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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19277016 No.19277016 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

Thicc coffee edition.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, are you strong enough to use a manual grinder?

Previous thread: >>19267914

>> No.19277026 [DELETED] 

Coffee sucks. Cope and sneed

>> No.19277036

50% of the world just drinks instant nescafe
if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me

>> No.19277086

Shit quality and durability, you get better fit and finish from a generic moka pot.
Bialetti has lost its plot since years when they decided to throw their quality down the drain because they wanted to keep the prices low while producing in Italy.

>> No.19277111

How does this happen?

>> No.19277124

Vegemite moka lattes.

>> No.19277137
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>> No.19277142 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19277255

Any v60 enjoyers?

>> No.19277270

50% of the world shits outside

French press or bust

>> No.19277280

I see no coffee grounds so I can only guess that someone put instant coffee in there and not enough water to dissolve it all. Or vegemite as >>19277124 suggests.

>> No.19277285

>French press
Tell me I don't know how to brew without saying it.

>> No.19277316
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>v60 glass folded over 9,000 times for superior Nippon goffee.
>N...NO GIAJIN, v60 original Nippon design. It no Chemex clone

>> No.19277383

Chemex blows and only retards use them in 2023. Worst filters on the market and the glass itself chokes off your flow.

>> No.19277405
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Enjoy having more coffee in your filter than in your cup.

>> No.19277441

I literally make V60 every day kid. I have been making V60 since you were a stain on your parent's bedsheets. Faggot

>> No.19277486
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What's your favorite version? Also, 01 or 02?

>> No.19277651

For me, it's the Lillymelodripped Switch 02

>> No.19277662
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Patrician taste.

>> No.19277729

It's the logical conclusion to V60 brewing

>> No.19277755
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I JUST MADE coffee, tell me how i did. im not that into coffee i usually just buy starbucks or something.
1. i made espresso using a ‘chiaro’ pod with my nespresso i got 7 years ago as a birthday present
2. while it was pouring i added 1 tsp sugar
3. it made about 4oz of espresso so i added 4oz of milk
4. i added ice

taste: it tastes kind of bland like milk and sugar with a bit of burnt wood and cocoa powder

>> No.19277766

what a waste of good digits

>> No.19277816

I'm surprised arnis hasn't shot you yet.

>> No.19277831

I'm full of holes. I keep coming back.

>> No.19277848

Kayopolice could fill those holes no problem.

>> No.19277850


>> No.19277876

How come people whine about static and also whine about too many fines. If some squarespace website was selling a static electricity fine reduction system everyone would think it was the best thing ever.

>> No.19277884

That's bait.

>> No.19277952

/ctg/ and /ck/ are blessed and thats a fact
best and most consistent numbers i have gotten are here.

>> No.19278393

so supermarket coffee tastes and smells kinda bad if you drink it black do beans from coffee stores really make the difference?

>> No.19278407

Yes but it's conditional on you making it at least roughly correctly.

>> No.19278422

>coffee stores

>> No.19278645

bravo. i'm rooting for you anon

>> No.19278651
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You messed up, dude.

>> No.19278737

death to australia

>> No.19278940
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Just bought deez beanz

>> No.19278943

no you didnt

>> No.19278967

needs to be darker

>> No.19279079
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>> No.19279084
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Ground beans

>> No.19279089
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>> No.19279092
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>> No.19279214

your grinder is super shit if thats what came out of it

>> No.19279220

I need to know you fags opinion on Black ivory coffee.
It's made of elephant shit so you're probably all into it

>> No.19279224
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It’s a hario mini.

>> No.19279226

Looks nice anon

>> No.19279245

jesus christ.
that is unusable

>> No.19279258
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How do I into Turkish coffee?

>> No.19279265

cezve + extremely fine coffee grounds(even very expensive grinders can struggle) + good water + heat + technique

>> No.19279291
File: 1.97 MB, 480x854, How to Make an Italian Coffee with the Moka (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon

>> No.19279309

I got some MREs to try them out and I love their instant coffee. I'm sorry, /ctg/ but I've failed you. It tastes like the best 'diner coffee left to sit out' and all I have to do is mix it with water.

>> No.19279344

This is why everyone else makes fun of this thread.

>> No.19279366
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Why do they sell cold brew in two-stroke oil bottles in Louisiana?

>> No.19279467

I find it amusing that in America they need to advertise on food packages that they’re using real ingredients instead of whatever random artificial goyslop cancer inducing molecule they chose to imitate a particular flavour.

Truly a third world country.

>> No.19279578

Could be a concentrate. I saw a "Specialty" roaster selling it before.

>> No.19279586
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The thing is it's not even true half the time. Organic, non-gmo, "real ingredients" means nothing technically and food companies have legally abused the terms into uselessness for the common shopper. They want you to think organic/no GMO = healthy and it works on a lot of people

I had a girlfriend who would shop using those phrases and I tried to show her evidence it was nonsense, that just because something is or isn't non GMO or organic doesn't mean it's good or bad. She didn't want to hear it, she literally enjoyed having a simple answer and spending more money.

You can do well in America but it's frightening how hard you have to look out for yourself. People may call that being soft but it would be nice to live somewhere that doesn't let companies even have the opportunity to trick you into poisoning yourself.

Thinking about the food my parents raised me on I wonder if I should t be 5 iq points higher

>> No.19279587

It does literally say concentrate on the packaging so you might be onto something.

>> No.19279659

I am trying to ratio my coffee to drink healthier in the morning. My cup is 30 ounces, so 24/6 coffee-milk is ideal. When it comes to flavorings like honey, maple, and molasses - how many teaspoons would you add in per syrup?

