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19271492 No.19271492 [Reply] [Original]

>FPAS bad
What should I replace my non-stick pan with?

>> No.19271501

People say cast iron but I prefer stainless steel. Also when frying an egg use ghee, it can heat up to a much higher tempereture before smoking (compared to seed oils) and everything cooked with ghee tastes better (its also just like lard but doesn't have that lard aftertaste)

>> No.19271534

>stainless steel
But wouldn't that stick?

>> No.19271540

ceramic or stainless steel
cast iron is a meme and despite what online cooking hipsers will try to tell you, it offers absolutely no benefits, only downsides. It's heavy, needs to be seasoned once in a while and oiled after every use

>> No.19271547

Cast iron is the best for searing tho, better than stainless steel

>> No.19271551

use low heat or use cooking fat with high smoke point.

>> No.19271553

I just got a couple of old rusty cast iron skillets from me mum and so far they seem to be, as the kids say these days, "pretty based". I think overall I'd still prefer ceramic but having several options to choose from can't hurt. I see no reason to throw shit over this honestly.

>> No.19271564

Better how? Searing is all about the temperature

>> No.19271945

i use poo for cooking oil.
it really does help with the browning and the kitchen doesn't stink like a mc donalds

>> No.19271950

A sticky pan.

>> No.19271953
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I like that I can transfer it to the oven no-big-deal, like when making cornbread.

>> No.19271966

IKEA Sensuell

>> No.19271985

thermal mass. stainless is the way to go if you want to make a pan sauce, though.

>> No.19272513

I've broken in a matfter bourgeat carbon steel, to get something more robust. It works well for eggs so far.

>> No.19272532

>cast iron
>enameled cast iron
>carbon steel
>clad stainless steel
nothing else ever

>> No.19272542

Cast iron is a meme unless you need heat retention or you want to throw it in an oven.
But carbon steel has the upsides of cast iron while not being heavy as fuck and heating up in a reasonable amount of time.

>> No.19272573

Just use disposable plastic frying pans

>> No.19272582

I cook my eggs in an old cast iron. It's also better for a lot of meats.
>It's heavy
>needs to be seasoned once in a while and oiled after every use

Also good for pizza

>> No.19272664

>cast iron
meme pan. carbon steel will always be superior except on cost, and for a pan that you can hand down to your kids, spending the extra 40-50 dollars isn't really much

>> No.19272667

the answer is always either
>stainless steel + carbon steel
>stainless steel + cast iron
for me, cast iron has too many disadvantages over carbon because of its thickness. the heavy weight makes it really annoying to clean and it forever to heat up but you don't really get any significant benefits. anything a thick cast iron pan can do a stainless steel pan with a thick bottom can do as well so a carbon steel pan that is only 2.5mm thick is much more versatile as your "non stick" option

>> No.19272684

Not if you do it right. Heat up the pan, then heat up the oil, then put in the food and wait for it to release itself before flipping or stirring.

>> No.19272772

The heat from the oil cooks the food

>> No.19272859

season the pan moron

>> No.19272873
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To check if your pan is hot enough to prevent sticking, run your hand under the sink and fling a few drops of water onto it. If they sizzle and evaporate, it's not hot enough. If it beads and rolls around the pan, it's hot enough. Add butter and crack your egg in, it will be even smoother than a brand new nonstick pan. This works for practically all stainless steel pans no matter how shitty or old they are, it's not something you need to perform any upkeep on in order to maintain. It's just a how steel works.

>> No.19273135

You think it could get hot enough on an electric stove?

>> No.19273173

whats the best size for a stainless steel pan?

cant just get a big one because its heavy and will waste energy if its too big

>> No.19273183

carbon steel

>> No.19273190

You can buy more than one

>> No.19273240

I want to get a really good and expensive one that's the thing. I'm scared that I will either regret getting a too small or too big one.

>> No.19273336

for shizzle, just be mindful and dont add too much stuff into the pan at once.

>> No.19274760

I would go for large or medium then, if you cook often those would be most handy. You can always buy a cheap smaller pan for when you need it. Really depends on what kind of dish you cook most often.

>> No.19275746
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>It's heavy
Imagine being out-muscled by 19th century housewives

>> No.19275797

id rather have my food stick to my pan than have my pan stick to my food desu senpai

>> No.19275825

Cast iron's my go-to.

