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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 88 KB, 1064x740, 5435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19306916 No.19306916 [Reply] [Original]

what was your most "I can't believe I ate that" moment?

I once ate a whole iberian ham in one day because a friend wanted to throw it out.

>> No.19306933
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I got too high and had no snacks or ingredients so i dipped a stick of butter into brown sugar and ate it until i had no more, I still get a little queasy when i have to grab the brown sugar for a dish

>> No.19306943

How much is that?

>> No.19306945

You're fucking retarded. You shoulda added some cinnamon and linked it off.

>> No.19306949


>> No.19306950
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>a whole iberian ham in one day
That's unironically disgusting.

>> No.19306952

you didnt at least have bread to put it on?
also at some points you can blame being high, this is just you. I get high all the time and I never stooped this low. munchies are a meme

>> No.19306953

i was falling down high and starving anon, i am surprised i even thought to include the brown sugar
i ate the stick like a banana

>> No.19306955

Taco Bell anon is so cool

>> No.19306959

I cant eat bread it messes up my insides

>> No.19306961

This. Sometimes I'd eat plain bread, but honestly, I ate a couple plain slices today, so.

>> No.19306968
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>> No.19306970

>i ate the stick like a banana

I used to do this as a child.

Holy child.

>> No.19306971

Your friend is retarded.
I once imbibed the substance and ordered 9 cheeseburger meals.
There was another table of girls that were starring at me while I ate them like a fucking goblin. Or maybe I just noided, who knows. I was really embarrassed and stopped using the devils arugula after that.
I also left my car at the mcdonalds and picked it up next morning because I was too retarded to drive, however the mcdonlds was nowhere near the place where we partook in the activity nor was it close to my apartment.

>> No.19306989
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>Holy child
so tender and mild

>> No.19307004

unironically living the life

>> No.19307032
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One time I ate a few slices of frozen fish food that I thought was fudge. Pic related, it was this type. As I was eating it, I really felt like I was eating a sweet fudge. I only realized when I went to get a 3rd slice fudge until I took a fourth slice and took a closer look at what I was cutting off (could see knife marks where small pieces were cut off to feed the fish). It was wrapped in cling wrap
Pic related, I suppose this is what I ate a couple of thin slices of.

>> No.19307036

I was also high which is why I quoted (You) btw

>> No.19307055

Holy shit. This actually brought back a memory of me seeing some chewing tobacco in the convince store and thinking it was something like those cosmic brownies and telling my mom I wanted it.

>> No.19307346

fucking kek, what was it made out of? surerly it would be ground up worms and all kind of fucked up shit

>> No.19307798

I try not to overeat anymore since I realized it was destroying my appetite even days later.
That being said, probably the worst result was when I ate a whole regular sized can of wolfs chili because my brother decided he didn't want any. It was literally like one of the shitting scenes from South Park

>> No.19307802

We had a couple bottles of Penfold’s grange in a night

>> No.19307826

I ate an entire meatloaf once, cold. The abdominal pain was so bad I took my clothes off and was keeled over in the bathroom moaning.

>> No.19307845
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during a summer I found a bunch of bags of expired halloween candy in a dumpster, I grabbed all I could and started eating it, they were kinda chewy and and melted but I ate them all

>> No.19307993
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One time I played landmines with my buddies and I drank nine beers in an hour and somehow didn't throw up, I just stepped away from the table and immediately crumpled.

>> No.19308021

Clearly you are not friends with this filthy judaic anymore.

>> No.19308039
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wow you ate 570 calories worth of chili by yourself? how are you alive to tell the tale? next you'll tell us you've eaten a whole 12 inch subway sandwich by yourself

>> No.19308074

You lucky fucker.

>> No.19308107

It's not the amount, anon, it's the repercussions.

>> No.19308110

Well is was the No Beans variant and an extra small can of "hotdog sauce"
And i said worst result, not most eaten.

