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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19311084 No.19311084 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

Cloudy coffee edition.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, have you ever drank an espresso in front of an aqueduct?

Previous thread: >>19290282

>> No.19311088

who tf holds an espresso cup like that

>> No.19311093
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>> No.19311099

Someone who has a golden arabica beans ring on his finger

>> No.19311104
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The heat of the hand toasts the beans

>> No.19311106


>> No.19311108

/crema/ heads what is our secret?

>> No.19311110

Beautiful beans anon. Cherish them.

>> No.19311111

>the fag made the thread
may god help us all.

>> No.19311115
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This one has no description of the aromas, so it’s up to me to decipher them.
So far, very pleasant blend, my palate felt some either fresh fruit or floral notes, I need time and other goffees to understand.

Alberto truly wants me to do my part on this, for he toasted and brought me the beans and now it’s my turn to fully unravel the mysteries of the sacred beans.

>> No.19311122

1:10 in 30s simple as

>> No.19311124

Checked and Alberto Trabatti spirit guide pilled

>> No.19311130

having a warm cuppa with milk and sugar, raspberry spread melted in. it's okay.

next time i'm opening up a can of grass jelly and having it chilled, should try to get heavy cream or maybe oat/almond milk next time. maybe coconut flavoring?

>> No.19311141
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>> No.19311148

Just let him flame out and he'll go back. Happens every time.

>> No.19311155

La Miscela del Mastro Torrefattore 100% Arabica è molto bilanciata, creata con Monorigine centro-sudamericani

Grande aromaticità, elegante e delicata acidulità unite ad un buon corpo, da gustare in ogni momento del giorno.

Ideale per la colazione e la pausa di mezza mattina, potrete apprezzare le sue caratteristiche anche dopo un importante pranzo o cena.

Il suo contenuto di caffeina è molto basso, intorno all’1,5%. Potete bere la Miscela anche di sera, certo che dormirete!

Questa Miscela di Arabica è il mio biglietto di presentazione al Vostro palato. Si distingue dai prodotti industriali perché dopo averla assaggiata non potrete più farne a meno. Testimonianza di molti clienti, che prima erano diffidenti ed increduli.

Tempo massimo di spedizione: 5 giorni lavorativi dal pagamento ricevuto

>The Blend of the Master Roaster 100% Arabica is very balanced, created with Central-South American Single Origin

>Great aroma, elegant and delicate acidity combined with a good body, to be enjoyed at any time of the day.

>Ideal for breakfast and a mid-morning break, you can appreciate its characteristics even after an important lunch or dinner.

>Its caffeine content is very low, around 1.5%. You can also drink the blend in the evening, of course you will sleep!

>This blend of Arabica is my presentation ticket to your palate. It differs from industrial products because after having tasted it you will no longer be able to do without it. Testimony of many customers, who were previously distrustful and incredulous.

>Maximum shipping time: 5 working days from received payment

>> No.19311197

>Alberto truly wants me to do my part on this, for he toasted and brought me the beans and now it’s my turn to fully unravel the mysteries of the sacred beans.

Tango dancing with Alberto.
So what's your first impression?

>> No.19311238

Last time I got a /ctg/ coffee recommendation it was really good so Im here for another. Last time was an order from SW Roast which was very good. And in the past Ive had Proud Mary coffee and Sterling, as well as a few others like 9th street espresso and various local roasters.

So hit me with another good place to order from and try. Please.

>> No.19311245

I'm the guy who reccs SW. Try some sey.

>> No.19311275
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It’s good but his coffee takes time to be appreciated, it truly is a testament how complex his flavours are if compared to, say, the Italian blends I was used to drink which formed my palate.
Every time I make goffee it has a slightly different flavour, that’s why I drink 3 cups during the day: one during breakfast, one in the afternoon with a clean mouth and one at the end of the dinner.

So far the most pleasant goffees I had were had after dinner, because their flavour complemented the food I ate before.

Tonight I’m making low and slow pork spare ribs in the oven, rubbed with salt, pepper and sweet paprika, 3 cloves of garlic in the pan with fresh rosemary as aromas, then hasselback potatoes as side, simple made with EVO oil, salt, pepper and romesemary.

Pic very related.

>> No.19311350

you guys ever make your own biscotti? any recommendations?

>> No.19311357

You can take nearly any cookie and bake it a second time to make biscotti. But if you want a "classic" one just look up Chef Johns biscotti recipe as Im sure thats just fine. Or any other foodtubers recipe.

Honestly it might even be easier to just buy a nice high quality box of them if you just want the cookie and not the process of making it.

>> No.19311391

i didnt think about just using any cookie recipe but that makes sense considering the recipe ive tried seemed to resemble cookie recipes
im asking because i like baking, lol

>> No.19311421

Sey what nigga?

>> No.19311435
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Made them once. Forgot what recipe though.

>> No.19311543

Biscotti are French, from biscuit, meaning double cooked. In essence it's stale bread that's toasted to give it a second life. English rusk, Dutch/Belgian beschuit and German Zwieback are no different.

The dessert cookie is called sablé au beurre. It's dead easy to make even though there are 100s of recipes. All you need is 250g flour, 125g butter, 125g sugar and one egg. Work butter (room temp) with sugar, add the egg, then the flour, let it rest in the fridge for an hour. Roll out to 0.5cm thickness, cut in w/e shapes and cook for 10-12 mins at 180°C.

That's the basis. You can add speculoos spices or just cinnamon. Geranium blossom water, vanilla, liquor, yoghurt, chocolate, wine ro ridiculous amounts of butter. You name it.

