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19294870 No.19294870 [Reply] [Original]

Why did beef fat fries die out?

>> No.19294880

Too expensive.

>> No.19294885


>Phil Sokolof, a self-made millionaire and anti-cholesterol crusader who spent millions of his own money waging a nearly two-decade battle against fast-food chains, food processors and dairies, died Thursday. He was 82.

>Several fast-food chains switched to vegetable oil after he called attention to their use of beef tallow to cook French fries.

>> No.19294896

don't even need to check early life to know

>> No.19294956

Vegetable oil is unhealthy while tallow and lard are good for you. They noticed a lot of people were, getting fast food so, this was the easiest way to increase seed oil consumption. After that people saw it as normal like 'oh it's what restaurants use, guess I will too'. Now obesity and heart disease are at record highs so, it was possibly one of their most successful jobs ever done.

>> No.19294978
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>Sokoloff Name Meaning. Westernized form of Russian Belorussian Bulgarian Macedonian and Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic) Sokolov .
What's horrifying is tallow got replaced by much cheaper but insanely unhealthy hydrogenated oil which just now got banned.

>> No.19295053

I bet McDonald's would get filthy rich if they cooked their fries in lard. Imagine eating some freedom fries cooked in animal fat. Yum!

>> No.19295546
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>> No.19295564

Likely offended creepy indians and pakis that worship cows.

>> No.19295572

basically jews

>> No.19295574

lard isn't kosher

>> No.19295893
File: 324 KB, 972x747, shilltactics5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a certain type of person makes memes like that on 4chan, especially when they're contrary to popular 4chan opinion.

You can tell they spent a lot of time trying to think of and make a believable wojak to mock them because they want to fight their views

>give it a double-chin to imply keto doesn't work to make you not-fat
>make him look like a nerd to make fun of how he uses research and data to come to conclusions
>make him ugly to demonize keto

>> No.19295902
File: 131 KB, 559x794, soy effects.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the effects of soi in monkeys.

>> No.19295903 [DELETED] 

Because seed oils hurt the goyim. They're going to kill us you know, friends. Their master plan is unfolding. We're all going to die.

>> No.19295911

It's not just keto, vegetable oils are just way too processed. Mass produced tallow would probably be over processed as well though to be real.

>> No.19295939

>lard isn't kosher
corned beef with bacon isn't kosher either but jew delis sell it anyway

>> No.19295945

too unhælthy

>> No.19295946

Pro-tip: if you fell for the left vs right D&C you are the retard.
>t. leftist nazi
>mfw according to your meme I'm a shill

>> No.19296053

Hugbees does overdubbed parody videos on Youtube and after watching his rendition of a sunflower oil factory I created a new diet called "only eating things that weren't processed in a dirty factory or by machines", just like pesticides aren't listed in your food ingredients, neither is anything involved in the manufacturing process. To answer the question, because it was profitable, businesses aren't charitable organisation's, just like your neighbour does not attend their job pro-bono but rather to make car repayments and to feel better then other people.

>> No.19296057

They're not as good as fries fried in vegetable oil.
Their popularity now comes from them being different and a nostalgia for the past.

It's the same thing with fried chicken and lard vs vegetable shortening. Shortening is superior.

>> No.19296101

>t. has never eaten beef tallow fries

They haven't died out. Fast food chains don't have them, that's all.

>> No.19296121

This faggot experimented on people in a mental asylum too. Gave an experimental group a bullshit fake butter , low fat long term diet to prove fat caused heart attacks. He was dead ( of heart failure no fucking less) before anyone realized the study showed no fucking difference.

>> No.19296216

shut up commie nobody cares what you think go back to jerking off your wife's black lover

>> No.19296356

They sure get butthurt easily. Oh so funny moustache man inconvenienced you by making sure you had no access to banks? Man that must be so hard to deal with. Grow a fucking dick.

>> No.19297420

>being pro-russia is not soy
Whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night better, лaхтoблядь.

>> No.19297452

Keto schizos and anti seed oil schizos are often the same but technically both beliefs are separate. Strictly speaking you could do keto on seed oil.

>> No.19297459

Because Mc Donalds ceazed using fresh beef for patties. Tallow for fires was a byproduct of making beef patties. Using it was actually cheaper than using vegetable oil. Then theyb switched to frozen premade patties so tallow was no longer a by product of making burgers meaning vegetable oil became more cost effective. There is no conspiracy, just money talking.

>> No.19297462

Beef tallow by the ton is literally cheaper than seed oil right now

>> No.19297465

Some cunt threw a fit about it and got vegetarians and retards that thought fat was bad to petition the fast food companies

>> No.19297547

Because money. It's always about money in business. Not a conspiracy theory like you were probably thinking but cheap oils=more profits. Not rocket science.

>> No.19297576

I cooked home fries in beef tallow rendered from ground beef and they were soggy, whereas when I make homefries with olive oil they are crispy. I'm not sure if I messes something up or if it was the beef fat that made them soggy.

>> No.19297589
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I will never eat seed oils again.

I am down 10 pounds in the past 3 weeks just by not eating processed food with seed oils.

>> No.19297599

Not profitable enough

>> No.19297624
File: 487 KB, 1414x800, 1659217007277410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feud between two right wing countries is about right/left wing politics somehow
America needs to be nuked desperately

>> No.19297809

Potatoes cook best in Beef fat.

Sausages and Bacon cooks best in pork fat (lard)

>> No.19297826

project harder mega fag, go back to sucking off jewish capitalists and praising globohomo megacorp blacked propaganda

>> No.19297837
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>> No.19297858
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>retarded ai user thinks losing water weight makes it special

>> No.19297874
File: 19 KB, 526x423, somebody kill me nigger my heart hurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not just keto, vegetable oils are just way too processed. Mass produced tallow would probably be over processed as well though to be real.
I mean they've already done it to commercially sold lard so yeah.

>> No.19297901

They still use beef fat at buffalo wild wings

>> No.19298168

That's not ai