>> No.19308120

>go through really bad alcoholic phase
>out of control drinking and insane shit while drunk
>gf makes tray of frozen buffalo tendies one day
>after cooking them she sees that they are massively expired
>throws them away
>i go out a a raging bender that night
>come home fucked up and very hungry
>think about cooking something but im too fucked up
>remember the tendies
>knock trash can over and dig through garbage to find tendies
>sit on kitchen floor and shove room temp expired tendies in my face
>gf finds me next morning passed out on floor with buffalo sauce all over my face and trash everywhere

another time

>get royally fucked up
>need to eat
>realize a bacon and egg sandwich sounds incredible
>go into kitchen to cook it
>start knocking shit down bc im so drunk
>realize theres no way i can cook
>already took bacon out of fridge
>fuck it
>eat entire package of uncooked bacon

>> No.19308123

I ate a dog when visiting a Vietnamese friend I made through war thunder

>> No.19308132

Yes, that's what it's made of. But I suppose my brain convinced itself it was a desert

>> No.19308146

I read this in Steve-O's voice.

>> No.19308151

I hope you're doing better now and that you two are still together.

>> No.19308161

I ate almost an entire bag of Lindt Truffles and got so sick I projectile vomited over the top of my trashcan and sprayed the wall. This was my lowpoint that led to me quitting drinking.

>> No.19308167


I'm much better, but we are not together any more. Beside my drinking, she had her own major issues.

I'm now engaged to an awesome chick so go me

>> No.19308186

>brother lives in Taiwan
>comes back for xmas and gives me a bottle of snake semen whiskey
>bottle is full of weird asian spices and snake penises
>"haha, very funny"
>sits on a shelf for years
>having Saint Pats party
>lots of drinking
>Saint Pat legend about bashing snakes with a cudgel
>remember the snake whiskey
>next thing I know I'm taking shots of it with my old roommate
>people are getting dared to eat the penises
>crowd of about 15 people gathered around me and old roommate chanting "SNAKE! SNAKE! SNAKE!"
>we both eat a penis
>somehow manage not to puke
>wake up next morning, can't get rid of that asian spice smell
I never got sick, but I'm not sure how well that stuff keeps. Maybe I was too drunk, but it didn't taste very alcoholic and the bottle was at least 5 years old.

>> No.19308211
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>> No.19308259

Go you.

>> No.19308897

whose dog?

>> No.19308989

Once I got up at 5am for a temp job and was eating my cereal when my dad came downstairs and said "Did you put milk in that? That milk was spoiled." I didn't even notice because I was so tired. I threw up later.

>> No.19308997

A penis suspended in 40% alcohol shouldn't make you sick.

>> No.19309002

Why the actual fuck did your dad put the spoiled milk back in the fridge?

>> No.19309026

>be a miserable drunk
>order a pizza with several toppings including shrimp and chicken
>eat some before passing out, forget to put the 'za in the fridge
>my apartment is hot as hell because it's summer
>wake up and remember the pizza, the container is open and there are flies flying around and on the pizza
>"no way i'm eating that, even i'm not that bad of a fuck up"
>let the pizza stay in room temp for a few hours more and eat it anyway
it's a shame the shrimps hadnt gone bad and didnt give me a food poisoning, i probably wouldnt have gone to the hospital and died alone instead

>> No.19309033

if you can't take it to the trash at night (cus of coyotes or something) it's reasonable to put it back in there til the morning to ensure it doesn't explode from the heat. I imagine most places don't have to worry about this combination of factors, though.

>> No.19309040
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>> No.19309062

you are pathetic and I could stomp you into the bare earth like a tent peg

>> No.19309086

why would you get sick? Asians eat those every day

>> No.19309091


>> No.19309185

Dump the milk down the toilet. Rinse the bottle. No chance of infection.

>> No.19309318

>nine beers in an hour
How is this even physically possible? That’s a beer every 6-7 minutes.

>> No.19309419

Sure, but there are other reasons you might not want to do that. Some places out west ration water, for example. Otherwise yeah, seems reasonable as an alternative. or you could just take it out in the morning.

