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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19305802 No.19305802 [Reply] [Original]

Just made this and I'm really proud of it. What have you made recently that you're happy with?

>> No.19305808

>spaghetti with ketchup
>Oscar Meyer ham
>cold, unmelted Kraft 'mozzarella'
Ask me how I know you're a depressed alcoholic

>> No.19305833
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You know, one minute in the microwave and it wouldn’t be half bad.

>> No.19305963

whole wheat spaghetti with tomato sauce and cream, mozzarella beginning to melt on top, and two slices of smoked ham from the farmer's market

It's good you suck

>> No.19305968

vile bastard

>> No.19305970

sup homie how come you need a steak knife to eat spaghetti

>> No.19305983

Whole wheat spaghetti is fucking garbage.

>> No.19305991

>Fucking sketti and tomato sauce
Congrats on using adult knife a d fork to eat op

>> No.19305992

Why would you not melt it for the picture. Your food looks unappealing because you have no concept of photography. Also the way you have your ham is completely impractical, although "pretty". Also, your meal has zero cohesion, I would be legitimately confused if I got served this.
>So how should I go about eating this
Is something I would ask
I'm glad you're proud because it will encourage you to get better

>> No.19306002
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This is canned squid in ink with cream and chicken broth over spaghetti and it still looks better than OP's.

>> No.19306106


>> No.19306326
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Made this
Op is a faggot

>> No.19306340

How do you know he's not 12?

>> No.19306401

the website is 18 only so surely no 12 year olds would be here

>> No.19306418

Then how am I here?

>> No.19306453

Anon he's right that garbaggio

>> No.19306466
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My fries have trivialized anything else I can buy ready-made
I haven't been to a McD in months maybe year

>> No.19306474
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Not a great picture, and this is the "leftovers taken to work the next day eaten in the conference room" picture, but just a simple rosemary-garlic pork loin roast with roasted vegetables. Nothing complicated, just chopped up the carrots and celery, seared the pork roast in a stainless steel skillet, browned the onions in the pan to deglaze the fond, and dumped it all in a big pyrex casserole dish. My one regret is that I didn't have cornstarch in the house to thicken actual gravy so it's all just in the jus, but still. What more could you want?

>> No.19306522

That looks really good

>> No.19306535

No it doesnt.

>> No.19307079

Yes it does I would eat it

>> No.19307083

No it doesn't I would peepee poopoo it

>> No.19307098
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I got a double yolk in an egg once

>> No.19307105
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>> No.19307108
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>> No.19307109

Fucking gross

>> No.19307112
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>> No.19307116

Why asshole?

>> No.19307119

Looks amazing. Recipe?


>> No.19307124

Because I said.

>> No.19307126

The buns and the sauce both look like shit.

>> No.19307135

Rice, shrimp and avocado wrapped in seaweed.

>> No.19307137

Looks nice, did you eat the pork “bite off a chunk” style?

>> No.19307146


>> No.19307154
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That fake Laguiole cutlery is the worst offense against good taste in that picture. A Laguiole is a folding knife with handle scales made of natural materials, a plain edge and exceptional craftsmanship. Not some serrated abomination of a steak knife and matching fork with cheap plastic handles.

>> No.19307837
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homemade sushi

>> No.19308461
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Anyone here /smoke/? I'm wondering how much wood to use when I do three racks of baby back ribs this weekend in the offset. I never paid it much thought but I saw this guy online saying don't use more than 8 oz of wood chunks
Anyway, picrel is when I used my brisket leftovers for making chili. Turned out to be the best chili I've ever made

>> No.19308465
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I wish I took a picture of the finished chili but I did not. Also yes I know better than to use foil for brisket now

>> No.19308476

Not all fold

>> No.19308498
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I like mine a lot.
Just enough wood so that you get little wisps of whitefish blue smoke coming out, if you add too much it will taste green and bad.

>> No.19308502
File: 2.08 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230524_163231442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made another batch of pizza dough to make pizza for some friends tomorrow for dinner.

>> No.19308541

I'm pretty good at keeping the smoke clean, but I'm not sure if keeping wood going the entire time will make it too smoked or not

>> No.19308554

It won't if you're just getting blueish white smoke coming out of it, it should be fine, worst comes to worse just weigh it and reduce the wood for the next smoke.
Everyone has different tastes so there is no hard advice people can give you, you just need to figure out what you like.

>> No.19308722

That looks damn tasty. Why no foil though? Does it inhibit the formation of a nice bark?

>> No.19308735

you guys I think I might be having a stroke, someone call 911

>> No.19309602

That's what I've been told, butcher paper is supposed to be better. Although we'll see next time I do one if it makes THAT big of a difference. And thanks! It was really good

>> No.19309619
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Crockpotted a pork loin with chickpeas, onions, beans, and beef broth. This shit is delicious but not very picturesque

>> No.19309652

How many hours did you have that going? I'm thinking of doing the same with pre-soaked black beans, dandelion root, and lots of ginger root.

>> No.19309774

I can tell that looks delicious good job

>> No.19309781

Thanks for the reply, I'll need to stop worrying so much about it. I've smoked ribs before and they turned out good

>> No.19310163

yeah that day I did. But I had sliced it quite thin so it was very good. Today I packed the last of it and used a metal knife from the work kitchen to cut it into proper pieces. Good eatin'. Usually I overcook pork because I go for the tenderloins which cooks too fast when you try to sear it this way, but this was a loin roast and it came out perfectly tender and juicy. Quite proud.