>> No.19279669
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Ya you guys must be right. Still though isn't that funny bottle choice.

anyways... Why is cold brew so smooth? If it weren't a day-long process it would blow ice coffee out the water.

>> No.19279857

Didn't see it, you've better eyes than me
If you aren't drinking it black, then less is more. You want to taste: "X and coffee" not just the sweetness of sugar. Start with little and gradually add whatever it is your using in. Each one of them has a different level of sweetness, so it won't be a one size fits all amount.
Easy to dose it out. The one I saw in Ireland is pretty strong. Can be used as a base for cocktails.
>Day long
Stretch it out man, adjust your grind, fuck around.

>> No.19279874

Wdym stretch it out? All I mean is you can get up and make a cup of cold brew in 5 minutes, you have to steel that shit. Vs iced coffee which is literally coffee + ice

>> No.19279887

Anon, milk IS the syrup with good goffee.

Frangelico is a decent flavor shot on very cold mornings.

>> No.19279950
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Exquisite beans & goffee anon. With better lighting we see the beautiful light roast. Hope the cuppa was great.
Never doubt this man, nor your instincts moka-frà.

>> No.19279961
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>> No.19280012

why does louisiana sell cafe du monde as a brand at all if it's complete garbage that can be outdone by hicks operating out of an old texaco?

>> No.19280013
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I vacuum sealed the other specialty coffees and kept the Miscela del Torrefattore ready to be opened in 5-6 days.

I smelled each bag and they were amazing, with the Peru Tres Mosqueteros smelling of fresh fruit, the Santos “X” with a strong smell of tobacco and wood, then the Guatemala with chocolate and fruit.

The roast is perfectly even on these, also I nailed the India Cherry AB grind and I tried both with the Aeropress filter and without, I preferred the latter and the taste is rich in chocolate and sweetness, there’s the background “bread”/acidic that cleans the mouth. It’s a good start!

On a side note, the Giannina never sputtered with Alberto’s beans, I was able to extract more regularly using all the water.

>> No.19280184

how do i tamp? and are those needle things necessary before a tamp?

>> No.19280265
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>"Buy a Jura, anon"
>"If it's good for me and my customers, then it's good for you"

Fuck, Alberto made me hyped to buy my parents one of these machines.

I'd never buy something which doesn't let me choose how to grind my beans, however for someone who doesn't care and just want some bean to cup goffee, this is the way if the alternative is nespresso and other satanic capsules.

Why is Alberto 10 years ahead of everyone bros?

>> No.19280277 [DELETED] 
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Also I ordered my new car with the tan interior in honor of his outfit.

>> No.19280539

When you get a coffee just for cold brew, do a few matches at a time. 12h, 24h, 36h, and 48h.
You'll see different results at different times, and grind settings.

>> No.19280602

all his pics are kino

>> No.19280689
File: 2.99 MB, 1080x608, bali.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A very unique, overly fermented (very fruity) cup of joe. Closer to a natural Ethiopian than other Indonesian coffee. “Kintamani Natural” is 100% sundried on raised beds; It’s perhaps the first ever special prep natural Indonesian. Raised beds keep the cherry free of dirty flavor, and facilitate very quick drying in Bali’s high altitude sun and constant island breeze. The cup is extraordinarily exotic and unique with a rich, buttery mouthfeel, while retaining Indonesia’s full-bodied, savory character. It features super-intense, brandyish fruit flavors of plum and sweet cherry at lighter roasts; darker roasts develop much heavier body with a spicy, smoky twist.

>> No.19280691

The answer is of course; "How much do you care?"
Are you using a cheap setup? If so, you may not notice a difference. If you were using an expensive setup, you would already be doing it.
All you need to do is make sure your distributing the coffee evenly around the portafilter before tamping, and ensuring that you've a level tamp. Pressure wise, just go until you feel the coffee won't compress any further.
>"A little too much pressure never hurts"
It can, and will hurt your wrist. I've had to deal with the mistakes of retards who teach people how to tamp coffee improperly. One girl broke two of her knuckles. The spouts were facing away from the handle, and she was using the smaller lip to place the portafilter. She then proceeded to put her entire body-weight into tamping, portafilter slipped, and she smashed her hand into the marble countertop.

>> No.19280773

my goffee > your "coffee"
enjoy your piss.

>> No.19280793

those are some nice beans roaster anon :)
i like the look of that chaff

>> No.19280829
File: 3.23 MB, 480x854, Made with Moka, looks like Espresso shorts (1) (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secret Italian moka pot knowledge incoming.

>vid related

>> No.19280841

It's hard to tell what's ragebait and legitimate content nowadays.

>> No.19280853

Hario Slim Mini Plus, 18g, all day erry day.

>> No.19280856

i hate italians so fucking much its unreal
love from australia <3 :)

>> No.19280868

Where the home roasters at? How many of us are still rocking modded popcorn roasters?

>> No.19280893

the guy above is the only one i know of in this general right now.
i think there was someone else but idk

>> No.19281094

How long do you brew your shit? I've not fucked around too much but I generally just set n forget lol, ends up being about 24h

>> No.19281307

eyes wide shut
center right
what i would do to clean it up.
i hate seeing them like that

>> No.19281326

I need to start doing my cold brew again. I stopped when the original hario pot broke. I got a replacement from amazon but never bothered opening it since I was using instant instead. Although it's going into winter now so I'm back to hot coffee (bought an aldi milk frother/heater and it combines the instant + milk + sugar and heats in a few minutes).
I need a big thermal cup like what you get at a bubble tea shop. The 450ml thermal cup is a bit too small for making iced coffee.

