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File: 199 KB, 1436x1099, kidney-stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19302716 No.19302716 [Reply] [Original]

>the most excruciatingly painful natural thing that any human can experience
>pregnancy is like a papercut in comparison
>snapping your femur is blissful in comparison
What foods can you eat to ensure that this never happens to you in your natural lifespan?

>> No.19302718

don't drink sodas and other sugary drink crap and you'll likely be fine

>> No.19302721

We can't gamble with kidney stones. There have to be guarantees. If you own a gun you are at risk of shooting yourself in the head to end the pain if you have a kidney stone.

>> No.19302727
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>testicular torsion
t. lives in fear my entire life ever since I found out

>> No.19302728
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People who are prone to kidney stones should definitely avoid vegetables high in oxalic acid, like spinach and rhubarb.

>> No.19302731

4chan Fact Check: this advice is completely irrelevant for kidney stones, despite being otherwise sound advice.

>> No.19302734

>pregnancy is a paper cut in experience
you’ve never experienced pregnancy retard

>> No.19302740

It can take MONTHS to pass a kidney stone
MONTHS where you are in unimaginable pain 24 hours of the day

>> No.19302741

it’s just pain you fag, just pass the kidney stone and get on with your life, pain is easy when you know it’s not something that’s going to cripple you for the rest of your life like getting a limb ripped off or something

>> No.19302742

I had this due to excessive consumption of energy drinks. I replaced those for coffee and I have been well ever since

>> No.19302743

more like fagt check, i'm going to debunk my dick in your ass

>> No.19302744
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>> No.19302752

pregnancy is just like taking an extra girthy shit
women think they are so fucking special just because there's one thing they can do that men don't do better and they exaggerate the fuck out of it

>> No.19302763

>they exaggerate the fuck out of it
just like how you exaggerate kidney stones, put down the pop fatty and drink more water

>> No.19302766

Women have admitted that kidney stones are more painful than pregnancy.

>> No.19302768

your femur would just snap wouldn't it you little bitch

>> No.19302774

>pregnancy is just like taking an extra girthy shit
don't be a fucking racist

>> No.19302798
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Anon when a lot of women give birth their vagina and sphincter tear to form one massive hole...

There's a reason 50% of women died in child birth before modern medicine.

>> No.19302802

women have said cluster headaches are worse than that

>> No.19302803

So just like an extra girthy shit.

>> No.19302811

i snapped my femur and didnt really feel any pain because of the adrenaline, PT hurt worse

>> No.19302821

Can confirm, It was 4 or 5 days of pure agony. I barely slept, was hallucinating by the end. I fantasized about blowing my brains out multiple times. Wish there was some foolproof method to guarantee they never happen again. I would choke down the most vile food if I knew it could prevent them.

>> No.19302826

>There's a reason 50% of women died in child birth before modern medicine
Got a source for that bullshit?

>> No.19302827
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>their vagina and sphincter tear to form one massive hole..

>> No.19302842


>> No.19302846

>4 or 5 days of pure agony
good lord... I thought those stones passed in a couple hours. Just go to the ER mate, they have ultrasounds lithotripsy or some shit to break it up in to smaller pieces.

>> No.19302850

nah they don't surprisingly enough

>> No.19302851

I'm a murrican can't afford a hospital visit. I just stood in my shower aiming the hot water at my back and cried like a bitch.

>> No.19302857

drink plenty of water each day
have a tbsp/day of ACV

you know you can get oxys for this right? had a friend of a friend back in school that had a stone. he just got like 2 months of oxys prescribed to him and he was, for the most part, ok

>> No.19302861
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Fast instead of eating, after that you can eat what you want. 2day fasts minimum don't be a sissy.

>> No.19302865

>Get abdominal pain so bad after going to the gym that I have to get rushed to the hospital and get a shot
>Anon you have kidney stones
>I get a medical test
>Anon you don't have a kidney stone

>Get horrible stomach ache
>Pass out three times in a row
>Rushed to the hospital
>Kept overnight
>Anon you have kidney stones
>Get the medical test
>No kidney stone

It just keeps happening

>> No.19302872

50% is obviously grossly exaggerated, but it was definitely far from zero. not to mention all the complications that can happen with the infant.

people take modern medicine for granted WAY too much

>> No.19302896

>>pregnancy is like a papercut in comparison
>>snapping your femur is blissful in comparison
How do you know this?

>> No.19302913
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I just know

>> No.19302916
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just shows how fucking pathetic human beings are. most animals, the baby just plop right out effortlessly. A couple hours later mom gets right back up with the baby already ready to walk. we, disgusting dumb fuck primates need "modern medicine" just to not die at birth.

>> No.19302927

I've had one and it wasn't THAT bad. What people don't realize is that the painful part isn't when it comes out of your dick, it's when it gets stuck in the tube between the kidney and the bladder and causes water to back up and expand your kidney. That part hurts a lot and you basically have to just lay in the fetal position until it works itself out. Peeing it out is just a sharp little jolt. The ones that are too big to pee out don't come out anyway, you have to break them up.

>> No.19302929

You're right, you just need to drink water, and not sugary things which dehydrate you.

>> No.19302934

pancreatitis is worse than kidney stones, and women have told me it's worse than childbirth

>> No.19302981
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I think it varies from person to person as to how painful it is. Not just someones personal pain tolerance but also the size of the stone etcetc. I worked ems for some years when I was younger and Ive transported some people with them, one guy was ok as long as he sat extremely still the whole time and another was in the fetal position and every bump in the ambulance was agony.

Id say it happens alot with people who dont drink enough water on a daily basis and they are usually the same people that substitute it with soda and energy drinks all day every day. Ive also heard that sometimes too much calcium in a diet. But then again, my best advice, dont eat goyslop and gargle soda every day. Drink water

>> No.19302984

You have a pancreatic disorder. Drink a lot?

>> No.19302989

Did you have your gallbladder checked? My ex had issues with hers sometimes and it usually felt like a dibilitating stomach ache

>> No.19303013

Became a father last year, the w*man took the epidural after experiencing "moderate" pain from two contractions and stayed so high they had to cut her dose down to barely anything in order for her to feel the muscles the doctors were telling her to push. If you feel anything during labor/birth you clearly didn't accept the drugs. According to her, the single stitch she had to have afterwards hurt more in recovery than the whole delivery. No idea about the femur though I don't hang out with people with weak bones.

>> No.19303015
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imagine a centimeter or larger sized kidney stone going through the tube between the kidney and bladder
imagine that coming out your dick hole

>> No.19303039

I don’t get enough water and I pee in a cup and I see the urea building up in the bottom of the cup and I know I must drink more water

>> No.19303047

I get that semi regularly.
It's uncomfortable but not terrible, I just twist it back until it feels right again

>> No.19303048

Almost got it when I was 14 riding my bike from 7/11. Balls hurt for a month. But fine now. Sorry tmi but you mentioned it. Couldn't eat well for a week because of pain.

>> No.19303049

I've had testicular torsion after sex. Be very careful the kind of gal you let on top, fellas.

