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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 265 KB, 1600x946, 1684613236792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19294283 No.19294283 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever tried it?
Are they good?

>> No.19294289

>tried it
nigga ive got money to waste but im not spending £15 on a bottle of sugar water called prime, how much are the bars? £8.50 for a small one?

>> No.19294301

Don't know if it's available in the UK, probably two to three bucks per bar
It's supposed to be cheap

>> No.19294332

I tried the peanut butter chocolate bar and found it to be pretty underwhelming. Ritter Sport or Tony’s for me

>> No.19294348

Stop giving this man money. He has plenty. Buy reputable, slave harvested chocolate.

>> No.19294354

>Has anyone ever tried it?
Nope. Nobody is buying this shit. Sales are literally ZERO.

>> No.19294370 [DELETED] 
File: 698 KB, 900x1200, f3b6f09ae5e1363db9af1392113d970a2b9e602b592fce5dff1e13238ba9246d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat shit and kill yourself, little marketing monkey

>> No.19294542

of it were the best candy bar in then world I wouldn't buy it because I'm not going to financially support a literal vtuber tier demonic entity financially

>> No.19294639 [DELETED] 

I've heard that it's just generic "American chocolate" which means it probably tastes like the most basic Hershey's chocolate bar.

>> No.19294669


>> No.19294679

tried what, molesting kids or licking mutilated inverted penis?

>> No.19294702

It's literally a generic chocolate bar with an e-celeb slapped on the packaging and people go nuts for it. Goes to show you how retarded consumers are (these are the same people that went apeshit over regular mcnuggets with BTS' name on them)

>> No.19294712

Fuck off shilling this literal who.

>> No.19295206 [DELETED] 

hot demon chick

>> No.19295797 [DELETED] 

Source for the image?

>> No.19295884

stop making this thread you fucking nigger

>> No.19296494

This is probably true

>> No.19296706

Didn't this guy troon out?

>> No.19296719

i want to explode his car.
just look at him.

>> No.19296736

Isn't he an antichrist pedofile ring supporter

Usually that's how they all end up as

>> No.19296753

i don't eat candy.

>> No.19296774

These candy bars give you cancer, aids, and instantly change your sexual orientation. Have a nice glass of water instead.

>> No.19296822
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His friend did

>> No.19296873

Following this is like those women who spend all day watching "my 600lb life" and following the Kardashians.

You're the LOLcow yourself, guttering up your brain with this filth.

>> No.19297264

He'll make the event into a video

>> No.19297942


>> No.19298043
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>> No.19298049

>if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.19298243

based ritternigger

>> No.19299316

ngl, that was the last guy i'd expected to transition. he was married and had a kid, plus he kind of looked like the kind of dude to bring up suicide statistics

>> No.19299352

this nigga's dead empty soulless fucking eyes bother me so much. some shit's gonna come out about him in a couple years and I'll be able to tell everyone I knew something was off about him

>> No.19299356

I know you're trying to market this
but I don't know who you're marketing or who you're marketing to
So I guess eat shit?

>> No.19299376

does he have 0 PR or guidance on these photos
this photo had to have been taken by a professional so why would they take this photo, look at how awful it is and go 'yeah thats fine send it'
why wouldnt the photog go 'hey mr beast how about you dont look like a fucking soulless cretin and actually smile instead of grimacing like a corpse halfway through rigor mortis'
if this was the best pic they went with imagine all the worse ones left on the chopping room floor
i cant believe they would take an awful pic and use it for marketing
how hard is it to do another take or just have the camera do a shutter mode and take hundreds of pics while he poses and then choose an okay one
this pic has the aura of an awkward photo taken on the street by a man with a gun to his head who doesnt want to be there in this impromptu photo sesh

>> No.19299435

>literal vtuber tier demonic entity financially
Well a schizo vtuber did a review of these, in shirt they are all shit.

