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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19297974 No.19297974 [Reply] [Original]

Either modern or historical

>> No.19297980


>> No.19297982
File: 59 KB, 800x1200, pizzarolls-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WV pepperoni roll gang checking in

>> No.19297985

How did WV, the most hick state actually join the North? It babbles my mind

>> No.19297988

Backwards, reactionary shithole. The fact the first serious post is about pepperoni bread tells you everything you need to know about their cuisine and culture.

>> No.19298003
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Don't mind me, just mogging my way through
Poor white hill people didn't own slaves

>> No.19298004

Because most of Appalachia were abolitionists
Look at how they voted in the 1800s, all of Appalachia voted completely different to the rest of the south

>> No.19298010

No slaves, not their problem, not their war
Same with walker, winston, and cullman counties in alabama

>> No.19298013

I get it now, they were hard scotch irish mountain people, they didnt need slaves

>> No.19298018

More the fact that the mountains weren't good for cash crops so there wasn't any point in slavery

>> No.19298023

>/ck/: food and history
Best board

>> No.19298030
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Haha yes

>> No.19298051

having moved here from memphis which is a new orleans-lite cultural(trade) hub, yeah it's disappointing. it's like alternate universe even shittier The South, no redeeming qualities outside some skilled brewers and craftsmen/machinists, and i don't drink

>> No.19298069

Please go back to memphis and get shot by a basketball american. We don't want you in our mountains.

>> No.19298071

if only you could send this message to all the carpetbaggers, californians and co who move here, buy all the property and supplant the local population

>> No.19298077

>In the quivering fooooor-est
Jokes aside, consider that the geographic Appalachian mountain range actually extends north into Atlantic Canada, and arcs around the Atlantic rim into Scotland, then south into west-North Africa.

>> No.19298121

Is the Piedmont part of Appalachia? My ex was from there and insisted the area was Appalachia but the dumb cunt's family said that it's just its own thing (which my ex claimed they do because they think they're better than the hillbillies from Appalachia proper).

>> No.19298134

You don't need thousands of slave hands inna mountains.

Appalachia really doesn't have a cuisine. It's mostly typical Scots-Irish and Bong food.

>> No.19298142

I think it's probably it's own, yet related, thing.
Many large cities exist in that region due to the geography, whereas properly appalachian settlements will be culturally distinct due to less flow of resources and people from the east.

>> No.19298144
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This fried and hush puppies
some beer of course

>> No.19298145
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>> No.19298148

yeah but it tastes better than either of those.

>> No.19298149

the sackler specialty... truly a fine cuisine

>> No.19298151

post nose

>> No.19298171


Not, not really

>also the hillbilly myth was basically all the upper class gentry in Appalachia trying to seem more sophisticated when Yankee started coming down in the late 19th century for the health benefits of mountain air.

>> No.19298178
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Leather britches

>> No.19298183

>haha look at the dumb hillbilly junkies said the Philadelphian as he drove past Kensington Ave.

>> No.19298187
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>> No.19298191

I think I’d rather just use her as a sex save instead of cooking and eating her

>> No.19298192 [DELETED] 


He should have posted a picture of meth. City slickers use opiates whereas hillbillies love meth.

>> No.19298359

Fair enough. I didn't really have an opinion on it not being from the US at all, but I thought it was an odd thing for a family to argue about.

Anyway, if my ex' family are any indication of what they cook and eat in Appalachia as Appalachia-adjacent people, then it seems to be lots of stewed dishes of various sorts with drop dumplings. And a lot of surprising use of tomato. Tomato cobbler, for example (both sweet and savoury versions), or adding tomato to biscuits and gravy (which they'd make with bacon instead of sausage for some reason).

>> No.19298363

The opioid "epidemic" started in West Virginia, tho.

>> No.19298371

Yeah that anon doesn't know shit, that whole region is completely btfo by both opiates and meth

>> No.19298586

Up until year 2000 they voted Democrat because WV is a very pro-union state. That changed because they decided to vote against their own interests and since 2000 they've increased their poverty rate by three fold. Republicans vote against their own interests and accuse others of what they're guilty of every time.

>> No.19298606

all of your politicians are the same shit

>> No.19298634

>Doctors across the USA weren't writing opioids RXs like candy
>It wasn't intentional either
>The US wasn't in control of vast opium fields either

>> No.19298842

>pepperoni & bread, italy
>pepperoni & bread, rural america

>> No.19298913

Holy fuck I want to lick her rank pussy after sweating out in the heat.

>> No.19298925

>has to make up a scenario to get mad at because he can't stand the truth

>> No.19299008

Nice. A genuinely informative answer. I bought some heirloom green bean seeds this year and the packet said something about drying them for "leather britches". I was terribly confused. Now I know. Thanks anon.

>> No.19299017

WV was carved from Virginia. Their goal was to avoid the war that the north was starting with the south. They're sorta-kinda like switzerland in that respect. When the war ended, they didn't have to deal with reparations much, either. Good people, just hope they can avoid the influx of fags from DC that's currently plaguing Virginia, North Carolina, and Maryland.

>> No.19299161

They are very Christian and did not believe in slaves. Only jews and greedy atheists owned slaves in the south. Only 2% owned slaves.

>> No.19299228

I have family in Alabama that eat racoon all the time...

>> No.19299239

I travel through Appalachia and generally try to bring my own food where I can. The grocery stores are stocked with kinda cheap crappy food mostly. You can't get the same kind of fruit, bread, hot dogs, sliced turkey. It's all kinda not as good. And the restaurants tend to have big menus and very little creativity and just are processed foods. There are exceptions, great ones, but they are exceptions.

I'd go with ramps. I have a bunch and need to use them up. They are wild spring onions you can buy them at gas stations and convenience stores in the spring in the country in some places.

>> No.19299281
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>Commodore McDooley's Seasoned Sugar Cain Liquor
Spare no expense.