If you're looking for traditional Italian biscotti you'll have to choose a region first. Some key words: canestrelli, baci di dama (lady's kisses), Savoiardi, cantucci, brutti ma buoni (ugly but good), pan de mej (better bread), taralli, papassini (pope assasins). In the Italian alps they make great biscuits with confit of red fruit. The best websites are https://www.slowfood.it, https://www.cucchiaio.it/ and (far behind) https://www.giallozafferano.it

>> No.19311574
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First day of trip, found this miniscule all metal french press, got some preground stuff from aldi. Does this look like 18g to you? Im in hell (coffee and existence wise, trip is nice so far)

>> No.19311584

>In essence it's stale bread that's toasted to give it a second life

Someone should make a hilarious youtube video saying the foreign name of foods and then describe in english what they actually are in unromantic terms.

>> No.19311593

thanks for the reply, anon, very informative
im gonna try that with some toasted almonds and vanilla, will follow up
its just nice to have a wee bite with the cup in the morning, you know?

>> No.19311617
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And the cup I found is kino. Lets see what the hoffman method does to aldi preground

>> No.19311643


>Makes great looking pork
>Makes great goffee
>Likes Italian goffee

Would shitpost IRL over goffee with a belly full of ribs.

>> No.19311666
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Yeets in your shitty thread.

>> No.19311680

what is this machine called?

>> No.19311689

Finding I'm not liking the floral.

>> No.19311697

Sanremo You. $7500.

>> No.19311708

i just realized your post doesnt mention powder or soda--is that intentional? does biscotti not need it, or is it not traditional?

>> No.19311721
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how fucked up am? I

>> No.19311729

Alberto Trabatti says the best coffees need just a touch of international delight caramel macchiato creamer in them to really bring out the flavors.

>> No.19311754

nice. i just instant coffee.

>> No.19311769
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Anon's recipe is for sablé au beurre which does not use powder nor soda.
Speculoos is godtier.

>> No.19311776

cute cup
nice face baby why don't we get outta here and go back my place

>> No.19311804
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>go to my favorite cafe
>watch her make my cortado
>pours 12 oz worth of milk into a big fuckass steaming pitcher
>uses a tiny amount to make my drink
>dumps the rest down the drain
I have the privilege to put money down on coffee, but I grew up poor and frugal and seeing that was really upsetting, I haven't been there since because I'm convinced that's how the price is justified. Do all baristas do this?

>> No.19311806
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based, picrel is the GOAT of instants.

>> No.19311849
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>Vi auguro, per quanto possibile, una serena giornata
Nice pork ribs you got there anon. You've made yourself a pretty comfy dinner. Tell us how the postprandial goffee went.

>> No.19311862

>lol No Cream
>Just Sneed Oils

>> No.19311881
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Seriously Anon, you can buy cream and add real caramel.

>> No.19311893


>> No.19311922

instant coffee isnt that bad. its only bad when you are always drinking regular coffee and then suddenly drink instant coffee. ive been drinking instant coffee for a while now.

>> No.19311948
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So I made coffee and I didn’t touch the grind settings, I wanted it to stay the same as the one I had before.

I think I identified some of the mysterious aromas, which are also strong when smelling the freshly ground coffee, and imho they are:

Fresh figs, daters and honey.

The coffee is sweet and fruity, however I need to move the grind to find my sweet spot.


>> No.19312016

i see, ty

>> No.19312018

After sipping, 4/10. The goffee is obviously bad but a gentle immersion was probably the best thing for it. Tasted like bitter earth. Surprising amount of silt for a preground. I would have assumed they were using something like 563mm military grade mills with sifting postgrind or whatever

>> No.19312024

no I subconciously typed goffee instead of coffee. Time for a 4chan break

>> No.19312434

I became addicted to cappuccinos after being in Europe for a month
What's the true and honest of making them properly at home?

>> No.19312481

What's your budget?

>> No.19312484

I actually like dark roast, why is this a problem now?

>> No.19312488

It bothers me that they can sell it as 'creamer'

>> No.19312591
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Currently on this as my daily sip. Much nicer than I expected and good value as well. £24 for 4x250g bags, 3 of which are single origin and this blend.

>> No.19312624
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>> No.19312652

I dunno $200?

>> No.19312656


>> No.19312701
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Delonghi Dedica

>> No.19312718

Rough. You could be making real espresso for ~$200 with a kingrinder and flair neo, then use milk tech from this video.

>> No.19312781

So what does caffeine smell like?

>> No.19312784

Smells like kino.

>> No.19312796

Enjoy the goffee

>> No.19312874

nice face anon :)

>> No.19312902

my mum worked in a cafe where they would put the jug into the fridge and covered it, if no one ordered a milk drink within like 30-40mins then they would dump it.
which is a decent compromise i think
but also if i was paying whatever coffee is these days and i saw them using """old""" milk for my drink i would not be happy.

>> No.19312911
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>> No.19312914


>> No.19312918

thats like saying you like BURNT very well done EXTREMELY CHEAP steak.
thats fine but to go and say that you like steak is wrong.

>> No.19312921

just get an aeropress and k6. ezpz.

>> No.19312929

Its Quan buddy.

>> No.19312930

good job anon, this is a helpful post that the poorfag with $0 to make espresso won't read. we don't deserve you.

>> No.19312936

>£24 for 4x250g bags
thats very cheap.

>> No.19312939

ok... but what about goffee?

>> No.19312948

>Do all baristas do this?
no, non-retarded baristas use different size pitchers for different milk drinks.

>> No.19312989

I hate goffee.

>> No.19313011
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>> No.19313058

>roasted today
how am i supposed to use this information

>> No.19313065

Roasted today only means one thing

>> No.19313077

but that one thing changes every day

>> No.19313108

Its like shouting into the void. Everyone once in a while someone shouts back.