>> No.19303053

>I'm a murrican can't afford a hospital visit.
confirmed for either (a) not being American or (b) being a massive fucking retard

>> No.19303061

I've been drinking cranberry juice semi-regularly for a decade because I was told it prevents kidney stones.
I was about to mention it in this thread but figured I should provide a link to back it up and I find this fucking shit:
>Cranberry juice has been thought to help with kidney stones, but research suggests that it may actually increase kidney stones formation — especially calcium oxalate stones, which are the most common kidney stones.
Am I a goner, anons? I'm 30 and haven't had any yet, are they all just building up and waiting to run a train out my urethra?

>> No.19303067

They still send you a bill for using the ER, if you ignore it that goes on your credit report.

>> No.19303069

Same, found that info in the last kidney stone thread. Pretty dumb how much bullshit gets spread around that people just commonly believe.
Fucking big cranberry out there killing us for profit.

>> No.19303073

how can something that's 99% water dehydrate you? go drink a 2l of root beer and try not to pee.

>> No.19303076

Just drink water. Find out how much you need to be drinking and track your intake to make sure.

>if you ignore it that goes on your credit report.
and? Literally fuck every hospital and fuck every ER employee. They can dance and twirk on my dick. I'm not paying them shit and if those "heroes" give me anything less tan immaculate treatment (that I do not intend to pay for) I'm suing the shit out of them.

>> No.19303077

get a job and get health insurance, dumbass

>> No.19303080

>and get health insurance
counterproposal: no

>> No.19303141

>don't drink sodas and other sugary drink crap and you'll likely be fine
I don't think this is true since I'm almost 50 and drank crap like that for the first 40 years of my life and never had a kidney stone. But I knew people who got them in their 20's and ate healthy. I think it's genetic.

>> No.19303146

>you know you can get oxys for this right?
lol they don't do that anymore. If you get kidney stones nowadays, yer gonna SUFFER.

>> No.19303163

Beat me to it. It's not about what you should eat, but what you should avoid.

>> No.19303165

Women have lower pain tolerance. If a woman says something was 10/10 pain, it's a 7/10 to a man.

>> No.19303236

if men could give birth we'd be better at it

>> No.19303239

>not terrible
You can literally get the blood supply cut off leading to having to amputate if you don't fix it within hours.

>> No.19303248

What the fuck

>> No.19303253

Quite literally the opposite. Women have higher pain tolerance because they're intended to get fucking pregnant.

>> No.19303266

they also like being choked and slapped during sex

>> No.19303267

I’ve been through about 4-5 bouts with them over the years, various treatments.
If you have history with them and show up at ER, you’ll get Dilaudid via IV (makes you understand why people would suck dick behind 7-11 for it) stuff is wonderful. If you don’t pass while there, you’ll get a 3/4 day (maybe 20 pills) of Oxycodone, probably 5/325’s, if you’re lucky 10/325’s and you’ll be setup with a referral to urologist.

>> No.19303273

So do a lot of guys.

>> No.19303274
File: 102 KB, 969x969, 1631142568320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are kidney stones something that slowly build up over time and never go away until they build up enough to pass, or are they something that you can regularly break down and flush out by purging yourself with lots of water?

>> No.19303275

Hysterical Reddit webMD "doctors" tried telling me that extended fasting would cause kidney stones. I fasted having nothing but water for 10 days just to see what would happen. I got one thing that I'm not sure if it was a kidney stone but it looked like a little blood clot that came out of my dick, like similar to when you blow your nose after having a nosebleed. However, it didn't hurt.

>> No.19303281

i don't know.

>> No.19303285


>> No.19303287


>> No.19303294

>However, it didn't hurt.
I think that might still mean something is wrong. It would take longer than 10 days to build up a kidney stone though.

>> No.19303299

I'm pretty sure miniscule kidney stones are always forming and being flushed out. It's only when you've created certain conditions where the components of it are concentrated for a prolonged period of time that it gets big enough to not flush out quickly and remains until it eventually gets stuck in your ureter.

>> No.19303306

They are caused by the buildup of particularly calcium and sodium, glucose plays a role too. The key is to plenty of water, especially while eating or exposing yourself to the risk of dehydration to dilute the materials that would make up stones. Water, water, and more water, and then pee it out. It's all in the dissolution process.
Stones may seem like a horrible thing, but you don't have to subject yourself to them, same as you don't have to subject yourself to heart disease caused by obesity, COPD/lung cancer caused by smoking, and liver disease/pancreatitis caused by drinking.

If you want foods to avoid, be mindful of your electrolyte intake, calcium and sodium intake, and be particularly weary of sports drinks. Don't be outside be active all day and think you need to chug Gatorade or Pedialyte to replenish yourself and neglect water entirely. That's the fastest way to get a stone. Again, when in doubt just drink more water. Avoid situations that put you at risk for dehydration.

>> No.19303313

I had a kidney stone once but looking back on it, it's almost comical how I did pretty much everything you shouldn't do if you don't want a kidney stone

>started in the summer where I'd spend a lot of time sweating outside in the sun
>the only liquid I drank most days was tea in the afternoon
>started incorporating a bunch of minimally cooked swiss chard into my diet because a Whole Foods opened up nearby and it seemed healthy and exotic to me
>I also happened to get my hands on a free case of bananas, which I peeled and put in the freezer and every day I'd eat a ton of frozen bananas rolled in lots of cocoa powder
By the end of summer I had bad abdominal pains and eventually went to the ER in an ambulance and was told I had a kidney stone, about 4mm. After that it passed easily. Never had one again, 8 years on or so.

>> No.19303315

>the most excruciatingly painful natural thing that any human can experience
lmao. i've had eight or nine in the past four years. this is a joke. pussies.

>> No.19303318

say that to guys who have had quarter sized stones

>> No.19303320

>chug Gatorade or Pedialyte to replenish yourself and neglect water entirely
Gatorade is 99.99% water.

>> No.19303328

you can show up to the ER and they have to treat you, regardless of if you can pay them and there.

>> No.19303330
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Every women I've known that has given birth AND passed a kidney stone said they'd rather shit out a kid every morning than deal with that again. And guess what? They're even worse for men
Pic related, I'd shit out a pineapple while chewing hot coals before I piss one of these out again. Don't even get me started on it leaving my kidney..

>> No.19303332

but you're ruining the fear mongering. drinking water preventatively and getting opioids reactively puts people's mind at ease

>> No.19303333

what happened

>> No.19303334

should one avoid tums/calcium carbonate tablets?
i used to eat them when i had indigestion, then i peed white/cloudy a couple of times. never happened again since.

>> No.19303337

i don't own a phone because the government has been proven to spy on people using them
the ER isn't an option for me and even if it was, you will be in immense pain before the painkillers, and even on them it won't do you any good

>> No.19303345

Checked. Akin to be sodomized by a bear from the inside out, through my dick.
The endorphin rush peaked right when it passed and I felt fucked up for a solid half hour afterwards, so that was nice. Didn't really offset the numbed and sore penis though

>> No.19303347

Then buy some illegally and keep it stocked.

>> No.19303353

So do these mass up in your body over time and can't be reversed or can your kidneys slowly peck away at them before they becomes problem?