>> No.19281386
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I use an All-Clad pot. Regular roast plus a dab of coconut oil to coat and shellac the beans, makes it very smooth with no oily taste. Since coffee also carries mold spores and causes fungus to grow, the coconut oil serves as a protectant and cleanser of both the beans and my body.

>> No.19281567

>no blueberry note
Yeah I’ll have the Ethiopia

>> No.19281599

watch him schiz

>> No.19281639

Didnt they come vacuum sealed? Why the bootleg repack?

>> No.19281641

a-are you talking about nicole kidman's pussy?

>> No.19281657

i was talking about the dirty moka pot on the stove
but yes that too
first time watching it and really surprised it didnt go the way i expected it to
in 1 sentence his wife totally mind fucked him beyond repair.
and then schized out the rest of the movie.

>> No.19281769

which single origin do i find blueberry bombs bro, i got sidamo lion king that had no floral notes but peach/strawberry/mandarin. I had another yirgacheffe g1 without further locale info and that was more murky than i would like, had grapefruit/bergamot and floral notes.

>> No.19281915

>in 1 sentence his wife totally mind fucked him beyond repair.

>> No.19282151

Do you guys put cream or milk into your coffee?

I always use milk, but heard randomly that you're "supposed" to use cream

>> No.19282232
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Fancy a small coffee?

>> No.19282278

They weren’t vacuum sealed, there was air inside and the beans moved if you shook the package, they were in a plastic bag with a co2 release valve and the upper lid that you can close after you open it with a click.

Maybe I did something extra for nothing, I don’t know, but still they’re now resting inside the fridge.

>> No.19282418
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It’s like a sealed ziplock bag with a valve, air tight but the beans inside move so it hasn’t been vacuum sealed, it’s just air tight…right?

On the label there’s written “once opened store it inside an air tight container in the fridge”.

Did I do something wrong by vacuum sealing it in plastic bags and should I have just kept pic related in the fridge as it was?

Don’t bully pls, they’re my first beans ordered and shipped at home.

>> No.19282423

"cream" is some american shit
same with creamer
if you dont want it black use full cream cows milk

>> No.19282460

>highly based artwork
I bet twitter would hate it

>> No.19282472

They release gas for a while after roasting so even if it's vacuum packed when they pack it there'll be air in there when it gets to you. These ziplock with a valve bags are very standard.

>> No.19282695

So did I do good vacuum sealing them and placing the bags in the fridge or should I just have placed the packages as they were in the fridge?

>> No.19282816

No part of your coffee journey was good. Wrong brewing method, wrong roaster and now wrong storage. Why are you still asking and ignoring the replies

>> No.19282870

Nobody replied to me as to what was the correct storage method unless I missed the post.
I store my beans inside an airscape jar, which is hoffmeme approved, then I sealed the other 600 grams of beans in 3 separate vacuum sealed bags that I will open and transfer the coffee in the airscape jar when it’s their turn to be consumed.

I don’t see any particular error, otherwise tell me please.

>wrong brewing method
>wrong roaster

Sorry anon, we invented them and there isn’t anything more appropriated for drinking Italian roasts. Deal with it.

>> No.19282904


>> No.19282910

Yea I know, I was just explaining why people got tired of giving you advice. Youre on your own now, glhf

>> No.19282928

I store my 92 point hyperlight Kenyas in a ziploc bag to accelerate the aging process

>> No.19282942
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Hey ctg, just picked up these natty Jinotegas on the cheap. Im a bit worried because there arent any dark or marbled beans in the mix and they were roasted in a big batch yesterday (before I made my purchase). Beans are all the same size too does that mean they are not hand roasted in historical environs? Still safe to drink?

Got this cute cup from the second hand store on the way home too. Beans taste amazing which worries me, no cioccolatto or bread notes at all

>> No.19282946

K anon nice projection, see you later

>> No.19282947

Choke on my dick harpy.

>> No.19282948

what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.19282955

The white balance here is so fucked I have no idea what colour those are.

>> No.19282957

Nope, actual color of the bowl, although I suspect my phone camera is boosting saturation

>> No.19283150

>slow thread


>> No.19283161

>they ask if you want coffee after dinner
What do you say? Personally I have to decline these days

>> No.19283170

Always, I’m Italian so coffee at the end of the meal is mandatory.

>> No.19283181

depends how good their coffee is

>> No.19283184

I'm just curious to know, what's the point of milk foam? Simply art? It doesn't really add to the taste or texture like milk proper.

>> No.19283187

>what are time zones

>> No.19283191

Unknown but youve never talked coffee with them directly. It would be impolite to ask further details. Do you gamble?

>> No.19283195

>it doesnt add to the texture
Based refreshing troll unrelated to dark roasts and italians

>> No.19283198

your cup has mold

>> No.19283200

>It would be impolite
thats fine. it only takes 1 look in the kitchen to know what coffee they make
dont even have to ask.
if you dont see a good setup you you just say no thank you.

>> No.19283203

true, strange idea for a design.

>> No.19283209

>only Americans drink coffee


>> No.19283239

im not even replying to that one.

>> No.19283257

Yeah coffee culture was invented by Starbucks.