>> No.19309501

i drank kefir made out of oak milk once. would not recommend

>> No.19309994

Anyone else hates overeating but overeat anyway because it makes the farts taste better

>> No.19309995


I ate dog when I was in Korea, some little tiny ass outskirts town my friend and I wandered into. Wasnt even that bad.

>> No.19310000

I like cereal but I'm lactose intolerant, despite that fact I still regularly eat big bowls of cereal because I also enjoy the huge farts and explosive poops.

>> No.19310001

I licked my wife’s butthole in the dark and probably ate a tiny piece of poop.

>> No.19310013
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you need to step your chug game up bro

>> No.19310051
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here's 7 beers in 10 seconds

>> No.19310092

What a coincidence, just overate earlier in the afternoon..
1 large burger.
1 large hotdog.
1 spaghetti alfredo.
2 donut.
2 ice cream.
3 juice.

>> No.19310099

I live in central FL. Extremely humid. Coworker had one of these hams during the summer and his AC was broken for a couple of months. The ham got so moldy and foul that literal 3-4 inch mushrooms were sprouting from the side of it that was facing his wall. He said he didn't see it, but assured me it was still fine to eat and tried to offer it to me. He died of a fentanyl overdose in 2018.

>> No.19310106

No idea what the alcohol content was, but it seemed way less than 40%.

>> No.19310113

He had to have purged this after, right? You would die four different ways from this.

>> No.19310123

whoa he really ate all the eggs

>> No.19310152

Covid-19 takes another victim...

>> No.19310251
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>> No.19310261
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I ate a 6 pack of state fair corn dogs when I was maybe 14, it wasn't unusual for me to eat 3 or even 4, but I killed a box.

>> No.19310304

at the start of 2020 covid bullshit at least my local weinerschnizel was running a deal on 10 chilli dogs for 10 dollars.
I bought a pack and ate all of them in one sitting
I fasted for 48 hours after, feeling absolutely fucked up for most of it

>> No.19310454

how long will those things last you and do you not cook for yourself at all?

>> No.19310457

that's based, I loved those frozen piece of shit things when I was a teen. I might go get a box just to eat it whole because of your post.

>> No.19310462


Harakiri is a fantastic film.

>> No.19310465
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I accidentally drank a sip from the piss bottle

>> No.19310480

This is a very real danger when you use empty beers as pissjugs, and your diabetic piss smells like bread anyway

>> No.19310484

what are those 4 ways

>> No.19310505

I ate a bowl of mac and cheese so cheesy it put me in the hospital. Luckily I'm Canadian so the whole experience only cost me $80 in prescriptions

>> No.19310622
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>small pieces were cut off to feed the fish

>> No.19310625

Are you farming (You)'s?

>> No.19310773

Not that bad, trassie a staple ingredient of Indonesian cuisine. Wouldn't like to take a bite undiluted though and you have some serious olfactory disorder if you can't smell it from a mile away, that shit is pungent. I used to work at a factory where sauces for asian restaurants were made. Production would be by the thousand litre batch so you'd have recipes like
>water 500kg
>sugar 250kg
etc etc
>trassie 0,002kg

>> No.19310805

>so whats the problem eh
>well I ate some mac and cheese aboot 6 months ago

>> No.19310811
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I ate a whole one of these once for my birthday. I celebrated on my own and ate it all up.

>> No.19310892

Average /fit/ poster

>> No.19310939

that sounds like a great idea, I'm gonna do it for my next birthday

>> No.19311246

kek glad I wasn't the only one who saved that

>> No.19311257


>> No.19311273

One time i got fucking tanked and proceeded to eat half a loaf of bread and most of a tub of whipped butter's worth of cold butter and worcestershire sandwiches in one sitting. 9/10 would reccomend.

Only other thing i can think of is when I was in college and drank a poland spring bottle of Hennessey that my roomate left in the closet over winter break. Needless to say it did not stay down long.

