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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19322475 No.19322475 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else's McD's get rid of those? Now they just have a bin full of packets, and those are annoying to deal with when I just want a fuckload of ketchup.

Some McD's don't even have them out, you have to ask for them behind the counter and they give you dirty looks when you do that.

What happened to fast food?

>> No.19322895

yeah the McDonald's near me just has packets behind the counter. I'm surprised TB still lets you take as many sauces as you want

>> No.19322899

its because of blacks

>> No.19322969

>Anyone else's McD's get rid of those?
they all did after they all closed doors for the coof.

>> No.19322992

Coffee shops don't have containers of half and half anymore either. You have to ask the retarded barista for cream and they always put too much cause they're sugar addicted zoomers

>> No.19323012

The shit already has ketchup on it, how is 1 or 2 packets really not enough for you

>> No.19323016

This is just a waste.

>> No.19323038

Fall of the west. Just look at any Asian fastfood chain. It's unironically over for us

>> No.19323043
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You will not longer eat ze bugs

>> No.19323050

They don't the limit is 25 packets

>> No.19323246

the smell of ketchup to me is gross as fuck

>> No.19323252

'Chup gang!!!

>> No.19323264

I never use the pumps because the wages never clean them.

I also never get ketchup on any burgers, because it's always warm instead of chilled and as a result it's very runny which means the dispenser they use always puts way too much on the burger. If I do want ketchup I ask for a packet. Double quarter pounder is fine as is though. I guess it's large enough to warrant all that ketchup.

I always get Mcdoubles with just mustard and pickles. You can also sub out the bagged diced onion mush they use for the chopped fresh onions that come on the quarter pounder for no extra charge

>> No.19323813

Just bring your own ketchup easy

>> No.19324302

I’ll have you know I used every bit of it.

>> No.19324311

why am i so angry at this? call it mcdonalds you fucking nigger.

>> No.19324315

>What happened to fast food?
poor people and degenerates were abusing the free condiments

>> No.19324322

Fellow burger dipper. I've been doing this most of my life, ever since I saw the Warhol short. It's absolutely the superior way to enjoy a burger, the cheaper the better.
>I also never get ketchup on any burgers, because it's always warm instead of chilled and as a result it's very runny which means the dispenser they use always puts way too much on the burger.
Which is why you should start dipping.

>> No.19324324

nicknames are a thing, I do what I want, cry more

>> No.19324385
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fight me i had to solve bullshit capchas to respond so im double angrymake it 3, fucking hell

>> No.19324414
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not joking either, i will hurt your dumb ass

>> No.19324434

>poor people and degenerates were abusing the free condiments
I feel like one of those people. Once I realized you could open up those little paper cups so they could hold 3 times as much ketchup, it was over.

>> No.19324444

Real pros use the beverage lids

>> No.19324480

damn look how easy it is to type mcds mcds maccas mcdicks micky d's da Big M

>> No.19324580

>rum for 20 year sorority girls

>> No.19324602

This is such a non-issue in the grand scheme of things, but I agree. Man fuck McDonald and burger King and whatever other kike owned cocaine peddler

>> No.19324612

i drink what i can afford, in australia captain morgans euns you nearly 50 bux

>> No.19324615

i forgot all about these and now i'm sad they're gone

>> No.19324657

How do you feel about calling it Macca's? I've heard that's the typical nickname for it in that part of the world and I hate it.

>> No.19324685

frustrated, i dont undersand people using short terms when mcdonalds is eaasier to say and it slides off the tongue easier

>> No.19324709

Chuppers in the house tonight

>> No.19324771

>he doesnt squirt directly into the bag
Git gud scrub

>> No.19325008

>captain morgans euns you nearly 50 bux
holy shit that's brutal. how much does decent cheap rum like Pampero Aniversario cost then? or slightly better stuff like Ron Zacapa Centenario 23?

>> No.19325015

>50 dingo dollars for captain morgans
Jesus fuck dude

>> No.19325341

… and people say New York is expensive lmao

>> No.19325703

I knew a guy that worked at McDonalds in the 90s and he pissed in the big tubs of mustard regularly for 2 years.

>> No.19325781

This is why I always get the sauce packets

>> No.19325785

>they give you dirty looks when you do that.
lol this is what happens you hire seething thurd worlders

>> No.19325947
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One time I ordered a McDouble and they gave me a double cheeseburger by accident.

>> No.19325963

why stop after only two years?

>> No.19325974

Imagine dunking in chup and not spreading chup. Wtf

>> No.19326062

Zacapa is a clean 100 bux, and as far as i know pampero isnt sold here. the only cheap shit here is wine, it's untaxed because we have a big wine making industry.

you cant even get a 6 pack of beer here for less than 15

>> No.19326100

'Chup it up! 'Chup it up!