>> No.19303354

It leaving the kidney is the worst lower back pain imaginable, makes a slipped disk feel like a tickle. Made my balls ache and no position was comfortable. Just curling and writhing around while breathing through my teeth for a half hour. The first time it happened I went to the hospital (idk what the fuck was going on) and they gave me IV tremadol(?) which helped quite abit. I toughed that one out because as luck would have it, my mother was currently in the proccess of dying while in hospice as soon as I started to feel it.

>> No.19303361

Drink more water buddeh.
Especially you, good lord.

>> No.19303364

>don't have too much of anything
>don't have too little of anything
>drink lots of water
guaranteed to be stone free

>> No.19303370

it can be months or weeks depending on your diet and hydration. you should really just eat normal food, in normal portions, and drink water

>> No.19303374

Damn that sounds like a horrible situation to go through. Are you doing okay now?

>> No.19303377

Science is scary but at some point you have to learn to face reality. I'll let you in on a little secret, soda is 99% water too. There's also tons of water hiding inside our bodies. That crazy substance is almost everywhere. Wild I know but I'm telling the truth.

>> No.19303380

Kidney stones can be caused by dehydration and excess intake, sure, but they can also actually be caused too much water and not enough intake of calcium or minerals. Urine is designed to break down the crystals that form stones, and too much water dilutes the urine and prevents this function from occuring, and a nutrient deficit means the proper urine solution can't be produced, resulting in stones.

>> No.19303382

Yeah I was fine the second it passed, that was back in november I believe. Took about two weeks for it to start to exit my bladder and then ~20 minutes for it to actually exit. The one before that was 6+ years ago, and I only felt it leaving my the kidney. I pissed into a screen for a month and didn't even notice it, it was maybe a quarter of that size.

>> No.19303384

And I'm telling you that you should drink more water. What don't you understand about that? Like pulling teeth out here...

>> No.19303385

>caused by not enough water and too much water
>caused by too much minerals and not enough minerals
so wtf do we do? are we all screwed?

>> No.19303386

Kidney stones are a thing of the past, they can destroy them with ultrasound

>> No.19303388

>get too many minerals
>kidney stone
>don't get enough minerals
>kidney stone
>don't get enough water
>kidney stone
>get too much water
>kidney stone
it was over before it even began

>> No.19303390

That's cute that you think this is still true in the year of our lord 2023. The new crop of doctors in residency has been thoroughly propagandized against prescribing "addictive" medications as are all ER/urgent care docs and indeed the prescribing guidelines changed radically a few years ago. They might administer 2mg of morphine while you're checked in, but you'll go home with instructions to take tylenol and motrin or *maybe* a short script for tramadol (if they are convinced you're in severe pain and don't want to risk being brought up before an ethics committee for not treating it).

>> No.19303391

Hot take: child birth is easy but women are such incompetent coddled infants that trade in victimization that they would rather tear their vagina to their asshole than do it right

>> No.19303393

maybe we should force stones to form and get it over with

>> No.19303397

This thread is full of people high in trait neuroticism. Even if they manage to reassure themselves here they'll start panicking about how little bats could bite them at night without them noticing and give them dormant rabies so they begin experiencing symptoms and cant get the antidote.

>> No.19303399

Glad to hear you're okay now. Having to go through that plus your mom being in hospice just seems really rough.

>> No.19303402

It's a hot take because it's wrong.

>> No.19303403

Just active your sage mode Rinnegan and power through it

>> No.19303405

it's not a one time event
they can keep forming over and over throughout your life

>> No.19303409

Maybe a lot of younger people who are just starting to understand how you can suddenly be in agony or die and trying to come to terms with that.

>> No.19303410

Your kidneys are basically the filters of the body, and the stones are from mineral sediment buildup at those filter sites. So long as you are consistently hydrated, you should have the minimal concentrations required to prevent them, but being dehydrated allows the stones to form at nucleation sites due to higher concentrations of minerals in the urea. There are medical risk charts that outline the different types of stones and their associated risk factors. The most common ones are calcium based (oxalate or phosphate), hence the avoidance chart higher up in the thread.

Basically avoid shit that gives you diabetus, gout, or other fatfuck problems and you'll be fine. And not be a dude.

>> No.19303412

let's just remove our kidneys then

>> No.19303413

Nah there is actually a feminist that had this take in the 70s before any incels.

>> No.19303417

I take a multivitamin every day, is that a bad idea? Should I take it every other day? I know it has benefited me.

>> No.19303419

>need at least 1 kidney to live
>remove 1 kidney so it can't grow stones
>now 1 kidney has to filter 2 kidney's worth of liquid all the time
>double the kidney stones going through one kidney

>> No.19303428
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so this is then? we're just waiting for the inevitable?

>> No.19303432

You have to take them both out in one shot, that's the only way to guarantee no more stones can come back.

>> No.19303434

Thanks anon. Yeah it was pretty shit, there were nurses and my sister was there so thank God. I'd had maybe 2 hours of sleep in the past 40+ hours and right before we start giving her the morphine OD concoction I felt it, just a cluster of "fuck me"s lmao.
Pain was enough to make me puke a few times, its sort of like being kicked in the balls but a slower onset of pain with a greater peak, and concentrated towards the back/lower spine and sides (kidney location, duh kek) rather than the stomach.

>> No.19303437

>at night without them noticing and give them dormant rabies so they begin experiencing symptoms and cant get the antidote.
why the fuck did you have to say that? i go out drunk at night and this couldve happened to me without me noticing. fuck

>> No.19303444
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>> No.19303445

Maybe don't go out drunk at night? I don't go out at night at all for other reasons. Humans are meant to be in our caves when it's dark, you can't farm or hunt at night. Also, alcoholism causes kidney stones too, among other horrible things like pancreatitis and organ damage.

>> No.19303451

I wash my hands constantly every day.
>wash hands before eating
>wash hands after eating
>wash hands after going to the toilet
>wash hands after coming back indoors after being outdoors
>wash hands if they start feeling oily
>wash hands before touching my computer mouse and keyboard
>wash hands multiple times while preparing food
>wash hands after touching cleaning products

>> No.19303462

>Stay hydrated
>Eat heathy
>Don't be an alcoholic
>Don't go out at night
>Keep your space clean
>Practice personal hygiene
It's like people on here don't even know how to be a functional person. These are habits you're taught as a child that have been passed down for generations precisely because obeying them prevents death and illness.

>> No.19303471
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>right before we start giving her the morphine OD concoction I felt it, just a cluster of "fuck me"s lmao.
It's weird how the timing for things like that can happen. I went through something similar with a relative, and I get frequent headaches that make me want to puke because they hurt so bad. But I didn't have any for a while until it was over too.

>> No.19303473

the correlation between multivitamins and kidney stones is negligible. you just want to be careful of vitamin C. multivitamins are designed as supplements, not replacements, so its not going to be an excessive amount

>> No.19303488

Can someone tell me what's the point of having pain receptors inside of our body when if something is harming or invading our interior it's going to be incredibly obvious? It just doesn't seem evolutionarily beneficial.