>> No.19299289

Sure, /but it started in West Virginia/.

There is no "pepperoni" in Italy.

>> No.19299297

Just the best. Amazing hot, amazing room temp, amazing cold.

>> No.19299305

that's not true either
it started because the US restricted drug imports from afghanistan to punish the soviets,
afghanistan was producing most of the morphine rich poppy supply
instead, production changed to thebaine rich poppies, thebaine cant be directly abused by itself, and tasmania came to produce the raw material for these semi-synthetic drugs (oxycodone, hydrocodone) that now dominate the market because they are cheap to produce and evade drug importation quotas because thebaine isn't as strictly regulated
this is a product of drug laws and it didn't happen just in one place
WV just had a lot of of older retired manual workers with severe pain and very few physical therapists, and pain pills are cheap
nobody forced WV people to take pain pills

>> No.19299311
File: 73 KB, 640x640, 8c62268760df218752c0265b8d72b517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eastern NC posting:
>Roasted or barbecued pork seasoned heavily with apple cider vinegar, salt, red pepper, and hot sauce
>Cole slaw (Minced raw cabbage with yellow mustard, sugar, and mayonnaise)
>Fried corn bread fritters (Hush puppies)
>Brunswick stew (Vegetable soup with chicken meat cooked down into a paste)
>Fried chicken.
>Stewed potatoes.
Good stuff, lads.

>> No.19299321

purdue /went out of their way to target kentucky and west virginia/ as testing grounds for what they could get away with to create demand for percs, oxy and fentanyl
soviets ain't got shit to do with it since they werent even a thing anymore in 1995 lol

>> No.19299402

this started well before that
in 1981 the dea restricted importation of afghan poppies to 20% of the total poppy import or less

>> No.19299403
File: 108 KB, 500x281, 9989F865-F279-4846-91EE-DAA29204ED1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Northwest New Jersey. The best part of Appalachia.

>> No.19299543

That's nice, dear. But the opioid epidemic didn't happen until the mid 90s. : )
I guess we should be blaming Odysseus, too. Fucking lotus-eaters.

>> No.19299601

>Eastern NC
Eastern NC is swamp and barrier islands, not mountains.
Good stuff, sure.
But what would possess you to post it in this thread?

>> No.19299641
File: 220 KB, 1200x1800, A477FA63-E314-4453-A56C-DD6871DCE15D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Country Ham, red-eye gravy

>> No.19299664

Rebs were plantation owners larping as landed gentry, and their pet wagies. Appalachia was not involved.

>> No.19299734

WV gets a lot of fundamentalist Christian transplants instead.

>> No.19299737

It didn't happen overnight it was a gradual process stemming from changes in government policy
trying to pin it all on purdue is ridiculous, many groups had their hands in the honey jar:

>> No.19299759

Thank god, something better than godless degenerates from New York.

>> No.19299781

Most normalest /ck/er

>> No.19299826

Is this where paulie and christopah got lost?

>> No.19299827
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I don't really have the courage to try making this.

>> No.19299880

how is it different from stromboli?

>> No.19299892
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I live within 15 minutes of the mountain range, but PA dutch culture drowns out the appalchian culture. Those mennonites have pretty damn good cooking, most is standard country dishes but some unique stuff like chicken corn rivel soup. Although all their stores also have this jar of whatever the fuck this is on sale

>> No.19299987
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pecan rolls and peach nehi

>> No.19300058 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 430x640, 8bfcc39171930d92f6c241ec4b35e644--hippie-love-hippie-gypsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, /out/ checking in. I've done Appalachian Trail '12, '14, '19, and I'm preparing to start my first post-COVID journey this year--so I know what I'm talking about. My trail name is Dank Turtle, though you AT veterans might also know me as Bogey or Dirty Dan! Anyway, us Appalachian folk mostly survive on a combination of trail mix and organic kombucha that we get at the regular trail outposts. Some "old-school" guys might go fishing or even hunt (yuck) but that's not really part of Biden's America, ya dig? If you get really desperate you could always forage for bark and grubs (Thunberg approved!), but it's always safer to just wait for the next town where your official TrailCrate™ will be waiting (guaranteed delivery by Amazon Prime). My last TrailCrate™ featured some certified fair-trade chocolate from ethnic minority artisans in Oregon--including a few CBD edibles since much of the Trail is now in Legal states! That's really appreciated, because we Appalachian folks really appreciate a little "relaxation" at our weekly Rick & Morty watch parties. That's right, the Trail is now 90% covered by 5G (essential for HD Insta vlogging). Anyway, I encourage you to visit our humble native land, to partake of the smash burgers and extra-hoppy IPAs, and please just politely ignore any of the ancestral troglodytes who might not be driving EVs.

>> No.19300068

Don't mention it pard'ner

>> No.19300076
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>> No.19300098
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>The opioid "epidemic" started in West Virginia
uh Florida prescribes 6 times more Oxycodone than all other 49 states combined.

>> No.19300113
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this shit

>> No.19300130
File: 664 KB, 767x699, Screenshot 2023-05-22 at 05-37-26 fried okra - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fried okra

>> No.19300147

a true conservative christian

>> No.19300228

>they're dumb, poor, addicted to drugs, marry their 12 year old cousins
>but at least they believe in god!

>> No.19300235

yup, it's Florida

>> No.19300301

Umm based

>> No.19300309


>> No.19300312

You are not very smart.

>> No.19300315

Good to know that the oxy-fueled opioid epidemic happened before oxy even existed. Damned junkies. Travelin' through time and shit. Oughtta be a law!

>> No.19300327

i dont live in WV with a crippling pill addiction, so no thanks

>> No.19300335

Thanks for the input John Oliver

>> No.19300339

The "they won't eat helffy!!" guy? Isn't his name Jamie Oliver? I remember cuz that's a bitch-ass name.

