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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 86 KB, 640x547, 640px-Japanese_SilkyTofu_(Kinugoshi_Tofu).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19282268 No.19282268 [Reply] [Original]

Tried tofu, and this has to be one of the most disgusting food items I have tasted. Terrible consistency, dry and rubber like. The taste is disgusting, this is what sperm tastes like, make fun of me, but this is way it taste like. I was expecting some creamy mozzarella made from soy, but this is not it. Tastes like a bunch of bean-proteins cobbled together, kind unsurprisingly. Is this meme-food a sort of coping mecanism for lactose intolerant people?

>> No.19282270

Why do you know what sperm tastes like?

>> No.19282271

>I was expecting something fatty in a food that I know is touted as being healthy

Are you just retarded or is this a shitpost

>> No.19282283
File: 214 KB, 961x1280, natto_tofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19282308

I know what it smells like
There are plenty of foods that are healthy but taste delicious. Enjoy you sperm brick!

>> No.19282314

>fatty = unhealthy

>> No.19282364

agedashi tofu is the only reason this shit exists.
It's inedible otherwise.

>> No.19282370

natto for me! hahahaha.

>> No.19282373

If your tofu ended up rubber-like, you fucked up. This is the equivalent of eating overcooked chicken and crying about how stringy and dry it is. You're a shitty cook and you should feel bad.

>> No.19282404

How did you prepare it?

>> No.19282414

Clearly OP prepared it with a lot of semen because he's a fag.

>> No.19282426

bit into it raw, just like I do with my meat

>> No.19282430

boiled it like I boil my hotdogs

>> No.19282441

Cum guzzling faggot detected. Opinion disregarded.

>> No.19282443

have you really not tasted your cum after various meals to see what to eat to flavormax?

>> No.19282635

> firm tofu, cut into cubes
> toss in corn starch
> pan fry, decent amount of oil
> dried noodles and some frozen veges into pot of boiling water, bout 1min
> drain noodles/veges, throw in pan with tofu
> add soy sauce, chilli powder
Basically it, simple easy meal, takes 10 mins.

>> No.19282641

I ate it raw, as I was instructed to do. I sometimes buy mozzarella because it is delicious. One day I switched it with tofu instead, and I had to throw it in the fucking garbadge. Did not want to give it to any of my friends, because I respect them as human beings. What a big waste of money. Superfood my ass

>> No.19283867

weak ass noob nigga

>> No.19283892

get off the stage!

>> No.19283899

You're not only a faggot but you're also a complete fucking retard. What possessed you to swap the two? Did you think they'd be the same because they're both soft and white?

>> No.19283960

>What possessed me
I went to the cheese section of the store. There I saw the tofu. I thought I could give it a go. So i bought it.

>> No.19284056
File: 268 KB, 378x457, 1683121793522234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't tasted his own cum
It's not actually bad anyway. Warm, salty, and a little sweet.

>> No.19285510

If you fry it you should squeeze the water out first to help it get a little crispy. You can also freeze/thaw it (takes about 3 hours each) which creates air pockets where the water freezes and this helps it soak up sauces.

>> No.19285616

you should consume all of your own cum so as not to let yang energy escape from your body

>> No.19285644

>goes to drinks section to buy wine for cooking
>sees Baileys, buys that instead for cooking
wow what a retarded product!

>> No.19285704

But I did not use it for cooking, dumbass.
Vegan weebs like yourself should go hang themselves. Your "great substitution to cheese" is nothing more than a smegma-brick, and it should be avoided by real chefts like the plage. But I guess you like rubbery cum, faggot.

>> No.19285712

Not a huge fan of tofu but if done right it’s ok. Use firm tofu, press out liquids using a plate and some weight on top, slice into 1/2 inch slabs and toss with cornstarch salt/pepper or 5 spice, shallow fry and coat with a bbq sauce or hoisin sauce and use it to make a sandwich

>> No.19285713

/fit/ and /x/ crossover

>> No.19285714

This nigga eating cum

>> No.19285734

Dafuq. Who instructed you to eat it ‘raw’?
Think of tofu like chicken breasts. You’re not going to eat them raw without any seasoning or prep. Same with tofu. You can do a lot with tofu but to just eat it without any seasoning or cooking it is stupid. Stick with eating cum or learn how to prepare food properly. Your choice.

>> No.19285804
File: 23 KB, 720x407, 1684337687362028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP discovered that vegan "food" is disgusting garbage.

Congratulations OP. Rope yourselves you weebs and vegan apes.

>> No.19285889

Look at this pic

I think that the real solution is to not eat i it, permenantly. But when it comes to you, enjoy your smegma bricks you fucking faggot. Make photos of your weeb-meme-food, and talk about "saving the planet" and "animal cruelty". Remember to comfort yourself when you eat the cum-rubber, because you dont know what cum taste like, therefore you dont know that the testosterone redusing pea-protein brick taste like cum. At least you know you are not gay...

>> No.19285928

i eat it raw. i like the taste.

>> No.19285962

So you're just the usual fucking retard on /ck/ then.

>> No.19286570

you're the one that thought it was a cheese substitute schizo nobody else has called it that

>> No.19286706
File: 594 KB, 750x750, agedashi_dofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19286791

Miso soup with some tofu bits in it at a japanese restaurant (actual japanese, not chink imitation) is delicious.