>> No.19275852

PFAS monomers are not the same as PTFE. PTFE is is inert as you can get. It's completely harmless.

>> No.19275866

Cast iron
When you first put stuff in, it sticks. But wait a few minutes and it loosens.

>> No.19275869

>Teflon is a synthetic polymer containing carbon and fluorine called polytetrafluoroethylene. That’s right, Teflon is PTFE but by another name. Teflon is the trademarked brand name for PTFE owned by Chemours.

>In conclusion, if you’re wondering about Teflon vs PTFE, wonder no more, because they are, in fact, one and the same thing, different only in name and nothing else.

>> No.19275905

12" (30.48cm)

>> No.19276012

Teflon is the most famous brand of PTFE. If you don't trust generic PTFE you might want to pay extra for the brand name PTFE. Assuming they were made correctly they are both perfectly safe.

>> No.19276056

>Assuming they were made correctly they are both perfectly safe.
yeah just like the other countless safe chemicals and materials

>> No.19276061

You get more PFAS monomers from ordinary food and water than from PTFE cookware.

>> No.19276082
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just get this from all clad. it will last you a lifetime

>> No.19276167

>Assuming they were made correctly they are both perfectly safe.
If it is cheaper to make them incorrectly, then this will happen. Many pans are made in China. Do you think they care about any exacting PTFE standards? They literally poison baby food and sell it to make more profit.

>> No.19276276

and if you use it you get both

>> No.19276316

>They literally poison baby food and sell it to make more profit.
elaborate on this? literal poison or just preservatives, etc?

>> No.19276416

>If it beads and rolls around the pan, it's hot enough. Add butter
This is how you fill your entire house with smoke.

>> No.19276431

Trying to cook eggs for the first time in like months. Is using olive oil alright for it? will it make it taste weird? first time i'll be using olive oil to cook.

>> No.19276448

assuming i'd try the same approach with a steak, would it work just as well or would the temperature drop too much, making it stick again?

>> No.19276459

Sure. Be careful not to get the pan too hot since olive oil isn't great at very high temps, but taste wise it should be fine. Butter is the king when it comes to cooking eggs though.

>> No.19276496

Cast iron.

>> No.19276716
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>last you a lifetime
Pores/holes that gradually swells due corrosion shows up every now and then.

>> No.19276837

id get a carbon steel pan, its a pleasure to cook on.

>> No.19277484

>Ctrl-f Hard Anodized
>0 results

Why tf are all of you fucks even on a cooking board without even offering OP a look at this option??

>> No.19277509

Don't follow the water bead test you will just burn your butter like that.
For eggs just heat on medium for a minute then put the butter in and if it smokes and turns black it's way to hot.
It should just bubble and foam up.
Then turn temp up and add eggs.

>> No.19277527

I just get a nonstick from Wal-fart and once stuff starts sticking I throw it out and buy a new one. My latest pan has lasted over a year so far surprisingly. I can still fry eggs with no oil and they don’t stick.

>> No.19277582

stone antistick

>> No.19277606

Yeah. I saw that Prudent Reviews video too. He obviously doesn't know what he's doing. I think I can still use the bead test with palm oil, which is what I cook eat with anyway.

Just don't do the water bead test with butter, lard, coconut oil, and other low smoke point oils.

>> No.19277615

>once stuff starts sticking
Caramelized sugar will still stick to non-stick pans. The pan will degrade if you fry stuff with sugar in it. But it's probably still good.

>> No.19277626

This. /ck/ only knows how to re-heat fast food

>> No.19277629

It safer than nonstick but it still degrades over time.

>> No.19277900

i prefer ceramic myself. cheap and easy enough for eggs

>> No.19277907


>> No.19278024

I lol'd hard because it's so true...

>> No.19278186
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I’ve been using one for a few months and it has been a joy. Like someone else said better in every way than cast iron.

>> No.19278195
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>It's heavy

>> No.19278256
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>It's heavy

>> No.19278847
File: 1.74 MB, 1200x900, qu7hchH6Ilznk51wirQb6z3Vaq7mfiJtsIslYZTpWio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just leave/spread the oil from the last dish

>> No.19279208

Whats the best non stick or normal wok for cheap then? They all have fpas or similar.

>> No.19279269

Carbon steel, the exact same shit Chinese peasants and restaurant kitchens use