>> No.19313173
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You suck cock and shit up this thread

Lighter roasts let's you taste more of the beans flavor and darker roasts can hide lower quality beans and super dark roasts are burnt. Plus le redd*t tier experts needing shit to talk about.

However it doesn't matter because it's whatever you enjoy because it's roasted bean juice at the core.

tl;dr market trends and faggot snobbery

>> No.19313225

What french press recipe can /ctg/ recommend?
Been getting awfully inconsistent results the last few weeks, even considering my lack of a scale and controlled temperature kettle.

>> No.19313445

does anyone still have the pic of the guy drinking coffee out of a jar while squatting on a table?

>> No.19313514

it's time to invest on precision scale

>> No.19313579
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Kek. Just stumbled across it again last night. I was going to use it to start the thread actually but the trabatti dipshit beat me to it.

>> No.19313584

thank you, i reset my phone so all the pics i took on it are gone

>> No.19313642

that was a good thread.
i wonder if he ever came back

>> No.19313653
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>Buy measuring spoon set with 1 Tablespoon and meaure 1 1/3T per 8oz of water (convert to metric if needed)
>Bring kettle to boil
>When it whistles/boils, take it off the stove and let it sit for one minute
>Put your in between coarse/medium grounds in press
>Pour hot water into press over grounds
>After four minutes, use wooden spoon/chopstick to gently stir the grounds to let them sink
>After 5 minutes, plunge
>Pour slowly at angle and don't pour the very last bit into the cup
>if you want to reduce more sludge pour grinds on paper towels lightly press, and then pour off the grounds leaving the micro grounds on the paper towel

that's about as autistically detailed simple I can do for the best french press results.

>> No.19313706
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>> No.19313744

The delonghi recommendation is better though. The anon asking isnt a coffee autist that wants to spend 45 min preheating his fucky gadgets. They want european cappuchinos at home made easy. Dont force your fetish on others

>> No.19313776

What are you sipping on these days?
Stop trying to steer people to shitty espresso. Dedicas are $252 on their website right now and still he'd need to buy a grinder. I gave him a rec for the $200 budget.

>> No.19313792

i haven't had much good gogo juice in a while, but i'm moving soon, and hope to save up for a delonghi espresso maker. might hit up the local coffee shop and get some beanz on saturday though, since the girl has the morning free

>> No.19313793

Hadn't heard of that maker before, was just going off of what I saw on Hoffman's videos.

>> No.19313810

>shitty espresso
What do you think he got in his cappichinos in amsterdam anon?

>> No.19313814
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Wouldn't it just be better to use a Moka pot with a good grinder and go out to a cafe for espresso if you can't drop at least $1500 for a lower end machine?

>> No.19313822

take the moka pill
except most people are too retarded to learn how to actually use a moka
especially since the inventor himself didnt even know how to use it
and italians in general are incapable of making good coffee.

>> No.19313827

Something he could easily mimic with an $80 kingrinder, $99 flair, and french press for
>I dunno $200?
He could get a stilosa and kingrinder, but he'll probably be back here bitching in a week.

>> No.19313838
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>> No.19313843

Moka deez nuts

>> No.19313859

can you do french press without the equipment?

>> No.19313862

I can french press your mom with my equipment.

>> No.19313878

Depends on the cafe.

>> No.19313972

4 moka pots

>> No.19314044

Yes, I have just a glass caraffe. 100 budget on your grinder and pure enlightenment coffee-wise. Do the hoffman method or just a cupping style brew and pour carefully. Its a joy to be free of gearfaggotry and overextraction

>> No.19314128

It's never better to use a Moka. They make shit coffee.

>> No.19314138

skill issue

>> No.19314181

>syrupy body
what does this word mean? do you expect tea-like body when you read the word?

>> No.19314190
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Walk to your local coffee place here >>19314161 and buy some equipment, man.

>> No.19314210

what the fuck are you talking about
do you not know what syrup is?

>> No.19314216

yeah i know, but there are many kind of syrup with different texture

>> No.19314228

shes so fat bros...

>> No.19314301

she's already married right? then that's good

>> No.19314320
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Told you months ago that she's in the Caitlin road path. Caitlin is 29 and has a TBI. Morgan is 24 and is from USA

>> No.19314338


>> No.19314378
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>Dedicas are $252 on their website
You also have a TBI or are you from USA?

>> No.19314431
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>I want Italian espresso
>well I can't afford the setup for a pressure coffee maker
>should I buy a $400 piece of shit that will break?
>should I buy a $4000 lifetime piece of equipment because I love goffee?
>should I just settle for a French/Aero Press or Pour Over or Moka and then buy goffee from a place that has a commercial espresso machine?

Seems like the last choice would be better than le $200 espresso machine that can't even into espresso

>fuck captcha Mr. Asian moot

>> No.19314442

>It's a morning shift at Starbucks is all the bitchy 20-something wom*n episode who think they are hot shit for working at Starbucks in a rural area.

>> No.19314447

>40s heating time
>barista quality
>small footprint
flair virgins on life support and delonghi about to pull the plug

>> No.19314521
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>> No.19314537
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She's 43 btw.

>> No.19314542

you can always tell who lives in the flyover shit holes because it's a mind blowing event when someone over 23 years old still looks reasonably fit and attractive

>> No.19314563
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>> No.19314584
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>the year of our Lord 2023
>not accepting that social media has changed the wall process
>pictures get out quickly to show the cracks in the wall
>we are able to see the trailer trash to aristocrat women hit the wall in real time because of the nature of social media

>then some probably SoCal city faggot thinks that doesn't play at part in it.

>> No.19314624
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Cool it with the anti semitic remarks.