>> No.19300340

They are different people, retard

>> No.19300358
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This is you

>> No.19300365

I don't know who that is. Did I miss an episode of Stranger Things or something? Looks like an Upside Down version of Tucker Carlson.

>> No.19300369
File: 404 KB, 800x399, Screen Shot 2022-02-04 at 11.59.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know
gotta piss with the cock you got

>> No.19300370

oh the two scoops guy

>> No.19300386 [DELETED] 
File: 319 KB, 769x765, dff76gl-3b7e98c9-30cd-4dc3-a25b-3c18e7161bfa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know who that is. Did I miss an episode of Stranger Things or something? Looks like an Upside Down version of Tucker Carlson.

>> No.19300388
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ITT: butt injured anons crying about a region that they've never been to

>> No.19300470
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the best pizza i have ever had, and i have been across the world. i am currently stationed in germany (serving israel) and the few times i have been to italy, the pizza does not compare to back home. who would have thought that the faggoty pizza that is all sauce, barely any cheese, and burnt all over the crust is not worth the hype? props to any of you lucky enough to live near a defelice bros pizza joint.

>> No.19300478

inb4 "eww cold cheese"
the cheese isn't cold you fucking idiots. there can be other cheeses on pizza aside from mozzarella. the appalachian pizza from the ohio valley follows traditional roman style tray pizza recipies that the immigrants brought over here forever ago. the cheese is provolone, and it melts entirely differently than mozzarella. it tastes better too.

>> No.19300493

i'm not going to say anything about that pizza, i'm just going to recommend to travel more and try other places

>> No.19300498
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>> No.19300509

The North moved in shiploads of union soldiers and held a rigged election to split from the rest of Virginia, in which the soldiers all voted

>> No.19300515

>union backing democrats abandon coal miners and in favor of environmentalist policies that shut down coal mining
>miners start voting repub “against their interests”
lazy, do some research

>> No.19300516

best post
apples and oranges anon

>> No.19300525


>> No.19300536

The coal industry in WV employs less than 15k people. Don't fall for the "coal industry is a huge part of our state" astroturfed meme.

>> No.19300576

Republicans push for deregulation, giving entire towns cancer and sending toxic chemicals downriver.
Oil killed coal, not "environmentalist policies".

>less than 15k people
About 12k in 2021.

>> No.19300655

>>miners start voting repub “against their interests”
>lazy, do some research
looks like they've done a great job keeping the coal mines open! >>19300576

>> No.19300680

>they've done a great job keeping the coal mines open
>They've done a great job poisoning/killing themselves and their neighbors for the sake of a handful near-poverty level jobs.
When did this board become /pol/?

>> No.19300713

Mine the coal
Pay the toll

>> No.19300879

Pepperoni rolls are just bread, pepperoni, and most of the time cheese is involved.
Stromboli has a bunch of shit in it. Both are from basically the same region of the US though

>> No.19300901

>Pepperoni rolls
Don't they normally have sauce too?

>> No.19300906


>> No.19300924

i think that guy was being sarcastic bub

>When did this board become /pol/?
oh holy kekaroni, you haven't seen any of the seed oils/vegan/any other remotely political food topic threads have you?

>> No.19300929
File: 30 KB, 480x270, 641E1FB8-AFC1-4854-8735-05DBBA31A531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s a pepperoni, capicola, provolone roll

>> No.19300936

id eat it

>> No.19300948
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Was this heated up in a microwave? The pepperoni look like they were thrown on after the fact. God damn the absolute state of flyovers

>> No.19301034
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With onions cause I had them handy

>> No.19301040

roadkill isn't bad, if you can't catch anything I mean, most of the time it feels better to kill random squirrels and deer and shit so it doesn't feel quite as diseased (not that you should eat deer, they can give you a lot of REALLY bad disease, but I guess all of it could) but i've never eaten raccoon. is it good? i live in pennsylvania so deer and squirrel are easier to find just running around.

>> No.19301044

Moonshine, ramps, rabbits, hot water corn bread, chicken. My grandfather was from the smoky mountains, he used to say there were cannibals down there so I guess people too.

>> No.19301070
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It was not heated up in the microwave. The cheese does not melt like mozzarella because its provolone. Provolone is a drier cheese, it isn't as oily as mozzarella so it doesn't melt as well or leave as much grease behind. The pepperoni is also a different than standard type. The pizza shops back home don't buy the supermarket shit. Ohio is far from a flyover state.

>> No.19301073


>> No.19301078

Because GI Joe is too lazy: DiCarlo's Pizzeria near Columbus, OH

>> No.19301083
File: 82 KB, 1080x1080, ohio-valley-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is called Ohio Valley style pizza

>> No.19301090

>but i've never eaten raccoon. is it good?
they're known for eating literal trash, so take a guess

>> No.19301095

I want to make impossible racoon, is jackfruit right for this?

>> No.19301103

that's fine if it's not mozzarella, i've made pizza without mozzarella before and they did not look that bad. there's too much cheese on it and it looks unevenly heated. if i was served that, i'd be insulted

>> No.19301141
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>> No.19301154

Not baked into them, if you want sauce you cut the roll open and add it yourself. Ideally with peppers that were grown and canned by someone you know.

>> No.19301186

No Charlotte is not Appalachia

>> No.19301194

What about Pendleton?

>> No.19301203

Absolutely not.

>> No.19301233

Biggest city in Appalachia?

>> No.19301248

Yeah, according to ARC, it looks like you're absolutely right.