>> No.19303538

good warning for disease, infection, parasite

>> No.19303553

>>Stay hydrated
I drink a lot of water on my days off but I am not allowed to be hydrated at work because I only get one single lunch break to drink water on during my 10 hour shift. I'm not allowed to use the bathroom or get water the entire time until the break and every night my piss stinks horribly.

>> No.19303582

go drink 2l of water and try not to pee
what a stupid post

>> No.19303612

Drink 100oz per day. Don't be one of those retards that carries around a jug. Track it with an app. You'll be fine.

>> No.19303724

Maybe it just makes us more likely to be extra protective of vital organs. Without the pain receptors there we might be more likely to instinctually leave a vital area exposed.

>> No.19303752

While I've never had a kidney stone, try waking up in the middle of an amputation. That was no fucking picnic for me, I assure you.

>> No.19303829

only if it was a surprise amputation from a accident where you knocked out and don't remember

>> No.19303833

I don't think you need an app. It's a biological instinct to just drink something when you need it.

That stuff about everyone being dehydrated is probably from people getting used to only drinking super sugary drinks. So they have to wait until they're thirsty, AND craving a ton of sugar to drink something. If you're used to just drinking water then you probably don't have to worry about anything.

>> No.19303835

>try waking up in the middle of an amputation
waking up into a nightmare holy shit

>> No.19304049

Saw an interview somewhere sometime way back when with a woman who lost an eye in some accident and said it was far more painful than childbirth
Most women just never get hurt and don't know shit and of course assume whatever discomfort they ever might have felt is the worst it's possible to feel

>> No.19304056

Idiot, it's because our heads are so fucking big
Because we're fucking smarter than other animals
Fucking moron

>> No.19304060

>eat my two tablespoons spoons of salt in the morning like usual
>suddenly have to take a massive diarrhea shit
why the fuck is this happening

>> No.19304090

you should ask your mother how your delivery went, anon

>> No.19304093

No, no, no. Clearly we need MORE kidneys.

>> No.19304100
File: 2.10 MB, 1429x808, Screenshot 2022-12-14 231928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what i really need is a second liver
why do i get two of everything else but not on one thing i need ffs

>> No.19304104

Livers are great at repairing themselves. It typically takes years of dedicated abuse to cause permanent damage.

>> No.19304108

I eat beets every day and (((kidney stones))) can't stop me

>> No.19304117

sea water

>> No.19304124

Meanwhile, overdose death rates are higher than ever. Almost like having access to a safe, regulated, lab-quality supply is better than relying on street drugs.

>> No.19304134

Kill yourself
The hip bone literally opens up so the baby can pass, it's on the same level as your faggot stones

>> No.19304144

How would you know? You have no womb, and you have no ovaries.

>> No.19304163

>Troon isn't aware of the difference of pelvic bone structure between males and females is to effectively support pregnancy and assist labor
lol, lmao even

>> No.19304176

you need to be 18 to post here

>I'm suing the shit out of them.
lmao buddy no lawyer is going to take up your case because you didn't feel like fulfilling your end of a financial agreement. it's how the system works. does it suck? yes, but it's better than going to debtor's prison

>> No.19304207

>Maybe a lot of younger people who are just starting to understand how you can suddenly be in agony or die and trying to come to terms with that.
i find shit like this is just not talked about enough anywhere. it's almost like because we live in the society we do where modern medicine can take care of A LOT of ailments that used to plague humanity in the past, that we're now fine for everything. but it's just not true. we're still fucking sacks of flesh that are subject to the forces of thermodynamics and nature. people's hearts just stopping due to some unknown condition is still a thing. brain aneurysms are a thing. you feel extreme pain in your temples for 10 minutes and then you're dead.

it's scary shit man

>> No.19304209

No, just drink... a sensible amount of water? and get a sensible amount of nutrients?

It's like if things aren't one extreme or the other, you people just think it's impossible. There's such a thing as moderation.

>> No.19304214

>... ?
Why are you typing like a 2010-era tumblrina?

>> No.19304216

maybe bring that down to once/week (it's what i do). if you eat a good enough diet, you don't need it. the guy that invented multivitamins in the 20th century was basically a snake oil salesman. there's many minerals/elements in one that we don't need daily doses of. i also remember reading something of a study years ago saying those who took it daily had higher risks of some cancers but i don't know if it was perfect nor do i remember much of it

>> No.19304220
File: 111 KB, 1061x564, Muh KIDNEY!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The willfully obstinate retard is a perennial troll on 4troons.
Yes, water,water and MOAR water.
The only caveat here is the QUALITY of water is important too. Distilled is usually $1 a gallon. I usually drink R.O. water, but for this I'd throw $20 for ten days of 2 gallons a day and pissing clear all day long.
I've had them. It felt like I had cracked my spine at the top of my lumbar/bottom of my thoracic. That's what I get for allowing myself to go hours without drinking anything after downing a pot of coffee.
I didn't even drink distilled; just copious amounts of R.O.
I'd think that tap,(God forbid,) or sugary drinks and coffee could make it worse.
I also knew a guy who had the ultrasound treatment for them...he said it made it even worse.
Imagine pissing out shards of shattered crystals.
Watta iz da wae.

>> No.19304221

>has zero argument
>takes issue with a grammatically correct sentence written in a style his faggot brain identifies as a safe bet to make fun of.

Sorry, how do you know what tumblrinas type like? A frequenter of the website, I presume?

>> No.19304224

I agree with what you said; I just think you said it like a faggot.

>> No.19304225

And I think you're retarded.

>> No.19304227

I'm... a retard? with brain damage?

>> No.19304228

that recycling can gets emptied once a week

>> No.19304231
File: 1.94 MB, 593x334, Tasty Wheats.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That four loco can is the tell...
Brah needs to start brewing his own. At least he'd get the nutrients they filter out from sex in a canoe beer.

>> No.19304234

I dunno man I have a haemorrhoid that sometimes tries to kill me. It's straight up knocked me out from the pain before.

>> No.19304235

>debtor's prison
We got a time traveler over here from 1876!!

>> No.19304236

Again you still being hungup on the way someone types is just making you look more pathetic.

Imagine thinking that using an ellipsis and question marks is somehow a faggy way of typing. They're words, you fragile fucktard.

>> No.19304241

>an ellipsis and question marks
>they're words
No, they're punctuation.

>> No.19304251

I still dont understand people aversion to just drinking water this day and age when we have access to it everywhere and its clean. I ran into lots of people in the Army ( pretty much all younger dudes) who refused to drink water because they thought it tasted gross or whatever and only ever drank energy drinks, soda, gatorade,tea,coffee all usually loaded with sugar. These were also they guys that would end up having related injuries during training.

I get in the ye olde days when water couldnt be trusted to be safe and thats why people drank beer or mead instead. But im also pretty sure most beer back in the day didnt have as much crap in it as it does now. I for one think a refreshing glass of water when you are thirsty is delicious. Its almost like your body is telling you what it needs..go figure..

>> No.19304253

>ye olde days when water couldnt be trusted to be safe
That was pretty much only in the cities.