>> No.19314729
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>5-10 years in the future
>come on /ctg/ to post
>you have to understand dark roasts are clearly superior
>you don't get enough flavors with light roasts
>it was clearly manipulated by big coffee for people who can't handle dark roasts
>everyone is buying French roasts and Indonesian jungle roasts
>KWAB, he only drinks light African beans

>15-20 years in the future
>come to /ctg/ to post
>LOL, he actually drinks dark roasts
>enjoy your BURNT coffee
>you obviously know nothing about coffee because you need to understand you can't taste the bean if you over roast
>Indonesian coffee is such a meme, you need floral and light tastes to enjoy coffee

>> No.19314833 [DELETED] 
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Why do you hate us so much? What have we ever done to you?

>> No.19314991

You're really suggesting buying used delonghis from random Amazon sellers?

>> No.19314997

Meant for

>> No.19315069

rate this french press procedure, I find it is better than the hoffmeme
>pour hot water
>stir moderately aggresive for 3min
>leave it for 1min for grounds to go to the bottom
>pour out the top coffee through a paper filter

>> No.19315072

Sounds like a high agitation full immersion switch brew.

>> No.19315096

>stir aggresively
Might as well go instant.

>> No.19315108

Kill Whites, All Bastards ?

>> No.19315113
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>drink goffee
>enjoy goffee
>life status: gud

enjoy your goffee frens

>> No.19315225

It's nothing like that, dark roast tastes good and isn't necessarily burnt. You can actually burn coffee beans and then they taste horrible to nearly anyone.

I don't prefer cheap beans either. I can enjoy a quality light or medium roast and when I have the money for a higher quality dark roast I taste the difference and enjoy it.

To me "you're tasting the roast not the bean" is a flawed way of thinking. The flavor of deeply roasted coffee is a unique flavor and it literally brings out more of the coffee's oils - which have a flavor. Dark roasted coffee is covering up some flavors and bringing out other flavors that are coffee flavors, and as worthy of enjoyment.

It can subdue differences but there's a big variation in dark roast and unless you're a meme company selling the MANLIEST DARKEST HARSHEST ROAST, you can definitely still taste a difference in the quality of coffee. I think people overestimate how much more roast "covers up" flavor because they're not used to tasting it, or it's because most people are drinking bad coffee that's dark roasted and using a lot of additive.

Not that anything is inherently wrong with additives anyway.

>> No.19315230

Based timemore c2 poster

>> No.19315244

I wish, I don't have that much extra money for coffee. I use a hand grinder I got through a free program that already has a huge crack in the base and takes 5+ minutes to grind anything.

I enjoy trying different pricier coffee rarely, but mostly stick to meh tier stuff. I switch between roast levels for fun.
The light roast stuff I can get at a nice shop is cool and all, but I don't think coffee has to remind me of apple juice to be real coffee. The way some people talk it's like acidity > bitterness is an objective law of the universe and not just a preference.

>> No.19315286

So you're comparing poorly extracted dark roasts to even more poorly extracted lights? Strange. Post grinder.

>> No.19315346

my after dinner goff was pretty good
i then passed out immediately and have just woken up 9 hours later.
my uncle is traveling to italy and will visit the E&B Lab personally and will bring home a gift.

>> No.19315506
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Killers (of the) World, All Brown.

(((10 grams of coffee))) in a plastic (((K-cup)))

>> No.19315873
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based goffee enjoyer

>> No.19316363


>> No.19316417

Did you miss the part where I mentioned getting nice coffee outside my house? I dont take the coffee I make at home as truly representative, its just as good as I can manage for a daily cup.

>> No.19316428

>don't have that much extra money for coffee
>The light roast stuff I can get at a nice shop
Its probably not that nice of a shop bud.

>> No.19316539

>I gave him a rec for the $200 budget.

Not that anon, not about coffee, but anons should really stretch a budget if you think it'll save another anon from buying twice.

>> No.19316552

Theres a difference between irregular expenditure and buying $16 bags every week or two

>> No.19316558

to add on to that, $16 is as cheap as "better than the grocery store" gets

>> No.19316600
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Its nearly the exact setup I ran and loved for several years, at half the price. I'm not recommending random gear. The guy wants to run 9bar med-dark roast european cafe profiles. My suggestion will do it and much more, but he'll have to deal with milk on his own.
Sounds like some cope. Stop with the irregular cafe visits, save up for a decent grinder and try to learn a bit. I'm real curious about the hario skerton tier grinder you got for free. Please post it. I'm guessing tiny ceramic peppermill burrs.

>> No.19316622

I'll post it later, it's late here and lighting is bad. Got it from Amazon.
>try to learn a bit
I'm always happy to learn and taste more of coffee anon, but I really don't think it's ever going to make me into a dark roast hater.

>> No.19316656
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>Can't take coffee with me at my new job
>Have to wait until I can buy a bigger moka to make goffee to go

>> No.19316732

>I really don't think it's ever going to make me into a dark roast hater
I think having proper tools to prepare your coffee will give you way more perspective. Just post the link.

>> No.19316846
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A wider range of coffee I enjoy won't render naturally enjoyable flavors into bad ones. It's not like Im championing Folgers or instant coffee

>> No.19316870
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Anon please. I really don't want to make fun of you. Don't pretend to be in a position to evaluate coffee. I'm not even going to bother posting the hand grinder chart.
>Stop with the irregular cafe visits, save up for a decent grinder and try to learn a bit.

>> No.19317122

>out of sugar
>have to drink instant coffee as is
dark times ahead...

>> No.19317281

Whats up with coffee? Why is there no consensus on it?

>> No.19317299

It's a genre not a specific, narrowly focused thing.

>> No.19317480

yeh im thinking its goffee time

>> No.19317492

>Why is there no consensus on it?
Because consensus would mean that you don't get to spend hours on the internet engaged in bitter, hate-filled flame wars to validate your obviously superior opinions and thus provide some sense of self-worth (otherwise lacking).