>> No.19299569

fuck this ugly soyboy transphobe

>> No.19299582
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>> No.19299605

im not a nog but I want to brain him with a bat. its not his money, but something about his look

>> No.19299649
File: 689 KB, 1024x437, 6chzxertcn0b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably not

>> No.19299684

Supposedly they have an extremely short shelf life since they contain only natural ingredients

>> No.19299725

what phenotype is this? la creatura del american de grifter?

>> No.19299956

>plus he kind of looked like the kind of dude to bring up suicide statistics
the ones bringing up suicide statistics are the ones who hate themselves the most, it's not surprising

>> No.19300168

>the ones bringing up suicide statistics are the ones who hate themselves the most

>> No.19300171

I don't care for Mr. Reddit.

>> No.19300175

you couldn't pay me enough to consume a product associated with that existential ass worm.

>> No.19300855


>> No.19300889

Struck a nerve huh

>> No.19300893
File: 105 KB, 1280x1280, 1684769178348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salt is natural

>> No.19300907


>> No.19300909


>> No.19300911

>struck a nerve huh
Only jews, fags, trannies, and women say that, anon

>> No.19300922


>> No.19300930

I can't stand that soi faggot. My 9 year old son stumbled on his youtube channel and it took me forever to convince him that he was watching loser. I don't care how much money he makes. He's a fucking poof.

>> No.19300931

>Literally has a mental breakdown because Mr pedofile sells chocolate

>> No.19300937

How did you convince him

>> No.19301000


>> No.19301011

Why don't you just block his channel if you hate him so much

>> No.19301028

that is no fucking fun stop shitting all over this dude's fun

>> No.19301030

haven't these cultural abominations made enough money?
Why are zoomers attracted to these people?

>> No.19301324

>made enough money?
No such thing, son.

>> No.19301403
File: 106 KB, 640x775, 1681048048741274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his eyes look even more dead than on advertisement, amazing, can they co even more dead?

>> No.19303137


>> No.19303156

Who the fuck is Mr Beast, and why should I give a fuck?
I literally will not do a google search for that enword until someone answers my questions. You can call me lazy if you want, but the burden of proof remains upon the OP. Why the fuck should I be interested in someone that I never knew existed?

>> No.19303234

>women who spend all day watching "my 600lb life" and following the Kardashians.
you're 10 years out of date
it's Love Island and Married at First Sight, in between random Netflix crime documentary series
t.i live with two women in their mid30s

>> No.19304233

Oh yeah, I forgot it's watching Chinelle and Brad discuss their careers as estate agents under a palm tree, between segments of Jeffrey Dahmer injecting toilet cleaner into the skull of young boys.

I bet your apartment or whatever has hair everywhere, women are a fire hazard

>> No.19304242
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's one of the biggest youtuber ever lol? have you been living under a rock?

>> No.19304249 [DELETED] 

So it's some guy who fucks around on camera in him home and uploads it to a video sharing site and I should care why? If he was any good at cooking or whatever he'd have his own TV show.

>> No.19304271

I don't watch the guy, but to my understanding he leaves his house basically every video.

That said, I'm pretty sure his original rise to fame was facilitated by doing exactly what you described

>> No.19304321 [DELETED] 

>Leaves his house

What? If you don't have your own show or some pretty extensive credentials you're a amateur. I have no interest in some nobody that films himself and uploads it to some community home video site.

>> No.19305554


>> No.19306305

hes one of those faggots on youtube who cashed in on the zoomer predilection for fake enthusiasm. think PewDiePie, but without any redeeming qualities and more cancer.

>> No.19306607

Leftoids in this thread seething about a rich philantropist.

>> No.19307308

This. Imagine hating on someone who gives charity when literally your entire philosophy is "free stuff"

>> No.19307314

As opposed to a poor philanthropist

>> No.19307318
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>> No.19307331

What would drive a person to buy any product being advertised by a thing that looks like that?

>> No.19307335

If 50 million people know who he is, that leaves about 7.8 billion people that don't. You're in the minority here.