>> No.19304257
File: 306 KB, 2580x1930, SRS BSNS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but you should just clam down, anon.
I catch shit from trolls/grammar fags all the time here. Most of it is intentional sabotaging of this site to make it unpalatable.
I guess the ones who aren't are just retards who can't into the fact that conversational typing is a totally different thing than writing a diatribe or perhaps a school paper.
Seems strange for a place that was built on anime and MANGA, doesn't it?
That said faggot retards should be called out on their bullshit--unless it's just bait.

>> No.19304262
File: 819 KB, 1332x1000, ronniefinal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about grammar; it's about style. Basically, he talks like a fag, and his shit's all retarded. Also, I guarantee I've been on this gay fucking website longer than you have.

>> No.19304266
File: 137 KB, 500x525, 1594997746717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RETARD!! Are you OK??
In this context, they are symbols that REPRESENT WURDS, fikkin' MORAN!
Where the fuck do you think you are?
English Comp 221?

>> No.19304269

Which word does "..." represent?

>> No.19304274

>See thread
>Get worried
>Find out the cure is to stay hydrated
>Sigh in relief and have a sip from my trusty, smelly metal bottle

>> No.19304276

>he talks like a fag, and his shit's all retarded.
That's Idiotic.
Sure...sure, anon. I'm only a mere CANCER that killed /b/ faggot. Newfag is 2 gud 4 me.
If you can't figure that out...

>> No.19304282

Good man!
everything that needed to be said HAS.

>> No.19304283

It was and still is the case pretty much everywhere. Man-made contamination is just one thing that might cause water to be unsafe to drink. Unless you're treating water (such as by turning it into beer or boiling it and making tea) or have it tested (which is pretty much only viable in case of wells since if you're taking water from a stream you can't really protect the surface from contamination) you're pretty much always rolling the dice to see whether it makes you sick.

>> No.19304290

Calm down.
>wells didn't exist
>springs didn't exist

>> No.19304291

Wells and springs aren't automatically safe, retard.

>> No.19304299

Well that was about 2 years ago and nothing else happened

>> No.19304301

Read the article to learn how your little pop-history fact you learned from YouTube is more myth than anything else.

>> No.19304305
File: 1.53 MB, 1200x1600, NewZealand Delight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I'm fine anon--just fucking around.

>> No.19304307

And yet somehow everything I've said remains true. KYS retard.

>> No.19304319

cope + seethe you ahistorical dimwit

>> No.19304322

I bet you also think drinking mercury will make you immortal. Just because people did something doesn't mean it is safe to do, retard.

>> No.19304323
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>> No.19304329

>I get in the ye olde days when water couldnt be trusted to be safe and thats why people drank beer or mead instead
This is false
>It’s unlikely that they drank small beer for its low alcohol content, nor for the oft-cited claim that the brewing process killed bugs in polluted water. as they didn’t know that bacteria and microbes existed. If the water smelt bad, people simply wouldn’t drink it.
>People didn’t drink small beer to stay healthy — they drank small beer to give them energy.

>> No.19304330

>This is false
It is also something I never said, retard. My first post in this discussion was >>19304283

>> No.19304337

Oh okay, never mind then. If it makes you feel any better, I was never arguing against anything other than the post I quoted, and I didn't even read your posts before replying to them.

>> No.19304341

you are trying WAYYYY too hard little guy

>> No.19304344

don't give him any more attention

>> No.19304367

I am currently shitting myself in bed because I'm too hung over to walk to the bathroom

>> No.19304369


>> No.19304488

It's a Tuesday morning

>> No.19304504
File: 92 KB, 666x379, NO U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left the thread 2 hours ago..
Just came back to see if there was any new info.
You wanna derail the thread with childish bickering--Cool kid.
Carry on.

>> No.19304534

>claims to have left the thread 2 hours ago
>last post was an hour and 40 minutes before that one

>> No.19304536

My parents have both had kidney stones, and the doctors told them to drink water with lemon juice to prevent from forming more. Meanwhile I've been sipping white Monster Zero Ultra almost every day for the past five years and haven't had any kek

>> No.19304545

A lot of people grow up in places where the municipal water supply tastes like shit, so they have an aversion to drinking plain water that isn't bottled. I actually live in a city with very clean water, so I drink from the tap all the time.

>> No.19304761

This is not true, they have a much lower pain threshold and physiological pain tolerance (precisely because they get pregnant)
Not to mention near zero psychological pain tolerance
In fact opiods even work differently on women and blacks, causing semi permenant hyperalgesia, to the point that what amounts to a hard touch is felt as painful. Actually sheds a lot of light on why blacks CANT BREEEEEEVE when subject to a small superficial injury

>> No.19304777

One of my testicles has half of it smashed off, so whenever the other one does a "flip" lying down I always shit myself because I worry if I'm fixing it the right way

>> No.19304831

Women have said some things are more painful than birth but never severe constipation, though many have experienced both.
Also, not every woman actually feels the same level of pain from birth (even if both have no meds/the same meds). Heck the pain of birth can change for the same woman whose had multiple kids, and it doesn't always get easier, sometimes a later birth is actually more painful. There's just too many factors

>> No.19304836

Kidney stones can have varying pain levels, you can pass smaller ones and be alright without any meds. The super larger ones are killer

>> No.19304841

>I just twist it back
The one time I woke at 4am because my ball hurt, I did exactly that, 'cause duh, I can rotate a ball & it can't be worse. I manage to lower the pain to only concerning-owie-when-I'm-doing-anything.
Then I went to the balls-doctor. Apparently I unfucked myself too quick for him to find any symptom, I guess he thought I was drug-seeking.
Had moderate pain when walking/fapping for a couple months.

>> No.19304846

I got an epidural for the first kid and had nothing for the second.
The doc screwed up the epidural 3 times before it worked, they also gave me some drugs to help me sleep that didn't do anything except make me unable to speak properly despite remaining lucid.

First go around was psychologically hellish. I didn't really feel anything during the birth, but the whole experience was mental torment and freaking out from the meds screwing with my brain. Baby swallowed meconium and had to go to the NICU (later learned from an OBGYN textbook this is a common complication of epidurals).

2nd time around no meds - yea it hurt much much worse. However, it was actually easier to handle mentally. I had control of myself and full lucidity. It was actually a rewarding experience over all and I didn't hate everything, and baby was fine. It's very painful, but labor and birthing pain is "productive." It has a good purpose and isnt purely a sign of injury. Despite handling the more intense pain of labor I'm still whiney about normal lower level pain, because that pain means injury and feels useless and just bad.

>> No.19304858

People have used pain inducing machines to demonstrate the opposite. From about 12 years old onward women just get used to being in pain for a week each month.

>> No.19304873

How many women do you know that have given birth and had kidney stones? Did these women get drugs and an epidural for the birth, because if so it literally stops working as a comparison. You'd also feel nothing if docs gave you an epidural for a kidney stone.