>> No.19283309

You see a moccamaster, no beans or grinder immediately visible
>a) yes id love a cup
>b) no I cant drink coffee this late
>c) [bluff] what kind of coffee? I cant drink robusta, I have acid reflux

>> No.19283320
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>make coffee in coffee pot at home
>taste bitter unless I add in a shit ton of sugar and milk
>buy pre-made coffee from the store
>weak as shit, overly sweet, 200 calories a serving, doesn't work
>buy coffee from BK on way to work
>less than $2, ~200 calories, taste good and keeps me awake

>> No.19283325

Are you just copypasting stuff that got replies in the last couple of threads, is this some ai shit?

>> No.19283345

I made that post over two weeks ago, it's still relevant, only I changed a few details since now I ONLY get BK coffee

>> No.19283352

Sounds good anon, glad you found your beverage

>> No.19283427

Spent hundreds on specialty coffee beans only to come to the conclusion that cheap Lavazza beans from the supermarket taste perfectly fine when you add milk.

>> No.19283469
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Mamma mía, made myself a divine simili-ristretto. 18g in 19.7g out in 30s. God's syrupy caffeinated choco drink. No acidity nor bitterness perceived. Was not overly sweet, rather balanced. Gonna explore the ristretto game.

There is no error. It's the attention goblin screeching.

>> No.19283507

its just not worth the hassle
i would rather just get home at like 10 and make my own goffee.

>> No.19283510

Steakums taste perfectly fine with ketchup, why waste money on prime?
More than one person can be fed up with Italian spammers Luigi.

>> No.19283514

>shitty steak cooked to fuck and drowned in bbq sauce tastes great, why do people spend lots of money on steak?

>> No.19283560

>Mamma mía
>here we go again

>> No.19283626
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whole milk for calcium and to flex on the lactose intolerant.

>the sweetness of the milk cooks the need for sugar

>> No.19283641

Can anyone recommend a brand that's actually tasty and not just death-flavored?

>> No.19283653


>> No.19283669

We don't do that here.

>> No.19283677

Easy to get good coffee when you don't live in a shithole, every good thing we produce here goes to other countries.

>> No.19283682

Bespoke roaster.

>> No.19283693

Shill me the fanciest specialty INSTANT coffee from roasters

>> No.19283744
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Which shithole do you live in? Do you need preground?
If you want instant instant, there's no fancier than cometeer.
If you can stand to actually brew fresh grounds yourself you could get drip bags from a few roasters like kurasu or april.

>> No.19283766

What's the most accurate electric gooseneck kettle? I dont care how it looks just has to be accurate

>> No.19283838

Stagg ekg or brewista are the popular choices. My stagg was spot on when I tested it with a lavatools javelin pro.

>> No.19283841

Thanks anon but I forgot one essential detail: I’m in Europe

>> No.19283846

First attempt at Turkish coffee went okay. Does anyone know important using a real cezve is to the coffee's taste and texture? I used a tiny, tall pot that looks similar, but it didn't have the same tapered opening that a cezve does. The coffee began to froth a little from the heat, but it never really foamed up to the top like I've seen it do in videos.

>> No.19283850


>> No.19283863


>> No.19283865


>> No.19283905

April is in Copenhagen so check them out for sure. These guys will have some interesting stuff soon too.

>> No.19284012

My old stoneware coffee pot (the kind for just serving it and keeping warm) broke. It was a cheap one but an exact replacement is really hard to find, and given how old it was I suspect they're no longer made. What do you recommend /ctg/, ideally something affordable (under $40-50) please.

>> No.19284286
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>> No.19284467

It looks nice but I can't watch the grounds circulate through stoneware.

>> No.19284647

the most expensive i know of is "SOW Instant Organic Specialty Coffee"
its roughy $1 per gram.
but its really good.
i think they have one that is slightly cheaper but i have not had it.

>> No.19285029
File: 3.83 MB, 3468x4461, 20230518_080503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice for my pourover? 32g coffee, 500g water in 3 min (30s bloom and 2m30s pour+draw down). Single slow pour

>> No.19285051

Jesus Christ. Try rinsing some of those grounds off the wall during your single pour.

>> No.19285056


>> No.19285067

How does it taste though?

>> No.19285074

Overswirled and not even melodripped. Please consider suicide, but donate to my Patreon first.

>> No.19285080

Not a single swirl happend just say you dont know what you are talking about and move on

Very good, perhaps a teensy bit too acidic but that may be the bean. Gonna go one step finer on the grind next time to be sure

>> No.19285099

Do you think all that shit attached to the wall is fully or evenly extracted?

>> No.19285111

Yes, it was submerged with everything else. Do you like bypass water? I dont want that in my cup

>> No.19285133

It's not an immersion brew, it's a percolation. Seems like you're set in your ways though. Why ask for advice?

>> No.19285139

Ok, fair point, I was being too sceptical. I will rinse the sides next time and compare. Grind size adjustment has to wait

>> No.19285160

Just make a note to keep your slurry height lower and try to keep everything in suspension during that single pour. The point of adding a swirl is to trap fines against the filter and keep them from extracting too much. You're leaving like 5g of coffee that could be extracting with the rest of the bed. You have to figure a partial/less even extraction of that bit on the walls is going to taste different than everything else.

>> No.19285176

Yes absolutely not everything gets evenly extracted but my goal is a tasty cup, if I have to water the sides for even extraction, that also dillutes my brew. Oh and are you really saying thats 15% of my grounds? I would have estimated more like 5% but its difficult to see of course. Im soon ready for my next cup so i will do my best to try your suggestions

>> No.19285189

Just an estimation. I had 8g written first and dropped it. Looks a heaping spoonful of shit trapped on the walls to me. You're preforming a balancing act. Encouraging even water through bed without allowing pooling or cratering. Give this a skim before making your next cup. Might pick up a trick or two.
>Neither are aggressive center pours a good solution: they will cause a crater at the center of the coffee bed, which may reduce bypass, but it will also produce a very uneven extraction by leaving some of the higher-up coffee particles under extracted.