>> No.19317569

you are a retard
leave this place and never return.

>> No.19317575

yep, thats a good goffee

>> No.19317585

Everyone likes to drink their coffee their own way, why would there be consensus on something mostly subjective?

>> No.19317621
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I'm drinking mine as i type. Mine is maxicomf. I expect yours to be aswell.
Enjoy your goffee bros.

>> No.19317767

thoughts on the timemore c3 pro? thinking about picking it up as the hario skerton i am using right now is kind of all over the place in grind size

>> No.19317769

should i make a cup of mud rn bros? I only have some shitty dunkin groumd stuff

>> No.19317770

Who the fuck cares

>> No.19317780
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Greetings /CTG/ i need your wisdom,
I make my coffee in a machine that my parents bought with beast that my parents buy, and I don't intend to change that. I think it's pretty good, but I wanted to know if you have tips on how I could improve the flavour without changing the machine and beans I use? Idk all of the names but what i do is usually get a gulp of milk in the cup, use the steam cock thing to get the milk puffy and add coffee to that, no sugar. Sometimes instead I'll do only coffee nothing else in one cup and a glass of water with it to clear my mouth between sips, I think this is normal shit. What can I do to improve my experience? The machine I use looks like picrel

>> No.19317798
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Good to see fellow instant fans

I used to drink ground coffee from a french press or Aeropress, but nowadays I'm too fucking lazy so I just drink instant. Yeah it doesn't taste as good but it's still fine.

Also I drink decaff most of the time because I don't like too much caffeine. I think it makes it harder for me to sleep at night.

>> No.19317800
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>a machine that my parents bought with beast that my parents buy

>> No.19317852

Is there some compound in coffee that makes you go poop?
Even two decaf espressos make me empty my bowels

>> No.19317860

Each sack of coffee is unique.
There will never be a consensus because every coffee is unique.

>> No.19317909


>> No.19318003

Kingrinder k4 or k6 will be a better bet.

>> No.19318005

I meant beans :(

>> No.19318010

Ja, itz called shittinium-8, zehr povervull conpounde

>> No.19318025

Caffeine does that yes but you're very sensitive. Having breakfast works too (if that's when you're having coffee) and is actually very healthy as the activity of your intestines is one of the core elements of your biorythm.

>> No.19318081

Another decaff drinker here, I'm not sure if it is the caffeine, because I also need to shit after decaff coffee, and it makes me need to piss all the time too

>> No.19318090

unfortunately it's almost twice the price of the timemore where i live. what makes it that much better?

>> No.19318110

The burrs. K4 and K6 use 48mm burrs from the J and K line from 1zpresso. C3pro uses a smaller 38mm set of the burrs in the chestnut x. Where are you located?

>> No.19318188

austria. i assume larger burrs grind faster or is there more to it?

>> No.19318260
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Thats one aspect of it, but different burr designs will give you a different focus/presentation on flavors. The "industry standard" comandante uses a 38mm set, but its so well liked that 1zpresso knocked it off in the same 38mm size for their q2, scaled it up to 48mm for the K series, and those same 48mm burrs have trickled down into the kin k6. Timemore takes a different approach. Instead of knocking off "better" burr sets, they're actually designing them inhouse. They're not too popular comparatively. This video gives a decent rundown of some hand grinder burr "types" and how they taste. You have to figure you'll be using whatever you buy daily for a couple years, so don't shoot yourself in the foot.

>> No.19318613
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i hate this meme so goddamn much

milk is the sugar Anon

Consensus is

>Fresh Ground > Pre Ground > Instant

>Commercial espresso machine > press or pour over > drip machine > Pod system > home espresso machine

everything else is opinion and shitposting

>> No.19318615

I just made a homemade iced mocha, was very tasty

>> No.19318638

I've found it really hard to go back to Bellarom after I tried Nescafe Gold when it was on sale in Lidl. Might give it another try to remind me exactly what was wrong with it

>> No.19318663
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I've a faith loss moment bros.

I've been enjoying coffee made with my moka, I started with pre ground coffee and stepped up my game initially by buying freshly roasted blends and then I got a grinder I use to ground my own fresh beans whenever I want, I aimed for the highest experience possible.

The problem is that I bought a bunch of different mono origin coffee from different roasters, they're as fresh as they go, but I don't really enjoy this coffee and I feel very bad for this.

The extraction technique is fine, I think, it's only that the coffee doesn't taste as exciting as what there's written on the label on its package, I feel like it's ok but I'm stuck drinking a pack of beans until it's time to switch to the new one.

Help me for I need to understand if the issue here is the moka, as in I reached its limits and it can't make better coffee, or if it's the coffee that I simply don't like and therefore have to keep on digging for the right one for me

I started this journey using the moka pot because it was the inexpensive route for me to understand if coffee was my thing, but now I wonder if I should jump to espresso and try all the coffee I had with the moka but using this method.

I'm depressed, maybe I put too much effort into this hobby to help me drag out of the abyss I'm swimming in...

>> No.19318714

>i hate this meme so goddamn much
It's not a meme, I just can't be bothered with brewing coffee these days, you have to wash up the french press, it's too much hassle, so I just use instant

I always buy store brand because it's like half price of what Nescafe costs. Because yes I'm a cheapskate and I like saving money.

>> No.19318743

you can use cupping extraction and compare your beans
enjoy the journey anon, cherish it

>> No.19318764

Its the moka. Also buy better beans.
>mono origin
Go back trabatti.

>> No.19319009

Listen to >>19318743 you are living your goffee journey. Cherish it.

>> No.19319017

>Reminder to always make goffee with a shirt on if you aren't using a machine.