>> No.19307336

Some people dont base their entire life on things that literally don't matter

>> No.19307337
File: 38 KB, 400x318, Anzu NEET lauern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. You have a butifel wife and child and all of a sudden you just troon out.
You even work for Mr Beast. You even have money.

>> No.19307338

i finally got around to try prime and fuck it was shocking. if youre familiar with the dog shit chalky artificial flavouring you get in pre-workout supplements, its exactly what prime used, nothing new, nothing groundbreaking, just the exact same artificial cancer tasting shit but peddled by celebs so people go crazy for it

>> No.19307364

chris was such a cringe normie before so now he will be insufferable

>> No.19307369

won't eat any antichrist branded edible good

>> No.19307588

If anybody in the world knows what works for marketing it's this dumb motherfucker. The entire reason he made it is because he autistically spent years studying exactly gets people to notice you. Like as unappetizing as his shit might look or whatever common sense seems to dictate it should be instead, he's the one person who can back up that what he does with marketing is the whole reason we know who he is

>> No.19307593

>only 600 million people bought Harry Potter books, that's 7.2 billion people who didn't
>best selling book series of all time my ass

>> No.19307598

He's the most subscribed to person on YouTube you idiot

>> No.19307617

Yes. notice how that figure is 12 times larger.

>> No.19307618


>> No.19307670

Just the corporate mandated youtuber that sold his soul.

>> No.19307736

I have absolutely no fucking idea who the hell this is, but just the sight of his face alone makes me angry for no discernible reason. It's a very punchable face.

>> No.19307797

Funny but I was about to post something very similar. Whenever I see this guy I start to seethe because a) he's a millionaire and the style, the shit eating grin is a deliberate marketing technique and b) he's still very punchable.

>> No.19307838

You guys are such fags, if you ever happened to see somebody with a "punchable face" like MrBeast in real life you'd just look down and avoid eye contact with them. You've probably never even punched someone once in your pathetic, worthless lives. Talking like that on the internet doesn't make you look cool or manly, it makes you look like childish retards.

>> No.19308240

Hi MrBeast. Have you taken your antidepressants?

>> No.19308913
File: 1.12 MB, 576x1030, 1684957071102.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a billionaire, billionaires are immune to depression

>> No.19309457

So, you are against people .along money? You know he gives most of it away right? Hes huge on charity.

>> No.19309469

Aren't they all like a 60% cacao? Who does he think I am a 40 year old white woman?

>> No.19309773

>rich philanthropist
hes a plant. the marketing corp managing him works with google to prop up their flavors of the month on youtube. some polyp dumped the info here when those awful drinks and candy first dropped.

>> No.19309787

Oh it's a chocolate bar with a mystery ticket inside, wonder where he got that idea, what a chump

>> No.19309795

I heard Mr Beast helps the US army dispose of toxic chemicals by letting them dump the chrmicals in his chocolate bars, and those toxic chemicals have a feminizing effect on men and masculising effect on women, and gives both men and women cancer and low IQ.

>> No.19309799

I have seen more than one case like this, makes you wonder how they can get massively mindbroken just like that out of the blue

>> No.19309800

jesus what a gross smile. that guy is so fake he can't even make a natural smile

>> No.19309941

what the FUCK is wrong with his eyes?

>> No.19310037

i tried the peanut butter chocolate flavor and it was the worst chocolate i've ever tasted. even those shitty "healthy" chocolate bars you find in the depths of whole foods tasted better

>> No.19310082

They taste like hippie organic ahit. They're fine. They're nor creamy and won't knock your socks off or anything if you're into that.

>> No.19310151

If you eat these you turn into a tranny. they're laced with estrogen

>> No.19310204

Why the shit talk mister beast is a good intertainern he treats his imployes with respect every one loves his show it's clean and family friendly so his big sin is he is selling food stuffs he must be the devil.

>> No.19310212

This anon speaks the truth, and for that they are persecuted.

>> No.19310407

Why did you call yourself borderlands

>> No.19310598

100th reply

>> No.19310603

You keep asking this, why don’t you just buy them yourself?