>> No.19311280

Looks like a Little Debbie brownie

>> No.19312390

bro, please tell you didn't eat the *whole* ham. like the bark and all

>> No.19312520

Munchies are definitely real but it's more of an indica strain thing. Whenever I smoke sativa-dominate strains it's like I've had coffee and don't want to eat at all.
But the worst thing I've ever done is eat an entire pizza to myself or eat handfuls of shredded cheese.
Never mixed and matched abominations of food out of some thc induced dizzy.

>> No.19312611

>woah this is such a mellowband chill heckin earth-fart poopdica
>oooohhh check out this funko-haze sneedtiva woah it'd so cerrebral
Touch my 2 weeks and 3 days nofap sack and make me shoot ropes faggot

>> No.19312679

My dog's treats both the jerky kind and the cookie kind because I was depressed and didn't feel like cooking. Ironically I had nothing unhealthy to binge on at the time.

>> No.19312730
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i ate a large pizza
then another
then another
then a box of cookies with milk

bread and dairy don't give my stomach the signal to stop eating

>> No.19312738

I don't understand how people can leave this in their kichen to dry and not eat the whole thing in a few days. I just realzied this is like my favorite food but I only have it during holiday season.

>> No.19312750

A whole large chinese takeout meal.
Was surprised I could eat that much.

>> No.19312760

the MSG and white pepper makes thing easier to devour and even leave you hungry for more

>> No.19312763

munches are a meme, just get high again lol

>> No.19312775

Literally the opposite.
It curbs appetite but chink food has tons of sugar and carbs so you are hungry again in an hour or 2.

>> No.19312817

A tub of icecream, it was one of those shake+freeze recipes, clocking in at around 4k calories

>> No.19312832

How do you survive on this crap

>> No.19312836

Protein and the alcohol kills diseases.

>> No.19314309

disgusting fatty stop eating

>> No.19314364
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>sperging over marginally different strains of dude weed
You tokers are so boring. If only you devoted this much brain power to getting a job

>> No.19314405

My little sister. Spread eagled on her bed. Butt naked.

>> No.19314423

>indica gives the munchies, sativa doesn't
the only ones sperging are you and this other fag >>19312611

nobody is impressed or bothered by the fact you don't smoke weed

>> No.19314483

she's 42 btw

>> No.19314493

I have a box in the freezer right now, they’re just so easy to make

>> No.19314508

It's more reasonable to believe that anon's dad is just lazy.

>> No.19314515

>How is this even physically possible?
Practice + adrenaline.

>> No.19314917

at the height of my binge eating I would sit an eat an entire jar of nutella with a spoon. felt like I was dying afterward but I did it multiple times

>> No.19315100

I feel like you two just saw a meme of a stoner comparing two strands of weed and this meme buried itself deep into your unconscious and just activated for some weird reason, you two sound like you are willess puppets of internet memes just there to reproduce what you consume,like some kind of cybernetic positive feedback loop, you are mentally ill holy shit

>> No.19315116

>buzzword buzzword buzzword

>> No.19315173

Coyotes have never killed a human.

>> No.19315185

I ate my semen yes semen is food technically and after post nut clarity I completely regret it yet I still do it over and over again what is wrong with me.

>> No.19315193

Look up 'Natural Harvest'

>> No.19315249

imagine the shits

>> No.19315281

I hate throwing food away so I ate some liver I left in the fridge for 10 days, it was blue at that point. Ate just the liver too, no onions, no carbs, just that fermented blue liver. Actually felt like I could get used to the taste by the end of it, kinda like some cheeses.

>> No.19315292

thought I was looking at a ship from star wars or star trek for a second

>> No.19315324

lol wtf just put the bacon in the microwave

>> No.19315381

When I was a fatass teenager I would put a fuck ton of Nutella and peanut butter in a tortilla and eat it

>> No.19315919

I was about two hours into a binge drinking session and made myself a plate of food. When I looked at the plate I saw some small black bug running around, I killed it but kept eating the food cause I was so drunk I didn't want to have to make more food

>> No.19315937

No one asked.