>Just ground some dark EyeTalYen roast beans
>Brewing as we speak
>Going to enjoy in about 6 more minutes.

>> No.19319043

And the goffee is 100% on point.

Hope everyone has some good goffee tonight/morning

>> No.19319053

I'm going to origami some gesha with my dick out.

>> No.19319057

I just want to know if the coffee I’m making is what the coffee I bought should taste like, only in that moment I would be free to move on.
I need to taste my coffee made by another moka and/or by another person.
I don’t know, I’m so depressed and full of uncertainty that sometimes I just want to stop doing everything and scream.

>> No.19319085

Do it. Scream. You can scream

>> No.19319089

Dry your eyes. He's going to email you back eventually.

>> No.19319112
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Have certainty that screaming is fully allowed.

>> No.19319139

>get the solution to your problem
>completely ignore it to bitch and moan
Kill yourself.

>> No.19319199

Breville Bambino and a k4, a little closer to $300 but should get you started.

>> No.19319208

Where are you getting a bambino for $220? They run about $350.

>> No.19319255


>> No.19319279


>> No.19319301

Not in the slightest.

>> No.19319742

>exciting as what there's written on the label on its package

>> No.19319749

>Its the moka.
only skilless hacks cant make good coffee with a moka.

>> No.19319782

Only skillless hacks use mokas aussienon.

>> No.19319783

Thanks for the recipe, anon.
Finally got a chance a to try it today and turned out pretty decently.

>> No.19319888

takes one to know one faggot

>> No.19319904

What are some good beans to try? I'm new to drinking coffee and I usually just buy Trader Joe's beans.

>> No.19319908
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Sip your goffee and apologize. Maybe Mom will buy you an espresso machine for christmas.

>> No.19319918

you are welcome Anon.

You may have to play with grind and coffee to water ratio to fine tune it.

>> No.19319922
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>> No.19319944
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im deep in goffee depression

>> No.19319949

he may be blunt, but he is correct.

>> No.19319951

skill issue

>> No.19319961
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>prep/set up
>(not taking at every step)
>smelling beans
>writing notes about what you smell
>start filtering water
>bean prep
>hand grind
>take notes of the smells created during grinding(if you have a hand grinder that isn't closed, usually vertical crank table top grinders drop the grounds into a vessel meaning the fresh ground coffee will fill the air as you grind, this smell can depend on what you did for bean prep)
>slightly agitate grounds and smell
>take notes of the smells
>take notes of the smells while brewing
>rest brew after it is finished while you clean up what is available to be cleaned up at that time(shouldn't take more than a couple minutes)
>smell brew
>take notes
>taste brew
>take notes
>drink brew while reading over todays and yesterdays notes
>write a conclusion and hopes/inspirations for the next brew
>clean up rest of the items used and the rest of the kitchen
avg time: 45 minutes.

steps and time may vary depending on brew method
this list was based on my moka pot routine.

yes, very autistic
also i like to read my notes to my psychiatrist each week.

>> No.19319967

look at him melt
he does this every time he gets even mild pushback.

>> No.19319975

Pushback on what? Both mokatards are actively trying to move up to espresso.

>> No.19320050

oh i see, you are confused.
im not trying to move up to espresso because i think its better or that moka isn't good enough its because i want to experience everything coffee has to offer, i want to be able to take anyone's recipe of technique from here and replicate it so i can have more involved conversations, i want to be able to learn more and grow more so that if someone needs help i can actually engage with them and actually help them because i have to tools necessary to troubleshoot problems with them.
right now i love my moka and i love my rok, but i want to be able to do everything.
also i highly doubt i will be getting a flair any time soon like that shit is years away.
i will be doing pour over much much sooner than espresso.
simply because its cheaper to get into.

also it seems you cant follow this conversation, the pushback is you saying moka is bad and i pushed back and said no its good, you have a skill issue.
maybe you need some goffee :)

>> No.19320072
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>you saying moka is bad and i pushed back and said no its good
So you get how having no other frame of reference available would taint that statement right? You enjoy moka because thats all you have access to. That's going to change as soon as you scrape together enough good boy points for mommy to buy you some loveramics cones. I'll be here to help you out when the time comes :)

>> No.19320105

I live in Europe. Are you jealous of my ability to go to a good coffee shop any time I want? Well I never do it. I prefer the taste of coffee that hasn't been prepared by an alt dyke that I want to kick in the throat. So i drink coffee at home.

>> No.19320123

>You enjoy moka because thats all you have access to.
no i LOVE moka because i love the process of making coffee with it
my passion is driven for my love of the process and the techniques required to make good coffee.
i enjoy the process of making coffee the same if not more than i enjoy drinking the coffee at the end.
i didnt start on this journey because i liked coffee i did it because i loved how simple yet complex mechanism of the moka
how with no moving parts with just the mechanics of boiling water and certain shapes and materials it can create coffee.
the first coffee i had ever had was really shit coffee my sister made in a cheap moka.
but after i saw how it was used, how even in primitive, clumsy, uncaring hands it could still make coffee, that the mechanism still functioned.
it was at that moment i knew i had to master this machine.
and yes i enjoy the coffee it makes and i am passionate about having good quality beans that make the coffee at the end taste good.
the higher quality the coffee is the more room there is to see mistakes in myself, it grants me much higher resolution to analyse my technique.
it could be that i hate the process of pour over or espresso or whatever else and because of that i refuse to make coffee that way, regardless of how it tastes.
but i won't know until i get there.

>> No.19320125

>good coffee shop
lol, lmao.

>> No.19320128

look at him melt
he does this every time he gets even mild pushback.

