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File: 68 KB, 1200x800, BLT-Sandwich-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19324636 No.19324636 [Reply] [Original]

Bacon Lettuce Tomato

>> No.19324645

>a sandwich with just toppings
i don't get it. might as well have a ketchup sandwich

>> No.19324648

You forgot mayo so that's 3 words

>> No.19324671
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one of the best sandwiches, but only with a great tomato.

>> No.19324729

not enough mayo

>> No.19324747
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Nothing beats the sausage and egg

>> No.19324780 [DELETED] 



>> No.19324789

discuss the BLT
mayo or dry?
bacon crunch or soft?
Loaded with bacon, or should it have simpler proportions (2 or 3 strips of bacon for the average sized BLT)
lettuce shredded or leaf?
bread toasted or fresh?

is a BLT just good or can it be 'transcendent'. Some people like to put cheese on it too, like provolone. Is this legit?

>> No.19324797 [DELETED] 


It's not debatable

>> No.19324905

I like BLTs but only without tomato

>> No.19324918

for me, it's bacon, lettuce, and pico de gallo

>> No.19325243

cream cheese blts >

>> No.19325247

All it needs is some aged cheddar

>> No.19325255

Mayo on both pieces of bread
Semi-crunch bacon
A healthy amount, maybe 5 slices
Shredded, leaf runs the risk of taking a bite and dragging the entire leaf out. Also the stem messes up the geometry
Lightly toasted bread. If it's toasted too hard it cuts up the roof of your mouth, if it's not toasted at all it starts to sag

A BLT can most definitely be transcendent. Sandwiches that are overly complicated have the max potential of reaching "great" but a sandwich that literally only has 3 ingredients has a much higher potential. Easy to make, hard to master.

The BLT can also have cheese, and I even put ham in it. A BLT that is only bacon lacks chew and body.

>> No.19325340

That's 3 words dumbass

>> No.19325394


Add an egg and its transcendent

>> No.19325585
File: 1.32 MB, 1145x862, Screenshot from 2022-11-13 19-45-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

throw some turkey on that bitch
>shutup my toaster is broken

>> No.19325589

my stats teacher used to joke that CLT stood for cabbage lettuce tomato. vegans live a hard life

>> No.19326045
File: 61 KB, 500x375, B9A1FD44-8C0C-4161-9DFE-B9CC04DA5FEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Everytime I have one, I just feel like I’m eating a water sandwich

>> No.19326058

Why do some many of you retards fail at making a basic ass sandwich or burger. Tomato always goea on the bottom.

>> No.19326127

I gotta tell you something man. I've just never really been into tomatoes. I don't know what it is. They're just a strange middle of the road food to me.

Like they're a fruit apparently but they aren't sweet? And there's tastier vegetables out there. I just don't see where tomato fits in really. It's an outcast IMO

>> No.19326148
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I just realized I've never had a BLT. I hear about them all the time, they seem to be a staple, but I've never assembled/ordered one. Hmm

>> No.19326238
File: 1.27 MB, 940x788, Classic-Club-Sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*BTFO's ur BLT*

>> No.19326261

I actually prefer Costco turkey bacon for BLTs. Much less greasy than real bacon and still has the proper smokey flavor.

>> No.19326354

Ewww what the fuck is wrong with that thing??

>> No.19326372

when i was little my parents drove us across country to visit relatives. I had blt's for every lunch and dinner for 2 weeks. I crave them. they are the perfect sandwich.

>> No.19326572

They're a bit out of proportion I think.

2x bacon* and reduce to just bottom bread slice, and add extra mayo. That's a winner for me

*because c'mon, everyone knows the bacon is the good shit in it.

>> No.19326578

>*because c'mon, everyone knows the bacon is the good shit in it.
Only if you're a sorry benighted soul that's never had anything but mass produced hydroponic """""tomato""""""

>> No.19326607

it has a watermark on it

>> No.19326631

I suppose I am to be truthful. but could I get the good ones at say a farmer's market or something?

>> No.19326735

I think toasted is debatable but I hard agree with everything else here there is no debate. But I counter a fresh warm sourdough loaf BLT

>> No.19326746

I like my bacon to be slightly crispy slightly chewy and the bread must be toasted with butter.

>> No.19327023
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>> No.19327164 [DELETED] 

Two words. Starvation, typhus.

Not six million. Not cyanide gas.

>> No.19327317

I say skip the mayo and bacon and just call it "salad on bread"

>> No.19327324

a.k.a. the "I want bacon but I have to put all this other shit around it so people don't think I'm just eating bacon."

>> No.19327326

2 slices white bread, mayo, black pepper
fuck your word count

>> No.19327346

yes, it’s a little early for most places though. tomatoes are more of a later summer thing. even in farmers markets you’ll often find shitty ones, good tomatoes are precious and rare, but really one of the tastiest fruits or whatever you classify it. you don’t even need bacon or lettuce if you have a good tomato, it’s just nicer with.

>> No.19327357


Had to ruin it.

>> No.19327359

2 words: You are gay.

>> No.19327462

Only summer though, a good market gardener at the market should have good ones
Piss easy to grow really, I feel like they are one of the things necessary to grow yourself if you are at all able

>> No.19327486
File: 538 KB, 3022x2967, BaconSausageEggBarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except sausage bacon and egg

>> No.19327493

tempeh sandwiches can often be better, not just because of the tempeh, but because they're often made by people who put much more care into the rest of the sandwich instead of thoughtlessly following conventions

>> No.19327508


>> No.19327570
File: 1.68 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20230530_031905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread. Lettuce. Meat. Cheese. Mayo. Ketchup.

>> No.19327845

I'm going to have leftover pizza for breakfast

>> No.19328239
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>> No.19328898

God I love sandwiches

>> No.19328936

>mayo or dry?
I hate mayo, and a good tomato will completely render it unnecessary, but I find that a very thin application of creamy italian dressing can really bring the whole thing together as well.

>> No.19328997

God loves sandwiches