>Another way to mitigate bypass is to divide water pours into many steps, such that the column of water never gets too tall above the coffee bed. While this will definitely reduce bypass, it will significantly reduce the temperature of your slurry, in a way that is hard to control.

>> No.19285288

I remember you, last time you posted your python script and we got into an argument because I didnt want to run it. Well thats all water under the bridge for me, gonna brew the coffee now

>> No.19285316
File: 778 KB, 1387x1849, 20230518_101701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bed looks completely different, not so much sticking to the edge, but fines everywhere instead. Drawdown took more than a minute longer so this will for sure taste different

>> No.19285324
File: 1.49 MB, 1639x2185, PXL_20230213_052519915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my blog anon. That guy wrote the book on filter coffee so you should probably check out what he says. I posted his script after you asked for a tool to evaluate your grinder, you freaked out about astrophysicists not knowing python and at least one other anon made fun of you for it. Good luck with the goffee.

>> No.19285326

After sipping, I was 100% wrong and this coffee is way stronger than my morning cup. Teetering on overextracted even. But I can adjust that in other ways. Thanks anon, and I shouldnt have been so combative off the bat

>> No.19285330

based fault identifying and self correcting anon.

>> No.19285587
File: 179 KB, 1216x1200, 20230517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drip coffee? They call it chimney coffee here/

>> No.19285662
File: 276 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_3787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This morning I'm at the Aqueduct for the usual Thursday market.
>My faithful Jura is ready for two espressos, which will be freshly ground, starting from my India in grains. The pucks will go directly into the compostable bin.
>It is a tangible and constant message, aimed at all those who, first of all, produce these "things", perhaps bringing up "sustainability" and other terms that should not even dream of.
>And secondly to those who use it every day, blissfully deluded by the former.
>Sometimes a product becomes "sustainable" due to the producer's economic interest.
>What is still not clear to most is that these "things" must be produced, to be used, with the use of electricity, raw materials, and generate processing waste.
>Now, the fact that they can be recycled does not automatically legitimize producing the superfluous.
>The numbers clearly show that the capsules weigh more and take up more space than coffee beans, and also ground coffee.
>The "no caps" packaging weighs even less.
>A fact: 1 kg of beans is contained in a bag that weighs 23 grams.
>1 kg of product packaged in plastic capsules is combined with 315 grams of "other".
>If you want to continue to support the "sustainability" of these arguments, you need a lot of courage.
>And you don't have to have mirrors in your house.

>> No.19285717

>Sometimes a product becomes "sustainable” due to the producer's economic interest.

That’s a very, very, very antisemitic statement, Alberto.

>> No.19285720

the idea of sustainability is based on the premise that we don't have enough resources. which may or may not be true but riding an entire argument on the future like that is straight up magical thinking

>> No.19285721

Didn’t read lol

>> No.19285733
File: 254 KB, 1440x1440, 1674430516028739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they hated Alberto because he told the truth

>> No.19285779

Lavazza god for you?

>> No.19285856
File: 351 KB, 1280x960, IMG_3789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I brew with Levissima water.

>> No.19285913
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>> No.19285932
File: 162 KB, 836x442, 1668133620538545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to main grocery store in town this morning to shop and needed some beans.

>Whole Bean Selection:
>Dunkin Doughnuts Original
>Peet's Major Dickison
>Starbucks Breakfast Blend
>Starbucks French Roast
>Starbucks Pike Place
>Three different varieties of Stumptown
>Eight O' Clock Original
>Eight O' Clock Colombian

Everything else was ground or k-cups.

>But Anon, why didn't you go to your local goffee brewers?
>Two locals houses don't sell beans
>Other coffeehouse is Starbucks
>why not another store?
>other stores have even less whole beans

Bought Stumptown Founders because it was the freshest roast (May 10th). Thanks for reading my blog Re*dit.

>> No.19285988

Was the taste different?

>> No.19286025

I will answer in about 1 hour when I’ll have my second coffee. I need a second taste test.


>> No.19286029

It's time to order online.

>> No.19286059
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x720, 1663368622579561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19286073

When I’ll go visiting him, do you reckon he’ll take a selfie with me and post it on Instagram?

>> No.19286078

based Italians reminding us about the true Christ-killers.

>> No.19286083
File: 634 KB, 1125x1116, IMG_3808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coffee genius has granted you 3 wishes, what shall you ask him?

>> No.19286097
File: 1.42 MB, 640x360, 1665370402023820.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good question anon.

>> No.19286157
File: 1.09 MB, 2016x1512, IMG_1228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these guys just grifters or is this actually good?

>> No.19286171

First wish is enough Alberto Trabatti's for each goffee drinker.

>> No.19286199

(((Grifters))) of the highest nature Anon.

>> No.19286211

Had the 2nd goffee.

Yes, it tasted different.

I can now perceive an incense note, almost peppery, but less chocolate. Strange.

For the last coffee, I’ll grind some click coarser.

It’s interesting.

>> No.19286273
File: 263 KB, 1920x1368, 1655946678471052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shill me a roaster from Persephone's island that encapsulates Hades raping her.

>> No.19286276

they're the alberto of america

>> No.19286294
File: 417 KB, 622x618, 1653477357063996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, enjoy the goffee tasting journey. Next stop Levissima frizzante?