>> No.19310621

Just buy the fucking ad retard

>> No.19310673


>> No.19310677

Mr Cucks Fuckables

>> No.19310690

What kills me, is if YouTube didn't tweak the algorithm for this guy; he would literally be a nobody posting on /r9k/. He's ugly AF

>> No.19310758

look at that dead eyed repper stare and repper beard, poor thing

>> No.19311126

He's average plus he's like 6'4

>> No.19311143

for the first time in many years, I now want to kick someone in the head even harder than I want to kick warwick davis. god bless mr beast for making me feel such strong rage, despite never watching any of his videos and based on a single picture posted on this imageboard on the international network

>> No.19311164

Kek he is dead inside.

>> No.19311202

>he bought the incel fantasy that looks matter other than on dating apps

>> No.19311405

The chocolate is unironically good. Nothing crazy though. Its like a nice mix of dark and lighter chocolate.

>> No.19311793

Youtube didn't just hand him a platform and a suitcase full of cash. He's been at it for a long while and really spent time figuring out how to work youtube. Then he hired people to translate all his videos and dub them himself in like 4849583 languages so he has worldly appeal. He does charitable crap and fun videos for kids and old people who want a feel good, wholesome, video to watch in all the doom and gloom. (I read an article about him once.) His face annoyed the shit out of me when I first started seeing him. Seems like a cool trailer park dude who used his brain and retard friends and lack of insecurity to make it big. Still has an annoying face but I think he's fine.

>> No.19312430


>> No.19312469
File: 256 KB, 629x220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend was gifted two boxes of these chocolates. I ate the milk chocolate and the chocolate and sea salt versions and honestly they weren't bad. Better than Hershey's babyvomit chocolate but worse than something like Godiva.
Since I don't know how much they are per ounce I can't assess their worthwhileness, but if somebody gave me more I'd enjoy them.
I wish I could say they're zero. I do IT for a rather large grocery store and part of the system I control is sales. I can see a specific store's turnover rate, their losses, profit margins, SKUs and the direct name of products that do well.
Mr Beasts bars are a top 6 chocolate sale. Nestle and Mars tie for first a lot so their chocolate makes up the top 2-3, then there's Ghiradelli/Godiva that do well. And then Mr Beast's are on that list.
So yeah he isn't going to topple the kings of chocolate anytime soon but he does a lot better than you'd think.

Again I don't know how much his bars are on the shelf but if you could get one of his bars for =<$2 individually or =<$1.10 bulk I'd consider it a good price for the taste. And given his ingredients compared to some of the mainstream chocolates I'd say it's likely better for you too.

>> No.19312944

>be Mr. Beast Friend
>no material wants, but life lacks any meaning, positive or negative
>one day your doorbell rings
>it's Susan Wojcicki, lesbian satanic wiccan rabbi of Youtube
>xe has a contract in hand, signed by Old Scratch himself
>you can finally make a name for yourself
>you will forever be remembered by the thousands of children that you mislead through the Youtube Platform, mutilating them and dragging them down into darkness & despair, pain & torment, they will forever be your slaves
>bonus: when Mr. Beast finally dies of "long COVID", you can inherit his channel and use it to sell sweatshop chocolate and hamburgers
>just cut your dick off bro
>(lol yeah, cut your dick off and eat it with some hot sauce)
>shut up, we've almost got him.
>now Chris, where do you keep your sharpest knives?

>> No.19312985

The guy has an evil cartoony expression.
I can't tell if the OP photo is real or edited to be more caricature-ish.

>> No.19313128
File: 48 KB, 1024x683, 1558586464094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i laughed

>> No.19313140

I'm convinced time travelers are behind Mr. Beast's success and popularity. One day he just became popular without any rhyme or reason. Someone fucked with the timeline.

>> No.19313144

He is literally handsome speaking as an elder lookism incel
>square jaw
>decent chin
You have to understand that to women your lower third is like 90% of your attractiveness

>> No.19313169

how did mr beast get famous? like what were his earliest videos like. why did he blow up. everything he does now requires a ton of money.