>> No.19310168

Throwing random shit over a dish doesnt make it better. It looks so dumb and silly the cheese isnt melted, which its not going to because youre not supposed to use shredded cheese in the first place, and what are you going to do with the middle school lunch box ham rollups on the side?

>> No.19310177

You make your own noodles?

>> No.19310527
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I'm getting better at making pizza, this was the 12th one I have made so far.
It's just cheese and Calabrian chili paste.
I've been trying to get my dough kneading right and also trying different types of tomato sauce as well.

>> No.19311348

Dice the ham, microwave for at least a minute, add croutons. You're welcome.

>> No.19311349 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19311374

is that a 4 inch pizza on a spatula?

>> No.19311392
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No it's about 11in on a turning peel.

>> No.19311401

oh ok, looks good

>> No.19311403


A bit oily. What sort of cheese did you use? I'd find one that will release less oil of possible. Otherwise that's not bad for a n00b attempt provided the bottom isn't burt.

>> No.19311412
File: 2.04 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230517_230810474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's scamorza cheese, the grease is primarily from Calabrian chili paste that I tossed on before I baked it because I like how it tastes when it's baked into the pizza.
It's pretty hard to get the bottom over done actually despite a deck temp of 800f or more.

>> No.19311426


Oh okay so then the oil is fine. I was thinking it was just perhaps a low quality cheese that leeched out oil. But extra oil from chili paste is fine because using oil on pizza is actually good to do (for flavour and because it helps prevent a gum line).

Not bad then, anon. I guess you're mostly limited by the oven itself then. Keep practicing the dough because that's really the hardest part of pizza making.

>> No.19311451

I'm not limited by the oven, I'm limited by my skill at dough making.
That pizza was from the 3rd batch of dough I have ever made for pizza.
My previous dough experience is making nikumon dough.

>> No.19311599

If I come eat at your house, and you serve me this amount of fries, we're fighting. Still looks good, tho

>> No.19311871
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yeah haha I thought the same thing. the perspective on the picture is definitely misleading, it did look like a "silver-dollar"-style pizza.

>> No.19311891

reminds me of the meme like "hey man, do you wanna eat 8 sticks of mozzarella string-cheese in one sitting?" "dude what, not at all, that's ridiculous" "what if I deep-fried them and served them with marinara sauce?"

>hey man, do you want to eat two entire baked potatoes as a side-dish to your entree?
>that's ridiculous, who would ever eat that much
>what if I chopped them into wedges and deep-fried them?
that plate there has easily a full russet potato's worth of wedges, if not a potato and a half. Post hand.

>> No.19311901

I only eat as many fries as I can stack safely inside my burger

>> No.19311984
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i could almost forgive you if you didnt put cream with tomato sauce but olive oil instead. dude anyone can cook this in 13 minute the time it takes to boil pasta.

i made this tarte tatin

>> No.19311995

wtf is this? Do you have a fucking pizza oven in your kitchen? Awesome if so.

>> No.19312033

>It's good you suck
Kek is this an ESL post?

>> No.19312041
File: 171 KB, 2048x1152, signal-2023-05-14-17-58-07-574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an outdoor oven, but yes I do have a pizza oven.

>> No.19312117
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Made some "halal" chicken with tzatziki and then whipped up some takeout style chicken broccoli the next day. Was kinda proud of myself desu, I managed to not fuck it up and they both came out bretty good

>> No.19313611
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Not really proud, but this casserole was fucking good

>> No.19313617

lmao didn't think it was that blurry, but it is loaded with veggies and was extra good.

>> No.19313620
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Todays pizza

>> No.19313626
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>> No.19313657

Looks like shot, faggot.

>> No.19313709
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First welly I ever ‘ad. creamed my pants when I made the cut.

>> No.19314331

About 5 hours on low
Thanks :3

>> No.19314455

what the hell whatever beast you slew to make this still had it's heart beating when you chucked it in the oven. I know beef wellington is supposed to look raw, but should it really bleed when you open it?

>> No.19314528
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it maybe could have rested a little more to absorb those juices back and I think the shadows in that pic make it look a little more rare than it was but having used shitty meat thermometers my entire life this was probably the closest to perfect I’ve ever cooked a piece of meat

>> No.19314538

you didnt rest it for anywhere near long enough. needs even more time than steaks, because of the pastry wrapping and mushroom duxelles insulation.

>> No.19315053
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>> No.19315067

I'd rather have McDonalds.

>> No.19317015
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I was on a walk and bought a random caesar salad from the grocery store, but didn't notice it came without dressing. Ended up just making my own, for the first time ever, and it turned out amazing compared to my expectation even with some ingredients missing.
Pic rel, not my picture but from the recipe webpage
It's been about an hour since I've eaten it though and now I'm really feeling the entire 1/4 cup of olive oil that went into that dressing. Gonna have a gnarly shit in the morning

>> No.19317024

This looks really bad no offense

>> No.19317037


>> No.19317096


The problem for me is the buns. You can only get em in 6 packs, and they go bad. You can freeze em but it's not the same. I don't want 6 fancy burgers in 1 week

>> No.19317130
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you know its good because its on a paper plate

>> No.19317136

looks like mexican prison food

>> No.19317144

Nice. Eat a taki moss, bro.

>> No.19317147

Put some potatoes in there and you're golden.

>> No.19317703

>dandelion root
Tell me more please

>> No.19317724

aka everyday regular mexican food

>> No.19317759

Looks great!

>> No.19317879
File: 90 KB, 960x1280, 2023-05-27 17.16.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made my own "kos" from unpasteurized milk. Which is kind of a yoghurt.

Today i'm making kajmak