I thought the place looked a bit too flat to be proper Appalachia, lol

>> No.19301253

My grandfather came from the smoky mountains, his mom had a hut on top of a hill that they all lived in growing up, and he'd go back there and stay for up to a half of the year in the summer. He said they would occasionally find stacks of human bones in the woods. Said the sheriff would make his way up there like once a year with pictures of missing people that they thought may have been traveling through the area in the last several months. I asked him if he ever recognized someone from the pictures and he got this fucked up look on his face and stopped talking about it. He did say it was dangerous where they were at, not just the miles of wilderness or the wild life but he said people would walk off the sides of the mountains at night not knowing where they were going. I guess they climbed like 30ft into a vertical cave because their brother fell in it. He also said people would take corners too hard going around corners in their cars and just go flying off the roads. Basically just saying that it made sense for a relative lot of people to disappear in that area. But he said they would be out in the woods and find stacks of bones, not like a mountain lion got after someone or a snake bit them and they just dropped dead.

>> No.19301262

Because they weren't cucks and actually worked their own land and did shit for themselves. Unlike the terminally cucked plantation owners with their soft hands

>> No.19301265

It is indeed based

>> No.19301267

I am going to try this at home tonight

>> No.19301269

>I asked him if he ever recognized someone from the pictures and he got this fucked up look on his face and stopped talking about it.
My dad had that same reaction after I asked him if he'd ever killed anyone.

>> No.19301271
File: 88 KB, 600x485, betos-cuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pittsburgh. Here is Beto's Pizza in Pittsburgh.

>> No.19301272 [DELETED] 
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1000, 4531A1AA-FC2D-4126-A6C1-0724E6638464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re dancing up retarded liberal viewpoints as “pro-white and Christian” when all you’re advocating for is abolitionist nigger-loving BS. (Same thing kikes did with MLK in public school after that nigger got put down). There is NOTHING WRONG with stronger intelligent people owning others. You naturally have a queer drive towards equality but still want to sound “friggin based” so you try to claim that Jews were the only ones that owned slaves despite the fact that southern Antebellum was one of the golden ages for whites. Your mindset suggests you come from slaves as well.

>> No.19301274

>they're known for eating literal trash
So are pigs.

>> No.19301280
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>> No.19301311

>By 1950, some 125,000 West Virginia coal miners lived and worked in more than 500 company towns built to house them and their families.
do you think the people don't remember prosperous times?

>> No.19301325

I checked, and YES, SAUCE (Tomato Puree (Water, Tomato Paste), Water).
But there's more chemicals in here than an Olympic swimming pool:
Enriched Flour (Wheat Flour, Niacin, Ferrous Sulfate, Thiamin Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid), Tomato Puree (Water, Tomato Paste), Water, Cooked Chicken Pizza Topping Pork Added (Sausage Made With Chicken Pork Added [Mechanically Separated Chicken, Pork, Salt, And 2% Or Less Of: Spices, Sugar, Hydrolyzed Soy And Corn Protein, Maltodextrin (from Corn And Tapioca), Caramelized Sugar, Soy Flour, Yeast Extract, Natural Flavors], Water, Soy Protein Concentrate, Textured Vegetable Protein [Soy Flour, Caramel Color], Sodium Phosphates), Imitation Mozzarella Cheese (Water, Vegetable Oil, Modified Food Starch, Rennet Casein, Contains Less Than 2% Of: Citric Acid, Guar Gum, Potassium Chloride, Potassium Sorbate [Preservative], Salt, Sodium Citrate, Sodium Phosphate, Titanium Dioxide [Artificial Color]), Vegetable Oil, Pepperoni Seasoned Pork, Chicken, And Beef Pizza Topping (Pork, Mechanically Separated Chicken, Water, Soy Protein Concentrate, Salt, Contains 2% Or Less Of: Pepperoni [Pork, Mechanically Separated Chicken, Beef, Salt, Contains 2% Or Less Of: Spices, Dextrose, Pork Stock, Lactic Acid Starter Culture, Oleoresin Of Paprika, Flavoring, Sodium Ascorbate, Sodium Nitrite, BHA, BHT, Citric Acid], Spices, Dextrose, Oleoresin Of Paprika, Sodium Ascorbate, Garlic Powder, Natural Flavors, Maltodextrin, Sodium Nitrite, Lactic Acid Starter Culture, BHA, BHT, Citric Acid) Contains Less Than 2% Of: Modified Food Starch, Rehydrated Fat Free Mozzarella Cheese (Water, Skim Milk, Cheese Cultures, Salt, Enzymes), Sugar, Salt, Modified Whey, Defatted Soy Flour, Spice, Citrus Fiber, Methylcellulose, Onion Powder, Potassium Sorbate (Preservative), Rehydrated Enzyme Modified Cheese (Water, Milk, Cheese Cultures, cont...

>> No.19301328

Salt, Enzymes, Citric Acid), Dextrose, Maltodextrin, TBHQ (Preservative), Natural Flavor.

Fuck me with a 2x4.

>> No.19301343

Yeah that has nothing to do with the current situation

>> No.19301351

>Only 2% owned slaves.

>> No.19301363

Uh-oh anon... maybe...grampa...sweet old gramps...

>> No.19301378

The pinelands are in southern NJ though

>> No.19301385

Meds time!

>> No.19301401 [DELETED] 


I find it amazing that Amerifats will eat this shit. They'd even eat it if you let them watch the process. If you combined all of these various chemicals - powders, liquids, probably fucking gases and shit - then mixed it in with enriched flour and stuff. They'd be drooling.

>> No.19302229

Maltodextrin, TBHQ and Titanium Dioxide are pretty much the only things that are actually bad the rest of it just sound scary because you're a moron that doesn't realize " Potassium Chloride" is literally just a electrolyte that you need to survive

>> No.19302263
File: 361 KB, 400x400, 1675292413785861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REAL west virginia shit right here

>> No.19302270
File: 1.79 MB, 3024x4032, Mothman Legacies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think maltodextrin is bad, it's pretty common in baking. I'm pretty sure I use titanium dioxide as a polishing agent though and you are not supposed to put it in your mouth. Not that guy though.

