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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19304080 No.19304080 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a university student and have just started, I know next to nothing about cooking except stuff like mac n' cheese. I usually just eat takeout, but I can't afford that anymore. I bought some of pic related sausages today and I'm trying to figure out how long to microwave them for. I tried putting them in for 2 minutes but they aren't cooking. How long do I need them in the microwave for?

>> No.19304087

do you not have a pan

>> No.19304096

Yeah, but idk how to use it desu; I don't know how to cook them in a pan either or how long it takes. Can't you just stick them in a microwave? I just need to know how long for.

>> No.19304098

No he's austrian

>> No.19304101

Just insert them up your butthole, anon, you'll get the nutrients the same.

>> No.19304106

if you're too retarded to figure this out you probably shouldn't be in university

>> No.19304109

You're probably not doing it for nearly enough time. Shit like that takes ten minutes in the microwave.

>> No.19304112

That's not fair, he might be doing one of those mock degrees, like economics.

>> No.19304113

This. Your parents should be executed, they raised a shell of a human. Go learn cooking basics with YouTube you moron.

>> No.19304118

Jesus Christ the absolute state of zoomers. I don't have spectacular hopes for the future of humanity.

>> No.19304213

I put 2 in for 10 minutes and the skin went off, but it doesn't look cooked.

>> No.19304261

how can you b this fucking useless. what does a cooked sausage look like? stick it in the pan till it looks like a cooked sausage usually does.
if its burning, turn the heat down, if its cooking too slowly, turn the heat up.
slice one open when you think it might be done and make sure its not pink in the middle. if it is, cook it for a little longer.

>> No.19304368


Put oil in a hot pan, medium high heat, drop in the sausages. Toss them every other minute to ensure they brown evenly on each side, like 15 minutes give or take. If you're a certified retard, put them in the oven at 400F for 25 minutes, give or take.

>> No.19304385

...and then get a job hanging sheetrock.

>> No.19304390

OP, I usually boil thicker sausages (like bratwurst) for 15-20 minutes, then put them in a convection oven til the skin takes on a nice texture.
If you're looking for cheap food, you'll need a pot because rice and beans are a good choice for cheep food.
Sell your microwave.
If all this is too much trouble, get pre-cooked sausage, like hotdogs.
Good luck.

>> No.19304614

serious tip for a dumb fuck like you op: invest in an air fryer

>> No.19304696

Stick them in your toaster oven at like 350 for 10 minutes or so until they’re cooked through. Retard

>> No.19304741

look up basic cooking videos on youtube to get the gist of frying them in a pan.
you could also bake them in the oven, even simpler.
also buy a meat thermometer so you will always know exactly when it's ready, very ez

>> No.19305233

>Can't you just stick them in a microwave?
I should try this just for the laughs, but Imma say "no" for now.

>I don't know how to cook them in a pan either or how long it takes.
You throw them in a frying pan (note: must be thrown with medium force from a minimum of eighteen feet away) and put the pan on a stovetop. Then turn on the burner (gas, electric, induction, whateva) on LOW HEAT for about 45 minutes, turning gently from time to time with a fork so all sides get browned. The electric cooktop in my current apartment has a dial that goes from 0-10 (with 0 being "off") and I usually put it on about 3.5, just for reference.

You can also slice up some bell peppers and some onions and put a little oil in the pan, so that while the sausages are cooking the peppers and onions also cook. Move them around every few minutes also so that they don't just incinerate to carbon on the bottom while the tops remain uncooked. I sprinkle some paprika or chipotle powder or chili powder onto them while they're cooking to give them some flava.

Then throw everything into a bun or tortilla or whatever along with a shitload of mustard and eat. Wa-la.

>> No.19305242

>for about 45 minutes
Not sure if sarcasm or anon enjoys eating charcoal

>> No.19305264

>Not sure if sarcasm
I'm guessing >>19305233
>thrown with medium force from a minimum of eighteen feet away
...is a clue.

>> No.19305272

Fair enough, but given this the chonnel, you have to admit that the possibility anon enjoys eating charcoal is greater than zero.

>> No.19306624


>> No.19306734

Get the pan hot and cut the casings open, treat the filling like ground beef
just cook it in the pan until it's done through (not pink)
mix it with your mac n cheese

>> No.19308347

Well.. I tried this but they just turned rock solid.

>> No.19309278

Pan on stove
Turn stove to medium
Put a little bit of olive oil in (like a half a teaspoon, just guess)
Add sausage
Check it every minute and flip when one side is done
Should take about 15 minutes

>> No.19309427

>I know next to nothing about cooking except stuff like mac n' cheese
you literally got taught how to cook in Home Ec class from 5th grade until graduating high school

>> No.19310725 [DELETED] 
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At this point, I just don't think you're for real.

What part of the 50's did you go to school in?
I graduated HS in 1982, had opportunity to take home Ec until 9th grade, could have taken it for ONE year.

>> No.19310728
File: 44 KB, 720x445, 1d5dEkB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point, I just don't think you're for real.

What part of the 50's did you go to school in?
I graduated HS in 1982, had no opportunity to take home Ec until 9th grade, could have taken it for ONE year.

>> No.19310738

not sure if bait or an asian international student

>> No.19310774

your all retarded for playing along with his larp haha

>> No.19310785

I am for real, I know it may sound like a troll but idk how to cook desu. Maybe I am just dumb? Idk. Why did you post the same thing twice though?

>> No.19311571

>. Why did you post the same thing twice
I corrected a typo.
And overcooking a sausage won't turn it into a rock.
Pretty sure you're just fucking with people, but I have no idea why.
Get a new gag.
Maybe "I like Miracle Whip"?
We already have a "I like dipping fries in mayo" thread.
Maybe try "I like steak well done"?
Fucking troll.

>> No.19311603

It didn't turn into a rock it just became hard and tasted burnt, I was being metaphorical.

Not fucking around.
I'm not gagging either.
I don't dip my fries in mayo, just tomato sauce.
Idk what miracle whip is.
Steak is nice I guess?

>> No.19311646
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You don't belong here.
At least not posting.
Lurk more, learn more.
Don't be a twat.

>> No.19311671
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>bum ovens are better
just roast them on an open fire neet

>> No.19311679
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my great grandfather ate chard tortillas as a snack, I'm half sure that's why he had all of his teeth

>> No.19311691
File: 109 KB, 400x394, 53768074-A9B7-430F-8435-58B7A923C4F1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you seriously asking this? youre hopeless you fucking retard