>> No.19304878

Lmao, no one is choosing incontinence for the rest of their life and months of painful recovery just so they get to complain

>> No.19304973

Yep, though it just lasts maybe a couple of days after when it happens to me

>> No.19304974

You can break them down over time with things like lemon juice and vinegar (ACV). You can also prevent them from forming entirely by staying well hydrated. Fasting can also demineralize them, but you must know how to do it properly.

>> No.19304989

does drinking freshly squeezed lemonade count?

>> No.19304999

That will help, nta

>> No.19305014

Which will destroy your kidneys if you're relying on that to take care of your problem. It's best to learn how you can prevent and dissolve them yourself, so you don't need to pay a doctor to ravage your kidneys.

>> No.19305023

Go easy on him, obviously he has a small head.

>> No.19305074

This. My gf had chronic kidney stones and eventually had to get the ultrasound procedure done. It also involves an ureteroscopy to remove all the little shards of stones so they won't damage your urethra on the way out, so it's not a fun time.

>> No.19305306

I've had a kidney stone. Its pretty rough, but not as bad as people make it out to be.

>> No.19305313

They do form slowly over time, and will keep happening unless you change your diet to combat them. Flushing your body with water and proper dieting prevents them from building up and becoming actually noticeable. If you have had them before, you can get a sort of ultrasound done to check for more of them and they actually have sonic wave devices that can break them up.

>> No.19305321

Kidney stones vary in severity.

>> No.19305349

3 out of 4 people I kept in touch with from high school all had them within 5 years of graduating, but none of us had them recur
we think there was something in the pipes

>> No.19305359

>oxalic acid
That's not the only cause, though. There are four different types of kidney stones. One of them is caused by eating excessive protein. Another is those oxalates. I don't remember the other two.

>> No.19305367

>Wish there was some foolproof method to guarantee they never happen again.
Easy-peasey! Just donate your kidneys to some fat old diabetic Israeli. He'll pay you good shekels for them and you can go home kidneyless.

>Just go to the ER mate, they have ultrasounds lithotripsy
They only do that in extreme cases, like stones that are too large to be passed out normally. Even then, all that does is break up one huge stone into dozens of tiny chunks, ALL OF WHICH HAVE TO COME OUT YOUR URETHRA.

>> No.19305401

go check the sugar content and just visualize that many grams of sugar

>> No.19305440

That's probably true. Most of us are pretty fucked up from modern food engineering, though. Thirst doesn't always express itself straightforwardly. I know the app I use helps me.

>yes, but it's better than going to debtor's prison
Thankfully, unlike 80% of 4chan in 2023, I'm an American. We don't have debtors prisons, "buddy".

>> No.19305451

Kidney stones run in my family. I've had, I believe, a mild one, my brother's had a couple bad ones, and my dad and grandpa has had multiple really bad ones that had to be broken up from the inside. Same thing with our cousins. AND I had a scare with a testicular torsion when I was younger.

>> No.19305464

May as well buy some raw fent powder.

>> No.19305543

>We don't have debtors prisons, "buddy".
i never said that, you illiterate retard. i'm implying that the credit score system we have now is better than going to prison for not paying a loan

>> No.19305580

>Shove balls in as a teen
>Take a long soak in a hot bath until it normalizes
Does this work?

>> No.19305581

>fasting can also demineralize them
I've eaten one meal a day for the last 6 years, how does that affect my outlook?

>> No.19305663

you're fine and more healthy than most people. constant "snacking" is the most cancerous eating habit from the past 60 years

>> No.19305696

I've also gotten conflicting messages about citrus juice vs kidney stones.
>vitamin C can cause kidney stones
>acidic juice can dissolve kidney stones
I just made myself a nice gallon of limeaid with 14 squeezed limes and 1.5 cups of brown sugar.

>> No.19305733

kidney stones are alkaline in nature. actual acids (not just acidic food) help break them down. simple as

>> No.19306136

Excess vitamin C gets turned into oxalic acid, which binds with calcium to form most common kidney stones

>> No.19306166

wtf guess I'm going to get scurvy now

>> No.19306178

I said excess vitamin C, and even then it's unlikely that it'll actually lead to a kidney stone. I'm just saying what the mechanism would be in theory.

>> No.19306180

just don't take those airbourne vitamin C supplements when you get sick. they're horrible for you

>> No.19306272


as the other guy mentioned its about the big head but also labor being shitty and women needing help with it is a selected for trait in prehistory, as it means only women that have a group of individuals that support each other will likely survive. Kinda cool, but I think its part of what bred women into being so stupid, people pleasing, and reliant on group consensus.

>> No.19306303

wait dont yall do this?

>> No.19306304

I thought a couple of years ago I thought I had it, but really instead I just had a testicular tube infection, usually what's considered an STI because it was summer and I wasn't washing my underwear enough. I was given an injection and put on antibiotics to get over it, it was one of the most physically painful experiences of my life. So uh yeah, wash your hands before you jerk off and change into fresh underwear more, especially in hot weather.

>> No.19306307

>have a group of individuals that support each other will likely survive
i think that applies to humans in general

>> No.19306320

desu if you blanch spinach and then rinse it you can get rid of most of the oxalates in it.

>> No.19306344

It's funny when humans try to substitute a processed food item as a natural food and then complain when it's not giving them they same benefit as consuming something natural.

>> No.19306608

The second ingredient in that is citric acid, which is the compound that makes lemon so effective in preventing kidney stones

>> No.19306673

I can't even start imaging how revolting you are for this to even have a chance of happening at all

>> No.19306717

>There's a reason 50% of women died in child birth before modern medicine.
No, that happened because physicians and nurses were oblivious to infections transmitted by microbes and viruses and didn't care to do proper hygiene when delivering the baby

>> No.19306728

I had chronic kidney stones for like four or five months. It fucking sucked but it the stones were small thank God. I used chanca piedra or "stone breaker" which helped me pass them. I think it flushed the out which is why I had them for so long. Feeling way better now and may start another course of the pills I have just to make sure I've cleaned myself out. Friends recommended this to me and also beer. I don't drink a lot of beer but I'm about to start.

>> No.19306759

Pain creates character, the growth of maturity, inner harmony, more knowledge, and satisfaction.

>> No.19306828

>several a year
>no big deal anymore
>thought I had this after two weeks of dull pain my balls
>got a fucking ultrasound, so now I have medical proof that my balls are of normal shape and appear fine
I love all of these except soybeans and whatever the fuck groats are.
>once pooped chalk white which is a symptom of gallbladder failure

Drinking is the best solution for all of these problems. A couple beers every night makes the pain go away and loosens everything up. Never took more than a few days to pass one.
The small tick of a sinus infection drying and flaking inside your head was second only to a drill directly on my tooth nerve.
Pretty sure I'm indestructible now.

>> No.19306869

I got one when I was 10, it sucked but in hindsight the pain wasn’t dare I say that bad. For a 10 year old maybe, but it wouldn’t be as bad as a pregnancy I don’t think.

I couldn’t even pee mine out, it got stuck in the opening of my urethra because of how big and spiky it was. Had to get my urethral opening sliced open to get it out. Now THAT hurt.