I didn't live in West Virginia long and only along a travel route, so the only local stuff I got was fried fish. Which I don't mind because I've spent a ton of my life in Minnesota and miss it dearly. Never trust a man or woman who doesn't love freshwater fish.

>> No.19302277

The decline of that industry corresponds to the economic decline of these communities. It has everything to do with the current situation you numbskull.

>> No.19302307
File: 62 KB, 1100x731, Mothman-02_ZH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mothman Pizza

>> No.19302309

GABAGOOL you fucking hilljack

>> No.19302316
File: 145 KB, 596x680, ED1Ax0KW4AEfX4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't look like the Mothman though

>> No.19302325

It reminds me of the death of Detroit. If the local economy dies, a place will turn into hell. It's not as simple as just everyone moving out of a city or region for new jobs, many people can't or won't do it for a variety of regions.
That's a funny gimmick and the pizza looks like it has a great crust.
Okay that one looks more like something from the freezer section.

>> No.19302347
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its only bad in the sense the it spikes your blood sugar 10x worse then actual sugar or corn syrup

i don't care for fresh water fish but i'm from south Florida where i can get freshly caught Atlantic sea food so its kinda hard to hold a bass up to swordfish

>> No.19302356

Goyfish productions seems a bit on the nose

>> No.19302406

Those conversions are supposed to allow you to kill fish up to 100 feet? The military pistols that work underwater only good for a MAX of 50. Granted, you're killing fish, but shit isn't linear and that has a higher capacity.

>> No.19302437
File: 3.66 MB, 360x202, 35da41.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they eat a lot of black bear in the Smoky's

>> No.19302442

The heat of the pizza melts the cheese.

>> No.19302455

>the few times i have been to italy

You bought tourist pizza, didn't you

>> No.19302470

my grandfather told me he used to eat it (poke sallet) but he refused to teach me how. He told me it was tough to get it cus it grew wherever it wanted and you couldn't plant it, but I said to him we had some growing in the yard. I said let's cook some up. He said no. Fuck boomers. His pop taught him how, you're not gonna teach me though? Too much effort? Fuck you. Mom always was afraid we'd get bullied for our accent at school. You know, our LOCAL accent. She was bullied in school by some carpetbaggin teacher. Fuck you. I fucking hate america. I fuckin hate yankees. I want them all to die comin over here and killin our culture teachin us not to pass it along.

>> No.19302480

piedmont touches appalachia and there's some overlap

>> No.19302486

WV has always been fundamentalist Christian so they're welcome

>> No.19302490

If it /is/ true, and I'm not saying that it is, that would mean that each slave owner had an average of 33 slaves each, which sounds accurate.
3,5000,000-4,000,000 total slaves in the south.
5,5000,000-6,000,000 whites in the south, 2% of which would be 110,000-120,000 IE 29-36 slaves each, which averages to about 33.

>> No.19302494

I'm gonna move to the mountains eventually. Once I have enough skill to be a respectable mountain man.

>> No.19302498

>ctrl f "scrapple"
>no results found

>> No.19302818

not appalachian but where i live bear sausage is a real fine treat.

>> No.19302938
File: 284 KB, 818x1152, reading comprehension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point is that there's so fucking many of them, not that any are poison.
Learn 2 read.

>> No.19302949

This is a long shot, but I remember about a year or two ago there was an anon describing his bizarre experiences living deep in the Appalachians for some field work or something like that. It was well written and unsettling. I’ve tried searching the archives but nothing.

>> No.19302956

Not either of them, but I really doubt:
>Only jews and greedy atheists owned slaves in the south
For starters, it seems unlikely 2% of the south weren't christian back then.
Also, both the old and new testaments support slavery.

>> No.19303016

Too poor to own slaves. That's literally it. East Tennessee (also in appalachia) tried to break off the same way but were too far south and their plan got foiled. There were other places within the south that remained anti-secession but they were usually smaller, those are the two big ones. Also note Kentucky stayed Union

>> No.19303019

>so fucking many of them
so what? because of American labeling laws you can't just list pepperoni you yo must list everything in that pepperoni

so pizza-rolls ingredients can't just say:
tomato sauce
which is already a long list without listing each sub ingredient

>> No.19303556

Give us a QRD at least

>> No.19303694

It's a PA Dutch thing, not Appalachian. If they eat something similar in the hillcountry, well that's just swell, but I don't think it would be called the same thing. See: goetta.

>> No.19303697

>Only jews and greedy atheists owned slaves in the south.
This isn't even remotely true.

>> No.19303723

You gonna try serving Israel at home? Maybe with a shakshuka, but certainly not with pizza.

>> No.19303735

Cannibals again?

>> No.19303741

Especially considering that Jewish people in the American south, who at the time were mostly Sephardic IE not the bagel-munching New York stereotype Americans think of when they think "Jew," made up about 0.4% of the total confederate population. Furthermore, Jews of the time weren't typically moneyed and therefore couldn't afford a single slave nevermind a plantation; many entered the US by indenture.
As atheism was extremely taboo in the mid-19th century, this would imply that the vast majority of this supposed 2% were church-going Christians.

>> No.19303742

>peach nehi
I used to call it neh-hee, turns out its called knee-high.

>> No.19303743

Is this some Mormon-Appalachian dish?

>> No.19303745

Maybe Anon's talking about the guy who was doing a linguistic and anthropological study of the region describing how some of the people, those living on government programs and without proper employment, had so much free time that they basically just spent their days doing fucked up shit like torturing a bear. He described how one family basically made a picnic out of watching their dogs fight a black bear who was too fat and slow to climb up a tree to get away.

>> No.19303748

You're thinking "Nephi," IINM.

>> No.19303751
File: 29 KB, 512x512, d3fcac91706153dcc3e2234058409593_large[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a peach flavored soda from Georgia.
>Is this some Mormon
I legit thought it was a Utah based thing too but nah, originated in Georgia.