>> No.19320137

I mean yeah there are none. That's what I said. Because I can't enjoy the coffee if I'm mostly preoccupied with the need to rape/kill the barista

>> No.19320144
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>made another dark roast
>half got too cold
>3:1 milk to cold coffee
>tsp stevia
>stir into a chocolate-like cold java goffee milk.

>> No.19320149
File: 143 KB, 1440x1080, 1_1f063b2ff3f2b9059c0a55d2812d2743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark roast
>gold gava goffee
Sounds amazing anon. Mind sharing more of the recipe and technique so I can recreate it later :) ?

>> No.19320154

actually a cucked reply.
you aint got shit to say so you just copy what i said to you?
pretty pathetic ngl.
you NEVER see me fucking saving shit you say.
but here you are every other thread copy pasting old shit i say because you cant say shit for yourself.
you wish you had even a fraction of the passion i have.

>> No.19320173

>you NEVER see me fucking saving shit you say
You do realize I was the one who brought
into the /ctg/ vernacular right? You've been stealing my shit for nearly a year now. The point stands, you got some mild pushback
>Its the moka
and sperged out. Again. You'll do it tomorrow night too. I'm guessing the thrill of buying hoffmann approved novelty dosing trays has already worn off and you're spiraling into anger and depression. Again.

>> No.19320185
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I'm going to make goffee now

>> No.19320196

so many generals on this site devolve into a contest of who can piss off who the fastest.


>> No.19320205
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I'm going to drink the goffee now and no one can stop me tehehe

>> No.19320212

Riling up austistic anons is like shooting fish in a barrel. I should be getting kickbacks from his psychiatrist.

>> No.19320213
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The Jews are uploading my pictures upside down :(

>> No.19320216

How is the goffee in Australia?

>> No.19320217

Looking good anon.

>> No.19320228

Its a little more acidic than I'm used to, but I'm pleseantly surprised how nice the taste is. It's bloody good goffee mate.

>> No.19320249

>You do realize I was the one who brought
>into the /ctg/ vernacular right? You've been stealing my shit for nearly a year now.
this is your claim to fame...
holy shit thats sad anon.
you should make some moka goffee to cheer up :)

>> No.19320251

>from his psychiatrist.
i stopped going

>> No.19320257

It's actually the highly referenced grinder chart you sperg out about not having vertical cranks on.

>> No.19320265

how about you reread through the entire discussion again.
you were the one sperging.
im sure you have it all saved on your computer.

>> No.19320266

Your schizo mind deceives you. Think about calling that psychologist again.
>you NEVER see me fucking saving shit you say
>Actually I've been quoting you every chance I get for the last year :)

>> No.19320394

from what i read, the K4 would be the better choice if i tend towards medium to darker roasts? both have the same adjustment system and burr geometry as far as i can tell. i assume the difference in taste is due to the titanium vs stainless steel burrs? i'd rather buy a "good" grinder now than half-ass it desu

>> No.19320430
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The k4 is basically a 1zpresso jx, which is a chinese clone of the kinu m47. K6 is a comandante/1zpresso K. Both are in identical bodies with the same adjustment. Generally speaking, the k4 is an "espresso" focused grinder. Think high texture high body coffee. The k6 is a "filter" grinder. Think lower body, lower texture, but higher clarity and flavor separation. However the k6 will still make great espresso, and the k4 will still make great filter coffee. Its all going to come down to your specific tastes and preferences.
>i'd rather buy a "good" grinder now than half-ass it desu
This is the right attitude. Window shopping is free. Do a little more research and snag something you like. I made great coffee for years with an m47 phoenix.

>> No.19320622

recommend me beans

>> No.19320634

natural process burundi kibingo.

>> No.19320742

It's hot again /cfg/ time for japanese iced coffee

>> No.19320837

You really should go.

>> No.19320863
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It's best if you take your meds anon.

>> No.19320922
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Made goffee.
Drinking & enjoying goffee.
Life is gud.

>> No.19320945

>goffee and vitamins at the same time
uhhh anon?

>> No.19320967

Get a refurb flair pro and pressure gauge

>> No.19320973
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Excellent attention to detail anon. Worry not the vitD was taken earlier. It's a subliminal message for depressed moka-frà.
Finished goffee but the taste lingers in my mouth.

>> No.19321059


>> No.19321080

Maybe the depression is telling me that I should stick to the darkest Italian roasts that make me feel at peace with my soul.
There’s nothing like a syrupy, pitch black, caramelish and choccky cup of Italian coffee that tastes just like the one you drink at bar with a fresh cornetto on the side.

>> No.19321126

thanks for the help!
after doing some more research i went with the K4 and somehow found it on the japanese amazon page for a way better price. guess i'll have a nice grinder next week

>> No.19321229

How do I became Alberto Trabatti?
I mean, I don't want to steal his image and persona, I just want to become the local coffee memelord in my area and use it an excuse to dress stylish and have my own place filled with coffee equipment and coffee related objects.

I won't like, it all started when Trabatti anon posted that moka pot tie and pochette, I was really impressed.

>> No.19321231

*How do I become
*I won't lie

Holy shit I'm losing brain cells

>> No.19321720

Glad to help! Let us know when you get it and we'll get you on track to brewing great coffee. You've already picked a better grinder than most regular shitposters here.

>> No.19321740 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19321744
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>> No.19321936
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New toy today

>> No.19321961

making some espresso are we?

>> No.19321980

An excellent choice. Hopefully you don't spiral into depression like the other mokanons.

>> No.19321986

Was the ILSA mokapot purchase a lie? I need to know.

>> No.19322006

i hope you bought some lavazza to go with it!

>> No.19322045

>French press for happy days
>Moka for depressing days
>K-Cup for fuck it all days

Only ground Lavazza at the store, so no.

>> No.19322084

I drank 5 cups today while traveling all day and am currently having a great goffee turd at home. Coffee just keeps on giving.

