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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 76 KB, 1200x1200, Homemade-Potato-Chips-1-of-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19280006 No.19280006 [Reply] [Original]

I'm addicted to potato chips, how unhealthy they are?

>> No.19280021

says it on the packet you sped

>> No.19280024

Something about potato chips makes me breakout and I'm not young whatsoever. I just stopped eating the little bastards

>> No.19280047

They're loaded with frying oil, so look into what effects those specific frying oils have. Also potatoes are a very heavy carb, makes me all drowsy and sleepy if I eat too much of them. Eating too much potato makes you an alcoholic eventually, the same way too much rice makes you consume opium eventually.

>> No.19280052

you will die of seed oil

>> No.19280093

They are just empty calories, personally I never really ate them but there was a period for about 3 months when I was having a pack a day and I put on like 5 kg in that time, then stopped eating them and immediatly weight started to drop

>> No.19280103

I feel like death after I eat them. I don't know why, maybe it's the seed oils.

>> No.19280504

>They are just empty calories,
What other kind of calories are you eating?

>> No.19280508


>> No.19280548

Potatoes (and milk) are the two most nutritious things a person can eat.

>> No.19280569

Potatoes are healthy, yes, but frying them in sneed oils introduced antinutrients into the potatoes, nullifying the vitamins and minerals

>> No.19280577

you want to get your daily calorie intake (2000-3000 calories) ideally by eating natural low calorie foods like green vegetables, after that low calorie fruits, natural foods with high fibre content, natural foods with low fat content etc. that's hardly possible these days but drinking a gallon of milk and eating full plate of potatoes (lol not really, no american will eat boiled potatos, they will eat deep fried/refried garbage coated in sugar and fried in month old oil) is not really nutricious or healthy

>> No.19280584

Just chew and spit them out, problem solved.

>> No.19280591

well that's all full calories so everything equals out

>> No.19280598

can I see these, what are they called?
what mechanism do these antinutrients use to act on the vitamins and minerals?

>> No.19280630

>antinutrients into the potatoes, nullifying the vitamins and minerals
What fucking nonsense is this?

>> No.19280663


>> No.19280700

Baking a russet potato in foil and topping it with green onions, Greek yogurt, and nothing else is unironically a nutritious and delicious dinner. You have to eat the skin though, don't be a little bitch.

>> No.19280707

like the past tense of speeding?

>> No.19280717

well they pull out their glocks and hold em sideways and brat brat bang bang pow pow and all the poor vitamins and minerals (rip my nigga vitamin E) get shot and die

>> No.19280723

>He didn't call his friends speds after getting yelled at for calling them fags or niggers
Kinda sucks being old, but my childhood was pretty sweet.

>> No.19280729

tragic af

>> No.19280812

ohhhh. i sure wish i could call people faggots like i used to. i'll settle for tard/retard

>> No.19280825

they're called crisps

>> No.19280842

Enjoy paying more for your less nutritious foods and feeling smug about it.

>> No.19280959

Good goys

>> No.19280995

boiling some potatoes at home with some chicken, adding few veggies (not adding a ton on oil, sugar, some shitty sauce etc), making a simple stew is like the easiest, cheapest and healthiest option available to everyone, but no go to mcdonals and buy garbage

>> No.19281308

I go through a bag every week. I'm neither fat nor dead. It is what it is. Just make sure to have a balanced diet and you can eat "unhealthy" food every now and then no problem.

>> No.19281319
File: 23 KB, 400x300, Goods kettle cooked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure these are the healthiest just 3 ingredients
Also the oldest brand of chips in America
Gotta be Good

>> No.19281323

>obtain potato
>slice potato to desired thickness
>bake to desired crispness
>enjoy your chips

>> No.19281349

agan, you forgot TBHQ added to protect flavor, dum dum

>> No.19282998

Sneed oil overload

>> No.19283028

You sound pathetic.

>> No.19283032

Good goys are the ones who believe and preach the science "potato chips are bad because the scientists said so, I can't prove it at all beyond scientists saying it and the studies those same scientists did so literally I personally cannot prove any of it but I blindly believe it because they would NEVER EVER lie about FOOD"

>> No.19283045

Chips are my goto snack too. Doritos has too much msg or something it makes my mouth extremely dry for a day.
Not healthy but better than sweet stuff I guess. Potato salt spices and oil doesn't sounds that bad and I can use the calories. I'm gonna go buy some right now.

>> No.19283121

Not one post in this thread had any thought put into it. Ive been on /biz/ since 2017 and lurked here for months and never in life have i seen a thread this useless.
Nowif youll excuse me ill go lurk moar

>> No.19283212

I think this thread already has ten times the value of biz threads that are mostly pretending to be rich with non-money because an internet website says you have a lot. May as well brag about how much gil you have from being afk in limsa in your slutty clothes.

>> No.19283220

How many kg's of the good stuff are you on right now?

>> No.19283225

Big Potato has ruined your brain

>> No.19283228

>One bag a week
This is literal child's play

>> No.19283232

my dude you know we can just go to /biz/ and look at the threads right? shitcoins shilling and pink wojak spamming are thoughful threads?

>> No.19283241

>one month later
>PotatoCoin launches

>> No.19283242

I just ate the entire bag

>> No.19283292

1. Fuck limsa faggots (litera fags)
2. Ive got 108m so im loaded bro

>> No.19283298

Its the pajeets that came in 2021
They ruined the board man, fuckin ranjeet

>> No.19283306

why are you talking about ffxiv

>> No.19283311

"breakout" is a noun; you mean "break out".

>> No.19283312

This is the desperate passive-aggressive impotent westerner's calling cry, blame it on the lowly pajeets or other third world refugees, instead of calling out who and what is causing the real problem destroying your society

>> No.19283389

>I go through a bag every week
A mere one baggins per week?