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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19294807 No.19294807 [Reply] [Original]

What's your go-to weekly sloppa, prepbros?

>> No.19294821

i cant eat the same shit over and over again without being miserable

>> No.19295004
File: 93 KB, 1000x500, Chicken-GMO-KFC-Rumor[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you find these "all leg" chickens?

>> No.19295014

imagine being this much of a picky eater.

>> No.19295019

I can but meal preps are gross after 2 days. Especially meat.

The only meals that work well for preps are things like chili, chicken Alfredo, stroganoff, soups and stews, etc. Eating a 3 day old microwaved chicken thigh makes me want to puke.

>> No.19295193

Brown rice, black beans, chicken breast and some veggies, whatever I have.

>> No.19295246
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i just make big meals and freeze a lot for the same reason. chicken especially starts to smell off to me really quick.

i make small pans of lasagna, shepherds pie and freeze for easy meals later. lots of chili and soups in the freezer.

>> No.19295462

Meal preppers are so lazy they can’t even spend 20-30 minutes to prepare fresh food. They delude themselves into thinking their glorified TV dinners are some sort of virtuous accomplishment.
>but I don’t have time to cook!
>I’m too tired to cook after work!
Bullshit. Put your screen down. Spend 30 minutes cooking dinner instead of binge watching some shitty show.

>> No.19295493

usually just a stew or chili

>> No.19295570

I don't mealprep per se but I like cooking for the next day or two. This way I only have to cook 3-4 times per week.

I have two main recipes

>homemade tomato sauce with chicken breast that lasts me 3 days in the fridge
I mix it with pasta I cook fresh.

>baked boneless chicken thighs and potatoes
This is my go-to lazy recipe. I only have to cook some vegetables to accompany it.

>> No.19295595

Based stew freezer. Yeah I do the same thing, "wet" protein dishes and slow-cooker dishes are the best for meal-prepping and freezing. Or meatballs, I do huge batches of meatballs and freeze the bulk of them. Anything else though just cook it fresh

>> No.19295782

Post chicken seasoning /recipe method. Same with whatever that it is next to it.

>> No.19295801


Sometimes I will bag up some cut up meat and veg with garlic, onion and seasonings that I can just drop in a saute pan with some olive oil and have with rice or veg. It's a good middle ground.

Having bags of meatballs that you can heat in canned tomato for pasta or meatball subs is great.

>> No.19295810

I need to get a vacuum sealer. That looks like an ideal system, especially if they're boil safe bags that you can just chuck in a pot of water.

>> No.19295871
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I want half a dozen super fucking simple recipes for throwing together when I have no time/energy at all and just want something I can make a decent bulk batch of and have for lunch/dinner, any suggestions?

The only PERFECT recipe I have in this vein is Cauliflower Mac'n'Cheese:
>large cauliflower (about 1-1.2kg), 400g macaroni, 0.75-1L milk, cheap cheddar cheese (about 300), 2/3 cup of flour and butter
>optionally: colemans mustard, white wine vinegar, breadcrumbs
>break cauliflower into florets of desired size, finely grate cheese, boil pasta
>while pasta boils start roux by melting butter in a saucepan then adding flour
>cook roux till it smells nice and nutty then gradually add milk (1/2 cup at a time till it's a liquid then 1 cup at a time)
>throw in 2 tsp colemans mustard and about 2 tbsp white wine vinegar (these improve the cheese sauce and make it "cheesier", salt to taste
>keep said sauce moving and ideally use a stoneware pot or something (RIP your pan and nose if this burns)
>drain pasta
>roughly layer pasta and cauliflower in a big (likely multiple) casserole/perspex dishes, adding a few ladles of cheese sauce after each layer
>once it's all in churn it all up a bit to distribute the sauce
>give it a good scatter with breadcrumbs
>40 minutes at 200C in the oven, optionally add some grated cheese before the final 10 minutes

Cheap, large amount of veggies, fair amount of protein, delicious. Florets are intentionally not pre-cooked so they stay crunchy instead of turning to mush, smaller florets will be softer, experiment to taste.

Basically just need a few more like this.

>> No.19295888

That seems like a lot of effort for something that's not that good, so I'm not going to help you.

>> No.19295937

>boil pasta, chop up a cauliflower and make a simple white sauce
>a lot of effort

>> No.19295985

I have a cheap stroganoff-ish recipe you might be interested in:

Cook 400-500g of pasta(literally any small pasta)
3-4 bell peppers sautéed in a pan, when half done to your liking, add a can of black beans and minced garlic
Throw the veggies in the pasta pot
Add 2-3 cans of mushroom cream and 1-2 cans of chicken cream in that pot
1-2 onions sautéed and then add 400-500g of ground meat (beef > pork) till it's browned
And spice the meat n onions and other pot to your taste
I either go mexican, so cumin, paprika, chili and oregano or I go Indian with cumin, curry powder, etc.

You can just really freestyle this with anything you like better for veggies or spices. Celery, brocoli, whatever, and same for spices, I like allspice or Worcestershire sauce, or Cajun mix.

Thanks for the recipe too

>> No.19296004
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they are simmer safe, so i keep the temp lower. i find that putting them in some plastic and freezing and popping em out like an ice cube for vacuum sealing works the best for soups and stuff like that. cheap vacuum sealer runs like a champ, don't need the expensive ones

>> No.19296075

I noticed that. Smart and based.

>> No.19296173

post stew recipe

>> No.19296338

It's because you don't know how to cook properly, nigger.

I take 8 pounds of chuck roast and simmer it for 3.5 hours in the over in a bottle of red wine, homemade chicken stock, garlic, star anise.