>> No.19303793

i lived there for years
i don't think the cannibalism cultural rather just your typical psychopath without the typical city infrastructure that would lead to him being caught

>> No.19303801

Is Justified in that kind of place? Or you are talking about remote mountain people

>> No.19303802
File: 1.31 MB, 3024x4032, 20200815_1055396972442667922132411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bottles used to actually be knee high

>> No.19303808
File: 94 KB, 811x527, 1673927946331628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to think WV was some podunk shithole state full of rednecks and mutants
>find out that its actually a beautiful state that's full of neat history
>find out that its used as a dumping ground for toxins by godless chemical corporations and the politicians who let them do it in exchange for money

>> No.19303819

I get it now

>> No.19303823

neither, psycos exist everywhere but they are a lot more likely to get caught in a city with witnesses everywhere and nowhere to hide a body unlike a psyco in buttfuck nowhere Appalachia stumbling across a random hiker

>> No.19303845

23andme must be the worst nighrmare for these typer, they could get caught 20 years later because some distant relative decided to take a test lmao

>> No.19304918


>> No.19306279

i guess there's not enough mountain folk around here either that or someone shot down the internet lines AGAIN trying to shoot a bird

>> No.19307191


You have to harvest it before it starts to turn red and then boil the shit out of it several times to leech out the poison. I don't want to risk fucking it up.

>> No.19307660

>someone shot down the internet lines AGAIN trying to shoot a bird
The irony being that, IIRC, WVU was the first school in the US, if not the world, to take applications online. When I read that, I imagined the Mtn Dew hillbilly from the old, ancient ass bottles going "nao wut in tarnation is uh own lonn??"

>> No.19307682
File: 379 KB, 570x405, Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 08-09-55 Mtn Dew hillbilly - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19307687

He lost his right pinky toe to diabetes.

>> No.19307695
File: 43 KB, 428x612, gettyimages-168790069-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because hicks didn't own slaves. Slaves were owned by descendant of bong nobility. You know the people who were taught they are superior due to family magic and should be ruling over others.
My in-laws are one of those families, they still get invites to the royal functions because they are 9000nth or so in line of succession, their DNA tests shows grand-grand-grand pappy raped some slaves. They feel like shit about it, but it makes me kek. Same ways I'm part German, great-grandma always spoke fondly of German troops about how they were honest and traded tools for food unlike Russians. Later I found out I'm 1/8th German, so yeah, guess one of them traded his hammer for her loaf of bread.

>> No.19307718

>9000nth or so in line of succession
Are you George Santos? lmao
That's not how the line works. First and foremost, they must be direct descendants of the electress Sophia of Hanover. Secondly, they must be in full communion with the church. Furthermore, the line is nowhere near that long. The longest, though wildly inaccurate (since it doesn't take religion into account) list of potential successors is shy of 6000 people. For example, when Prince Philip was still alive, had he outlived Elizabeth, he would have never been eligible to the throne for two reasons: 1) he is not descended of Sophia and 2) he was baptised in the Greek Orthodox tradition rather than Church of England.
Next, the Kreugers who, other than Archie and Lilibet, are the Americans with the highest position in the line (somewhere like 100th, IIRC) and they don't even get invites to "royal functions."
You really ought to come up with more believable bullshit.

>> No.19307734

They just don't like you and hide all the good stuff in hopes that you'll get board and leave.

>> No.19307738

Yeah, there's a tonne of agriculture in the mountains. West Virginia, famous for its agricultural exports. Not mineing, not digging into the earth to remove valuable rocks.

>> No.19307856

Really need a qrd on red-eye gravy. I've never tried it. If Yanks do red-eye, I never met one who made it.

>> No.19307905

red eye is best with strong af coffee made in a mocha pot. otherwise its the same as normal brown gravy, sub a quarter or half the water for the coffee

>> No.19307933

Skinwalker steak

>> No.19307953

Oh, the irony.

>> No.19307956

That's for frozen pizza rolls that come in a bag in the freezer section at your local groceries. Pepperoni rolls and pizza rolls aren't the same thing at all. Look how much time you just wasted. Jesus christ, kid.

>> No.19308023

shall attempt one day

>> No.19308095
File: 816 KB, 6600x5100, bqx8okesdwu71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The northwestern part of West Virginia, where most of the population lived, was very pro-Union. Southeastern West Virginia was much more pro-Confederate. When the vote for statehood happened, the most pro-Confederate counties weren't allowed to vote. What schools don't teach is that West Virginia was not universally pro-Union. Over a dozen of my West Virginian ancestors served in the Civil War, and all but one were Confederates.

>> No.19308128
File: 1.09 MB, 9900x7350, 1861-Statehood-Referendum-As-Share-of-Voters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19308143
File: 553 KB, 796x582, Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 11-12-59 redneck history - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those words had different meanings back then

>> No.19309196

You're literally just lying.

>> No.19309204

it wasn't red yet and I had looked up exactly what you said online cus I had taught myself bits and pieces of foraging. I said "I looked it up and learned you have to boil it blah blah" and all he did was "yeah cus it's poisonous if you don't boil it" and that's all he said. The issue here is the complete refusal to transmit information without prying their jaws open first.

>> No.19309352

>Is the Piedmont part of Appalachia?
No, saying that Raleigh/Charlotte/etc. are part of Appalachia is retarded
t. Ashevillian

>> No.19309526
File: 29 KB, 367x500, 1554770221476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asheville is Appalachia-lite
t. Robbinsville

>> No.19309586

Shall I get the 1860 census records to prove the point or do you want to simply move your goalposts to something wholly unrelated now and save us both some time, faggot?
Or, you could prove me wrong and find me a single Ashkenazi Jewish family from the time who owned a slave-run plantation. I'll wait.