>> No.19313191

he's asking if you tried meds

>> No.19313199

These MF's are EXPENSIVE in Cuckstralia, no idea why, but no way in hell I buy them for the price.

>> No.19313201

Lefties love him now that his best friend trooned out and he made fun of chuds on twitter who complained about it.

>> No.19313231

>Sunflower lecithin

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.19313235

Well, there's this organization called the Central Intelligence Agency....

>> No.19313967

Doing videos like
>counting to 1000000 live
>watching everyday bro for ten hours

>> No.19313978

>how did mr beast get famous?
Someone at Youtube clicked the "promote to front page" checkbox. Remember how it used to be SSSniperWolf? (What happened to her? Did she say the n-word like Pewdiepie?)

>> No.19314177

She's doing retarded reaction videos now trying to not fall into obscurity
Also getting bogged

>> No.19314318

I'm convinced either this guy, Jared Kushner or the faggot president of Ukraine is the anti-christ

>> No.19314496


>> No.19314520


I don't get simp mentality, must be some kind of humiliation fetish and the money you give her probably funded her boyfriend's new supra and PS5 collection while she sucks HIS dick and lets him rape her asshole too whilst bearing his children.

How does it feel to be that deluded you supported another man's success?

>> No.19314525

I don't mean to sound confrontational here but I think you might need to have sex

>> No.19314590

I've been arrested for stalking because a woman I worked with changed her mind after flirting with me.

And you honestly think that I should just go talk to women? Fuck you

>> No.19314606

She changed her mind become after a short time talking to you she discovered that you were completely deranged

>> No.19314613

So now I'm emotionally responsible for her? Do you understand how backwards your logic is that you both understand I've been punished AND I'm innocent?

>> No.19314621
File: 93 KB, 683x1024, istockphoto-182844246-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for misjudging you my good sir. As the saying goes you can have sex with anyone you want, once.

>> No.19314632

You're literally the one obsessed with sex not me

>> No.19314732

Sir, this is a Wendy's. He merely mentioned the fact that her videos used to be all over the front page. Which for some reason prompted your rant about simping and rape. Are you ok retard?

>> No.19314999

>What happened to her?
I visited youtube while logged out and she was on the front page

>> No.19315006

brilliant reasoning

>> No.19315009

that sounds retarded. is that really how people get famous nowadays? by being retarded?

>> No.19315016

>by being retarded?

>> No.19315081

Troon shit aside
My nephew actually bought the "Deez Nuts" flavor (Peanut Butter), I tried one for myself and I thought it was alright
30 dollars for 10 bars, seems like a nice deal.
But holy shit im I so tired of seeing Mister Breast all over the internet, and it felt so jarring seeing the product in question in front of my eyes and trying to change my mind into thinking this wasn't a prank or that it wasn't gonna poison me.

>> No.19315540

damn... so I could be famous...

>> No.19316848


>> No.19317116

he has a product called "deez nuts"? isn't his audience like 8 year olds?

>> No.19317143

the rich don't get rich through good morals

>> No.19317168
File: 2.92 MB, 306x205, 1658639080236176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw made that webm like 2 months ago and still seeing it reposted all over

>> No.19317175
File: 214 KB, 735x633, akko knarre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based (You) farmer

>> No.19317183
File: 38 KB, 689x434, 1654398743277935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still in my ffmpeg folder

>> No.19317793

Oh great the christfags have joined the chat and bring up shit that was never mentioned

>> No.19317806

What's so great about pewdiepie

>> No.19318018

You're replaying to a post from 3 days ago

>> No.19318040
File: 100 KB, 1045x651, paul-winfield-darmok-as-dathon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pewdiepie at the bridge, his mic unmuted.