>> No.19286296
File: 459 KB, 1200x1507, 55afeb4c56371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on anon, there's nothing like a nice hot cup of Black Rifle™® coffee after a nice hot meal of microwaved Syscoslop at your local Mission BBQ™®. Don't forget that getting out of your chair for the hourly mandatory Pledge of Allegiance counts toward your daily 5,000 steps!

>> No.19286302

>tfw you go down the bottled water rabbit hole

Was it meant to be like this?

>> No.19286313

Damn, I just unloaded in my wife like 2 hours ago and I got a semi from that marble ass. I also want this coffee now

>> No.19286401

I guarantee you the homos at BRCC don't pledge

>> No.19286449

>bean to cup
sorry but his roaster license has been revoked

>> No.19286503

But Anon, it’s to convince the normies to drop the (((capsules))). He’s based af.
You go there at the market and he makes you one coffee, then if you liked it you can buy the beans there.
I don’t know any other roaster who does things like these on the territory.

>> No.19286526

The guy who just figured out how to use a moka is shilling superautos for a gay Italian grifter. Can't make this shit up.

>> No.19286537
File: 47 KB, 720x457, sd9583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They pledge to Moloch and Israel.

>Cornfed Midwest caps 3 Commies with black rifle
>Drop him like a hot potato
>Muh veteran
>Muh gay as fuck faggot veteran
>muh AR
>basically no ARs on any packaging

>> No.19286539
File: 582 KB, 680x607, unreal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love from Kazakhstan

>> No.19286555

>buy beans
>have no grinder
>oh i just have to buy that machine and copy the exact settings
>hey normies look at me im using these beans and this "cheap" grinder and this $20 v60
>you can make great coffee with my beans and this $250 setup
his heart might be in the right place but his actions are stupid.
actually why isn't he out there with his moka? isn't he supposed to be the moka guy, shouldn't he be representing italy?
dont even need a special kettle for moka.
and cheaper in the long run.

this guy's a fucking hack.

>> No.19286563

lol they really made a starbucks for people who are scared of they/thems with nose rings

>> No.19286566

Trips of truth.

>> No.19286583
File: 56 KB, 600x800, 1684303932222915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? Yes? No?

>> No.19286592


>> No.19286593

They’re inexpensive, give one of them a try.

>> No.19286597

>portal goffee maker

>> No.19286600

I kinda wanna try it though.
I guess I should. How does it compare to moka pot coffee? That's how I usually drink my coffee.

>> No.19286613

i have never seen one used with specialty coffee before so it could be good i guess.

>> No.19286620

It'll pair perfectly with Alberto's roasts then.

>> No.19286628

I thought after we all saw his objectively bad beans we could move on? Yay or nay?

>> No.19286655

sadly i think we are stuck with him forever
but yeh im kinda over it now.

>> No.19286659
File: 325 KB, 1000x1000, 1660122714237048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful artwork. Great way to set yourself apart.

>> No.19286666

He's back to posting on reddit so hopefully we get a few days respite.

>> No.19286667

Do you expect everyone to spend $100+ on hand grinders or $250+ on electric grinders?

>> No.19286697

Kingrinder k1 is $55 on amazon. Shits all over the harios.

>> No.19286699

You have perfectly good options at $30 (Kingrinder K0) and $60 (Kingrinder K1)

>> No.19286702
File: 263 KB, 1440x1440, 1663946182034559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making a straw man
>attacking the straw man
grim & commodity coffee pilled

>> No.19286723

>straw man

>> No.19286739
File: 369 KB, 1440x1765, Mr. Wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>De Longhi Magnifica S
You're funny person.

>> No.19286756

the cheapest i can find is 499 aud(304 euro) and they only go up from there.
which is till more expensive than a moka + a good hand grinder.
also its fucking pathetic he is shilling these machines.
>144p video
go straight to hell.
im done with you, you have used up all the good will i have.

>> No.19286774

Why did his gf put her period goop in his coffee maker? Diva cups don't get emptied in there. Silly lady.

>> No.19286784

It’s a percolation machine, the coffee is less strong than moka and sweeter, but less than V60, it’s still strong enough.


This but unironically, when you buy his coffee you can select Neapolitan coffee pot if you want it to be ground for that method.

>> No.19286788

If the delonghi was any good he'd be taking it to the pride parades he sells at. Don't change the topic weasel.
>My faithful Jura

>> No.19286790

>still obsessed

It’s not me who you’re replying to. :^)

Alberto is universally loved, do not be surprised if other anons welcome him here.

>> No.19286796

>why he’s using his faema E61 when he could just take a random 50$ Walmart espresso machine with him?

He aims to get the best results, of course he’s choosing to use not entry level equipment.

>> No.19286817

yes, we know italians like burnt coffee.

>> No.19286831
File: 3.16 MB, 406x720, 1684365668786.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trabatti posting is now banned

Based, we now go back to tiktok videos and lesbian baristas with they/them pronouns.

>> No.19286847

kill yourself
in real life.

>> No.19286857
File: 498 KB, 1125x1591, IMG_3778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to consume, goy
>you NEED the best equipment be able to make the best videos
>just like your beloved (((influencers)))

>> No.19286858

>got the cheap moonraker

>> No.19286913

Lmao $200 for the gears to be made of brass instead of polymer.

>> No.19286964

>no option for platinum and solid gold gears in a polished copper shroud and tungsten needles
well, guess i'll have to slum it.

>> No.19286978
File: 532 KB, 1536x2048, Lidl-Coffee-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink instant. Not Nescafe because that's too expensive. I buy store brand because it's cheaper.