>> No.19322089
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Redpill me on the wacaco picopress (140€).

>> No.19322111

A purchase you'll regret once the novelty wears off.

>> No.19322116


Which gadget should I buy to imitate espresso?

>> No.19322118


>> No.19322123

A $4000 commercial espresso machine

>> No.19322128

It'll make fine espresso, but you're going to work for it.

>> No.19322130

But only if you're poor. For some chump chang get yourself the Sanremo You. $7500.
It's makes for a tolerable experience.

>> No.19322155

>Sanremo You

If you drink $20 worth of coffee daily, it would pay for itself under a year.
>You can always keep an eye out for restaurants closing and buy a commercial machine on the cheap.

>> No.19322160
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Add 90€ for picrel.

>> No.19322165
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>Reddit: the brand

>> No.19322168
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>being so poor you worry about ROI

>> No.19322170

how do you know if a restaurants are closing their business?

>> No.19322173
File: 34 KB, 471x472, 1549831555098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not purposefully making the restaurant you work at close so you can buy their coffee machine for cheap

>> No.19322180

>based and 4D chess-pilled goffee Anon.

>> No.19322193

I worry i know the answer, but how would you know?

>> No.19322199

The brand's image, all their videos and the products themselves, the faggotry about "third wave coffee" and all these extremely reddit tutorial videos with people with beards and tattoos teaching me how to make coffee.

DISGUSTING and homosexual.

>> No.19322203

Anon, most businesses close within a year. Just take a ride around your hood.

Scope out coffee houses, Italian restaurants, cafes, bistros etc. Looking at (((Faceberg Marketplace))) or even craigslist for kitchen equipment.

You want to avoid the professional liquidators of kitchen equipment. There are rarely any good "deals" unless you are buying a lot.

>> No.19322207

The decent is the only viable home (and travel) gadget

>> No.19322215

Please blindbuy a poorly maintained commercial machine. Worry about plumbing in your hard water line later.

>> No.19322224
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>> No.19322227

No decent no buy.

>> No.19322229


>N..NO! You can't heckin' buy a USED machine! You need a NEW machine with a heckin' warranty.

>> No.19322241

>Used commercially
are two very different things. Post machine.

>> No.19322244

This>>19322224 is my setup.

>> No.19322271

Valid commercial setup. It's the flair marketing head's setup. Geranium runs them preheated and unplugged for table side service. If its good enough for three stars, it'll probably work in your kitchen.

>> No.19322276

Kino but its somehow funny that you have a manual espresso machine and battery power for the accessories. And its not even a travel machine. This is jus a very nonsensical setup. The more I look the worse it gets, I may have to retract the kino

>> No.19322317

That's a lot of coffee

>> No.19322325

If you drink $40/day, it's as fast as six months.

>> No.19322331

I've got a flair58 but thats not my setup. I think its based they sell an official battery now. That Varia vs3 grinder runs off a dc power brick so I think works fine off the flair battery.

>> No.19322346
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x658, casual camping goffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19322403

Real desu

>> No.19322406

>just made my first Moka after washing out all the aluminum machining shavings
>used some medium-fine italian roast
>nearly burned hand trying to screw on top while preheating water
>pulled before the gurgling
>gurgling started right as I started to pour thick goffee
>pretty good cup of stronk goffee
>should have bought the 6 cup, but get to practice some more on the personal cup

Would like it a lot better if I had a gas stove, fucking electric shits.

>> No.19322414

I eat the bean then shit it out and sell it as human shit out coffee

>> No.19322424

Enjoy your goffee.

>> No.19322493

I did friendo.

I think I need to buy a Moka pot set of channellocks to hold the reservoir while screwing on the carafe.

>> No.19322533

why did you choose goffee instead of tea?

>> No.19322566

I didn't. Goffee for cozy mornings and lazy afternoons, comfy tea sessions at night.

>> No.19322567

Because I hate Indians so much it hurts

>> No.19322749

Incredibly based Vitamin D3 enjoyer

>> No.19322768


>> No.19323556

New thread

>> No.19323560

I've been using one for a week now. It's good if you need portability but a bit of a hassle for a daily driver. If you already have a hand grinder and want to go mobile and would have access to boiling water then sure I would recommend it but only if you plan to make it for yourself. As soon as you want to brew for multiple people forget it, just get a v60 or something cause it's a fucking pain in the ass dicking around with the thing just to get some goffee.

>> No.19323591

seems fake and gay

>> No.19323599

if you don't pour in a counterclockwise spiral into your cone filter it just doesn't come out right something about that specific gravity of the situation
sort of like toilets flushing in the various hemispheres

>> No.19323608

>he doesnt pour water in the shape of pagan runes
enjoy your tained coffee.

>> No.19324469
File: 364 KB, 1080x1080, 1665975400330303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19324721

please tell my your autistic ass is on the front range and that you're also desperately lonely and want to meet up for coffee

>> No.19325144

Useful if you only want one espresso or two in a day. I like it because I can take it to work and I don't really need all of the autism a regular machine brings.
I get good goffee out of it, but like other anons said you will work for it.
It can't really get the pressure necessary for light roasts with true fidelity but it'll get you reasonably closer for how much you're paying. If you really want a more "full" espresso experience save up for a machine. You you want one or two solid espresso in a day and don't mind putting in the effort. I like mine for strught shots or iced machiattos. I replaced the filter basket with an IMS competition and got a puck screen. Not totally necessary but gets the most out of the machine.

>> No.19325287

Is that Switzerland or Germany or something? Looks cool

>> No.19325986

Which IMS basket specifically? I have a 51mm IMS basket (DL2TH26E) I was using on another machine and I thought it would fit but the rim is a little bit too wide.