>> No.19326102

Literally no difference

>> No.19326105

>What happened to fast food?

They're faggots, what can I tell you? Back in the day, fast food didn't exist to serve 60 fat fucks a minute at a drive thru. It was still there for people to take a break. To sit inside for an hour to so the kids can stretch their legs and use the restroom during a road trip. Or a quick stop on a busy weekend, the kids are out of school, you're off work so you gotta cart the little shits around while you run the errands you couldn't do during the week. Well hell, we can stop inside the kids can get a beef and cheese with and fries and a toy, play on the slide for a bit, wear out their energy for later.

Now hardly anybody goes in there, and there's no incentive for the company to make it inviting. People became 400lb landwhales who just go through the drive thru every day of the week so they won't have to walk around a grocery store. So rather than devote employee time to keeping shit nice, like having a mini playground, comfortable and convenient seating and self serving options (your ketchup pumps), etc. Now it's all about "How fast can this assembly line pour food down people's throats through a drive through"?

The magic of the 50's-90's fast food is gone. You're better off with a quick swing through a grocery deli and taking it to the park. Arguably, you probably always were, but fast food used to be a more quality experience.

Now, that being said, who uses that much ketchup on a ground beef and cheese sandwich?

>> No.19326107


I hate packets because when you open them there's always dangly little bits of plastic and I always think I'm getting them in the food. Or you have that tiny piece you tore off which also might end up in the food.

Packets suck

>> No.19326109

Mickey D's.

>> No.19326117
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>> No.19326134

Donald's Von M

>> No.19326154
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Alright, we can get Kentucky Klucky or The Dairy Queens but that's the only thing on the way to Tarjay so you better make up your mind.

>> No.19326165

>What happened to fast food?

the population is less than 40% white now. import third worlders, get third world problems. ketchup pump is for high trust societies only.

>> No.19326166

fuck you

>> No.19326185
File: 9 KB, 225x224, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright you little shit, were going to Kluck in a Bucket and you BETTER not cry about being hungry later. We're going to Tarjay to get your sister a dress and that's IT. No! You can have Banjo Kazooie for your birthday if you're grades come up to a B. When we get home you're doing your homework and you are NOT to play Mary-O Cars until you've shown me your finished work (flicks cigarette out window).

>> No.19326190

>Kluck in a Bucket
that was actually funny so i smiled instead.

>> No.19326233


>> No.19326256


>> No.19326265
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>> No.19326519

>what happened to fastfood
Fall of the west. Simple as. Fastfood was the crowning achievement of western liberal thought, cheap, good quality food you could get in a timely manner. Those are all out the window now. It's time to prepare for the fall and what's to come.

>> No.19326536

he do be withering though

>> No.19326551

fucking lmao

>> No.19326588

a man with a micropenis took that photo

>> No.19326617

Your tongue is retarded. Also, the proper Australian way of speech is to shorten anything that can be shortened.

>> No.19326636
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>poor people and degenerates were abusing the free condiments
That doesn't explain why they'd have packet bins out instead. Packets are expensive compared to bulk ketchup, and it's a lot easier to stuff packets into your pockets than to meaningfully steal liquid ketchup.

The more likely thing is that sit-ins are becoming a smaller and smaller share of customers so amenities specially catered to them are just not worth the cost of bothering to maintain, particularly the labor cost. A single wagie hour spent on all the tasks required to keep a ketchup pump stocked up and clean all the time costs McDonalds more than multiple gallons of ketchup.

>> No.19327353

1 slice of cheese lol

>> No.19327666

Jesus Christ the condiments are literally colored flavored corn syrup.

>> No.19327670

>Captain Morgon
hope you're not late for your ass-bleaching appointment anon, your boyfriend would be so disappointed in you.

>> No.19327680

'nald, son of 'nald

>> No.19327860

>captain morgans euns you nearly 50 bux
This is what happens when you give up guns.
From British penal colony to Chinas labor camp in <100 years.

>> No.19327863

They never had them in my country, we always got the packets.
I have a fridge full of them, I think they're bad now.

>> No.19327896

>What happened to fast food?
Well it's not longer cheap, and it's no longer fast. Honestly I don't know how these useless shitty """restaurants""" are still even in business. Brand loyalty us a scary thing. God dammit mcdonalds sucks these days

>> No.19327918

It makes such a big difference though

>> No.19327928

Sure you did. I bet the rest of the staff clapped while he did it too and the customers tipped him $200 each for the pleasure.

>> No.19327939

Thats the secret, they can't go bad if they were never good.

>> No.19327950
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>> No.19328017

Jesus Christ I’m glad I don’t have kids

>> No.19328023

He got promoted

>> No.19328027
File: 4 KB, 225x225, download (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just built the new taco beez near Wally World. We could just go there too.