I go for the gold stuff though which is slightly better quality. I'm not an animal, after all.

And I usually drink decaff because I stay up too late if I have too much caffeine.

>> No.19286982

This is why I just buy instant. Freshly brewed coffee is great but I'm lazy and instant is cheap so whatever.

>> No.19286993

Just made an iced latte with the last of swroastings washed Gedeb. Delicious.
My standard iced black became more floral the further away we got from the roast date, but the Aeropresso drinks were consistent.

>> No.19287016

>im retarded and i dont understand how to make good coffee so i just make instant

>> No.19287073

>some people see no problem with this. in fact they welcome it.

>> No.19287077

Just say you don't have any arguments and move on.

>> No.19287079

>If the delonghi was any good he'd be taking it to the pride parades
still strawman-ing?

>> No.19287100

still drinking shitty coffee in 2023?

>> No.19287107

>poor people in this thread

>> No.19287116
File: 3.03 MB, 1080x1080, billetbaskets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean its kind of based right? I don't want the shitty plastic one if a brass one is available. On the other end of the autist spectrum you have $200+ baskets on the rise. I'm considering snagging the second one shown here.

>> No.19287130

Nigger tier logic anon.

>> No.19287132

^^ This. Do this.
Much better. The fines are from your grinder, not much you can do about it, other than get a new grinder

>> No.19287169

It's hilarious how pathetic you are

>> No.19287210
File: 272 KB, 840x473, Paperclip-Raking-442820208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never learnt to tamp properly
>Never learnt to distribute properly
>Spent the equivalent of 3 months of mortgage payments, for my 750 square foot bachelor apartment on a commandante with an electric motor
>An overpriced espresso bar to make the guys at my local coffee shop seethe
>Retarded distributor, because the salesman said so
>Another retarded distributor, because the youtube guy said so
>Distribution tube(?)
>Thumb tamp, because I've got noodle arms
>Metal bullshit shower screen because my bar is fucking shit, and I'll never show myself picking it out of my knock box
>Last things I've left to pawn are my wedding ring and Nintendo Switch
>Guys at my local specialty coffee shop keep making fun of me
>Keep drawing rainbow paperclips on the wall, painted with blackboard paint
>Can't afford the rope to neck myself

>> No.19287247

yeh but hows the goffee?

>> No.19287257
File: 258 KB, 1300x459, seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your tears pushed me over the edge It was either cut myself or buy some centrifuge tubes. They get here tomorrow.

>> No.19287303
File: 2.38 MB, 480x270, butwhyson8817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low quality bait

>> No.19287325

>not made of glass
uhh anon?

>> No.19287338

Is coffee good for you?

>> No.19287356

It's diminishing returns. A 500 euro flavour of the month gadget will never give you that jump in quality that you get from using high quality, filtered water, as opposed to unfiltered tap water.

>> No.19287366
File: 268 KB, 1080x1440, PhotoRoom_20230519_000257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19287376

Why do you have to bully me the day of my vasectomy.

>> No.19287394
File: 2.06 MB, 600x600, IMG_3814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee doesn’t need to be scientific and full of autism, just follow your instincts.

>> No.19287410
File: 230 KB, 646x550, full-1070979553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust you pallet

>> No.19287416
File: 254 KB, 1080x1124, 1660119583926005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would read that zine

Alberto laughing at the face of big capsule conglomerate. Everyday, more and more people join the bean goffee posse.

>> No.19287422

It's not bait
>but why
I gave the reasons in my post

>> No.19287439
File: 277 KB, 800x1291, 1660086433731466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nel 1870, a Messina, Domenico Barbera avvia una piccola attività di torrefazione del caffè. La sua abilità nel tostare il caffè all’alba con una piccola tostatrice a carbone gli vale presto l’appellativo di “Mago del caffè”.

Era appena nato il Caffè Barbera.

>In 1870, in Messina, Domenico Barbera started a small coffee roasting business. His ability to roast coffee at dawn with a small charcoal roaster soon earned him the title of "coffee wizard".

>Caffè Barbera had just been born.

>Grande Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Grande Gian Lorenzo Bernini
>Grande Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Grande Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Hades is Persephone's uncle btw.

>> No.19287440
File: 2.40 MB, 2420x2420, IMG_3815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anxiety Anon here.
Why is the coffee gunk uneven outside the burrs of my hand grinder? It’s missing from the top left part.

>> No.19287449

>coffee gunk
not calling it seasoning.

>> No.19287450

hand grinder right?
are you holding on an angle?

>> No.19287464



This one ships worldwide

>> No.19287470

Hmm probably slightly inclined, I’m weak as fuck and this last coffee is dense as hell so I can’t make a full rotation without stopping, going back a bit and keep turning harder.

Based intuition anon.

>> No.19287484

For deep freezing single doses. I don't want any glass breaking in my freezer. If I like this workflow I'll get some weber tubes.
Its eliminated any human error for wdt. The people buying it are already using custom water blends bud. I'm real happy with my sworks tool so I'm not actually that interested in it.
Magic. Don't think about it, just drink the coffee. Wipe it away.

>> No.19287495

Just hold it flat on a counter top

>> No.19287503

I see, thank you for calming me.

>> No.19287534
File: 920 KB, 3072x4080, rn_image_picker_lib_temp_d4b885f4-9f4b-4ffc-8cd0-ccad51d6c369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good afternoon, /ctg/.

>> No.19287546
File: 2.94 MB, 720x480, exdosflair.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were also having troubles with your flair right? Try this.