>> No.19286801

>this is what sperm tastes like
so it's delicious? any recommendations for buying it?

>> No.19287158

you just keep digging yourself this retard hole. stop.

>> No.19287185

Who is more gay? The guy who warns you not to eat the cum, or the guy insisting on eating the cum?

>> No.19287189
File: 149 KB, 1023x942, 1681559041723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you, because you are the one thinking about cum

>> No.19287203

Whatever, I just hope you dont enjoy your tofu too much, because I heard you parents wanted grandkids

>> No.19287225
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 1681395022612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

between you and me, you are the one who knows what cum tastes like. don't project your own homosexuality on me

>> No.19287242

How do asians enjoy this shit. Literal nutrient block from a video game.

>> No.19287329

Wypipo need to be gatekept from tofu

>> No.19287360
File: 129 KB, 1572x978, tobey-maguire-bully-is-home-spider-man-no-way-home-tom-holland-zendaya-lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the one that seems to like the taste

>> No.19288570

i said nothing about the taste, i haven't evem said that inever ate it, i simply pointed out the fact that you are a retard regards using it. and I am still not the one who ate actual cum and knows how tastes. that's you, cum eater.
stop digging your gay grave, this is embarrassing at this point.

>> No.19288660

If you dont know what it smells like, It is because you are a tranny, and your genitalia have been cut off early. Stop being delusional. You never had a fap, what are you, Jesus Christ?

>> No.19288714

just take the L cum eater

>> No.19288914

What kind of retard thinks a plant-based block of food is going to taste like a processed dairy product?

>> No.19288970

Tofu is amazing at soaking up the flavour from sauces around it whole maintaining its own unique flavour.

>> No.19288987

You gibbering imbecile, tofu is simply an ingredient like any other. If you fucking cook it properly it's delicious. If you eat it because you think it's a superfood or you want a replacement for cheese then OBVIOUSLY it won't taste good. Fml, you see an entire continent worth of cuisine using tofu and decide to ignore that and just literally fry it by itself and then eat it?
I am shitting out the delicious batch of mapo tofu I ate yesterday AS WE SPEAK.

>> No.19289116

>eats a plain food raw and unseasoned then proceeds to complain about the taste
Why are there so many retards on earth?

>> No.19289245

>The entire continent of India is eating cow-shit. You are missing out.
Wtf, that is absolutely disgusting. How can they eat it, its gonna taste like shit!
>How do you know what shit taste like?.smugface.jpeg

>> No.19289252

Well, you eat tofu, so you probably have no testosterone left, and you look like a girl, + you like the taste of cum

>> No.19289285

>go to proper Chinese restaurant (not Americanized takeout, go to a real Chinese spot)
>order mapo tofu
>enjoy spicy, silky soft tofu with delicious pork bits
>repent for your sins

>> No.19289333

No you fucking retard, I'm berating you for ignoring the methods East Asians use to cook tofu in favour of some ludicrously shit method you found on the back of a box. READ

>> No.19289364
File: 15 KB, 344x401, 1684041271283531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have to defend tofu so much? Does (((big soy))) got you by the balls? Is it because of all the weeb propaganda? Just admit that it taste like cum and move on man. You are better than this.

>> No.19289380

mine tastes like beans and coffee

>> No.19289479

I wouldn't say it's disgusting as such, but I wouldn't buy it over any other form of protein because it is essentially bland unless fried and made less healthy. I would prefer just eating edamame and other legumes over eating the pressed liquid. Gram for gram frozen edamame is cheaper than tofu here.

Even when you put sauces etc on it you can still tell it is bland and has an awful texture. I eat both veg and meat and feel the same way about a poor quality piece of meat. I go for what has flavour in itself, even plain boiled lentils have a better flavour than tofu. I haven't tried the fermented 'stinky' kind, so I wouldn't write it off completely....yet.

>> No.19289521

Soy eater thread. Please ask soy eaters about their man tits, fat accumulation in their thighs and ass, patchy beards, and prostate cancer.

>> No.19289608

Regardless of what you think of tofu, I fucks with that bowl.
That is a sexy fucking piece of dinnerware.

>> No.19290232

It's great fried

>> No.19290483

You'll repent for your sins the next morning, that's for sure.
Fucking worth it though.
Because it tastes good you failure of a human being. What board do you think you're on? This is the board for good and cooking.

>> No.19290542

Right now, millions of acre of land is producing soy as a crop. The amount is increasing. Soy is americas biggest crop. This is land that could be producing lentils, carrots, potatoes, dairy, or anything else. I just like things that are nice. I have standards, and I wont let weeaboo faggots controll the discussion. People are, as we speek, jizzing their pants thinking about Japanese semgma bricks. Is this not critique worthy? Is this not an honest observation? I won't let the propaganda get to me, and if you actually like this shit, you're a faggot.

>> No.19290911
File: 82 KB, 402x425, ketolard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of that soy is for feeding animals to then produce meat. You just keep digging yourself into a deeper hole OP. You likely made up this story because you're a schizophrenic ketoworshipping faggot that you deem soy as your antichrist. Cultist redditor.

>> No.19291085

This dude's so mad about tofu he's sounding like chat gpt

>> No.19291220

Nah, the reason I made up the story is because i once ate tofu, and didn't like it, and neither should you, faggot

>> No.19292214

>But I did not use it for cooking, dumbass.

yeah dude crunchy rice forever