a term used by women because they think it means something.

>> No.19332867


If you're a virgin I will marry you.

>> No.19333048 [DELETED] 

stop grilling porn

>> No.19333652

I don't know who dis niggas are esse, but the female looks like his mother. The actual state of men LMFAO

>> No.19333669 [DELETED] 

she's gay and he's just helping her out

>> No.19333698

i read this as condiment and the diatribe made the same amount of sense

>> No.19333740

Me on the right

>> No.19333900

bitches love ketchup.

>> No.19334174 [DELETED] 

>if you saw me, you would pop an erection.
We wait. You can hide your face and stay clothed.
Asking the real questions, there. Every time I see this I'm just depressed. No wonder those bitches believe they're some princess or something.
Stop fighting anons. Why should it be kikes OR femoids? It's both of them. One instrulentalized the other, that's all.
Although they're not the same. One is necessary to a good balanced society and can (must) be tamed, the other one can (must) disappear. One will just come back to its former status, the other one will just be gone.

>> No.19334333

>chop wood
>build a house
>change a tyre
it used to be that women could open a carton of milk, make a wedding dress by hand from unspun uncarded bulk wool by spinning then hand-weaving lace, and give a child a panadol.

anon, building a house takes literal months and needs everything from plumbing to laying a foundation to roofing to project management. meanwhile, my 70 year old grandmother can chop wood and change a tyre (slowly). what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.19334636 [DELETED] 

Her looksmatch is buying a rope right now

>> No.19334671

Not every interaction is rapey. Post tits.