>> No.19287561

big chaff fan anon?

>> No.19287587

No I'm just autistic about putting 30g on the scale and seeing 30g after grinding...

>> No.19287604

I don’t have a Flair but thanks.
I’d buy one if they weren’t so stupidly expensive.

>> No.19287608


>> No.19287626

Cheapest one is $99 now senpai. Bottomless portafilter is stock.

>> No.19287629
File: 3.84 MB, 1827x7308, IMG_3823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough of this bullshit.

The beans are good.

>> No.19287632

i was commenting on the chaff in your bed
i assumed it as a light-medium light roast.

>> No.19287636

great now stop posting that italian roaster guy like he is your personal kpop idol.

>> No.19287639

But is not from Persephone's island aka sicily.

>> No.19287644

Is the Neo any good? It’s the cheapest they sell here in Europe.


>> No.19287648

I want to go visiting him and I’ll ask if I can become his disciple, for he has no children and he surely needs someone to pass his legacy on.

A man can dream.

>> No.19287660

Beautiful chicchi anon.

>> No.19287687

burnt and uneven

>> No.19287689

They work exactly the same, but that one has an aluminum frame and doesn't come with the bottomless portafilter. The flex is replacing it but comes with a plastic frame and both portafilters.

>> No.19287691

Is it true anything south of Florence is Africa?

>> No.19287702

>I’m weak as fuck and this last coffee is dense as hell so I can’t make a full rotation without stopping, going back a bit and keep turning harder.
Do you have a medical condition?

>> No.19287706
File: 1.11 MB, 1125x1310, IMG_3824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where I draw the line.

>> No.19287711


>> No.19287722

Shit bro sucks. You take any VitD supplements?

>> No.19287725

>he doesn’t like the thicc and syrupy chokky flavour with notes of hazelnut


>> No.19287727

5 drops of 10.000 ui D vit every day since 2020, my levels are barely enough.

>> No.19287734

as in each drop is 10.000ui? or 5 drops of a bottle that is total 10.000ui?

>> No.19287735

The latter

>> No.19287766

Bro you should up them vitD levels. Some docs believe depression is related to low vitD.
You can safely take a single softgel 5000IU daily.

>> No.19288001

Accidentally poured in some brazilian semiwashed ruby into my ethiopian :/ Oh well, unintentional house blend. Ima cold brew some.

>> No.19288017

I'm not a big fan of chaff, I just get annoyed when the measurements aren't exact...

>> No.19288086

would you say you're not chuffed with chaff?

>> No.19288098

>I just get annoyed when the measurements aren't exact...
i always get out what i put in because i rdt.
you do rdt dont you anon?

>> No.19288120
File: 306 KB, 850x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's that, can I brew it?

>> No.19288210

no static
no retention
x in = x out
simple as.

>> No.19288410

any website that does not allow for paypal should be shutdown.
then you dont deserve to be operational.
fucking ridiculous.

>> No.19288558

Lol, is the new plastic one too cancerous to be sold in the regulated part of the world or why isnt it available?

>> No.19288589

>he doesnt have an adult payment method

>> No.19288603

>he doesnt understand what im talking about because he's fucking brain dead
sorry but you have to be 18 to post here kid.

>> No.19288605

It's brand new and distributors don't have stock yet. They're probably not in Canada either.

>> No.19288614

You are raging and caps posting about paypal here anon, why act smug?

>> No.19288623

>caps = raging
>no one over 18 uses paypal
>doesnt know what smug is
kick rocks punk.

>> No.19288625

Oh this. I don't use a spray bottle I've been doing the wet spoon thing instead

>> No.19288626

its more of less the same thing.
but if you do it right i dont see why you would even be talking about getting out what you put in.
like thats a non issue with rdt.
unless your grinder is somehow eating grounds.

>> No.19288641

that's literally just cuban coffee
it's delicious

>> No.19288651

you dont like coffee

>> No.19288817

NTA and I absolutely hate the taste of sugar in espresso, find it actually vomit inducing, but someone else who enjoys coffee+sugar is still enjoying coffee.

>> No.19288967

Maybe I should start using more water, idk?

>> No.19289188

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19289255
File: 80 KB, 675x900, 330blkin556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go fuck yourself. You aren't cool because you drink black goffee.

>Tens of thousands enslaved and moved across the world so people could put sugar in their coffee & tea
>A cocksucker on a Portuguese Fishing Vessel thinks he is cool because he is a big boy drinking black goffee and needs to remind people about it.

8/10 made me reply.

>> No.19289880

>You aren't cool because you drink black goffee.
Yes he is

>> No.19290057

what kind of cup is that? it's adorable

>> No.19290187

are you projecting just because you hadn't heard of it before?
it's called cuban coffee, because it originated in cuba/miami and is a budget way of getting "espresso" from a moka pot and making it palatable by adding tons of sugar that gets caramelized by the coffee (since the beans available are often very dark roasted and preground)

>*posts a square*
>is that bait?
>nah it's just a square
you have a brain parasite

>> No.19290190

>not using apple pay
opinion discarged

>> No.19290194

i usually drink espressos or macchiatos, but i grew up drinking cuban coffee and it can be very very good when it's well-made
t. cuban

>> No.19290249

>it's called cuban coffee, because it originated in cuba/miami and is a budget way of getting "espresso" from a moka pot and making it palatable by adding tons of sugar
Cubans put a fuckton of sugar into their coffee because the government ration grounds they're getting are cut with roasted garbanzo beans.

>> No.19290284