>> No.19306876

>50% of women died in childbirth
it was 5% of first-time mothers who died in childbirth before the 20th century roughly
the more children you had, the less likely it was you'd die in childbirth, but playing Russian roulette with a 1/20 chance of dying is not exactly good, and when you're dealing with numbers in the tens of billions (over all of history that is) you get a shitload of women dying in childbirth

>> No.19306885

I woke up one day and had mild pain in my right ball, I went to try and twist it back but I couldn't tell which way it was supposed to go back. One hour later I decided to go to the hospital, and after doing an ultrasound I was rushed into the ER for same day surgery.
Only upside is my ball was in pain but wasn't suffocated so I still have both balls, and they stitch your balls in place so they can't rotate anymore, so it's "basically impossible" for them to twist again outside of an extreme condition.
I'm an Amerifag so the bill was $5,000 with insurance ($9,000 without insurance).

>> No.19306914

How in the everloving name of fuck do you get a kidney stone at 10 years old?

>> No.19306921

genetic skill issue

>> No.19306928

then cut your cock off loser

>> No.19306939

>they stitch your balls in place so they can't rotate anymore, so it's "basically impossible" for them to twist again
that sounds great, why the fuck were balls designed to be so brittle

>> No.19306951

>eat 170g of spinach every day
>eat almonds and buckwheat fairly regularly
>eat at least 100g of protein daily
>never pissed rocks
Just drink water. Sometimes I'll add an ounce of lemon juice to it, or do a shot of apple cider vinegar to keep my piss nice and acidic.

>> No.19306963

I had one in the beginning of the year. It took so fucking long to detach.I entered the hospital and got my diagnostic on Jan 10, it finally exited on Feb 27. I was just about to get a refill on my prescription. I have high pain treshold, so what I felt was just the constant need to pee. It was really painful at time though. My clients probably thought I was going through withdrawal, lol. Didn't feel a think when it came out though. I was surprised to see it pop through when actually going pissing (not just a spasm). I hope I never get that shit again. I had already taken resolutions at the beginning of the year to drink more water and stop drinking energy drink. I've drank maybe 10 since Jan 1st instead of one or two every other day.

>> No.19306975

I have no idea. I was really skinny as a and only drank water/milk. It had to be some sort of food I ate, my mom was an awful cook and made us eat the same shit.

>> No.19307165
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>Had to get my urethral opening sliced open to get it out

>> No.19307244

>implying those are the only two options
You utterly fail at implications. The alternative to credit scores and medical bills generally incurred under duress where both parties are compelled to disregard ability/likelihood to pay is not locking the debtor up. If you think that's anywhere in the realm of possiblity in the USA you should go rack-up a hefty hospital bill getting a brain scan.

And nobody said anything about a fucking lawyer taking the case (which lots would, just not on contingency, but that's besides the point).

>> No.19307245

It's not that they're fragile (which they kinda are), it's more that they're not designed to do the things that cause testicular torsion. Rough sex can cause it or if you're a retard and exercise weird.

>> No.19307395

All replies are retarded. On a typical day, women have a lower pain tolerance than men. During labor/childbirth, their pain tolerance skyrockets and they can tolerate a hole that typically stretches to the diameter of a golf ball going to that of a grapefruit.

>> No.19308441

I've heard lemon water is good for kidney health, maybe that helps. I drink 64 oz of it every day at work so I'm hoping I'm safe. My cock is not for passing anything solid

>> No.19308507

Drink less sugary drinks, add juices to your diet and stay hydrated. Had kidney stones years ago, but also only drank soda and energy drinks like a retard. Now I quit drinking soda regularly and drink aloe water, fruit juices and teas. Also eat oranges and mandarins frequently as well as apples, kiwi, strawberries and pears.

>> No.19308538

>snapping your femur is blissful in comparison
i snapped my femur, didnt realize something broke and tried to walk it off at first. Stopped after 10 steps.
Not taking a shit for 5 days is more painful than that

>> No.19308585

stagnation is the cause for crystallization.
with a healthy fluid throughput and urinating often there is no time for them to grow, that is if you dont dink some literal poison like antifreeze.

>> No.19309197

or if you just turn over in your sleep and get an unlucky physics roll

>> No.19309201

wait so now fasting CAN cause crystals? I thought other anons said fasting can prevent crystals
I fucking hate kidneys

>> No.19309292

fasting water is the quickest way to ruin your body
>brain shrinks
>intervertebral discs starve, first step in throwing a disc
>blood thickens, strains heart, valves and arteries
even without pissing or sweating, you loose a lot of moisture simply by breathing

>> No.19309311

no one fasts water retard

>> No.19309317

i do
strictly drink koolaid and monster rehab for weeks at a time, its easier then it sounds i don't even realize im doing half the time

>> No.19309333

you need lots of calcium in your diet, leafy green veggies and milk are your friends

>> No.19309334

I've seen some studies still showing health benefits from fasting. You can still do it too much or for too long. I have an autoimmune disease and fasting helps reduce symptoms.

>> No.19309340

The whole notion that greens like spinach are high in calcium is based on a typo
The only foods that have high levels of bioavailable calcium are meats

>> No.19309347

I thought that was iron with spinach, not calcium. Also what about the calcium in dairy?

>> No.19309358

Oh, you're right that is iron
But yeah plant calcium is hard to digest
So is dairy calcium, meat is the best option
The best way to up your iron intake, BTW, is to just use cast-iron pans

>> No.19309375

>calcium stones in your path

>> No.19309379

sorry about your AIDS

>> No.19309381
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They are high in iron and calcium though, and crucially for iron, our body is able to regulate the amount it absorbs. You can absorb more iron from red meat in the form of heme because there's no mechanism to stop it when you've had enough, which is one of the reasons red meat and iron in the form of heme are associated with increased risk of colon cancer.

>> No.19309384

who gives a shit, it's cruel and unnatural for a human to live longer than 60 anyway, I want to enjoy my life while I'm young, not be miserable living in some walkable city pod eating bugs and plants

>> No.19309465

Thanks. It's a mast cell disease making me allergic to everything.

>> No.19309842

lemon water, baking soda water (not at the same time)

>> No.19309886

Shut the fuck up retard.
Sugar doesn't create rocks in your body, it's pissed out.

>> No.19309930
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>cluster headaches
there's a reason they're sometimes called suicide headaches, people have been known to kill themselves to make them stop

>> No.19309942
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>vagina and sphincter tear to form one massive hole
I did that. I have an exceptionally generous head and fucked my mom's shit all up. As a child it was one of her favorite things to bring up anytime she was pissed at me.

>> No.19309960

I drank so much that i got acute pancreatitis, damaged 80% of my pancreas. while i was in hospital they put me on fentanyl and i ripped out my catheter. are you saying it's more painful than that?

>> No.19309961
File: 31 KB, 400x400, sound_kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread makes me seriously consider the health benefits of sounding

>> No.19309962

They are almost exclusively caused by our garbage modern unnatural diets.
This. The worst natural pain you can experience
dry fasts are one of the most retarded thing anybody can do

>> No.19309972

I know a guy that snapped his femur snowboarding. The helicopter medics pumped him full of ketamine, he said it still didn’t even blunt the excruciating pain.