>> No.19318243

he's able to make a few 10k in half an hour by reading dumb reddit memes

>> No.19318298

i wanted to say "just sort his videos by oldest, retard" but youtube thought it was a good idea to get rid of that feature. why they think making their website less convenient by removing features, i honestly have no idea.
best you can do now is do endless scrolling or use -before:[x year] in the search bar

>> No.19319225

nothing, thats why I used him as an example to show how shit Xr Beast is in comparison

>> No.19320159
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>> No.19321071


>> No.19321091 [DELETED] 

Reported for advertising this faggot chocolate

>> No.19321333

what a stupid fucking name. "feastables"

is anyone really have a 'feast' of mid-chocolate bars?

>> No.19321350

I want to torture and murder Mr. Beast in a snuff film

>> No.19321367
File: 22 KB, 600x300, e8EkYfbdEXwkJYDW2tyGBJ-1200-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what any of that shit means except "disney", "amazon", "NFL", and "linkedin", and I would think anyone who does needs to be medicated

>> No.19321438

you sound like a psychopath LOL

>> No.19321544

Something strange about a man named Beast who found a way to grift via doing good actions.

>> No.19321794

Suffer beastman, SUFFER

>> No.19321804

Let's say if Pdpdp is level 0 these other faggots are -100. You wouldn't watch level 0 and you most certainly wouldn't ever want to waste your time with -100.

>> No.19321827

Finding it hard to not feel bad for this guy. Seeing his best(?) friend turn himself into one of those freaks.

>> No.19321892

I find it pretty easy not to feel bad for someone who sold their soul to the postmodern devil, and is reaping what he sowed.

>> No.19321978

He pays central casting to make his fake videos

>> No.19321998

humiliation ritual

>> No.19323064

It's sometimes the autistic twinks, and other times it's the autistic guys that try way too hard to fulfill a masculine gender role with the inherent expectation that it's a blueprint for life fulfillment. When they find out the woman they never loved and trophy kid aren't making them happy, they break down and decide to follow a different life blueprint because they're terrified of not fitting under any obvious box or label

>> No.19323288

This thread has been up for so long it probably just counts as advertisement at this point

>> No.19323294

Chocolate bars aren't medication you fat fuck

>> No.19323301

What this faggots end game?

>> No.19323561

i refuse to support a tranny ally

>> No.19323687

Becoming a billionaire

>> No.19324043

its similar to beast. thats it.

>> No.19324097

nigga he is just reselling stuff. its just some repackaged who brand chocolate. Stop advertising it.

>> No.19324101

bring about the end of times

>> No.19324418

did the original have sound? if so was the song after dark?

>> No.19324426

Why is this dumb thread still up?

>> No.19324804

It's food related

>> No.19324830

Realistically how many of these would I have to eat to troon out?

>> No.19325491

It does not have estrogen in it so 0..

>> No.19325496

why did they photoshop him to have a thanos chin

>> No.19325528

gross at least use wsl

>> No.19325765

yeah these are bussin fr

>> No.19326306

He was also coomposting about little anime girls on his twitter. It was inevitable.

>> No.19327320
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PM Modi wrote a letter to MrBeast and asked him to come all the way out to India, and build him a colossal palace entirely out of chocolate

>> No.19328141

Based modi

>> No.19328335

>be MrBeast
>originally do videos that you like
>year 2018 your channel gains lots of traction and gets 10 million subs
>at this point a businessman called Reed Duchscher, who owns a company called Night Media wants to make a deal with you. this deal would happen under the condition that Jake the Viking would be removed from the MrBeast Youtube group (Jake is a white 6'5" bodybuilder)
>MrBeast accepts the contract and in 2020 Jake the Viking is suddenly kicked out of the group
>year 2022 arrives and MrBeast achieves 120 million subs, an unknown corporation wants to buy the rights to his channel but his price is too high
>5 months after MrBeast's refusal to sell his channel one of his groups members (Chris Tyson) suddenly becomes a tranny
>Chris' tranny antics force MrBeast into a corner, many viewers are unsubbing because of the trannyshit but if you kick Chris out of the group your channel will get cancelled and you will lose out on the sponsorship deals
>year 2024 Night Media will buy out MrBeast's channel as he is unable to continue making videos and Reed Duchscher laughs on his way to the bank