>> No.19310079
File: 171 KB, 1024x514, Screenshot-2023-02-10-at-1.42.21-PM-1024x514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ashkenazi Jewish family
so the Jews of Spain and Portugal don't count only the ones from Germany?

>> No.19310148

You are not very smart.

>> No.19310162

genuinely kill yourselves
im so tired of retarded retards existing and being retarded and wrong all the time like just end it both of you

>> No.19310164
File: 24 KB, 640x448, 1554732451946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enlighten me

>> No.19310303

Stay the fuck out of my restaurant

>> No.19310315

Don’t try to downplay the opioid crisis bigot.

>> No.19310700
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>> No.19310705

boone county mating call

>> No.19310712

Bear jerky is good, also had some bear burgers that weren't bad, pretty greasy though. It's also kind of weird skinning a bear at first because it looks a bit like a skinned human.

>> No.19310847

Have you tried diet and exercise?

>> No.19310853

Crazy yo!

>> No.19310976
File: 1.46 MB, 1198x852, Screenshot from 2019-12-31 22-30-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have found that diet is overrated and overall almost inconsequential to weight loss provided that you aren't a complete glutton also exercise is a poor substitute for actual hard labor

>> No.19311035

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.19311119

In our family we always made red-eye gravy by putting in instant coffee granules AFTER you had cooked the country ham, then adding some water and stirring it up. It was pretty thin so adding some sort of starch or thickener would probably make the texture better

>> No.19311590
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Kilt lettuce
Stale cornbread in milk
Fatback/streaked meat
Peanuts and coke
Dr Enuf
Soup beans
The meaty parts of an appalachian trail hiker

>> No.19311812
File: 248 KB, 850x400, disaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that thread

>> No.19311845

It's simply deglazing the pan with strong coffee after cooking country ham. That's it. Big slabs of ham with the bone still in and a fair amount of fat work best. Biscuit slices don't make enough fond usually because they cook too fast.

>> No.19312092

Nah, that's a southwestern dish, you would want the moth-man burger.

>> No.19312148

The Pine Barrens aren't part of Appalachia. It's basically a giant sand flat where only pine trees can grow. If you want Northern NJ Appalachia kino I recommend Out of the Furnace

>> No.19312345
File: 1.98 MB, 2074x2500, 1656610767057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the lack of historical accuracy in that depiction of Admiral Nelson

>> No.19313456

>Also note Kentucky stayed Union

because kentucky is horse country, instead of larping as landed gentry they larped as knights.

>but muh tobacco

you dont let filthy negro hands touch your precious tobacci.

>> No.19313471


>> No.19313763

this looks surprisingly good, but that's only because i like cold (or partially melted) grated cheese.

>> No.19313842

pimento cheese?

>> No.19313927
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>> No.19314633
File: 160 KB, 799x533, A9CA3325-3897-4D07-A62A-4E1C36FFEE2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s pepperoni rolls with a little wedge of artificial crab meat inside

>> No.19314685

>seafood in pepperoni rolls

>> No.19314720

>i have found that diet is overrated and overall almost inconsequential to weight loss
glad to know you're a complete and utter mental midget

>> No.19314768

>Implying Christians don't contradict the Bible's teachings constantly

>> No.19314831

>I fucking hate america.
Then leave and get the fuck out of my country. Take your loser inbred genetics with you

>> No.19314886

mothman eggs are delicious.

>> No.19314897
File: 548 KB, 1993x2048, mothman..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's the Mothman burrito

>> No.19314908

Basically just giardiniera by appearances.

>> No.19314925
File: 2.19 MB, 1200x1600, 1664356507353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon Wrapped Venison Backstraps.

>> No.19316666

that shit is delicious, there's a gas station near me that makes the best ones I've ever had

>> No.19316679

that sounds gross. is this sum amerilard shit?

>> No.19316694
File: 73 KB, 800x450, Bacon wrapped meatloaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based as fuck
pic is bacon wrapped meatloaf

>> No.19316698

no it's a pimento cheese sandwich

>> No.19316711

Yeah, I don't think there is something more Appalachian than wrapping kind of game meat in bacon and then roasting it.

>> No.19316722


I've made vinegar pie a few times.

It's a simple custard pie in the same family as things like shoofly pie, pecan pie, and chess pie, except that the key ingredient is vinegar (usually apple cider vinegar), which adds some nice sourness. I did it with balsamic once, which completely invalidates the point of it being poor people food, but honestly I preferred with apple cider.

For my money, I'd rather use lemon juice (making lemon meringue pie, basically), but it was still nice for some variety...even though I couldn't get anyone to even try it once I told them what it was.

>> No.19316740

honestly if i never eat a mature male boar again in my life i'll die a happy man
my grandfather would eat roadkill with a smile but even he grimaced when that pig hit the plate

>> No.19316911

>no it's a pimento cheese sandwich
i thought you meant they make pimento cheese at the gas station. that would be gross af and very american

>> No.19316915
File: 83 KB, 1024x536, Wild-Boar-Meat-Vs-Domestic-Pork3-1024x536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it that bad?

>> No.19317352
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, 1666400197408489.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it can be
usually the older males

>> No.19317367

Eastern Ky here
Soup beans and cornbread
Fried pork chops and fried potatoes
Super cheap ramen
These are the things that feel the iconic of what I ate growing up.
Peach Nehi is definitely a part of my childhood like others have pointed out.
Floyd County

>> No.19317412

I lived ten years in central Appalachia I never saw anyone do any agriculture there. Unless you’re counting the areas outside the hills. Which are the only areas that are flat enough

>> No.19317420

>Nehi part of my childhood
>Floyd co
How old are you??

>> No.19317422

You didn't see people do corn patches beside their houses?


>> No.19317433

No. Not unless you count that one farm in burnaugh. Every time I helped dig holes for people all you get is rock, not really good soil to farm in but then again I mostly didn’t leave Lawrence co

Where do you work?