Then, I take the meat and put it aside (don't want to overcook meat, even when simmering), and boil DRIED shitake mushrooms (must be dried, the flavor is so much stronger) and create a very rich mushroom stock, and reduce that even more.

Then, when I'm ready to eat, I take one ladle of the beef/mushroom stock (which is very salt and mushroomy) and add in some heavy cream. reduce that into a sauce, mix in beef, peas, and maybe another veg, and pour over rice.

I've been eating this for 2 months and I'm still not sick of it.

Pro-tip, roast the garlic before adding it.

>> No.19296361

Please sear your chuck roast first. Consider lightly coating in flour before searing. Otherwise I approve

>> No.19296364

I know I should, but honestly it's too much work and clean up and shit. I like to make it easy enough to where I will consistently cook at home

The flour helps thicken, but what I do is make chicken stock with two whole chickens and a ton of chicken feet. It creates a super gelatinous stock, and the end result of all the reduction is a fine demiglace which I almost prefer over a sauce thickened with flour

>> No.19296407

>buy 10kg of meat on sale
>slow cook half, fry half
>freeze 4/5 of the slow cooked meat with reduced sauce
>make pies and burritos with the fried stuff, freeze it too
>when I don't feel like cooking, take out a 250g puck of frozen meat and throw it in boiling water with my grain of choice and add frozen carrots, baby corn or peas
>by the time it's cooked through it has absorbed the sauce, the puck is dissolved so you just mix it and serve with some grated cheese
>pies/'ritos are even easier cause you thaw them in the microwave and eat as is
meal prepping vegetables is pretty degenerate, I'll give you that
only stuff your freezer with stuff that can't last in the fridge

>> No.19296569

I usually make something that is freezer safe, and pretty much make a bulk of homemade tv dinners for when Im feeling lazy. That, and big pots of pasta or soup to keep in the fridge.

>> No.19297660


for sure: i started off with this one


and make the meat and onion little smaller, add like double the garlic, more thyme, like 6 bay leaves, and more celery. the key is, of course, browning the meat really high heat only a spoonful at a time, and getting a shitload of fond, then de-glazing with that red wine. made it about 10 times and never felt the need to find another recipe, enjoy. hope you make it some day

>> No.19297757
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bumping with my shepherd's pie freezer meal prep. they went into the freezer unbaked and can just be thawed, debagged, and baked when i feel like em.

here is the recipe:


i upped the garlic and put a lot of high-quality, fresh grated, aged parmesan in the potatoes.

>> No.19297790
File: 135 KB, 800x1200, Classic-Egg-Salad-4n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm lazy and make a bunch of chicken salad, tuna salad or egg salad and then just slap a sandwich together in the morning, get a small bag of chips...something to drink

>> No.19298273

i can go for a few months, after that i switch it up.

>> No.19299023


>> No.19299027

Tonight I made about 50 lamb meatballs. Will also be making sides of mashed potatoes and a saute of onion and cabbage. This should get me through to about Wednesday, when I plan to make some pasta salad to finish off the week.

>> No.19299060

ur not a man

>> No.19299176


shakshuka and potato/cauliflower/carrot/bell pepper indian style curry this week. i do lentils with peas a lot too. really lazy stuff.

>> No.19299816

Why do Americans like meal prep? Is it just to save time and not have to cook everyday?

>> No.19299923

Its a law, thats why literally only americans do it and absolutely no one else

>> No.19300108

That looks good, even if it is br*tish. Going to try it this week.

>> No.19300157
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>spending 15 hours a month instead of 4
>justifying it by making up a scenario where you either cook or consume media every day
your poor time management and life choices why you are poor, and remain forever poor.

>> No.19300163
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add cooked chicken cubes for better macro profile. serve with green peas on the side.

one of my goto meal prep used to be chili con carne. you can make JUGE amounts, freezes well, infinitely versatile. i ate with sauerkraut on the side. I should make some.

>> No.19300176

>Spend 30 minutes
it's never 30 minutes

there's always the prep and clean up afterwards

>> No.19300182


>Prep tomorrows dinner before bed to reduce evening cooktime.
>Prep long lasting side dishes that can be reheated or repetitively served with different proteins
Potato bake
Potato mash
Cous cous
As above, precut portioned vegetables for steaming.
>Bulk cook taco, bolognese and chilli mince meals. Portion and freeze. Microwave to heat. Literally takes 15 minutes from freezer to plate.

>> No.19301266

I rotate between stir fry, tacos, and pasta/sauce.

>> No.19301283

>Dedicating 50% of your weekend to preparing lunches so you can be a more efficient wagie
Just get McDonalds if you're that short on time

>> No.19302169
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its really good man, don't let the memes get in the way of actual good cuisine. savory pies, for instance, are pretty damn good. made lamb and rosemary pie once and it was epic.

>> No.19302756

Get this bald faggot's dick out of your mouth, damn

>> No.19303144

I like to make a shitload of beef and veg chili with red and black beans. keeps well in the freezer so I can usually get 10 days worth of dinners out of it.

>> No.19303837

the secret is freezing your meals in glass tupperware and chucken them in the air fryer stays fresh stays crispy

>> No.19303891

Or just go to mcdick's or chipotle and save yourself all that trouble in the first place..why do people have to over complicate everything these days, thoughever?

>> No.19303912

my wife cooks for me, why the fuck would I do that?

>> No.19303961

The breast meat is shit.

>> No.19304342

The breast is all I eat. Things such as wings, thighs and only good for stock. We use to toss the rest of the chicken in years past for the cats/foxes.

As for meal prepping... Just freeze. After awhile, you learn how long you have to bake certain things you've prepared.

>> No.19304493

You're missing the point. OP apparently bought an entire chicken to save money and eat over multiple days, but the chicken was all legs.