>> No.19309998

Won't help, the worse part is when the stone goes in a tiny tube between the kidney and bladder, not your pisshole.

>> No.19309999
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Looking back I wonder if I had a kidney stone when I was like 10. I remember the overwhelming urge to pee to the point I literally could not hold it for like maybe and hour. I noticed my urine was a little bloody and what looked like a kind of lump of clotted blood came out and after I felt ok. I was home alone when it happened and I never told anyone lol

>> No.19310035

>femur pain is nothing
That aside.
Bad tooth nerve pain is fucking awful.
I can only imagine those that have the really bad kind.
Suicide to relieve the pain tier.

>> No.19310059

No, tooth pain has nothing on kidney stones
I collapsed on the floor of a gas station on the US Mexico border passing a kidney stone
I thought I got stabbed in the back
But I passed out from the pain of pancreatitis (car accident) a number of times and forgot how to speak in English
Mind you I've been speaking English since I was about 5, you wouldn't know I was ESL unless I told you
Thank Christ they had an African doc there to translate for me
I thought he was a janitor, turns out he was chief of medicine
So a real fucking Nigerian, not some bullshit scrub

>> No.19310087

>you know you can get oxys for this right? had a friend of a friend back in school that had a stone. he just got like 2 months of oxys prescribed to him and he was, for the most part, ok

Maybe in like 2009. I'm in the medical field, painkillers are not prescribed unless the injury is very severe. Even things like fractured and broken bones get ibuprofen 600mg. Junkies ruined everything

>> No.19310111

Yeah its not very common any more. I broke my ankle in 2012 and my provider had me swimming in oxycodone. I honestly didnt need it except every now and then, but nowadays its Ibuprofen 800mg and drink water. There might be some providers out there who still dont give a fuck but they might not be the ones you are gonna want as your Doc lol

>> No.19310161

Highest birth death rate never passed 10%.. Most maternal deaths happened because doctors back then were ratrded and didnt wash their hands.

>> No.19310181

>One of them is caused by eating excessive protein
That doesnt sound right as high protein has no effect an a healthy kidney. cystinuria is amino acid based recssive disorder which may be the confusion. in this GENETIC disorder, a low protein diet is recommended.

>> No.19310201

Thats fucking bullshit. I have a high tolerance to pk's so every time they give me stuff its never enough. Why the fuck are they afraid to prescribe it? They dont have to give you refills

>> No.19310210

It's not because of junkies like the other anon said. They stopped prescribing painkillers because of people suing them for getting addicted. The industry decided "fuck getting sued, enjoy the pain then faggots".

>> No.19310291

It wasn’t that bad

>> No.19310385
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>> No.19310388
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>> No.19310389
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>> No.19310391
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Part 2 and this are the most relevant for prevention

>> No.19310434

The sugar part is largely irrelevant for kidney stones but many sodas like cola contain phosphoric acid which is a large contributor to kidney stones. Also watch your salt intake and drink plenty of water to dilute your urine.

>t. fellow kidney stone phobia haver

>> No.19310464

Every time I have had a kidney stone they really only mention dehydration. That why's kidney stones cases happen more in the hot months.
Increase water intake and electrolytes if you were only drinking water before. Make sure you take Vit d because if it gets too low it can cause kidney issues.

>> No.19310467

Calcium isn't the most common ones I believe so unlikely to be an issue. If you have chronic heart burn though speak to a doctor to check for gerd which increases your cancer risk.

>> No.19311070

this happened to me a month ago. very painful to go through

>> No.19311102

the high protein as a risk factor is still misleading for reasons i outlined above

>> No.19311346

One of my coworkers is from Afghanistan and said a lot of the people in his village would get kidney stones. Said it was terrible cause they would howl with pain for days, but they had little in the way of pain killers (or alcohol kek).
Not much they could do either, since their wells had a bunch of minerals in it so they were pretty much drinking the exact shit that caused kidney stones to form.
Sounds like hell, desu

>> No.19311400

They stopped prescribing it because the DEA sees every single prescription they write, and if their brainless algorithm decides it is excessive they will raid the doctor like he was a cartel member. This is all under the guise of "preventing diversion" (stopping legit pain meds from being sold on the street).
It has nothing to do with being sued by addicts, it has to do with extreme pressure from the feds who are totally incompetent at preventing literal tons of heroin, fentanyl, methamphetamine from being smuggled over the border, so they target something they can easily control - actual doctors and pharmaceutical companies. This of course does zero to stop the "opioid crisis" (and in fact exacerbates it because pain patients will turn to illegal sources for relief).

>> No.19312278

my teeth are rotting. like, I probably have the worst dentition on 4chan (not proud of it, but I cant afford a dentist.) bad tooth pain sucks, but you can manage the pain with tylenol and stuff. If you take tylenol when you have a kidney stone, you're just making things worse. You get used to the pain at one point and stop feeling anything.

>> No.19312322

ah another case of the government only hurting law abiding citizens with regulation

>> No.19312576

Also confirming. I had a stone stuck for several days which was bookended by about 3 weeks of UTI. I would hyperventilate for 20 minutes until I passed out from that, be gifted 10-15 minutes of merciful unconsciousness then wake up and repeat. Writhing, screaming, choking and sweating was my life for several days for several days. My voice and tears were gone within hours but I kept crying and screaming. I shit in the shower because I couldn't bend to sit. Every piss was like a cable saw being pulled through me because the stone is a blockage and it's jagged, dug into whatever it's passing through, causing even more blockage through inflamation. It takes tremendous effort and even more pain to get out 1 drop, but there's so much more than that left to come out so it drags on and on.

I tried bashing my head against the wall in an attempt to knock myself out for awhile. I took thousands of mg of ibuprofen a day with zero effect. I went to the ER 4 times to beg for codeine shots, which helped for a few hours until they wore off. Every time they made me lie in the empty ER (3AM) for hours until they would administer it, leaving me to scream and kick things over. I had never thought about suicide before or after those weeks but I sure did during. I still have my stone but it's not appropriate to post a pic on /ck/.

I have to stifle laughter when women complain about birthing pain, or when people point to anything over a 3 on a pain chart.

Anyway, water OP.

>> No.19312582


>> No.19312777

>pregnancy is like a papercut in comparison

So why are all these whores bitching about shitting babies out?

>> No.19312795

>why do women complain about things?
it truly is a mystery

>> No.19312801

post it fag

>> No.19312838

>I still have my stone but it's not appropriate to post a pic on /ck/.

Its a tiny mineral mineral deposit from your body. Its not inappropriate anywhere. Its actually inappropriate for you to say that its inappropriate.

>> No.19312869

My wife had our first in the hospital and second in our bedroom with a midwife. The second went much smoother, but no meds for either birth.

>> No.19312970
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>> No.19312978
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holy shit

>> No.19313020

Kek is that 3 or 4 different types of stones in one?
How fat are you anon.

>> No.19313042
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>> No.19313250

haven't seen that gif in about 7 years

>> No.19313255

imagine the smell

>> No.19313400

I'm gonna have fucking nightmares tonight, thanks