>> No.19317444

What's it called

>> No.19317459

>if you don't like globohomo destroying everything america has built, you should leave!

>> No.19317478

if i ever get to move back to the US it'll definitely be to Appalachia. Peak SOVL

>> No.19317484
File: 2.33 MB, 3264x2448, DSCN0855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird in the Smoky's every house had a garden with a few rows of corn, tomatoes, peppers, okra etc.

>> No.19317496

You do realize there are different peoples and terrains in Appalachia. There was once a government program of giving people in southwestern wva goats because someone figured you can’t farm here but you could have herds of animals. That never even started. Basically the area that hugs the river from pike county ky to Ohio border and from Lexington to Charleston wv is it’s own specific area within Appalachia that is even more different than the rest of Appalachia

>> No.19317501

Maybe it depends on the type of boar and where it lives. Doesn't American have some other species of boar that's weird and tiny and unlike ours? Skunkpig, it's called, I think.
I'm from Italy. Boar is top game, second perhaps only to female ibex (and that's only if you're the sort who likes its extremely strong flavour).

>> No.19317504

Real talk, would you forever get treated like foreign carpetbagger/Californian taking advantage of cheap real estate? (Some of us are flaming autists, and I'm not sure how many West Virginia coalmen watch Naruto, much less would appreciate the gender-swapped Naruto vinyl on my JDM Subaru.)

>> No.19317517

they do make it at the gas station, they're delicious

>> No.19317527

You might be surprised. In the coal miners union, our local has monthly anime watch parties, usually followed by drifting contests on the SICK mountain twistys. The local cops dgaf and usually even block off the roads to cheer us on while downing a few of our illegally-imported Strong Zeros. The sheriff is a little tsundere, but I won him over after writing a J-pop style ballad about his oldest daughter's daisy dukes, you might think it sounds ecchi but it was so sincere, I posted an AMV to Youtube, we're actually engaged to be married this summer. Japan has a strong appreciation of Mountain culture, there is more commonality than you think. We are building a full Appalachian-Nipponese crossover house with onsen, zen garden, moonshine still for high-powered sake, the works. Being a West Virginia Weeabo is truly the best of both worlds.

>> No.19317534
File: 33 KB, 236x330, 54bfeca38f4b7e835e9ae75fa3ceec3a--great-smoky-mountains-buildings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on what they eat
back before the blight the wild boar fed exclusively on American chestnuts and were rumored to be better then Iberian pork which fed on acorns

>> No.19317551

They must have tasted like ours. Boars in Italy (outside of ones that live in or near cities) mostly eat chestnuts and acorns in the autumn and shoots, leaves and tubers during the rest of the year. Also truffles and mushrooms.

>> No.19317555

The song "Country Roads" was a super common song for Niplets to learn on piano in the 70s through the 90s for some reason. idk ytf Nipnong parents forced their kids to learn piano that way, but that was the thing.

>> No.19317574

Checked. Joking aside, I have encountered similar unexpected familiarity with that song in other foreign lands. Props to John Denver I guess. As kids we knew West Virginia primarily as the butt of stupid jokes. As adults we learned about the profound beauty, the even more profound sadness of generational poverty (lacking the benefit of urban poverty's PR campaigns), the deep immigrant history ("America before America" shit), the almost unimaginable environmental destruction, and through it all, the normal lives of normal folks who were born there and don't really get what all the memes are about. (Plus cheap cigarettes, hoorah.) In summary, if you are from California, FUCK OFF, they're full.

>> No.19317586

>generational poverty
You make it sound simple. As if some people can’t be blamed for troubles of their own making at all. I know of a technical trade school that literally drives the students all over the place for free. But most can’t be bothered to get a trade. Why work when you can do oxy or heroin? Don’t give me shit about opioid crisis either. It’s been like this since 50s. They would do pill parties even then.
West Virginia has tons of problems and a lot of those problems are people shooting them selves in the foot.

>> No.19317632

now this is a fanfic i can get behind

>> No.19317639

This. If you need any further evidence, consider: exit polling at the 2020 elections indicated that at least 86% of West Virginian men were Asuka-fags. Even if you factor in their genetic predisposition toward gingers due to Scots-Irish ancestry, that clearly indicates a problem. By their very nature, Asukafags enter into problematic relationships KNOWING THAT THEY ARE PROBLEMS but unable to resist due to low impulse control and the desire to be dominated. FFS, there was even a petition to change the WV state motto to "The Asuka State", fortunately it was quashed in lower assembly due to most petitioners being unable to sign their legal names. It's true that blue states (Rei states) have their own problems, but at the end of the day, who do you think could really be trusted to run to school with your toast in their mouth?

t. Misato-chad, don't even have a a dog in this race

>> No.19317664

Fuck off

>> No.19317697

What r those??

>> No.19317706

Pepperoni rolls and ramps

>> No.19317712

>bottled swamp water

>> No.19317971


>> No.19318006
File: 43 KB, 550x413, 087464A4-8FCE-443D-A74F-00D40DE3155F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chili dogs with cole slaw

>> No.19318108
File: 14 KB, 386x366, jlpq2gdaahc11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asukafag is butthurt
wow who could have guessed

>> No.19318226

I think the mines closing is what changed the poverty r8 m8 but nice b8

>> No.19318291

Mines stayed open till well into 2013 or 2015. That poverty rate is a result of inflation.

>> No.19319613

spaghetti bread

>> No.19319806
File: 361 KB, 1381x1609, 7DD3292D-F29C-43A6-A42B-DEEAD3F39A63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 9 grams of shrooms recently and it was pretty nice

>> No.19319815
File: 123 KB, 1125x643, A06E7322-9A17-4C9B-A736-FB40AE2913DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna buy cola with shrooms, DMT, THC, and lsd in it all simultaneously.

I wants



Y’all well aware what I want

>> No.19319886

Brunswick stew with game animals