>> No.19315965

based raccoon anon

>> No.19316042

Not if they're pasteurized, dumbass

>> No.19316180

blah blah blah didn't read. Alcohol is better than weed. Suck my distended nutsack junkie.

>> No.19316222

same, always glad to see a good meme posted

>> No.19316237
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when I was a teenager my mom made a big batch of cream cheese wontons and I ate the whole platter, probably like 40-50 wontons.
>take the platter and set it on the floor upside down
>go back to my room and wait a bit
>hear mom yelling at the dog

>> No.19316286
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>snake penises
was it Alabama black snake?

>> No.19317169
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i used to pile maybe 12 of these onto a giant plate, and put it into the microwave. the plate was too big to even spin inside there. i would be hospitalized if i tried that now

>> No.19317182

I ate over 4000 calories of McDonald's in one sitting. I didn't even eat it at home like a normal shameful fatass, I actually ate it in the McDonald's restaurant.

>> No.19317204

Thats gnarly bro.

>> No.19317207


>> No.19317209

Wolf Chili is the stinkiest fucking food out there.
My father loved that shit and it made me leave the floor of the house because the smell of it would spread throughout the entire area.

>> No.19317214
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I've made & eaten things that a stoner would come up with, except I'm not a stoner.

>double-stack PB&J sandwich
>a burrito, but with a Dr. Oetker thin-crust pizza instead of a tortilla
>spaghetti, but with French fries instead of spaghetti pasta
>homemade version of the viral Korean french fry-encrusted corn dog
>a chimichanga, which to my understanding is essentially a deep-fried burrito; I used one of those huge, overpriced burritos like the ones you can get from Chipotle (except my city doesn't have Chipotle, but we have something very similar)
How the fuck am I still alive?

>> No.19317217

Literally a gutter rat or some kind of raccoon.

>> No.19317226
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When I was young, one of the main parts of my diet would be el monterrey (strictly bean and cheese) burritos, 2-3. After I microwaved them I would plaster sour cream on both of them so I got little burrito cakes that I ate with a fork.

>> No.19317362

Made bone broth soup, probably like 20 litres. There was so much fat on top but that's good calories and I'm not wasting it. I mixed it around a little bit and had a large bowl, it was basically a large bowl of fat, must have been 4-5000 calories of straight fat at least. A few hours later my tummy didn't feel good and I just projectile vomitted it all back up and emptied my stomach (i puked bile at the end). I later learnt about the human fat nausea limit. Not doing that again lmao

>> No.19317370

based handle of seagrams vodka bro

>> No.19317377

Are you retarded? This is like saying you ate sticks of butter while drinking vegetable oil. It’s gross not only in the physical sense but even in taste.

>> No.19317383

It's proven that weed is both a CNS depressant (indica) and a stimulant (sativa). In fact weed is a higher tier of stimulant than caffeine, which in itself is barely a stimulant but is a wakefulness promoter similar to modafinil.
My job is chemical engineering with a focus on fluidity and transportation. I help build the most efficient pipelines and reservoirs that transport and hold natural gas, oil, water, methanol, ethanol, and about a thousand other chemicals. Meanwhile your greatest achievement is not masturbating for 2 weeks in a row.

>> No.19317386

> Are you retarded?
Yes. It tasted really good tho. The fun part was seeing a thick oil layer in the toilet after I finished vomitting.

>> No.19317477

Interesting. I tried an indica strain and my sense of continuity of thought and time was gone. Any ideas why?

>> No.19317481

Didn't that guy die

>> No.19317525

>It's proven that weed is both a CNS depressant (indica) and a stimulant (sativa). In fact weed is a higher tier of stimulant than caffeine, which in itself is barely a stimulant but is a wakefulness promoter similar to modafinil.

>> No.19317883

>Actually felt like I could get used to the taste by the end of it, kinda like some cheeses.
Keep at it anon. Open a resturant and start the blued liver trend to make millions and buy only the finest tendies for the rest of your life.

>> No.19317961

>wasted a minute of my life reading this bullshit post

>> No.19318128


>> No.19318206

I once ordered on doordash two big macs, 3 filet o fish, and a double cheeseburger. I accidentally ordered it twice, so I got double all of that, and ate it all in one sitting.
80 dollars and my dignity down the drain

>> No.19318450

I ate a cat

>> No.19318500

Yup didn't read. Gosh you are such a bore. Why aren't you on my 2 weeks and 5 dsys nofap balls yet, whore?

>> No.19318519
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I kek'd.

>> No.19318574

phoneposter calling others boring kek
i wont see your next response

>> No.19318621


That's just straight up false anon.

>> No.19318813


>> No.19318820

I accept your concern.

>> No.19318833

alcohol does the opposite actually lol

>> No.19318839

stop drinking
if there's one thing worse that being in the grip of crippling depression, it's also being an alcoholic.

>> No.19318846

how could you even fit that much food in you regardless if you didn't feel full.

>> No.19318859

nothing is wrong with you
it's just guys don't ever like to admit they do this too.


>> No.19318927

Six double sausage and egg mcmuffins, eight hash browns, three bacon and sausage rolls, four bacon and cheese wraps all washed down with six bottles of milk.

>> No.19318999

White castle sliders and vodka is


>> No.19319010

That plum wine is 'aight. A bit sweet so I tend to treat it like a desert wine.

>> No.19319013

I shot and ate a crow

>> No.19319031
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why not just get dental picks

>> No.19319045

Wasted trips. The only way to atone for your sin is ritual suicide.

>> No.19319146

a whole minute holy shit are you on a preschooler reading level

>> No.19319384

Unfathomably based.

>> No.19319421

And a partridge in a pear tree.

>> No.19319485

>reeee you have to read my essay or ur dumb!!!
Shut the flip up nerd.

>> No.19319880

>It's proven that weed is both a CNS depressant (indica) and a stimulant (sativa). In fact weed is a higher tier of stimulant than caffeine, which in itself is barely a stimulant but is a wakefulness promoter similar to modafinil.

classifying weed as a depressant or stimulant is a bit retarded but it falls more under depressant. either way retarded. normally stimulant means sympathomimetic (wakefulness, higher blood pressure, higher heart rate, jitteryness) and depressant means the opposite (lower BP, lower heart rate, sedation). weed is probably in terms of effects closest to an anticholinergic (dry mouth, sedation, confusion, tachycardia) than anything else.

> le indica sativa

all strains today are hybrids and the individual strain and cannabinoids matter more than the overarching indica/sativa breakdown.

>le stimulant power

take 800mg of caffeine pills after a tolerance reset and tell me caffeine is a weak stimulant.

weed is not a stronger stimulant because it isn't a stimulant at all.

and using stimulant "tiers" as a concept odd.

> blah blah chemical engineer suck my dick

you design pipes that carry gas.

>> No.19320466

you weedheads with all your magic strains of weed that are all exactly the same.

>> No.19320800

Tachycardia means higher heart rate you fucking larper.
Hybrids are a majority, but not a super majority of strains. If you think the farmers were going to butcher the genetics just to push for hybridization you don't know a fucking thing about the farm side of cannabis. Furthermore no strain is a perfect 50/50 blend so hybridization still leans one way or another, which is why a typical normie will have no concept of the dichotomy inherent in cannabis due to the proliferation of hybrids to capture both sides of the market. Some people want couchlock some people want to code doing one or the other on a dominant strain is gonna be hard.
Even further the hybridization goes through cycles. When medical weed was all the rage right before CO the big thing was kush, which is indica heavy. Indica is also where all the "lazy stoner" stereotypes derive from; munchies is a mostly indica relation. So everybody's ideas of a weed user derives from the most popular strain of the 00s/10s-- indica heavy kush-related genetics.
Tech bros? They can't be getting couchlock stoned in the middle of their day, so Silicon Valley, Texas, and the wall street dudes all relied heavily on knowing farmers with sativa or sativa-dom genetics.
The high of a sativa is more mild feeling than caffeine-- also taking 800mg of caffeine pills at once is retarded. For some reason you're equating cardiotoxicity with stimulation, which you yourself say that weed isn't a stimulant but then also say an anticholinergic BECAUSE of a faster heart rate :thinking:
I guess you did some quick google perusing and wanted to sound smart.
CBD is the main part of the ACh increase. No indica or sativa heavy strain has enough CBD to be clinically significant, so the idea that recreational weed is going to increase ACh levels is fucking preposterous.
I've met some stupid fucking people with a lot of big ideas about drugs. The sad thing is you don't even rate in the top 50 because your types are too common.

>> No.19321806

>Tachycardia means higher heart rate you fucking larper
it's a compensatory response to low BP. no stimulant will lower your blood pressure.

>> No.19321838

>The high of a sativa is more mild feeling than caffeine-- also taking 800mg of caffeine pills at once is retarded. For some reason you're equating cardiotoxicity with stimulation, which you yourself say that weed isn't a stimulant but then also say an anticholinergic BECAUSE of a faster heart rate :thinking:
if you take 800mg of caffeine you will be so jittery and sweaty and oversimulated you will see what I mean when I say caffeine is not a strong stimulant. caffeine isn't a very potent stimulant, nor is it a very dopaminergic stimulant like amphetamines, phenidates, etc but it is a stimulant to be respected still

>I guess you did some quick google perusing and wanted to sound smart.
>CBD is the main part of the ACh increase. No indica or sativa heavy strain has enough CBD to be clinically significant, so the idea that recreational weed is going to increase ACh levels is fucking preposterous.
notice I said weed effects are similar to an ANTIcholinergic, you bumbling retard. increasing Ach is the OPPOSITE.

and again, I said in terms of /effects/, not mechanism of action. weed intoxication shares many symptoms with the anticholinergic toxidrome

>> No.19321851

I drank a whole melted Ben n Jerries in one go.

>> No.19322153

Don't care, didn't read.

>> No.19322267

Underage b&.

>> No.19322285

>dying from eating eggs
I'd tell you not to reproduce but I'm sure it's not necessary.

>> No.19322291

when i was in recovery from anorexia i would literally eat all day long. i would wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat and having incredible stomach pain because my body was severely unable to process the volume of food. this is the most i have on record in one day, over 7,000 calories. i broke it up into meals but i was basically continuously eating all day.

>breakfast: coffee with creamer, nature valley bars, hot chocolate with chocolate syrup and whipped cream, rye toast with jelly, omelette with cheese, onions, and peppers, 7-eleven muffin
>lunch: dunkin cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese, hash browns, french vanilla latte
>dinner: longhorn steakhouse bread and butter, 3/4 of the wild west shrimp with ranch, burger, mac and cheese, two 20 oz blue moons
>snacks: 1 sargento balanced break with cheese almonds and cranberries, 8 mini kit kats, a marshmallow, a square of dark chocolate, a bowl of vanilla ice cream, 8 graham crackers

>> No.19322312

I got drunk and ate some lukewarm kielbasa with my bare hands from some random street vendor

>> No.19322651

Okay allow me to be more specific - coyotes have never killed an adult male human.

>> No.19323203


>> No.19325140

during lockdown alcohol sales were banned here after 8pm for a time
was getting nicely drunk and ran out of booze so necked a load of chinese cooking wine in a pinch and shat my own arse out the next day

>> No.19325158

Mm. Braunschweiger. Throw some baby spinach, raw onion, and stone ground mustard on that between some dark rye and you've got the cure for all the damage that vodka can do.

>> No.19325355
